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My name is Jeremiah Rayce, years ago I lived a normal life, until I had a strange experience, that changed my life forever.

This is my story;


MARIA: Get ready for your check up Jerry!

JERRY: Ok mom, but im still hungry.

MARIA: Buh you just ate.

JERRY: It wasn't enough.

MARIA: I Have 4 kids Jerry and I feed them all, and if you think you are still hungry then eat your brother's leftovers!!!.

( I'm the third child of my parents, my mom worked as a cleaner in a hospital and my dad on the other hand was the owner of a fancy diner. He had some serious issues with my mom that almost led to a divorce, but he couldn't do it, because he didn't want to ruin his reputation, so he got separated from Her. He took my elder brother, but he came around sometimes though. I was asthmatic at that time, and it was severe so I had to go for checkup's from time to time.)


(Maria and Jerry gets in to the doctor's office and seat's)

DOCTOR: Welcome miss Rayce.

MARIA: It's Maria, and please don't call me by my husband's name.

DOCTOR: (Chuckles) Sorry ma'am, So Jeremy how is your chest?

JERRY: It's fine and doc it's Jerry not Jeremy.

DOCTOR: What's the difference kid?

(Jerry scoffs)

DOCTOR: (turns to Maria) Your child is ok, but he should be taking the drugs I prescribed for him.

MARIA: He does doc, but he still wheezes whenever he stresses himself.

DOCTOR: Then he shouldn't stress himself, he should take enough water everyday and abstain from any form of stress, his inhaler?

JERRY: In my pocket.

DOCTOR: (writes down some prescriptions for Jerry) You should get him these drugs, it'll help ease up the pain, that'll be all

MARIA: Thanks so much Doc.

DOCTOR: You're welcome.

(They both wait outside the doctor's office)

MARIA: You should get going Jerry, I'm staying for work, and when you get home take care of your siblings, okay?

JERRY: Ok mom.

(As I was walking home I saw this book shop that wasn't there before, even if it was, I maybe too busy with Mom to notice it, but I just walked straight home)


(Jerry comes back to see the house in disarray, so he calls his siblings)

JERRY: Hey Henry get Anita here!

(Sighs) this kids are something else

(The kids runs inside their room, and Mavis comes home)

MAVIS: Hey sucker!

(And that's my elder sis, she's kind of like my bestie but nah!)

JERRY: Hey mave!

MAVIS: (Smiles) How's my asthmatic bro doing?

JERRY: (Chuckles) you are nuts sis.

MAVIS: Yeah I know, and here, (bring out a box) I brought something for you…

JERRY: (Jerry opens it up) Wow Jordan kicks!! Thanks sis!

MAVIS: Yeah no prob, so how was today's check up?

JERRY: Boring, well doc said I'm okay.

MAVIS: Or you said you're okay? (stares at him)

JERRY: (Chuckles) Yeah i said it, but he said it too...

MAVIS: (Laughs) I'll be in my room Jerry.

JERRY: Ok sis.



(Jerry get to school and meets his best friend Carl)

CARL: Hey bro

JERRY: Hi Carl

CARL: Heard you were absent yesterday cause of your appointment with the doctor.


CARL: Nice, so how did it go?

JERRY: Smoothly.

CARL: Ok well Rita has been asking about you man.

JERRY: Where is she?

CARL: At the library bro, and I think you should go meet her

JERRY: Ok catch you later bro (He uns off)

( Rita Anderson, the girl of my dreams, I had a huge crush on her, just like me she's smart, intelligent and overall beautiful, I wished she could be my girlfriend, but how can she love someone like me)

(Jerry gets to the library, and rita seeing Jerry coming towards her, says;

RITA: Wow here comes my strong man!

JERRY: (Chuckles) You know I'm asthmatic so basically I'm not strong, and also I have a lanky structure.

RITA: Shhhh I wasn't talking about all the shits you just mentioned.

JERRY: Then what were you talking about?

(Rita comes closer and touches his chest)

(Jerry smiles)

RITA: You were absent yesterday, why?

JERRY: I had to go for a check up.

RITA: So how are you feeling now?

JERRY: I feel better now.

RITA: That's good to hear.

(Jerry spots a sausage roll crumb on Rita's collar and he reaches to take it off)



DAX: Get off my girlfriend's body

RITA: Your girlfriend?

( And this is Dax Rodger our sports captain, our senior, and also a pain in the ass)

JERRY: I'm so sorry it isn't what you think..

RITA: Why are you apologising to him?

JERRY: (Whispers) He's our senior Rita.

DAX: (Grabs Jerry by the neck and squeezes tight) Get the hell out now!!!

(He releases jerry and he runs off)

(Jerry panting continuously and falls, Carl sees him and rushes to get him)

CARL: Hey Jerry! Jerry!

(Rita runs towards Jerry)

RITA: what's wrong with him?

CARL: I Guess he was stressed out.

RITA: Its Dax, he did this, his inhaler where is it?

CARL: It should be in his pocket (He finds it and gives it to him)

(Jerry slowly regain's his breath)

RITA: What we're you thinking, running off like that!!

JERRY: I'm sorry I just...

RITA: got Scared? You shouldn't be!

JERRY: Thanks (Smiles)

RITA: It wasn't a compliment (Rita leaves)

CARL: oooh, that was one hell of a scene back there.


CARL: Catch ya later dude.

JERRY: yeah carl off to class.

CARL: oh and Jerry, im going home with you today.

JERRY: The usual route?

CARL: No man the alley, SPOOKY!

(Both chucles and leaves)

( We didn't take our usual route home, just cause Carl wanted something, "Fun" which meant "Spooky")

CARL: So what happened between you and rita?

JERRY: It was nothing man, we were just talking about stuffs

CARL: Yeah and the "stuffs" could have gotten you into trouble with dax, man are you insane? He could have beaten you to death, well he wont even touch you to do that.

JERRY: Yeah i get it, so dont try to rub it in.

CARL: You should consider your condition before getting into trouble!

JERRY: Yeah that's cool, coming from a fat and averagely heightened dude.

CARL: Did you just call me fat?

JERRY: What does it look like i said?

CARL: Take it back now!

JERRY: NO! what are you gonna do fight me?

CARL: AHHHH! (Screams and tries landing a blow on Jerry's face but stops)

JERRY: Yeah that's what i thought, weakling!

CARL: No, look!

(Jerry turns around and sees the bookshop he saw the other time)

JERRY: Has that bookshop been here?

CARL: I guess not, I've been here couple of time, but I've never seen a bookshop here before.

JERRY: So I think we should probably head home carl.

CARL: No we should check it out.

JERRY: No we better get out if here.

(Carl gets inside the bookshop and Jerry follows him)

CARL: Wow look at all these artifacts and these books.

JERRY: Yeah, wow I could read this all week!

CARL: And being that you're such a "Reading type" you should probably stay a while!

JERRY: I guess so, but where is the bookkeeper?

CARL: I don't know man, wow look a skull.

JERRY: Is that a human skull?

CARL: I guess not, lemme check

(He tries to touch it but hears a voice)


JERRY: (startles) who's there?

BOOKKEEPER: I'm the book keeper who else could I be?

CARL: I don't know, maybe my mom?

JERRY: Quite it Carl, so Mr bookkeeper I'm Jeremiah Rayce and this is my friend Carl.

CARL: (Glares at Jerry) It's "Best friend"

JERRY: Yeah I meant "Best friend" so we would like to get a few books from here, but we don't have much money on us.

BOOKKEEPER: I know who you are Jeremiah Rayce, and I also know that you are asthmatic.

CARL: OMG are you a wizard?


JERRY: But how do you know my name, and how do you know that I'm asthmatic?

BOOKKEEPER: Well there's an inhaler in your pocket and I saw it cause it wants to fall off.

JERRY: Oh yeah (puts it back in his pocket) and for a while there I thought you were a wizard

CARL: Yeah dude who would want to be a wizard? (Chuckles).

BOOKKEEPER: Are you boys here for the book or what?

JERRY: Oh yeah let's check them out

(Jerry goes to the corner to check for some books)

CARL: Hey bookkeeper do you have any food?

BOOKKEEPER: (Glares at carl) No..but I have peppermint tea boiled in human blood!

CARL: oh sorry I don't think I'm hungry again.

(He runs off to Jerry)

JERRY: Why are you sweating like that man?

CARL: Nothing

JERRY: Ok here I got these fancy book (hands them to carl)

CARL: Looks pretty interesting.

(They both go to the bookkeeper)

JERRY: Here!

(Carl places the books on the counter)

BOOKKEEPER: Have you guys chosen?

(BOTH) Yes Mr.

BOOKKEEPER: Ok well then, I am utterly disappointed on your choice of books.

JERRY: What! I chose them cause they look nice, and believe me I chose the best books!

CARL: Yeah he chose the best books Mr bookkeeper.

(Jerry sighs)

BOOKKEEPER: ok well then, that'll be 10 box.

CARL: What! 10 box for a bunch of dusty craps?

JERRY: We just have like 5 box, we'll get the rest tomorrow.

BOOKKEEPER: (Chuckles) No kid that's absolutely wrong, ok let's do this, I'll give you a special book and if you bring it back by the end of tomorrow I'll give you the 3 books you just chose for free deal?

JERRY: But that's not possible.

BOOKKEEPER: But your friend said you read a lot.

JERRY: Yeah, but it depends on the book.

BOOKKEEPER: Is it a deal?

JERRY: Ok, deal.

CARL: (Whispers) I don't think you should be dealing with this kind of dude

BOOKKEEPER: First I'll give you a tablet and then the book


(Bookkeeper brings out two tablets and hands it to Carl and Jerry)

CARL: Why are you giving me a tablet, I didn't make the deal.

BOOKKEEPER: (Chuckles) Your friend will need you.

JERRY: Now the book!

BOOKKEEPER: I see you are very intelligent young lad, but the path you seek will either be your rise or your fall

JERRY: The book Mr.

(Bookkeeper Brings out the book)

CARL: Oh my god, that's a glorious golden book, it's huge!

JERRY: How do you expect me to finish this by tomorrow?

(Bookkeeper immediately pinches Jerry with a needle and takes a drop of blood)

JERRY: Ow!! Why did you do that?

BOOKKEEPER: For the deal of course, Now you must hurry home

CARL: Ok, uh bye weirdo!

JERRY: And it wasn't nice meeting you

(They both leave)

BOOKKEEPER: But it was nice meeting you "RHO"


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