'That magic...'
Feeling a large surge of magic explode from the distance, Grim turned to face that direction.
Feeling another large surge of mana coming from the opposite direction, Grim had a decision to make.
'Do I go left or right?'
[Fire Restraining Magic: Leo Palma]
Conjouring up several flaming lion palms, Fuegoleon wrapped them around the necromancer Rades and restrained him.
Trapped within his spell, Rades started struggling but realized just how pointless it was and started breaking down. "NO NO NO!!! I HAVE GREATER MANA THAN ANY ROYAL! I WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU!!"
"As much as you would like to believe that, you have to accept reality." Walking over to him, Fuegoleon grabbed at his grimoire.
Ignoring his pitiful cries, Fuegoleon yanked the book away.
'This grimoire...'
Opening up Rades grimoire, Fuegoleon's brows furrowed as he saw a single page within the book.
'I see... He only has one spell..."
Seeing the look on his face when he saw the single page inside his grimoire, the anger and hatered within Rades heart bubbled to the surface as he started throwing out incomprehensible slurs.
"Pity? The only person who deserves pity is me. After making me waste my time running all over this town I come to find out that the big bad has already been take care of. How bad do you think I feel?"
Looking up, everyone saw Grim's figure chilling on top of a partially destroyed building.
"Hey guys."
"My RIVAL!!" Leopold yelled.
'Fuck! how did I not notice him until now?'
Feeling his left eye twitch slightly, Grim hoped down from the top of the building and softly landed on the ground.
While everyone's attention was focused on Grim's arrival, none of them noticed the voice comming out of the magic communication device in Rades's ear.
"Are you satisfied now Rades? While you definitely have the mana to fight one, you should have known that you weren't enough to beat a captain by yourself. And just like you, it seems like Catherine has failed her mission... It seems like I too am at my limit, so were gonna stop messing around now and follow the plan."
"Hey you." Fuegoleon turned his attention back onto Rades. "While I get the feeling that revenge was your goal, I doubt that the spacial mage was doing it for the same reason. So tell me, what were you guys really after?"
Lowering his head, Rades started to laugh and draw everyone's attention.
"You want to know what our goal was? Ahahahahahahaha, you really want to know!! Then listen closely captain of the Crimson Lions! Our goal was more than just revenge, our real goal was you Fuegoleon Vermillion!!"
Exploding out from under him, the same inky black magic that teleported the rest of the magic knights away appeared.
"BIG BRO!!" Leopold screamed as he watched his brother get teleported away.
'To get it right under his feet... The accuracy of that spell was too precise... The caster is probably close by but... I can't sense any other mana in the area.'
"Over there!!" Asta suddenly yelled and charged towards a pile of zombie bodies and using his sword to throw them into the air.
Feeling a tug of mana in the air, Grim and everyone watched as one of the bodies that Asta had swept up disappeared into a portal that looked like one of Finral's.
*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
"To think you would actually find me. I'm impressed."
Turning around, the group saw a man resembling a zombie standing atop the building that Grim had previously been on.
"I went through all the trouble of not using magic and covering myself in shit and dirt just so I could blend in, but I guess its true what they say, animals really do have a good sense of smell." Ripping the zombie face mask off, the group was finally able to see his real appearance. A lean built man with wavy grey hair that ends at the bottom of his head. He also has straight line going down each side of his face. To be completely honest he still kinda looked like an undead in Grim's eyes.
"WHERE'S MY BROTHER!!" Leopold yelled.
"Hmm... He should be with you shortly, anyway, it seems like my job is over, so I'll be seeing you." Opening another portal, he stepped through it and vanished from sight.
"GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!!" Still aggitated over his brother's disappearance, Leopold started to tremble.
But just as he was about to yell some more, a portal opened up in front of them, and out from it came Fuegoleon... Well an unconscious Fuegoleon covered in blood and missing his right arm.
[A/n: Not the fap arm!!]
"B-Big Bro..."
"Pffthahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Rades's laughter suddenly rung out. "Looks like he's been disarmed! Maybe you should give him and hand!! Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!"
"YOU!!" Leopold swung around to face him.
"Hehehehehehehe." Similar to what happened to Fuegoleon, a portal appeared below Rades's feet as he prepared to be transported away.
"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" Asta yelled and charged him.
"Hahahaha, I'll be seeing you Asta." Rades's grinned.
'Dammit! I won't make it at this rate...'
Gritting his teeth, a sudden flash of inspiration passed through his eyes as he pulled out his new anti magic sword and threw it into the portal negating the activation and absorbing the magic.
"What!!" Surprised by the magic disappearing, a look of shock made its way onto Rades's face as Asta flashed in front of him and punched him into the ground.
'This... isn't good.'
Returning back to the area, the spacial mage that looked like some weird undead creature came back and created several more warp gates and teleported a couple of his allies to the area.
"Heheheheh, looks like the odds are in my favor now brats!!" Rades's laughed wildly despite the black eye he was now sporting.
Arriving on the scene, one of the hooded mages turned to face the spacial mage. "Are you really being held back by a couple of children Valtos?"
Before he could respond, the conversation was interrupted by an unusal laugh.
'1, 2, 3, 4, 5.'
"You only brought 5 people as back up? Pfft- You guys must really not care about your lives."
[Breath of Flames]
Feeling the area heat up, Valtos, Rades's and the rest turned to look at a grinning Grim covered in a soft orange glow.
"Y'know, today's been one heck of a roller coaster, and to be honest I was getting kinda bored fighting against zombies. But now that you're all here... We can finally have some fun!!" Releasing an absurd amount of mana that shocked the new arrivals, Grim materialized his fire sword.
'This heat...'
Having never seen Grim in action properly, Leopold was taken aback by the amount of mana that was emanating out of him.
'I-Its more than a royals...'
Even the enemies seemed to be surprised as a couple of them took a step back.
'This amount of mana... He might be a problem.'
"Hey." Grim's voice interrupted their train of thought. "I've been disappointed a lot lately, so if none of you survive this don't take it personally okay?"
Grim about to go in hard!