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one piece :my Version

Author: Daoist236167

© WebNovel


On the island of Fuschia Village

Red-Haired Shanks was one of the Yonkou like his rival Whitebeard, but contrary to the attitudes of the general public about pirates, Shanks was one of the most laid back characters in the world with a complex thinking pattern that no one can predict. He never acted in any way contrary to his being, and he was perfectly happy for who he is.

Right now he was staying at Fuschia Village at the Party's Bar where they drank and celebrated like there was no tomorrow.

Why? Because they were celebrating a courageous little seven-year old that went and stabbed himself in his left eye, leaving a permanent scar.

"I told you I wasn't afraid!" yelled the little boy named Monkey D. Luffy who was giving his role model the best angry pout he could give.

"True, you proved me wrong… But you're still a chibi." he teased.

Luffy looked about ready to throw a tantrum.


The bartender, Makino thought it was adorable that Luffy wanted to be so much like Shanks. She would always watch over him like an older sister or a mother-figure.

"And…and… My punch is as strong as a pistol!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, causing the whole crew to laugh out loud.

Shanks decided to humor him. "Okay…" he pointed to the counter of the bar.

"If you can make a dent in this, I'll take you sailing with my crew." he said.

Luffy's scowl was soon replaced with a toothy grin. "REALLY?!"

Shanks was really just messing with the boy. There was no way that this boy could-


All heads turned to a destroyed bar counter, and the source of destruction came from Luffy who held a small amount of surprise to himself as well as splinters lodged in his right fist.

The adults, including Shanks, were speechless for once. No one said or did anything for about a minute except stare at Luffy with dumbfounded expressions.

Luffy was confused. "What?" he asked while feeling uncomfortable with all the stares.

Shanks was currently deep in thought at what just happened. 'No way… the force in that punch… it can't be… but… I sensed it… Haki….'

Luffy remained silent until Shanks walked up to him and knelt down to his level.

"Luffy, do you know what you just did?" The boy shook his head 'no'.

"You destroyed the bar counter with just your fist. That's something only a full-grown man can do. How did you do something only grown-ups can?" he inquired.

The young Luffy looked at the shattered counter then back at Shanks, and then shrugged. "I dunno. I just got so mad that you guys treated me like a baby. Then I felt something flow through me and focused on that counter. I just gave it all I had in that punch and…. that happened."

He rubbed the back of his head self-consciously. "Well, I guess I don't know my own strength."

Shanks still couldn't believe his eyes. A boy no older than 7 had used Haki.

He would have had more time to ponder on the subject, if fate hadn't decided to interfere.

The double-swinging doors opened to reveal a tall, scruffy man with black hair which tied up to a small tail, a mustache-goatee combo and a cross-scar on his upper-right temple of his forehead. He was wearing black pants and a large, brown coat wielding a long saber. Following close behind him was his crew of 20 bandits. He marched his way to Makino and demanded drinks for him and his men, all while boasting about his 8,000,000 bounty.

Shanks became the better man and offered the Bandit Leader an unconsumed drink, to which Higuma responded aggressively by smashing his glass with his scabbard. He then insults Shanks and his crew and takes off.

It was after that…. They partied even harder. Lucky Roo and Yasopp were dancing goofily and laughing their heads off.

Beckman was against the wall with an amused smirk as he downed his drink.

Shanks hadn't stopped laughing since that event had passed. Still he couldn't help but think… 'How can he have an ambition that high, especially for a little kid. Then again, he is Dragon's son.'

Luffy however was mad as hell and let out his frustrations. "What was that?! You should've kicked their asses or something for disrespecting you!"

The laughter died down after his outburst and Shanks was the one who answered him.

"Luffy, sometimes you have to know when to pick a fight and when not to pick a fight. Besides, he just broke the mug and spilled some sake, it's not worth getting in a fight." he explained rationally.

Luffy went off to sulk in a corner of the undestroyed section of the bar. He was pouting and grumbling something about his role model's logic, when at the corner of his eye, he spied five, small, open boxes sitting on his right-hand side, containing what appeared to be fruit.

The one closest to his left was a purple and yellow fruit made up of many small teardrop shaped parts with swirl patterns, and spreading green leafage sprouting from the top. It has a shape and appearance that closely resembles a pineapple or a bundle of grapes. The second one was a more violet-bleach white colored Yubari Melon shaped fruit with more swirls and spikes and the third one was a fruit which was azure black and blue in colour and it's shaped like a dragon's face with scales the fourth was a fruit which resembled like a sun and moon in colour along with some dark colouring it was releasing a very hot and very cold feeling .

Luffy's stomach was telling him to 'eat them' and he was never one to doubt his stomach. Ever. After a few seconds, Luffy began to gorge himself silently on the fruits, starting with the first one closest to him.

Shanks gave the boy a minute to cool off, which was probably not the best idea for him, for as soon as he turned back he saw Luffy finishing off the fifth Devil Fruit.

He grasped the boy by the legs and started shaking him up and down with all his force but careful not to hurt the tyke.

"Spit it out Luffy! All of it!" he yelled.

"Uh… captain…?" Yasopp beckoned.

"And after all that trouble…!"

"Captain…!" Beckman called.

"All that money… Gone!"

"CAPTAIN!" Roo roared.

The captain turned to his crewmates, discontinuing his tirade. "WHAT?!"

Yasopp raised a shaky finger to the empty chests. "He ate all five of them."



"NANIIII?!" Shanks yelled in disbelief; his eyes the size of dinner-plates.

He turned his head, almost giving himself whiplash. He eyes widened in horror when he saw that indeed all five fruits had been consumed. He blanched as he shakily turned his head to the boy in question, who was quite literally 'face-down on the ground' his legs had stretched a few feet.

Shanks pulled the boy up to face him. "Luffy! You just ate four  Devil Fruits!"

Luffy looked a bit panicky and confused. "W-What? I just ate them…. And they tasted really nasty just so you know!" he shouted

Shanks shook his head vigorously. "No boy! No one is supposed to eat even two of them! The effects cause the user to be torn up and killed from the inside out! So in other words… you're supposed to be DEAD!" he shouted back. Luffy's skin color paled considerably, but then realized something important after pausing for a few moments. "B-But… I'm still alive!"

Shanks also took note of that and how the toddler wasn't a bloody mess right now.

"But, how?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handbook version of the Akuma no Mi Encyclopedia that he raided when he destroyed a very treacherous Vega punks lab but Vega punk escaped with his life and he got only this five devil fruits with this encyclopedia which also contained the details about the fruits he ate.

He skimmed through until he reached the desired section regarding the first fruit Luffy ate.

'Yami-pika no Mi (Dark-light Fruit) is labeled the most powerful Logia-type fruit as well as the rarest. Whoever consumes this fruit is given the following in exchange for the ability to swim.'

The ability to control the darkness and light and its unique property of gravity and speed.

Damage and attacks become useless as the user is his own center of gravity, thus resulting in regenerative healing and forcibly pull enemies towards the user.

Able to summon black holes and consume anyone and anything into it, effectively crushing them upon release.

The most unique and powerful advantage of the fruit, is that the user also has the ability to nullify the powers of other Devil Fruit users by simply touching them and draining them of their abilities. All powers from other Devil Fruit types, be it Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia are affected by this.

it is mutated so it also has the power of pika pika no MI

And finally: in the event the person who eats this Devil Fruit, is allowed to consume only one more Devil Fruit, completely ignoring the rules of consuming only one. This allows the user to be the first person to have two sets of powers. Note: Find a good second fruit.

Shanks had stopped reading as he collapsed back into his seat. but it doesn't explain about how he ate five fruit and luffy saw a picture of a fruit which he ate when he was a small child unknowingly and said

"shanks I have eaten this fruit when I was a small child. "said luffy

after hearing luffy he read about the fruit

"fruit fruit no MI" is named as the most powerful paramecia fruit along with another fruit and is the rarest of all the devil fruits even rarer than mythical zoan. it is not considered powerful because of its powers but for it's effects as it is the only cure of the seas curse


* it removes the curse of the sea and make you immune to sea stone and sea water and can swim"

*"it gives you the ability to eat a total of 10 devil fruits without exploding "

*it also increases the power of devil fruit eaten by one fold"


shanks was amazed that luffy ate a fruit which is the only one and rarest in the world with the ability to remove he decided to look for the other fruits which luffy ated first he looked for the fruit which look alike gomu gomu no MI and started reading

The Hiru-gomu no Mi (Leech-rubber Fruit) is labeled as the most powerful Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that rivals the Yami-Yami no Mi (Dark-Dark fruit)…."

"Whoever eats this rare fruit is granted with the following in exchange for the ability to swim:"

Healing factor- Extremely high regeneration of wounds.

The ability to absorb and copy strength, knowledge life force and abilities upon killing the enemy and absorbing (both Human and Devil Fruit users) and make them permanent

it is mutated and also make the body completely of rubber which means super endurance

Similar to the Yami-Yami no Mi, when active, the user can nullify any Devil Fruit users power's and attacks upon physical contact.

shanks gasped after reading it and started to look for the next devil fruit

"the Amaterasu tsukyumi fruit(sun-moon fruit) which gave the user the power of both sun and moon and is considered the strongest logia type fruit. "

"Whoever eats this rare fruit is granted with the following in exchange for the ability to swim:"

The ability to control the sun and moons power and its unique property of flame and ice.

Damage and attacks of other flame and ice devil fruits become useless as the user has the hottest flame and coldest ice, thus resulting in completely immune to those attacks.

it is mutated and also gives the user the ability to use hell flame and hell ice.

he was drum stuck by how powerful this devil fruit was and read about the next devil fruit

"testu tetsu no MI model(azure black dragon) it is one of the most powerful mythical zoan fruit and is mutated and has the properties of the other three heavenly beasts which are black tortoise white tiger phoenix. "


Whoever eats this rare fruit is granted with the following in exchange for the ability to swim:"

body factor- Extremely high regeneration of wounds.

super strength

super endurance

super speed permanently

The ability to control black lightning water and wind

it is mutated and also has 5 white tiger claws which can even cut through diamond as if it is butter in which the 5th can be used from anywhere as it is hidden in space it's scales become even harder than black tortoise and it already had wings which got attached to the Phoenix wing and can now move even faster than light it self

after reading all that shanks collapsed

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