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50% The Jedi Killer. / Chapter 17: Chapter seventeen. True power

Chapter 17: Chapter seventeen. True power


The prison cell was cold and dark. The light from the overhead fluorescent beams shone weakly on the man inside his cell. He didn't know how long he had been there. It must have been weeks, maybe even months. He didn't even know what system or planet he was on either. He just knew who he is captor was. The woman was a Dathomirian, her skin was beautifully pale. Her yellow colored eyes shone with blood lust and hideous amusement whenever she came to talk with him. Although, talk was a mild word. She usually tortured and ravaged his mind with her dark powers, leaving him an empty shell before retiring from the cell. He trembled as he could hear her booted feet on echoing down the hallway. She was coming. He struggled against the chains that bound him to the wall, but couldn't break loose. His heart started beating faster and he struggled even harder. It was no use, he wasn't going anywhere. "Had a good night sleep?" her voice was low and soft, but the man wasn't fooled anymore by its pretense at kindness. He laughed bitterly, body going into a fit of racking coughs. He was sick, he couldn't keep any food or water down anymore. He had gone three days without either, he was sure that his mind sometimes played tricks on him.

He saw something or someone huddled in the corner next to him sometimes, but when he blinked they were gone. Was it a ghost? No, he was pretty sure that he was being played with. His senses failing left him defenseless and afraid. "What do you consider a good night sleep?" The woman opened the cell, walking in and standing in front of him. He remembered that she had told him that her name was Duranna. She had told him other things too but he had forgotten. She smirked, placing a cold hand on his arm. "I see you still are very mouthy, maybe another dose of punishment will make you more obedient." His whole body suddenly felt like it was on fire as she closed her eyes and muttered a word. He opened his mouth in a silent scream, feeling as his skin was peeled away, layer by layer. Blood spurted into the air as his veins burst. The pain was so intense that he nearly blacked out. Duranna stopped, nodding in approval. She lightly touched his skin again, causing a burst of bright light to shine from her fingertips. Then slowly at first his wounds vanished, his flesh crawled back into place. He looked down at his body. She had done this at least five times in the last three hours at the very least. He panted and turned his face toward her. "Obedient? haven't you heard that I am never obedient?" he managed to gasp out. His whole body was still shaking and trembling from that brief intense pain. He still didn't know what she wanted from him. She just kept insisting that he had the key.

What key? What was she talking about? He didn't even remember when he had been captured. All that he knew was the here and now. And he gravely wished he could escape from that. Duranna frowned. Her eyes narrowing down to slits. "I guess I have no other choose but to kill you then. I hope your ready, because next time when I come back, I will kill you." She turned around and walked out. What she didn't see was the look of amusement on his face. His lips peeled back into a predatory grin. Revealing sharp teeth. "I hope your ready. Because you will be the one who dies." He whispered to her back. He shuddered when he felt a numbing pain in his head. It had started again. Why of all times was it now. The Call was loud and it echoed in his mind. He could barely hear the words that it kept whispering and shouting all at the same time. Kill, kill, kill, kill. And so he would. So he would…

Every time that she reached out with the Force, Vesha Ka couldn't feel anything. She had tried so many times it was starting to frustrate her. She still couldn't sense where on Coruscant the bounty hunter was. Maybe he wasn't on the planet anymore? She sighed. Then that would mean he wasn't trying to assassinate the Chancellor. No, he was most definitely here. She just couldn't find him with the Force as she had earlier. She sat on the training mat in her room, trying to gain connection with the Force again. "Come on, come on. Just let me see him." She whispered urgently. Nothing still. With a sudden jerk, she was out of her Force trance, staring at the opposite wall. The Jedi flipped her long hair out of her face, realizing she was short of breath. Why couldn't she find the bounty hunter now? Was it only when she wasn't reaching or calling out with the Force? She growled, she didn't know. She was starting to get really tired of all of her efforts being thwarted by someone or something. She barely heard the light tap on her door. Who wanted to talk to her? She couldn't think of anyone. She opened the door, stepping back in surprise. "M-master Yoda!" The old wizened Jedi master stared up at her with a smile. He chuckled and lightly tapped his gimer stick on the ground. "Hmm. Surprised, are you?" she could only nod. Why had the Jedi Master come here? Thoughts raced through her head so fast she couldn't even process them. She stepped back and allowed him to enter her room. "That face you make, filled with confusion and anger, it was. Cloud your judgment and your sense of peace, and justice, they do. Be wary of such things, you must be." He lightly tapped his gimer stick against her leg. "Do not fear what you cannot see, do not be angry and afraid of things you can not sense or touch. Rid those emotions from your mind, my young Jedi." He spoke gently and calmly. Chiding her and somehow still praising her. She nodded, bashfully. Was she really afraid of not sensing the Mandalorian? Was she really that angry at not being able to have a good connection with the Force? She didn't know. But one thing was for sure, she was filled with confusion and indecision. "What can I do? I could feel the bounty hunter once already but I can't anymore. What can I do to be able to find him again?" She asked the old Jedi Master. "Close your eyes." He instructed. She quickly did so, feeling a calm wave wash over her in the Force. She could feel the Jedi Master's aura burning brightly and powerfully. And then she was enveloped in the Force, it swept through her body, through her mind, and through her soul. All Jedi experienced the Force differently. Some said that is was cold or burning hot. Some said that they couldn't even describe how they could sense its presence, that it was just there. Vesha couldn't describe it either, she just knew that the Force had fully awakened inside her. She could feel the barrier that was always stopping her give way, and she was through. She could feel things that hadn't been able to feel before, she could sense things that she didn't think Jedi were able to. She was floating in an endless abyss, watching history and the future taking place. She could sense a dark powerful presence in the Force. So powerful she was in shock how she hadn't been able to feel it at all. And then, she could feel the bounty hunter's cold and dark aura. He was- the Force trance melted back into reality, and she was gasping and panting for air. Sweat beaded her neck and face. She turned to the Jedi Master. "I-I felt-" he nodded, not saying a word. But he was wondering what else did she sense? He had been with her in the Force trance and he could feel and see the darkness coming. What did that mean? He frowned deep in thought. "I know where he is, Master."

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