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5.88% Lady Kagome

Chapter 2

He had planned to visit his brother and question Naraku's whereabouts until he was sidetracked by an enchanting scent. As he got closer, another scent washed over him; cherry blossoms, jojoba, and a dash of jasmine. He knew this scent.

'Only one human has this peculiar scent. But why is she crying and why is she alone? Why do I bother concerning myself with this priestess,' Sesshoumaru thought with a dark and heavy sigh, approaching her.

"Oh goodness, I'm such a fool to have given my heart to him. Now it is returned in pieces," Kagome sobbed between her hands, unknowing of the two golden eyes peering at her within the shadows of the trees.

"Priestess, why are you crying?" the silver haired demon lord asked, stepping from the shadows, his cold emotionless eyes observing her intensely.

"Why do you care? It is only a human emotion. You wouldn't understand," she said, a bit startled and still bereaved, looking up from her drenched hands. "If you're here to kill me, go ahead. You'll not get the Tetsusaiga. That is definite."

Sesshoumaru observed her, noticing her startling blue grey eyes filled with so much emotion. He knew the priestess was only striking out, thinking he was mocking her. He did not care to correct her. He was merely curious. Here she was, on the border of his lands, a powerful priestess, without her protector. She had always traveled by her half brother's side and he was sure the two were close. It could be the only reason she was alone.

"I care not. You are on my landings crying," he said monotone, approaching her even closer, and then grabbed her by the neck.

He slammed her against a nearby tree and said heatedly, "I will not ask again, human. Why are you crying, let alone not have your mate with you?"

He then tightened his gripped to emphasize that he demanded a response.

She tried to pry his hand off with hers, but failed. She tried struggling, but that was also pointless, so she resolved herself to tell him. She looked up dejectedly, and let her body go limp with a sad yet heavy sigh. Sesshoumaru was shocked to see the change in her demeanor. It was like the last of her will left her. She was broken!

In a strange way, it angered him to know his brother had treated a valuable ally with such callousness. It was unlike him. Even he had some appreciation for allies. And above all, this ally in his grip was a woman. It was not exactly proper to treat women badly. Despite what humans had passed around, demons did not treat their women that they considered pack with violence. Well, at least demons with honor. Lowly demons usually had no honor and they gave higher class demons a bad reputation.

"If you mean InuYasha, he is not my mate. He chose Kikyo, the undead priestess. He could never love a worthless copy such as myself. Please, now let me go, so I can get off your lands and go upon my own miserable life," Kagome said softly, yet slightly angry.

"This Sesshoumaru will not do what a simple priestess asks. You are below this Sesshoumaru," he replied, then threw her over his right shoulder, his left still handicapped from his battle with InuYasha in his father's tomb, a few years ago.

"Where are you taking me?" Kagome asked, angered, then she sighed, "Oh my god! Why do I get in these situations. I'm surely cursed."

"You will be a guest in my home. Rin needs a playmate, and since you're no longer with my filthy half brother, you will be in my service," he said, as he took to his cloud to fly.

"Let me go! I'm no one's slave!," she beat on Sesshoumaru's back, her tears now tears of frustration and panic.

He let go and she fell screaming. Her life started to flash before her eyes, and after a few moments, she began to think that accepting death was natural.

'Perhaps it's better to just die. Kikyo can have her soul back and InuYasha won't have to be burden with a clumsy shard detector like me,' she resolved to herself, her heart feeling as if it were frozen in her chest.

Sesshoumaru smirked at first, watching her reaction, then grew serious, seeing that she was not screaming. He expected her to scream and beg him to save her, but that was not the case.

'She wants to die!'

Kagome expected to die from the fall, only to be caught by her ankle, by Sesshoumaru's only hand. She yelped as her ankle made a sickening pop under the demon lord's grasp. She cried out in pain, as she was again thrown over her shoulder life her backpack. The pain in her ankle throbbed so badly, she soon found herself slipping fast into an unconscious shock.

'Great! I broke her ankle and will have to tend to her until a healer can be called,' he grumbled to himself, as his cloud took his westward.

He was reminded of the time his father, the former Dog Lord, who once said, "Son, you need to treat mortals better. One day you will need them more than ever in a time of peril."

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes, and scoffed to himself. The world oblivious to his stoic mask, as it was a perfect covering for his emotions and private thoughts. It was not necessarily that he hated humans, it was just that he never thought it necessary to mingle with them. They were fragile, and most had a terrible stench.Dog demons were very sensitive to smells, and being a demon lord, it just did not suit him to consort with beings that made his nose want to run away.

In the distance he could see his palace poking out of the horizon.

'I guess since she will be a guest, I guess I will need to lighten up. If I keep being too intimidating and pushy, she will defy me. I cannot abide with a household full of miscreants, and she is no normal human. Fuck! I am becoming soft. First Rin, and now this wench. However, this wench does deserve a bit of credit. She has been loyal and shown to have some intelligence.'

Sesshoumaru could feel the first headache of his demonic immortality forming, and it came in the form of one Higurashi Kagome.

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