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29.41% Lady Kagome

Chapter 10

"You are late," Sesshoumaru stated, his back facing her as he finished his last kata.

"Sorry. There were fresh blooms in the garden. How can you ignore it?" Kagome smiled.

"No excuses. What skills do you have?" Sesshoumaru got to the point, noting the pout on Kagome's face.

"Archery. That's about all," Kagome replied sheepishly, already expecting him to be disappointed.

"As I thought. My brother and the demon slayer could have at least taught you something during your travels," he stated. "You will train hard and rest four days a week. You will wake to train at dawn, and until noon. The after training, you will have a bath, lunch, and a small break. After this, you will teach Rin."

"That's a tight schedule. I'll do my best," Kagome said, unsure of herself.

She was almost beginning to regret agreeing to train with Sesshoumaru, as he stood before her, and she knew that training with him might involve pain.

"Pick a sword. We will begin," Sesshoumaru commanded, motioning to a wall filled with swords.

Kagome carefully examined each, even testing a few, then focused on a sword with no fancy hilt or markings. She gripped the hilt and test swung it, slicing downward.

"A good choice. This will be your sword. It was one of two swords owned by a priestess in the past," Sesshoumary divulged its history, slightly nodding his approval, and then correcting Kagome's grip on the sword.

He took the matching sword and sheath, and then slid it into her obi.

"You will learn how to use both of the swords, as they are a matching pair, and should stay together as they were once used before," he stated.

Sesshoumaru took her though the basic katas, noting how astute she was.

'It is like she is a natural. This human is becoming one surprise after another.'

After some basics, he switched to some light hand to hand combat. Again, Kagome's knack for learning quickly amazed him, however he did not let her know, his long trained mask, stoic as ever.

Kagome finished the day not knowing if she did well or not. She wished Sesshoumaru would tell her, but she already figured he was not much for words of gratification on the behalf of others.

Once training was done, she let Izumi escort her from the dojo, and directly into the bath house.

"Izumi, I wish he'd tell me if I did well," Kagome said, a bit defeated.

"Lord Sesshoumaru is not much for words, however, if you did bad, he would have corrected it," Izumi replied, laying out Kagome's next kimono.

"Still, I need it. Sorry for my pathetic human ways," Kagome grumbled, slipping into the water.

Izumi laughed, as she knew Kagome was joking.

"I can mention to Lord Sesshoumaru that it would be nice for you to hear words of gratification, if you so wish it," she replied with a smile.

"No. It's not necessary. Thanks for offering," Kagome smiled. "I'm going to rest in here a bit. I'm sore all over."

"I'll inform Lord Sesshoumaru of the soreness. Seven hours of training is extensive for a mortal," Izumi said and quickly turned to go.

Kagome let the hot spring bring her into a state of blissful unconsciousness. It seems almost an hour later, when she felt someone's presence. Without turning, Kagome said, "Sorry Izumi, I didn't mean to fall asleep for so long."

"Izumi is not here. Get out," Sesshoumaru said, shocking Kagome, as she turned around half out of the water.

Sesshoumaru received a good view of her breasts, before Kagome eeped and covered herself with her arms, and then dipped her body lower into the water. Her eyes were as large as saucers.

'Flawless body for a human.' Sesshoumaru mused to himself, then growled, a bit pissed for letting his thoughts veer southbound.

"Izumi has informed me that you were sore from training. Dry yourself, then put these sheets on. As your instructor, I do not want your body to lock up. You need to be limber for training, and I will loosen your muscles for you," he explained and wondered if he was getting too soft, as he had been often berating himself for continually explaining his actions.

'I am a great and fearsome demon. I need not explain my actions!'

"Um, Sesshoumaru, please turn around," Kagome requested, a blush spreading generously yet also dangerously over her nose and cheeks.

"I have seen female anatomy before," he replied coldly.

Kagome trembled, "But I am not like that."

Sesshoumaru took in her scent to find that indeed she was untouched by a man.

'Shit! A virgin. No wonder why she is modest,' he berated himself.

"Very well," he caved in, and finally turned around.

Kagome quickly got out, dried herself, and wrapped one sheet around her waist and kept the other over her breasts.

Sesshoumaru pointed to a futon that he had already place on the side of the bath house room. Kagome went over and laid down, carefully covering her sides.

"Okay, ready," she signaled.

Sesshoumaru turned around and approached her, taking up some scented oils, mostly derived of cherry blossoms and jojoba.

"I had Izumi make these oils for you. This will blend in with your natural scent," he replied, beginning with her neck.

He wished he had two hands so the process would be quick.

"My scent? It's of cherry blossoms? InuYasha always said I smelled bad," Kagome replied dejectedly.

"You must have subdued him too much. His nose is probably filled with dirt. Honestly, you smell better than most humans and demons combines. You are even cleaner," he divulged.

"Thanks. I'd hate to think I smelled bad. I'm fairly self conscious of my own hygiene," she replied. "This massage feels great! Nobody even gave me one before. When my grandfather and mama were sick or feeling sore, I always gave them massages until my hands hurt."

"It is only to make sure you are limber for training, nothing more. If you are sore again after future training sessions, tell me," he said, applying pressure to her upper back.

Her back responded, with numerous pops and Kagome moaned in relief. Sesshoumaru also massaged her calves, the palms of her hands, and then her feet.

"Who gives you massages, Sesshoumaru?" she asked. "I'm sure you get sore or stressed."

"No one. I usually do not allow anyone to touch me," Sesshoumaru replied, switching to her other foot.

"Well, if you need one and let me, I could give you a massage sometime," Kagome offered, too relaxed to realize how forward her offer was.

"Perhaps I will consider this offer," Sesshoumaru replied, finishing with her foot, then exited the bath house.

'Well, I'm glad he didn't take advantage of me. If he were Kouga, I definitely would've been in some trouble,' Kagome giggled to herself.

Kagome got dressed and made her way to the dining hall for eat lunch. The training had left her extremely famished.

After a hearty lunch, she collected Rin from the garden and went to the library to start her lessons.

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