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83.33% The RPG Ninja (Naruto Fanfic) / Chapter 5: 4 There Is Another?

Chapter 5: 4 There Is Another?

When I woke up the next morning The first thing I saw was that I have a mission notification.

New Quest - Befriend Your Gamer roommate

Reward - New Function (Party system), New ability (Gamer telepathy), One Friend.

Failure - Gamer Rival


I looked around and I found a boy that is maybe a year or 2 older then I am.

"Hello, I'm Aria, What's your name," I asked

"I'm Ryuu Uchiha, I Guess you got the quest too didn't you?" He said with a small smile (the reason he can understand her is because his system automatically translates other players languages)

"Yup, So what do you say wanna be the bestest of friends," I asked with excitement

"Sure, That would be great we can train together as ninja" He replied

Quest complete - Befriend Your Gamer roommate

Reward - New Function (Party system), New Perk (Gamer telepathy), One Friend.

{(Gamer Telepathy) - You can communicate through thought with other members of your party}

"Cool. Well that was an easy quest, Let's make a party" I sent him a party invite and he accepted

Party Formed

I then checked out his stats

Name: Ryuu Uchiha

Gender: Male

Age: 6

Level: 10

EXP: 157/1000

Rank: Civilian

Clan: Uchiha

Main Title: ???

Titles: ???

Stats (AP - 100) Unusable until (age 7, LVL 10)

HP: 1036

SP: 368

CP: 650


STR: 28

AGIL: 16

DEX: 23

INT: 25

WIS: 26


Ryo: 15000

"Wow, your level 10 already! So uncool dude, I wanna get stronger too, show me your ways Dragon . . . Please? How did you get to that level?" I asked

"I found a dungeon in the village recently that I use to train, I can show you where it is If you want." He replied with a grin

"Cool. Sounds fun! Let's do it!" I replied back with a grin of my own

"Good, we will go after breakfast." He said signaling me to follow him to what I assume is where breakfast is.

"Hey Ryuu can you hear me, I'm using the telepathy thing," I asked through thought

"Ya, I can hear you, I almost forgot we got that perk. Pretty cool isn't?" He responded

"Yup super cool, use to," I replied. We then carried on to breakfast

As we walked into the dining hall all attention was on us or more specifically me and it made me kinda nervous, Ashua noticed me and started to introduce me

"Children, this is Aria," she said gesturing to me "and she will be staying with us for now on so treat her well" she finished off

Ryuu then led me to an empty table where we ate in peace after we finished we left the orphanage.

"Hey Ryuu, so where is this dungeon?"

"It's at the academy. I will show you the way later. So did you play video games a lot in your past life?" He asked

"Ya, I think so I don't really have a lot of memories from my past life. Why do you ask?"

"Because this dungeon's theme is like a fantasy game with dragons and everything" He replied

"Oh really? That's so cool. I wanna catch a dragon and keep it as a pet?"

"That doesn't seem very practical to have a giant dragon as a pet, but you can capture Monsters using soul crystals." He answered

"Really that sounds so cool, do you have one?"

"Ya, I have one." He answered

"Can I see it?"

"Later when were alone, it's best to keep from attracting too much attention for now" He answered

"Ok, so what are we going to do after we reach the dungeon?"

"We are going to do a little training" He answered

When we arrived at the academy led me to a big rock behind the academy and I could see a glowing Red symbol In the shape of a Flame on it,

You have found a dungeon, dungeons are recognized by the red glowing symbols. In these dungeons, you can find unique items and obtain unique skill scrolls.

Ryuu grabbed my shoulder "Let's enter the dungeon"

what you wish to enter the dungeon 'World 1', '???'

'World 1'

Level Select

'1' with that the scenery changed from the academy to that of a forest

"Good, You can bring others here by grabbing on to them or having them grab on to you" Ryuu said

"Cool, can I see the monster you caught now?"

"~sigh~ sure." He took out a ring with a small red crystal embedded in it he slipped it on his finger "Blaze" he called out

There was a bright light that shot out of the ring that preceded to take the form of a tiger. The tiger was Blake with a red flame pattern all over its body

"You can capture Monsters with these crystals, one per a crystal" He pointed to the crystal in his ring "An empty crystal will always be transparent, and the monster will only come out if you call the name that you have given it, furthermore you don't have to worry about it dieing while there are repercussion like a drop in states and possible it's Rep towards you after nine days you will be able to call upon it again" He explained he then returned Blaze to the crystal "If you look inside the crystal you can see the image of the captured monster" He showed me

"That's soooo cool, so when can I catch one?!"

"When you are at least level 5"

4 hours later

Ryuu was helping me catch up to him in levels so he gave me a kunai and use the party system to allow me to get the EXP and helped me defeat a lot of monsters I eventually made it to level 5, and we've gotten a lot of loot and I even got one of the Soul Crystals but I still haven't found the right Monster that I want to capture right now we are climbing a mountain.

"We should probably leave the dungeon after we finish exploring this mountain," He said

"Ya ok"

When we reached the peak I was tired but I shot right up when I laid my eyes on the Cutest little fox it was a mix black and white, with bright blue eyes.

I ran up to it and started to pet it to death "Hey there girl do you wanna join my pack? Its super cool I promise."

"Yip" Fox

"Cool, from now one I shall call you Zoe" I pressed the crystal to her and she was sucked in and the crystal turned in to a silvery color.

"Aria don't run off like that I was worried," Ryuu told me sternly

"Sorry Ryuu, I just couldn't help it she is soooo cute and she is now part of my pack," I said grinning

"Congratulations" he smiled

"Thanks," I said giving him a surprise hug

"We should probably get going now" He stated

"Ya, your right we've been gone for four hours"

"A cool feature about dungeons is that time passes slower here so the 4 hours we spent here is really only 1 hour in the outside world time is slowed by 4 times, so this place is pretty useful for training to" He informed me

"So when did you find this dungeon"

"One week ago actually" He replied

"I see, Go Zoe" 'Inspect'

Name: Zoe

Species: Mystic Fox

LVL: 1

EXP: 0/100

REP: 10

AP: 0


HP: 100

SP: 100

ATK: 100

DEF: 100

SPD: 100


"Hey Zoe, we are going to be partners from now on so let's get stronger together"

+5 REP - Good first Impression

Zoe nodded "ok Zoe return"

"Hay aria, I wanna test something care to help out," Ryuu asked me

"Sure what do you need"

"We are going to play a game called 'Hide N' Seek' I want to see if we can get skills from doing things like that" He replied

"Ok sounds fun"

8 hours later (outside time 12:00)

After playing decided to go get lunch at a dongo shop pay for by Ryuu as he is the only one with money and he offered so why not. We did manage to get 2 skills from our 8 hour game of 'Hide'N'Seek' one was called 'Stealth' and the other called 'detect' so it was an awesome success

Stealth (Lvl - 10 {42.7%}) - Stealth is important to every ninja as the ability to stay hidden is involved in a great many missions a ninja undergoes. = ({+1% chance of remaining undetected per skill level} -.5% for every level you are lower than those who are detecting) = 10% chance of remaining undetected

Detect (Lvl - 9 {87.6%}) - Detecting a hidden opponent, trap or any other kind of danger is an important skill for anyone who wishes to survive as a ninja = ({+1% chance of detecting the undetected per skill level} -.5% for every level you are lower than those who you are detecting) = 9% chance at detecting hidden things and people.

"That was fun we should do it again sometime," I said as I took a bit out of my dongo 'mmm this is really good this is now my 4th favorite food, my first being chocolate, second being cake then 3rd being ice cream'

"I agree it was fun and we will definitely do it again it is very helpful as training" Ryuu responded while eating his dongo

"Cool should we make it into a routine," I asked him

"Ya let's do it every Tuesday and Thursday. that ok with you" he presented his idea

"Yup sounds great, in fact maybe we should come up with a whole training schedule"

"That's a great idea, we can do physical training every morning, taijutsu on Monday, weapons training involving kunai, shuriken, and senbon on Wednesdays, on Fridays we go to the library and study, and on Sunday and Saturday we can leave as personal trainer day where we train whatever skills we want to improve and just relax, that sound good to you?" he asked

"Sounds cool, we will become very strong in no time at all"

"Gamer's telepathy is really useful for discussing our plans in public I'm glad we got this ability" He stated

"I agree it is super useful" and for the rest of the day we talked about plans and goals we want to achieve

We went back to the orphanage for dinner when we got there we managed to slip into the dining hall unnoticed and ate our dinner

"Aria, let's return to our room I've got some chakra control exercises we can do," Ryuu told me

"Ok cool, lead the way"

we got up and walked to our room

"Ok here's what we are going to do we are going to do the leaf exercise to increase our chakra control" He demonstrated by putting a leaf of his for head and using chakra to make it stick he did it for 2 seconds before it fell

I copied him and I was able to do it for 1 sec

Skill Unlocked - Chakra Mind Focus {cost - 25 CP per sec} (add 1% chakra control per skill level for up to a 25% increase in chakra control per level, Plus 1% increase to chakra regeneration per skill level, [Allows you to have better focus {Plus 1 minute per skill level}])

"It will take a minute for your chakra to regen so while we do the exercise I will teach you what I know about Konoha." he Said

"Ok, I am ready," I said determined

An so we spent the entire night doing just that I also learned that Ryuu also has the Sharingan I informed him that I also have the Sharingan he seemed happy about that I also told him about my summoning contract with the Mystical creatures of Mount. Ambiance. when we were finishing the sun was rising on Monday. I managed the level up my 'Chakra Mind Focus' up to level 3 and I learned a lot about both Konoha and Ryuu and I got a random +3 INT so I would call that a successful training/study session


After breakfast, we started with our physical training which consisted in running laps around the village we actually ran into this guy in a green spandex suit named guy he seemed to be good with physical training so we asked him if he could help us train on Mondays with taijutsu and physical training every morning and he actually agreed to train us when he's not on missions while spouting off about youth he also bought us training Weights so that was pretty cool of him I guess.

After the intense morning physical training, I gained +3 AGIL,+2 STR,+1 VIT, and some Buffs one being a Buff called 'Intense warm-up' with gives me a 10% skill EXP in any taijutsu training I'm doing for 4 hours and the other is a Buff called 'Intense Focus And that is a 5% EXP increase in all Skills for 12 hours both very useful though the first one is only useful on Mondays.

For the rest of the day, we trained in taijutsu with I found I do not like but it will probably be useful in the future so I will at least master the basics on bright side Ryuu decided to specialize in that for now and earned a new title that will help him called 'taijutsu specialist in Training' with gives him a 25% increase in EXP for his taijutsu skills he seemed really happy with that so I'm happy for him. after we finished training I found I gained the skill Basic Taijutsu and leveled it to level 10 it was nearly 6:00 on our way home we stopped and bought some taijutsu training gear consisting of training gloves and also bought Kunai, Shuriken, and Senbon with brought Ryuu dow to 2000 Ryo after we finished there we went home had dinner and went to or room to do our Chakra control training and tonight Ryuu was teaching me Hand Signs


With the sun rising on Tuesday we stopped our training I've made more progress I learned hand signs, increased my DEX my 2, and gaining 3 more levels in the 'Chakra Mind Focus' so another success. we ate breakfast and left to do our morning work out with Guy Sensei after the morning works out was finished we did our stealth and detection training in the form of Hide'N'Seek at the end of the day my stealth skill went up to level 15 and my detect skill also went up to level 15 I also gained a title called 'Recon Specialist in training' with gives me a 25% Skill EXP boost in Stealth, Detecting, Drawing, Writing, and Inspect. I equipped it into my main title slot immediately

After we finish up training we ate dinner went to our room and did our chakra control exercises and I started to develop my drawing skill and come dawn I gained + 5 In dexterity, 10 levels in Drawing and 4 levels in 'Chakra Mind Focus' bringing it up to level 10 with is a great success in my book.


Today was Wednesday we ate breakfast did our morning workout and Beginning our basic weapons training starting from kunai, then Shuriken, and finally Senbon, at the end of the day I gained +10 in DEX and three shiny new skills. I leveled Kunai to level 12 and shuriken to level 10, but I found senbon to be my favorite so leveled it to level 15.

After training, we went home ate dinner went to our room and started training 'Chakra Mind Focus' while we did that I continued to work on my 'Drawing' skill while Ryuu did some physical training when dawn finally arrived I had gained 10 levels in 'Drawing' thanks to my title bonus and I gained 2 levels in 'Chakra Mind Focus'


It's Thursday and after our morning routine as we were walking toward the dungeon I trained my 'Identify' Skill and gained 7 levels in it once there we did our stealth and detect training by Hide'N'Seek in the dungeon. I gained 10 levels in both 'Stealth' and 'Detect' thanks to my title boost I was able to improve these skills much faster.

After training we went home and did the same we routine as yesterday, only Ryuu started to train his Maintenance skill When dawn arrives I had raised my DEX by 4 and leveled up my 'Drawing' skill 7 times and leveled my 'Chakra Mind Focus' by 3 levels


I am excited about today because we finally get to go to the library and I've always loved to read as soon as we got to the liberty we were greeted by the Liberian 'Inspect'


Name: Mia

Rep: 5

Gender: Female

Age: 42

Level: ???

EXP: ???/???

Main Title: Librarian

Titles: ???


"Hello, children how can I help you today" Mia Asked

"Umm, can we get library cards," I asked her

"Of course you kids can, you just need to fill out some paperwork, follow me" She answered we did as she told us and filled out the paperwork we then gather book that interest which consisted of history books, medical books, crafting books, cooking books, Survival books, and Ninja Skill books such as a taijutsu manual or chakra control manual. A Lot of the book we could absorb the information in it destroying the book as a result so we didn't do that we got some new skills

Medical Knowledge - Your knowledge of anatomy, medical tools, and medical procedures

Medical Jutsu - Your ability to using your chakra to heal others

crafting - Your knowledge on crafting items

Cooking - Your knowledge of making food

Chakra, Tree Walking - Your ability to walk on trees using your chakra (+1% increase in chakra control per 5 levels of skill for a maximum of 10%)

Chakra, Water Walking - Your ability to walk on Water using your chakra(+1% increase in chakra control per 5 levels of skill for a maximum of 20%)

I also discovered a Skill that allows to instantly copy books and scrolls as long as I have the required resources with is Paper, Ink and the related skill levels in Writing and Drawing.

Copy Book/Scroll - You can copy any book or scroll as long as you meet the requirements to craft them (This skill relies heavily on the Writing, Drawing, and Crafting Skills) {Copy Book/Scroll skill requirements - Lvl 1-5 = D-rank, Lvl 6-10 = C-rank Lvl 11-15 = B-rank, Lvl 16-20 = A-rank, 26-30 = S-rank, Lvl 31-35 = SS-rank, Lvl 36-40 = SSS-rank} [Level 41<X will give a bonus to the books you copy, making them give a +1 level in any skill book you copy per 10 levels of the Copy Book/Scroll skill].

I also gained 10 INT and 6 WIS

I found the medical, cooking, and Crafting books interesting so when it was time to leave I checked those out. while Ryuu checked out some taijutsu, Survival books, and History books. and we both checked out some skill books that we wanted to learn from after he left the library we put them in our Inventories. and with that we left for home and did our nightly routine the sun was starting to rise on Saturday I have Gained 4 levels in 'Chakra Mind Focus', and 10 LVL in 'Drawing', and I started writing and gained 10 Lvl in that.

Skill gained - Writing - You can use this skill to write reports, messages, Books, and your name.


I decided today I will go to the dungeon and level both my 'Tree walking' and 'water walking skills to level 10 before I level up

10 hours later - 2 hrs and 30 mins in the outside world

"Yes! I finally did it! I got both skills up to level 10 that means I should get a 23% increase in chakra control per a level up now, awesome!" my next objective was to level up to level 6 to get 100% chakra control 'ok time to hunt some pokemon'

I found a group of 5 giant spiders while searching, I through 3 explosive tags at them

-50 HP X3 Super Effective

-50 HP X3 Super Effective X2

-50 HP X3 Super Effective X2

-50 HP X3 Super Effective X2

-50 HP X3 Super Effective X2

+25 EXP X5 = 125 EXP

I went over and picked up the loot which was 5 vials of weak poison 125 Ryo

Next, I found a group of 6 snakes who I launch a sneak attack on with a barrage of Kunai and Shuriken

-25 HP X3

-25 HP X4

-25 HP X5

-25 HP X3

-25 HP X2

-25 HP X3

There was one left, which I finish off with a kunai


300 EXP

Level Up

I collected the loo with was 3 vials of strong poison and I continued to hunt Monsters until I got to level 6 many hours later.

During that time period I gained 2180 EXP, 20 vials of weak poison, 10 vials of strong poison, gained 7600 Ryo, +3 DEX, my kunai skill rose 4 levels, my Shuriken skill rose 6 levels, and my senben skill rose 8 levels, may stealth skill rose 4 levels, and trained Zoe to level 5 as well.

Chakra Control at 100%

You can now choose an additional element (Fire),(Wind),(lightning),(Water), (Earth)

I chose Wind to be my first element

Chakra 100%, Wind 15%

"Great now I will be able to level my chakra skills a lot easier"

Proud of my achievement it walked home and met up with Ryuu ate dinner and did our nightly routine.

Sunday shisui

Today I decided I wanted to be an archer so I went to the liberty to find anything to do with archery I even found a bow making recipe book I copied all the books and put them in my Inventory and returned the originals to their rightful place. As I was leaving I bumped into someone interesting

Name: Shisui Uchiha

Rep: 5

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Level: ???

EXP: ???/???

Main Title: ???

Titles: ???

'Wow, he looks so cool I must befriend him'

"Hello, my names Aria, What's your name?"

"My names Shisui Uchiha" Shisui introduced himself

"You're an Uchiha? does that mean you have the Sharingan"

"Yup" he replied

"That's so cool, I have it too!" . . . 'oops I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that, cause my excitement'

"What!? you have the Sharingan" he exclaimed

"Yes, now shush no one was supposed to know so please keep a secret please" Deploy secret weapon now go puppy dog eyes

Skill created Puppy Dog eyes (level 1 {10%} A super-secret weapon to be used in only desperate times (Successful use of this skill will increase the persuasion chance by 1% per skill level {Not effective against people who are pure evil or immuned to cuteness})

Persuasion successful

"Ok, ok, just stop with the puppy dog eyes it's a deadly skill you know," He said

"Cool, well since you have in and knew about mine can you train me in it please"

"Ok meet me at the training ground 9 every Sunday at 9 am after all we cant have an Uchiha be unskilled in the Sharingan" He agreed to train me

"Thank you! thank you! thank you! Wait you think I could be an Uchiha?"

"Well ya, after all only an Uchiha can unlock the Sharingan." He explained

"Oh, ok then I will call you my big brother Shisui"

"Ok, that sounds awesome I always wanted a younger sibling, I'm gonna get some books real fast then we will go train," he said

"Ok, I will wait for you here big brother." 10 minutes later he exited the building

"Ok let's go" he gestured to get on his back as he teleported there using Body Flicker

That is how my life went for the next 2 years with him teaching me how to use a sword, bow and the Sharingan and in those two years I grew very close to both Ryuu and Shisui and I grew stronger every day.

End of Chapter

<Stat changes {Other (+12 STR, +22 AGIL, +28 DEX, +32 INT, +9 WIS, +7 VIT)},{LVL UP (+14 INT, +14 AGIL, +14 DEX)}

Name: Aria

Gender: Female

Age: 4

Level: 8

EXP: 5/200

Rank: Civilian

Clan: ???

Main Title: {(Little Crystal)- +25% crystal abilities}

Titles: {(Wolf Child) - +10% AGIL, +10% INT}

Stats (AP - 80) Unusable until (age 7, Lvl 10)

HP: 437

SP: 2352

CP: 1444(+120), (+7820)

Chakra Control(2): 15% (Wind,)

Chakra Regen: 11 per minute


STR: 23

AGIL: 51 +(5.1)

DEX: 42

INT: 69 +(6.9)

WIS: 19

VIT: 19

Ryo: 0

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