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20.86% Dc Reinhardt

Heroes to Goons! Or Shit Going South?

The Flash got up and speed blitzed Geralt, for every 2 and half punches he landed Geralt parried or blocked one. Although the flash was able to land multiple hits over and over, he was not able to truly damage Geralt.

Lobo tried his hardest to hold off Superman and Supergirl, the two of them beat his head in. As healed up they blasted his chest with unison Heat vision, before following it up with ice breath freezing him in place.

Geralt fired a plasma beam at lobo's frozen body, as the flash connected with rapid punches to his face. Aquaman, and Diana charged forward, killer croc stepped forward to meet him and behind him was frost. She fired off a beam of ice at Aquaman, but he stopped as Diana ran forward blocking to block the ice with her shield.

Aquaman popped out from behind Diana firing a blast magic from his trident, Killer Frost made a quick ice shield that exploded when it made contact with aquaman's magic blast. Geralt flung the shards of ice at the flash, who just dodged them all while talking shit.

Diana and Aquman kept pushing, Harley raised her mallet but it was destroyed by Cyborg's cannon. Katana swung her sword down at Diana who blocked it with her sword, then followed up with a shield bash. Killer Croc swung down at her as the green lanterns hit him with twin hammers, Aquaman thrusted his spear at croc trying to end his life.

When Geralt appeared beside him and hit him with a vicious uppercut that sent him flying back. Flash appeared beside him a nanosecond latter; ready to rip his heart out with vibrating hand. Geralt sent a burst of gravity out before flash could pierce him. Flash was sent flying away and Simon shot a construct gun at him.

Geralt dodged the bullet and fired multiple bolts of lightning at Supergirl, Cyborg took aim at him when Batman hit him with EMP batarangs, and Cyborg system's shrugged it off. Deadshot kept Diana pined by firing his wrist mounted guns at her shield, when flash's foot appeared in front of his face, Deadshot was knocked unconscious.

Flash ran to engage Geralt, but found that he was floating in the air. Geralt said "stay up there, you slippery Fuck." Simon tried to trap him in a bubble when Geralt shattered it with a few punches.

Katana swung her sword down across aquaman shoulder; he raised the shaft of his spear blocking the blade. Cyborg peaked around aquaman shoulder and fired his sonic cannon down at katana; two batarangs flew around her.

One of those batarangs collided with the shoot Cyborg fired cause an explosion that knocked everyone back, the other one hit aquaman but broke on impact. Jessica flew over and created a chainsaw that came done at the dazed Katana, as Geralt flew in to help lobo he raised his right hand and fired a dense beam of ice at Jessica.

Jessica was sent flying into the wall of the Whitehouse; her body was frozen. Superman turned away from lobo and fired his heat vision at her ring arm, when her arm got freed she fired a beam to melt the ice.

As Geralt got closer to Lobo Diana came flying at his left with a shield bash, Geralt spun mid air and kicked her shield up. He used the sole of his foot to fire a beam of plasma at her stomach, Diana was sent crashing to the floor and when Geralt turned to Lobo, Supergirl fists where seconds from his face.

Supergirl came barreling at him as fast as she could, Geralt raised his arms to block the blow.*Kaboom!* Geralt was sent crashing to the ground, Diana got up and mounted him; 'god, this would be so hot if she wasn't possessed by a…'

Before he could finish Diana stabbed her sword down, Geralt dodged and called for the angurvadal. The bunt of blade came barreling in as Diana repeatedly tried to take his head, before the bunt could make contact with the back of her head. She turned and bashed the blade away with her shield, then brought the rim of her shield down at Geralt's head one time, then proceed to do it again.

Geralt caught the shield and didn't let go, he called for the angurvadal just as Diana raised her sword for a thrust. Geralt caught the sword and blocked Diana thrust, the angurvadal cracked on impact. Diana raised her sword then slammed it down on the angurvadal breaking it in half. Geralt thought 'motherfucker, I knew steal was hot shit compared to mid to high end magic metal, but dammit!'

Geralt raised his head then fired off a beam of gravity at Diana chest, Diana was sent crashing through the Whitehouse. As Geralt got up, he through the sword and thought 'this is unsustainable, we can't without giving them or taking serious injuries.'

Superman was dragging lobo's face through the mud as he picked him up and threw him at Batman; he fired a full powered heat vision at the two. But the beat turned before impact and went straight into the air; he turned to Geralt and charged him at full speed.

Geralt leaned out of range to dodge Superman first punch; he then leaned to right dodging the second and kick Superman in his gut with a gravity kick. Superman tanked it and grabbed the leg; he picked Geralt up and slammed him to the floor. Geralt raised his other leg and kicked superman in the face with a gravity kick, then followed up with a blast of lightning to Superman face as Superman punched him in the gut.

Superman staged back a step, Lobo ran in and punched him in the back of his head as Kara blitzed from the air punching in his chest, creating a deep pit around them. Wonder-Woman ran in, to reenter the fight, and Geralt gave Supergirl an uppercut before grabbing Lobo and backing out to regroup.

On the other side of the battle field, Simon Baz trapped killer croc in a cage then Jessica flew up and madea plane. The plane flew down on Croc as Simon dropped the front of the cage; before it made contact Diablo blasted it with his fire.

Him and killer frost fired fire balls and ice shards towards the two green lanterns, Cyborg turned away from his battle with batman and shot the two in their back. Batman hit Cyborg in his Jaw with a right hook then followed up with left then a right uppercut. Cyborg staggered back and batman threw EMP batarangs at his right shoulder.

Cyborg recovered and threw a left jab at batman, Batman ducked and hit Cyborg knee with a low kick, and then he followed it with a shot to Cyborg's right rib and ended it with left hook to cyborg's chin. Cyborg backed up and raised his cannon at Batman, he looked down and saw a batarang stuck to his rib, *Boom!* the batarang went off. But Cyborg shrugged it off like the Emp, killer Croc came charging at him trying to rip his arms off.

Aquaman pulled away from katana, and speed blitzed Croc. He stabbed into croc knee, pulled out the trident and fired a blast at of magic at his chest. Croc was sent flying into a building; Geralt turned away from his fight and blasted Cyborg in the back with ice.

Killer frost froze him as the Green lanterns bombarded her and Diablo with raw will energy. Katana and batman surrounded Aquaman as Cyborg slowly unthawed and Croc healed. The flash spun his hands around try to pull batman towards him, Harley grabbed the broken angurvadal and threw it at flash.

The broken blade hit him in the back of his head and he temporarily stopped, before firing off bolts of lightning at batman and Harley. The speed for bolt turned as it was thrown; Geralt pulled it towards Wonder-Woman. But she blocked it, as Geralt followed up with a lightning punch straight at her shield.

She went skidding back into supergirl and the two regrouped with superman to pressure him and lobo. Geralt looked at Superman and Supergirl he realized 'the possession is slowing down their ability to absorb sunlight! The other times I've met her; her body would absorbed Sunlight like crazy, hell when I think about it now she should be able to absorb more than Superman on his best day! And yet right now her body isn't absorbing that much! I knew this fight should have been much harder! No wonder this fight was easier than I thought, they must have burnt a good bit of it on lobo!'

Diana tossed her sword to Superman and raised her hand the leviathan axe flew in and Geralt raised his hand to call it towards him. Superman and Girl fired off heat vision at him; the vision bent around him and tore through a building.

Geralt frown as Diana struggling to get some control of the axe from Geralt. 'What the hell! Why does the spell work like this…Why is it will based? That so stupid! Fuck what if this was one of the original green lanterns and not Jessica or Simon! Hell what if it was a weapon I truly valued!'

Geralt raised his hand and formed a small blackhole in the center of the axe-head. As the head of the axe broke apart, Geralt stopped the black hole before it grew in size. Superman and Supergirl looked at him with shock, Diana caught the axe and it crumbled the moment it hit her hands. Lobo then huffed them said "Waller! You better pay the main-man after this!"

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

#An: this fight takes place over hours ... and if some of you are skeptical. Batman along with mutiple heroes have fought over 30hours before.

it's one of the reason Superman's so dangerous, he can out last even the strongest of people and most people don't know this, but he does have an accelerated healing factor.#

oh and Diana gear is made out of 8th metal, in dc universe that what gods use when forging. It's also enchanted, but they never explained how, so i'm assuming it's been enchanted for cutting and piercing

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