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20.14% Dc Reinhardt


Geralt walked out of a wormhole; on the left side of his back was batman, to the right side of it awas lobo. Batman looked at everyone inside of the alleyway to a moment then said "No, maiming or killing any civilians, knock them out and move on."

Geralt looked around he spotted the justice guarding the Whitehouse and Eclipso. He thought 'so this is the thing that's possessing Maxwell lord…I swear I read about him in one of odin's books, oh what did the book say again.'

The team slowly push through the streets of Washington, Geralt took point; he'd let frail looking civilians get close on purpose while repelling anything that can be used as weapon. He repelled fire arrow, Molotov cocktails, bullets, belts, one of the civilians was carrying flaming shit stained panties.

Harley kicked one man in the nuts and knocked another out with her mallet, a woman came at Harley flailing her fist. Harley leaned out of range while kicking the girl in her stomach. Katana swung her sheathed sword at the woman's head.

Lobo took out a cigar, as he quickly knocked people out with the flick of a finger. Geralt lit it, and expending his senses far past his standard 100m range. His hearing and sight easily encompassed most parts of the United States, along with some parts of Canada and Mexico. He did a quick once over then saw things getting worse.

Opening up a wormhole, he got his phone then through it to batman and said "I need you to call the smartest person you can think of." When batman finishing dialing, he put the phone on speaker.

"Mr. Reinhardt how did you get this numb--" before Dr. Veritas could finish Geralt yelled "Batman!" and she responded "of course you did…why am, I not surprised…" Veritas stopped talking for a moment, and the group could her gunfire.

Veritas continued "No those shots weren't lethal, I shot up with tranquilizers. And have you seen Supergirl, National City a mess."

"Supergirl has been mind controlled, and is in dc. We're on route now and doctor V, I need you to synthesize or write down the atomic structure of high-end knockout gas." Geralt flicked a bunch of air at a crazed fat dude.

In the D.E.O main lab, Dr. Veritas yelled out "Barricade the doors, we got a solution." A few of the remaining scientist blocked the entrance to the lab. Dr. Veritas asked "so what can you tell me what's going on?"

As Geralt led the group forward he said "a Meta used mind control powers to take over the world, now he has been possessed, by who knows what. But that thing has escalated worldwide destruction."

Doctor Veritas pointed to a bunch of chemicals and her assistance grabbed them, while she worked on the gas. Somebody on the other side of the door yelled "Veritas, open the door…we won't harm you much… tell yah what. If you guys open the door, I'll let you all go free, and I won't even kill her. Hahahhahaha!"

A number of the scientist secretly eyed her, but deep down they all thought against it. 'Damn, I didn't think she was this connected, batman sought her out.' A few others eyed her body in lust, while thinking of ways to steal her intelligence. But for the most part they all agreed, not to touch her due to the phone call.

On the other side of Washington Steve Trevor had forced his way into the home of his sister and her two kids. "Guys it me uncle Trevor…are ya safe?" Steve heard no response; he took out his gun and took a few steps into the house. He heard a stab come from the living room and slowly walked towards it he peeked his head around the corner. And saw that his sister was tied to a chair with two red hot firewood pokers went stabbed deep into her knees; they penetrated into her thigh muscle.

Smiles were plastered all over the children's face, they clapped in pure delight as they started played ring around the rosie. Steve looked shook at the sight of all of this, tears streamed down his face 'Ian, Allison…Tracy' he repeated their names as he slowly took aim at the kids.

The kids stopped their game, "Uncle Trevor?" Ian called out, his red eyes slowly faded and his dark purple face turned white. Tears started streaming down his face, and soon after the same happened with Allison.

Steve holstered his gun away and went up to hug his kids, as he wrapped his hands around the children their faces reverted and an evil wide grin was soon plastered over it. Ian grabbed Steve's gun and pulled away from him, disabling the safety he fired a multiple bullets at Steve.

The rubber Bullets hit Steve in his head and upper chest, Steve fell over in pain and the twins turned around. They pulled the pokers out their mother's knees and turned to Steve before saying in unison "Uncle, Stay still please."

Steve leaned back against the wall his vision was blurry, he was coming in and out of conscious, he slowly reaching for the mini-pistol strapped to his ankle. The children lunged forward, aiming the poker at his chest. Steve pulled the pistol out and fired the gun twice.

The first bullet penetrated Ian knee making him crash to the floor, the second hit Alison in right shoulder. Steve slowly got up and wrapped the wounds of his niece and nephew, after that he went to his sister and wrapped her knees.

Ian reached for one of Steve's guns then shot Steve in his upper back and head, Steve fell over from the pain and Ian from exhaustion.

Dr. Vertias finished the gas then asked "how long will it take for you--" before she finished she spotted a small wormhole open up beside her. "How did you find me so fast?"

Geralt smiled as he kept pushing forward "it's ok to be amazed, tell yah what. When this is all said and done I'll let you be a groupie."

Dr. Vertias scoffed "me a groupie, funny." then dropped the canister of gas into the wormhole. Geralt grabbed the canister, and then turned the wormhole into a ball of gravity. He yelled over the phone "open the door."

One of the assistance opened the door, the ball of gravity broken into smaller balls and went flying towards armored guards. The mini balls broke apart and sent the guards crashing into walls, some of them broken a few bones and Geralt quickly grabbed the phone, and then ended the call.

Dr Vertias clicked her teeth in anger 'he just increased the amount of my teamwork.'

Batman grilled down Geralt and the squad looked at him in confusion and Lobo smiled while asking "who's the bastich you hurt?" Geralt ignored all this and kept pushing forward. He let out a smile as he thought 'you think she'd figure out, I could watch the radio waves go right to her location.'

Geralt opened the container and formed a ring of gas around the team. The group pushed forward the gas slowly expanded in size, as it knocked the possessed people out as they came closer to the Whitehouse. Geralt sent the gas out towards the more crowded parts of the city knocking people out on mass.

Batman formulated a plan as he studied everyone's abilities, before they finally made it to Whitehouse. When they reached there, they saw Flash, Aquaman, Wonder woman and Jessica standing in front of them, Cyborg came walking outside along with Simon.

Geralt aura busted and his eyes turned silver, the white energy in the aura changed form as it took on lightning like appearance while it sparked in and around his body (I still don't have a name for this. Lobo unwrapped, the chain around his arm as.

Superman and Supergirl came flying out the Whitehouse both lobo went to intercept the two of them. Geralt grabbed lobo and spun around before throwing at Superman, Supergirl and Superman fired there heat vision at him. But he powered through it, as sent the man of steal crashing to the ground.

The flash appeared behind Batman with his right hand vibrating ready to destroy his heart "no matter how smart you are, your too slow bats." He said in a creepy voice as his hand came down, Geralt grabbed his hand and said "but I'm not."

Geralt sent a jab at the flash's face but he dodged it, as he tried to vibrate his hand out his grip and run away. Geralt tried his best vibrational frequency with The Flash's, but he failed and both of their vibrations sent them flying backwards.

'Damn, if only I was able to match that...but at least I'm barely fast enough to cancel.' He slammed his fist against the ground as he regrouped with the others and prepared for the real fight.

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

in a few chapters your all going to findout more about steve trevor. Right, now i've hit a small wall on how i would develop Geralt and Diana's relationship while staying true to character traits.

as such ass pulls are needed .... now! the event that trevor went through is canon, HOWEVER he was actually willing to kill the kids (he didn't, his mind was taken over and that's how the kids lived), i just made some changes to better fit how i wanted them to fall out.

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