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16.54% Dc Reinhardt

Hol' up, Hol' up We Dem Boyz (3)

Superman flew towards June Moone, around him surrounding was a green cloud of Arcane energy. "June Moone … A bright young designer possessed by an evil witch. And now you're a pawn of Amanda Waller…You can fight back, June!" Superman flew next to June. Her eyes no longer blazed with green energy "you... You're right, I can, thank you, superman."

As he got closer he said "We can get you to help June--" before he even finished he was hit with arcane lightning from the green clouds, the enchantress yelled "CRETIN! YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT JUNE? YOU WILL BURN AS JUNE MOONE'S SOUL DOES!" her eyes blazed with energy once more as she let out a vicious smile. "So the mighty hero has a weakness to magic."

Killer Frost ran out of the forest, behind her was Cyborg. She turned and fired an ice shard at him, but it missed and hit a tree. She kept running and as she exited the forest she fired a wave of ice at him. Cyborg countered with his sonic cannon, the blast created a sparkling icy smoke. Killer frost exited the forest and Cyborg followed. Killer Frost stopped running; she leaned forward and started huffing for air then asked.

Cyborg stood behind her and spoke "Your engineering team betrayed you and turned Caitlin snow into Killer frost. They're the reason you need to feed on people's life force to live. Even now, my scanners detect that you've used up all the energy you have fighting against us and are growing weak."

"H-how do you know so much about me, Cyborg?" asked Caitlin, Cyborg walked closer and reached his hand out. "I just accessed your A.R.G.U.S. files online, I even read your college entry exam…A young woman who was told she'd never be an engineer, who wanted to give the world a better future." Cyborg knelled down and kept his hand extended out to her. "You still can have that."

Caitlin looked him dead in his eyes, then yelled out "what if I don't want that anymore?!" she reached out and grabbed his face. Cyborg's human eye rolled back, his mouth gaped open. His body was paralyzed Caitlin continued "right now your machine parts are working in overdrive to save your vulnerable human side… AND THEY'RE LOSING!" Caitlin let go, anger visible on her face. She let go and ran away, Cyborg started too "s-st—op-p-p.," he said as he keeled over.

El Diablo channeled his fire then created a giant three-headed fire dragon, "Man, this is some B.S.! you two ain't green lanterns!" the dragon lashed out and tried to devour them, Jessica and Simon formed a shield. Diablo continued talking "I'm trying really hard right now to not be insulted… but they send a pair of nobodies after me? Where's the respect?" the dragon roared then fired a breath of fire at them, jess and Simon's shield withstood it.

The two split off, as they charged past the dragon and right to Diablo. "We might be new to this… but we still know how fireworks!" Simon yelled out, as Jessica got close and surrounded Diablo within a ball. He cut off his flame and looked up at the two floating above him. "I hope he's not claustrophobic, Simon. I'd be freaking out right now if I were him."

When Simon heard this he looked to Jessica and said "you mean the guy who called us nobodies? He'll live." As all of this was going on, the flash had captain's boomerang's boomerang in hand. Snapping it he said "You're right we do go way back. And I know the best way to stop you is to take away your toys." Boomerang raised his hand in defeat "I see I went and made ya upset…ya got me. But save me the interrogation, I'll tell you whatever you wanna know."

In the water surrounding the island, Killer croc was trying his best to outswim and stay away from Aquaman "After what you did to me, I stay as far away from you as I can." Aquaman swam after him, a confused look written on his face "have we met before?" Croc turned and kicked him back "and here I thought, I had a face no one could forget!" Aquaman easily recovered, and called a nearby shark "maybe you're confusing me with one of my friends."

"A great white?! Heh, always wondered how my claws would measure up against jaws!" Killer Croc ripped the shark in half; Aquaman rushed over, shocked at the sight. The blood of the shark masked Croc's location and he swam up on Aquaman from behind. *CHOMP* he bit into Aquaman's arm.

"RAGH! Not again, your skins – it's so hard." As he wreathed in pain, Aquaman turned and sent him flying with a punch. Croc landed on the beach, where Deadshot and batman were fighting. Batman threw a right hook and Deadshot raised his left to block it.

Batman opened his hand and grabbed Deadshot's left. "It's no surprise you've never stood up to Waller. You always take the easy way. Like when you killed a man in front of your own daughter."

Deadshot raised his right hand, aiming his wrist-mounted gun at batman's heads. Batman let go, ducked below the shot as he dashed back "it's a shame that she'll always know you're nothing but a hired gun." Deadshot charged at Batman while yelling "at least I don't let kids fight for me!" Batman somersaulted above Deadshot, when his body was above Floyd's he kicked out, knocking Floyd to the floor.

Bruce turned to rush at Deadshot, Floyd continued talking "what does that say about?!" raising his arm, he fired three shots at Batman's chest. The bullets broke the center Batman logo on his chest and a bulletproof vest was shown underneath. "No bulletproof vest is that good batman."

Batman grunted in pain, before charging forward as he said "the pain is worth it…to make sure…that I stop you from ever endangering your daughter again!" Batman through a punch in Deadshot's face and it shattered his mask, knocking him out.

Harley drove through the streets of the city on a yellow motorcycle "MOVE IT OR LOSE IT! Stolen motorcycle coming through!" the civilians back away watching her with awe. "Citizens of badhnisia, make way."

They looked up and were awe at Wonder-women flying above them. "Don't make me lasso you off that Motorcycle!" Harley took out a gun and fired at Diana. "What gives, Wonder lady?! Where are my hugs and kisses at?! Last time we saw each other I thought we pinkie-swore to be B.F.F.s!" Diana blocked it with her bracers and said "I'm not friends with a deranged criminal killer."

Harley sped up and kept running her mouth "Is this because batman, superman, and ol' Harley Quinn are the new trinity? Or do you have daddy issues? Or is this about your Mama? Talk to me, tell me how ya feel."

Diana grit her teeth in anger and speed up "the gods gave me life and I'm thankful every day for it.--" before she could finish Harley thru a smiley-faced bomb behind her. "That'll put a smile on your mug! Doctor's orders!"

Diana caught the bomb and buried it in her chest. The civilians around her ran in fear, and the boom went off and covered her in party streamers.

Diana frown deepen as she said "gods…I would rather fight the Erinyes of Hades than to match wits with…where is she?" Harley drove up from behind her "Hey WONDY WOMAN!"

Diana looked up to see Harley and her stolen motorcycle centimeters from his face. *KABOOM!* the bike exploded and out of the smoke Diana was carrying Harley on her shoulders. Sighing Diana messaged the team "Batman…I got Harley."

Batman told all the league members "the suicide squad is nearly in our custody. Killer frost and Killer Croc are still on the run."

The league took the captured squad members and connived on Croc and Frost, they surrounded them at the bank of the beach. Flash thru captain boomerang to the floor "batman! Captain Boomerang told me that they've got Waller talking in their heads!"

Back in belle reve Amanda was fuming in anger "Always knew you'd be the first to betray me, Digger. I warned you, suicide squad. I can't have you jeopardizing everything I've--"

Killer frost yelled out "WAIT, WALLER NO DON'T. There has to be something I can--" *BOOM!* the enchantress close lined Superman straight into the ground, knocking him out. "you will die by my hand's man of steel…" her voice was husked and weak.

Frost looked at the unconscious man of steal, Waller yelled to her "frost! This is your last chance! Superman is powered by the sun. ABSORB HIS LIFE FORCE!" frost moved closer to him "but.." she paused and the league members rushed over in panic as they knew what was about to happen.

Amanda yelled, "TAKE HIM!!" Frost grabbed his face and drained him as fast as she could, Superman's body turned pale while his eyes light blue and his body sunk in drying up. "…wow, I didn't know… I could do that." She stood up, her eyes were red, her pupils white and everything around her was frozen. The sea, the beach, everything, and everyone froze.

Belle Reve


Batman woke up in a custom prison cell, his body was encased in titanium and hug from the roof of the cell. "Your mind might your most dangerous weapon, batman. But it's nothing if you don't have access to your body. So I designed this cell specifically for you; just like I did for the rest of your friends."

To his left was Flash, he was left suspended in an electromagnetic field. On Batman's right was Superman, his feet were encased in Pure titanium, his hands were chained and Red solar radiation eradiated his cell.

To the right of them was Jessica and Simon, both of them had the same helmets Geralt wore. And to their right was Diana was on her knees, with her hands and feet bound behind her back by the lasso of truth and its knot, around her neck.

Beside her was Geralt, his cell still coated in anti-gravity, oxygen low, helmet over face and as naked as ever. To his right was Cyborg, hooked up to wires that disabled his tech. On Cyborg's right was Aquaman, he was trapped in a locked vat of Black Water (it's basically his version of kryptonite, it won't kill him but it will depower him.)Amanda smiled at the sight of them "Welcome to the suicide squad, I look forward to all the good we'll do."

Amanda Waller… had won.

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

got' em, i promise...she won't hurt them much... :)

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