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When Two Snakes Meet (1)


Cicerd, Illinois. Task Force X black site.

At the top of the four-story civilian building, a voice said "Please State your name and rank for the record." Outside the unknown room, two soldiers stood guard "Maxwell Lord IV. Director and Black King of the U.N.'s Peacekeeping operation Checkmate."

If you looked inside the room you'd see a man with brown hair and eyes, the man looked to be in his early to mid-30s. With a black eye over his left hand and both his arms wrapped together in heavy chains. He sat on a wooden chair, with his arms in front of him resting on a wooden desk. In the middle of the desk was a recorder. "My hobbies include golf and collecting Cigar bands. But you already knew that it's your job to know everything…isn't it Amanda?"

Sitting opposite to Maxwell was Amanda Waller. "You'll refer to me as director Waller. It's my job to pursue justice. Do you know why you're here, Mr. Lord? " cracking a smile Maxwell said, "it must be all those unpaid parking tickets."

Three days ago. Southwest, Kentucky

In a valley down southwest Kentucky, a train was under fire *BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!* Solders in yellow and black armor drove up to the train firing rockets, at the back and front part of the train. Their helmets covered most of their face but left a v-shaped hole so they can see, and in the middle of their chest was the knight a chess piece as their logo.

As the train began to derail killer croc came barreling out the side of the train. Behind him Deadshot was eliminating some of the men. Captain boomerang came out but before he could do anything el-Diablo and enchantress killed the rest of the checkmate men. Popping her head out of a broken train window Harley laughed at him.

Two helicopters landed on the ground and out stepped Waller from one and Maxwell from the other. Both of them exited their copters and met around the dead checkmate members and destroyed the train. "My Apologies we were acting on good intelligence that Kobra cultist were seeking to commandeer this prison transfer." Maxwell started off the conversation.

"A mistake? A MISTAKE?! You attacked one of my damn trains!" hearing what Waller said, Maxwell snapped with. "Had I seen my ol' pal the wall, maybe we could have averted bloodshed. But you were hiding behind a bunch of internationally known and wanted super criminals!" walking closer he grabbed Amanda's arm and said.

"Next time you might want to consider standing out in front, or maybe have your cronies wear a simple patch on their shoulders say TASK FORCE DAMN X!" Anger covered Amanda's face as she looked down at Maxwell's arm touching her arm.

*Wapow!* Amanda punched him straight in his face, knocking him out. Deadshot walked over and asked, "you want me to put one behind his ear or --?" Amanda cut him off with "secure him. I want Mr.Lord to learn the consequences of questioning my control."

Back to the present day

Amanda continued her interrogation "You grab my arm when I ammeter maid, or after you botch a prison transfer, you get the same result."

"Touchy." Maxwell responded and Amanda continued with "you have an impressive resume, single remaining royalty ranking member of checkmate. Co-head of Cadmus project, and executive commissioner of the omac initiative." As she said this she placed her notepad down and on it appeared pictures of an omac person along with pictures from project Cadmus.

"But you've got some red marks. Whenever you were tasked with working with other agencies, conflicts arose. You have very poor reviews from the heads of both S.H.A.D.E. and spyral. You don't play well with others. Or maybe it's that you have an issue with authority figures and following chain of command."

Maxwell Smiled "I thought this was an inquisition, but this is getting dangerously close to a psych evaluation. Would you like to know about my father?"

Showing him a picture of his father Amanda said "no need, like you said I know almost everything. But in the case of your father, I didn't have to dig far. Albert Lord, entrepreneur, and self-made man. Started chemtech pharmaceuticals and made more money in a week them my ol'man made in a lifetime. But then there was a bombshell revelation that one of chemtech's weight-loss pills caused cancer."

A news article was displayed for Maxwell to play and Amanda continued "I mean, I guess that is one way to lose weight, poor Albert. He took it hard. That must have been difficult for you and your family, especially your mother. Hm, there's not much about her, though. She dropped out of the public eye." Amanda frowned at the last part.

Smiling she continued to prod him by saying. "If this feels so much like a psych eval to you, we can always go all in. Please mizster lord tell me about your mozzer." Looking dead in her eyes Maxwell said "no."

"Well, then let's talk about work. You entered checkmate out of college, turning down lucrative offers to work in the private sector. Rose from the rank of pawn to king's knight in a record ten years." This time she showed a picture of a middle-aged man in yellow and blue spandex, the center of his chest had the same knight logo. "You served Black king Jason Cameron for three years until--"

Finishing her of Maxwell said "ah yes. Poor Jason, he died to save us all."

Eight years ago. At the checkmate old operation headquarters.(it's a medieval castle, but remember it.)

"Well, isn't this lovely max? It's down to you and me now. On one side we've got an encroaching army of blood cultists, whose preferred method of dealing with captured enemy agents is to sacrifice them piece by piece to a six-eyed fiend named Trigon."

Max and his old king Jason were pinned down behind a wall, the blood cultist kept firing their guns at them. Jason pointed to a room with a broken window and high-tech equipment and said "And on the other, we've got all our pretty little digital secrets, and a two-hundred-meter drop that'll literally put our heads up our ass. Poor choices, really, let's give them what-for, shall we?" both men reloaded their guns and Maxwell started talking!.

"I admire you, Jason. I really do, you're so cocksure, so fearless, so cool. But I think there's something beneath all that swagger and bravado. I think all that bravery comes from the fact that, well … I think you feel like you've done everything you've wanted in your life, and your best years are behind you. I think you wake up each morning knowing every day will be full of more decay as you march towards an undignified death in a hospital bed. "

"You wish you were brave enough to take It into your own hands, people always tell you that you're so courageous. Why can't you just end it while you're still on top? Because you're used to taking orders, it's what you've always done. And what you need to end it all is to take it out of your hands. You need to let someone else say… it's okay, Jason."

Maxwell lords nose started to bleed as he finished his speech, one of the cultists said "they've stopped firing. What's going on?" but just as he finished Jason Cameron the old black king came charging to them with three grenades in his hands and tears down his face "aaahhh!" yelled as *BOOM!* body parts flew all over the place and max whipped his nose, smiling.


"His act did save checkmate's secrets that day, and it left you with a clear path to royalty." Amanda squinted her eyes and read over the data with suspicion. Looking back towards Maxwell she said "Oddly. All three other members of the royal family have left their positions since you were promoted, and have yet to be replaced, due to Organizational embarrassments."

Three pictures appeared, the first was a picture of an l light-skinned woman named alma pardo the second was an African woman named Katura Obasanjo. The last picture was an overweight Asian man named Ren Nitta.

Amanda continued "Black queen Alma Pardo, dismissed after allegations of sympathies to the philosophies expressed by Kobra founder Jeffrey Burr. White queen Katura Obasanjo was dismissed after she was caught engaging in a romantic relationship with an agent of Russia's rocket red brigade (A/n: it's Russia's version of the justice league) and finally White king Ren Nitta, dismissed after a wiki leaks hack revealed eight hundred gigs of tentacle hentai on his hard drive."

Maxwell cracked a smile and said "Ren did enjoy his Mollusks. It's a very high-pressure job I'm sure you understand. Not everyone is cut out for it."

#A/n: all of this is canon, but in the comics, he says tentacle video and the last line implies it snail on girl shit. #

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

trust me on this, their both just as bad...

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