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Chapter Fifteen. Hard decisions

Vesha Ka climbed out of her star fighter, wincing as the hot metal burned her skin. She had just landed the craft on one of the private landing pads behind the Jedi Temple. The Jedi couldn't believe that Viper craft still got away from her, she was sure the other pilot was highly skilled, being able to pull off those quick and tight maneuvers was no easy feat, even for a Jedi. She still couldn't believe she hadn't fired at Stilco's ship. She had known it was him, after taking off in search for the Mandalorian the Force seemed to be tugging her toward the Central District area. She at first thought it was just messing with her, but soon even her heart was telling her that she would find the Mando there. And there he was, about to blast the damaged shuttle into pieces. Instead of helping them, she had sped right past, firing her missiles at the other star fighter behind the shuttle. She didn't understand why she had done that instead of turning on the Mando. She scowled, turning as she noticed Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jared Syliss walk over. "Thank you for your assistance out there. We wouldn't be here if you hadn't stepped- er, flew in." Kenobi said, he smiled and held out his hand. "You are quite talented in that Jedi star fighter. Have you considered joining Master Plo Koon and his star fighter squadron?" she shook her head, she didn't really want to stand around and make small talk with the Jedi but she didn't want to disrespectful either. "No, I have been looking for the man who killed my Master. I didn't have time for trying out for the squadron." Jared was looking at her with a thoughtful expression, what was that look for? She tilted her head slightly in his direction. "Was it Stilco?" he asked. Obi-Wan shot him a sharp frown. But he didn't notice or pretended he didn't. "Yes. It was. When I went to confront him, we fought and he beat me. Pretty easy I'd say." "Ah, he spared you though. Why would he do that?" Jared pressed. "I don't know. H-he didn't tell me why, but if I had to guess he wanted to use my powers to his advantage." "Well, we'd better get going. Jared, come, we must report to the Council." She watched as they turned around and walked away, she heaved a great sigh. She was surprised that they didn't ask why she had been in that area. It seemed kind of suspicious that she had been there at the same time as the Mandalorian. She shrugged, it didn't matter. Now all she had to do was pick up the trail again and find him. Again.

Chad Cerro stood in front of the Jedi Council, trying to keep the nervousness and anxiety from showing on his face. He failed terribly. Master Yoda sat in his chair, staring at him with a shrewd and wise- somehow kind expression. He lightly rubbed his gimer stick's gnarled surface. Mace Windu was looking down at the data pad in his hands, a permanent frown on his lips and face. He seemed to be the only one in the Council who couldn't- or wouldn't smile. He leaned back, placing the data pad on the arm of his hover chair. "This report is all true? The Mandalorian is that dangerous?" he asked. He was one of the only Jedi to successfully fight a Mandalorian and won without losing an arm or other limb. Chad nodded. "Yes, I had a hard time fighting him. I barely drove him back and only managed to wound him. As is my friend..." he trailed, not wanting to say more. His friend had been killed by the bounty hunter. It seemed like the armored man had done it so easily too. Chad remember the dark rage that had clouded his vision and mind. He had tapped into the Dark side and that scared him. "Hmm. Feel like leaving something out, you are. I feel the Dark side clouding your mind, consume you it will, if careful you are not." The small green Jedi said gently. Master Plo Koon spoke up from his seat, crossing his long nimble fingers together. "If the Mandalorian can kill Jedi that easily, we need to have Jedi Masters guarding the Chancellor when it comes time for him to make his speech." His voice was so deep that seemed to vibrate in Chad's chest. "I agree, we can not have Jedi Knights handle this alone." Windu said with certainty, he glanced at Yoda who frowned in deep thought. Chad nearly told Mace Windu that he had managed to wound the man and drove him off and he was still a Jedi Knight, but he held his tongue. Now wasn't the time for pride to get in the way of rational thinking. "Agree also, I do. A Jedi Master should also help find this bounty hunter, I also believe. Master Windu, perhaps help Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jared Syliss track him down, you could?" Yoda suggested. "I hardly think that it would take three Jedi to bring him in, but if you think its a wise decision, I will accept this proposal." The dark-skinned Jedi Master said. "You think it too much for tracking down one man, Master Windu?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked curiously. The Jedi touched his braided beard lightly. "Yes. I do." Mace responded shortly. He leaned back and shook his head. "I think we are overestimating this Mandalorian bounty hunter. I don't believe he could take on a Jedi Master and win." But he could easily kill a Jedi Knight and nearly the other, Chad Cerro thought grimly. "Be hasty to judge his skills, we should not. If underestimate his ability to fight those of us with the Force, lose we may." Yoda cautioned. He pointed toward the two twin doors of the room. "Obi-Wan and young Syliss, give us a report they will." Obi-Wan and a young Jedi walked in. The other Jedi looked barely older than Chad. Around nineteen or twenty. He was well built. Broad-shouldered and tall. His dark colored hair was neatly trimmed unlike Chad's long hair that he hadn't bothered adjusting before making his appearance before the Council. "Kenobi. Syliss." Mace greeted each of them shortly. Jared nodded back in greeting. "Ah, Master Windu, it has been a while since I was called by the Council." Kenobi said with a small smile. He appeared to be trying to cheer up the tense atmosphere. "Agree, I do." Yoda responded. "I think that we should get to the matter at hand, if we can."Jared said politely.

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I'm am so sorry for the wait, you guys are the best and I thank you from the bottom of my dark Mando heart lol.

I only managed to squeeze in time for three chapters. Forgive me

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