Shan and Lijuan seemed to be having the time of their lives as they danced with reckless abandon inside the club. The sound of the music was ear-deafening loud, the blue and red lights flickered everywhere, smell of alcohol and sweat filled the room as a lot of people partied.
The girls giggled as they moved over to their seats. They continued to laugh and click glasses together while downing the wine. It was obvious they were pretty drunk already.
"Hello pretty ladies" A young man said as he approached their table with a bottle of expensive wine in hand.
Shan and Lijuan looked him up and down. From the way he looked, it was obvious he was from a rich home even though he was casually dressed in a teeshirt and trousers.
"My name is Han Jungli... and you both are?" He asked with a smile as he sat on the free seat beside Lijuan. All the while, his eyes never left her face which was flushed as a result of being drunk.
He tried to drape his hand around her shoulder but she gave him a death glare.
"Have you ever been beaten by a lady before?" She asked him in a low voice.
"No.." He said with a smile still plastered on his face.
"Then get lost before that happens." She said firmly. He laughed awkwardly and stood up to leave while giving her a weird look.
Shan giggled. "I knew that was going to happen."
"These guys are always looking for drunk ladies to mess with. How annoying." Lijuan hissed and began to giggle with Shan after a little pause.
"Play ti–me over..." Shan said drunkenly. "I've been dying to hear about your date with Yun. Why don't you want to tell me?" She asked with a sad pout. "I thought I was your best friend?"
Lijuan hit the table forcefully... "That son of a..... president." She said and began to giggle again.
She had refused to say anything earlier because she was angry but now that she was drunk, she spilled out everything.
"So.... are you by chance starting to have feelings for me?" She asked suspiciously making him choke on his drink.
She could guess he had been going out of his way to do things for her plus her mother and Shan had pointed it out. It could be true... right?
"What? Me? You? Feelings?" He asked with a look of disbelief on his face as he pointed at himself and then at her.
"Yes." She nodded casually and took another sip from her wine glass while looking at him suspiciously.
"Are you... drunk?" He asked as he looked at her glass which was now half empty.
"I'm not. I'm only curious because–"
"Why would I like you?" He asked in amusement.
"Do not get funny ideas in your head." He said mockingly with a small laugh before cocking his wineglass at her in a silent cheers.
'I told them. Why did they have to keep assuming useless things?' She said as she thought about Shan and her mother.
When he noticed the look of disappointment on her face he asked, "Were you thinking I liked you? Or where you hoping I did?"
"It's enough okay? I get your point already. You do not have to continue talking." She said angrily.
"Wait... are you mad at me right now?" He asked in amusement.
She ignored him and looked through the menu instead.
"Why are you mad at me? It was you who asked me such an absurd question."
"I said it's okay!" She was already embarrassed, she didn't want to be embarrassed further.
Her voice had been loud enough to attract the other diner's attention making Yun cringe in embarrassment.
"You must think too highly of yourself." She said in displeasure.
"What?" He cocked a brow at her but she remained quiet again.
"I think this date was a bad idea." He added in a low voice but she had clearly heard him.
She bit her bottom lip as she tried to not get angry.
"It was you who asked me out. You brought me flowers this morning, know most details about me and all... wasn't it safe for me to assume that it's because you like me?"
"I do not like you! It was out of pity oka–" He quickly shut his mouth when he realised he had gone overboard. He hadn't meant to say it that way and began to feel guilty when he saw the look on her face.
"What?" She looked at him in surprise. "You brought me out here because you pitied me? You think I'm pitiful?" She asked in a tone of utter disbelief and anger.
"It's not.. what you think."
"What do you mean by it's not what I think? You just said so!" She said angrily.
"Do you think I need your pity? Who do you think you are? I feel really insulted right now but you have no idea because you are such a jerk who thinks he is better than everyone and can just do the things he likes."
"Can you calm down?" He said as he looked around in embarrassment. He couldn't believe she just called in a jerk right now.
"Do not ask me to calm down. You have no right to tell me what to do. Because I pick things you think I do not deserve to be respected? You think you have the right to pity me and do these fake things which you do not even mean? You think you are doing me a favour by bringing me out here because you are the vice president of a wack company? How.... how could you do this to me on my birthday?" She asked in a broken voice. Just when she thought someone aside from her mother, Jackie and Shan was finally treating her well, he had been doing so because he thought she was pathetic. He must have realised what an outcast she was even in her family. She tried not to break down right there.
"Wh–at?" Yun looked at her in shock. He knew she had a temper but he hadn't expected it to be like this. She just kept pouring things out without giving him any chance to say something. And did she just say the Wang Corporation was wack?
He sighed in frustration. What had he gotten himself into now?
"Just calm down. And hear me out."
"I've heard enough already." She said in a low voice and stood up to leave, then paused as she remembered to add something...
"You know what? I think you should apologize. As a matter of fact, I deserve an apology! That's what you should have done instead of telling me to calm down." She said angrily.
"You are overreacting" He said to her with a frown. Why would he apologize when he didn't say anything wrong?
"Oh....! I am?" She asked with a fake smile and a hand on her chest. "No worries then. I do not want to see you anymore you monkey head!" She said with a dark glare and began to walk out.
Yun looked at her in surprise. "Mon..key head?" He asked in disbelief looking around to see the number of people who had heard her... It was a mini restaurant so everyone had obviously heard her... some young ladies were giggling at one end and he could hear some asking if he wasn't the Vice President of Wang Corporation and what he was doing there.
"Wait a minute!" He said to Lijuan who turned to look at him while still glaring..
"You don't know you look like a monkey? I guess you do not have a mirror at home. Tsk!" She eyed him before walking out of the restaurant. He was about to follow when a waiter stopped him to remind him he hadn't paid the bills.
By the time he was done and came out, Lijuan was gone.
"What? He said all that?" Shan asked in dignified anger.
"Yes.. who the hell does he think he is to say he pitied me? Even though I am pitiful... how could he tell me that to my face on the only day I am permitted to be happy?" She said as a tear slid down her face.
"Call the bastard!" Shan demanded in a drunken voice.
"Call him right now!" Shan repeated fiercely.
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Thanks lovelies :-)