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30.93% Dc Reinhardt

Secret (1)

The next day Geralt had finished enchanting his house and took a seat on his couch to watch the news, when Geralt received a call. "Reinhardt, did you hear the news?" Geralt had a confused look on his face, as his investment accountant asked him this.

"No, I didn't." After saying that he quickly flipped through the channels, until he came across a news anchor talking about Meta solutions free fall and their fight with the titans. A video of the company's rapidly falling stock appeared as the woman talked about the incident. Geralt asked his accountant "How much money did you recuperate?"

There was a five second pause before his accountant said"A –About that … you're set to earn back 40 of 150 million--" Geralt started seething, as Herald quickly added "it's not that you lost the money … only that I didn't sell the stock… I thought you were um … using at the time." Geralt's anger grew as he said "So you're saying I'm now a minority owner of a company that could fold any day now."

"Look on the Brightside… Wayne industries, is set to buy the company tomorrow and as things stand you'd own 15% of the company--" Geralt lost it and yelled back "Brightside!? Who in their right mind would come to a company that Stoll and sold Meta powers for help! Hell because of this people might think. I got my powers from them! So what' Brightside is there? Don't respond to that, hell don't even worry cause going forward you won't be managing my some of my money."

Geralt hung up the phone, and instantly called the back to make the changes to that account. He called the agency Herald worked for to tell them he was leaving. Geralt's retina's were blazing white and his eye balls turned black, Geralt dropped his phone as he noticed a giant black cage like machine around the earth.

"What the hell is going on now!" he turned towards New-York and noticed nobody else could see this. Walking outside his house, he began to float up into the stratosphere and when he did. He caught a better view of the black circler machine at the center of all of this. Inside the machine Superman was being held down by thousands of black androids with green faces, in front of him stood a Giant virtual green wrinkly old baby connected to black tubes.

Geralt raised his hand and formed a ball of Yellow radiation and blue fire. The ball grew in size before he condensed it and fired it off at the machine, as it tore through the air and made contact everyone around the eastern seaboard looked up at the explosion.

Superman stood unharmed, as a golden aura blazing out from his body. Batman stood behind him in an old Lex Luthor Superman suit (An: its lex's suit, but themed after superman with the S and everything) as Bruce stood their awe struck at Clarks radiance. A woman in cloaked in red magical lightning floated down to them and said "Thanks to you, I have gained control over the energies of the timeless machine. With this power I will wipe all Super powered being from this plant … starting with your so--"

Before the woman could finish a dense beam of gravity hit her back, sending her flying right into one of Superman's fist. The earth shook from impact and batman flew off to protect Jon and Lois, as Clark did battle. In the far past, close past, distance future and recent future the justice league battle to destroy the very same machine. Geralt just stood as he watched Superman bodying the girl who wouldn't stop talking.

"Molly stop this, I'll give you another chance to just walk away… but please --" Molly charged Superman once more with all her might, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't inflect any real damage on the supped up man of steel. Her powers slowly faded and Clark said "last chance… if your powers are fading that means my friends have destroyed the machine too."

Molly yelled with rage as she fired off the last of her power at the man of steel, but Clark stood there as he fired his heat-vision at it. While he waited till Molly ran out of power, as this went on the rest of the justice league blinked back from their various escapades through time.

Geralt watched as time itself dragged them back to the present, as he thought 'I need, to find a way to protect the gear I forge from time … Odin as to have something on this.' Geralt turned his attention back to now, over fight. And he heard Molly tell the league "it's coming, we don't know what it is but we all feel it, all the higher beings do. It's coming here and it's coming because of you… you did this, now it can't be stopped not ever."

The flash tired to ask Molly question, but she ignored the group and stayed silent. Batman flew back with Jon and Lois; Jon's eyes went wide as he went into to hug his dad. "Dad, you look so cool! Can you teach me how to look like that… please." Clark smiled as he looked into Jon's bright blue eyes "Son, it's not a power." The rest of the league had questions but they held it for later.

As Geralt watched this he thought 'I wish I could have joined in … but in this new timeline, they don't trust me and right now I don't need all the questions it'll breed… especially with the fall of Meta Solutions. '

Superman fired a massive beam into the sky, as he expelled the access amounts of energy from his system. Everyone's eyes went wide at this display of power; Batman started theorizing the source of this power up, while Diana smiled as she thought of the Royal star charge blade. Before the others could ask a question he waved goodbye then picked up Lois and took off with Jon flying by his side.

Later that same day Diana was flying towards the fortress of solitude, as she landed on the cold arctic floor she walked towards its beautiful doors. The crystal broke apart and she entered the fortress, inside Batman was looking at Superman like he was delusional.

As Diana walked in she heard "Bruce I'm not making this up. The memories are elusive… like water slipping through my fingers." She entered the empty room they were talking in.

As Bruce said "let's assume someone out there has the juice to manipulate the reality of one of the most powerful man on earth. That person just became public enemy number one – with a bullet. Just by tweaking small elements of your life, they could essentially weaponize even the basic concept of nature versus nurture."

Clark continued "it has something to with a cloaked man … someone who had his presence known to me in the past. He always claimed to know more about my life than I did myself… what if he does it again? What if the changes are more drastic? "

As Clark said that, batman's mouth dropped, Clark finished with "can you imagine what he might be able to turn me into?" Batman's face turned extremely serious as he asked "who else knows about this?"

Diana answered "his family and Geralt." Bruce's eyes went wide while he said "wait, you trusted a loud mouth junkie with this information." Clark had the biggest look of confusion on his face as he said "What are you talking about? Geralt's a lot of things, but junkies not one of them."

Diana's eyes went wide, and Bruce got confused, Clark face dropped in depression while he told them. "So… it wasn't just me? Everyone has been affected."

Bruce thought for a moment before saying "the kind of thing you're talking about … you understand they're difficult to accept." He extended it hands out and touched the walls "this is the real world. We can see it. We can touch --"

Diana cut him off with "Bruce … Geralt remembers everything, and his personalities changed a bit. He's just as proud, but he's not delusional, a bit blunt and more kindhearted even. Not only that, unlike Clark not going through the whole memory confusion thing."

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