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Where dreams are not sweet

The paths that I may probably follow can be roughly divided into the following parts :-

(1)> Primary antagonist

I am actually deeply hurt by my parent's abandonment and was constantly bullied and made fun of while growing up. This led to massive resentment against the whole world and a desire to destroy or rule it and thus I was convinced to join the secret organization sincerely and I rose up quite quickly among their ranks and finally reach the top and become the head of the secret organization.

(2)> Secondary antagonist

The same story as above. Low self esteem due to abandonment esteem leads to a lot of anger against the world. The head of the secret antagonist promises to help me take revenge and destroy or rule the world.

(3)> Minor antagonist

Being brainwashed by the organization leads to high loyalty towards them and while meeting higher level antagonist, I get enamoured by the higher level antagonist and thus decide to help him destroy or rule the world. Or I had a sad or troubled past and Higher level antagonist helps me and thus I become loyal to him. I will probably be there for a one or two volumes. Can also be used as a chess piece by higher ups.

(4)> Mob Protagonist

I am found killing or torturing some village people in some distant backwater place but get killed easily after some simple power-up by the protagonist. Usually the cannon fodder who helps activates the protagonist's powers for the first time.

(5)> Primary Protagonist

I was abandoned by my parents and after growing up I want to know the truth. While searching for the truth I come across a great conspiracy regarding the secrets of the world. The search for the truth behind my parents' death coincides with the organizations conspiracy and thus you fulfill both aims. There may also be a prophecy regarding me so that everyone I meet helps me. Usually cannot die no matter what happens.

(6)> Secondary protagonist

Same story as above. Searching for my parent's death and come across the protagonist and thus helping him in his aim or solving the great conspiracy and coming across the protagonist and thus deciding to help him. I am usually of the opposite gender of the primary protagonist and fall in love with primary protagonist.

(7)> Minor Protagonist

I am imprisoned by a branch faction of the secret organization and the higher level protagonist help me and free myself from the prison. Being in their debt, I help them to defeat the branch faction and follow them for some time. After two to three volumes I my importance diminishes and I am sent back to protect some place important to the primary or secondary protagonist. I am also sometimes killed to fuel the protagonist's anger.

(8)> Mob Protagonists

Usually found resisting the crimes of the secret organization in some distant backwater place. I can either be one of the earliest ally of the higher level protagonist or I can be found in a town in between their journey. I am usually touted to be some kind of genius in that backwater place but due to the protagonist attracting stronger antagonist, I usually get killed to give the higher level protagonist the needed drive to vanquish the secret organization. Usually the first love or crush of the protagonists which end up being forgotten later on.

(9)> Mob characters

I could be anything from a failed human experiment guinea pig entry level agent of the secret organization to a minion of the secret informer that constantly praises the protagonist. I often end up not being named, dying and forgotten.

Now I am OK with most of the above roles except for being a mob character. Because they generally have no control over their surrounding circumstances and can only follow the will of the plot. If it's the rest I can at the very least try and garner enough strength and resources to stop my death or torture and stuff.

Haaah! This is all so stressful! I haven't felt this stressed since my boss told me to complete a total five deliveries in merely a week. And what did that lead me to? Yep you guessed it right. Death. Maybe I'm just setting up a flag for myself by thinking too much. For now it's no use thinking about all these. Not like I can do anything with my extraordinary strength in this baby body.

I can only hope that I do not become an experimental subject. Gotta hide my physical strength from now on.

One Year Later

I sometimes feel that life is playing some kind of a prank on me. because it definitely has a freaky way of giving me presents. If being a kiddo with extra strength was for first year then getting some creepy visions are for the second year.

You see there are these fucking weird dreams I have about once a week. Although I am only able to remember bits and pieces of them. Now there was one where I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. Like not even one of those models and actresses I had seen in my previous life stood a chance in front of her beauty. And I assure you I had nearly all the fashion magazines that had Victoria's Secret Cover girls, so I could be more or less considered an expert on these things. I know you're probably judging me but these magazines were vital supplies you needed when you were on the roads and far away from any civilization and had no internet connection for 'you know what' when the battery in your phone died

Coming back to the dreams, now that I had seen that very very beautiful woman. Now what will you do when the most beautiful women you have ever seen in your life is sitting right in front of you? You will very likely introduce yourself, Or praise her for her beauty, Maybe boast about yourself and all the good qualities you have, or at the very worst just stand still there being tongue tied.

Guess what I proceeded to do? I bit off her nipples. That's correct. 'I bit off her nipples'.

In another one I am strangling a person's neck by looping a string around his neck. I may as well stop calling it a dream and just say it is a nightmare. The only good thing about it is that the one who's getting strangled is not me. He must have been that women's husband. Though his looks definitely didn't say that. But forget all that.

Do all babies have dreams like that? Is this a sign from god saying that I am going to have an awful sex life and a terrible future consisting of crime and death? If not then the only thing left is that this church organization is feeding me weed and I'm getting high at night. And by giving me these hallucinatory drugs, they are trying to mow down my spirit so that I'll try to find salvation in god and become a faithful member of their organisation.

Fat chance! They probably don't know that the hallucinations I see have some gorgeous titties in them. And that's probably the only thing stopping me from going crazy.

The only thing that keeps me from focusing on these stuff is my increasing fluency in the local language. I am also able to walk and run quite steadily.

I know it's quite hypocritical of me to do all this after what I said about not gathering attention from the adults of the organization. But I just gave up. The sheer boredom that comes with just sitting in one corner of the room and doing nothing but babbling about in baby language was just getting intolerable for me. And I'm probably sure they know that I'm a bit off from other babies by the constant staring into the space silently while I'm monologuing to myself about my life choices. I'm pretty sure it's worth it.

I mean what's the worst that could happen? I would get some early childhood soldier training? Become the new Kakashi? Get tortured and experimented on for my higher intelligence holding braincells by Dr Gero? Added to a cat by Dr Shou Tucker? Okay Now that I think about it, It was possibly a bad idea.

Weellll... What could go bad will go bad. Hehe.

But before you people accuse me let me remind you that they do not know about my secret strength. I only practice lifting weights at night. The weights could range from stacks of books to Chairs and tables load filled boxes. In the evening I do endurance training by running from one room to another. For more motivation I just whack the heads of other children and force them to chase after me. Being chased by someone is a much better motivation than just running mindlessly. Some light exercises under the bed so that no notices me. Having a small body is can sometimes be helpful too you know.

Because of this my whole routine has been flipped. Exercise in the evening, strength training at night and sleep during the day. Sister Agathi keeps scolding me everyday, But I just act dumb as if I don't understand anything and keep stalling her off. After all it's a matter of my super powers and survival lady! I can't let something like an adult's instruction and supervision keep me from my goal.

Everyone say with me!

To save Sister Violetta! And meet the beautiful lady in my dreams too.

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