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10.07% Dc Reinhardt

the loyal fool

Dendra leaned his head back, Magog's thrust missed him by an inch. taking a step back Dendra let out a low bellow, his flames died out and his lightning. Magog charged him once more and let out repeated spear thrust to his head. Dendra blocked the thrust with his fist, before throwing a right jab at Magog's head. his head bounced back and when it snapped forward Dendra followed it up with an uppercut that sent him flying through the air.

he hit the floor with a loud thud. Magog got up and whipped the blood from his nose, "I will not serve in Circe's machinations, if she want's a another man. She can get him herself." Dendra went silent, as he slowly replayed what magog said over and over.

'I will not serve in Circe's machinations...Not serve...another man...get him...serve man...Circe serve a man...Circe and Magog!' "YOU DARE CALL CIRCE A WHORE...YOU DARE LUST AFTER OUR GODDESS!" said Dendra, he Bellowed at the top of his lungs then charged Magog.

"Wait...what, when did i call her a--" before he could finish Dendra was upon him, his fist connected with Magog's head. Magog crashed into the ground and without a second thought Dendra started pounding on. "I will let you live today, but if you ever say it again it is death." Magog was beaten black, blue and unconscious, Dendra picked up the spear and dragged magog's body away.

Sometime and In the dead of night a helicopter landed on sight. Exiting the copter was a slightly overweight black woman. "You, tell me what you found. Now!" She pointed at a scrawny white male. "Yes D...Director" the young man stuttered while he reached for a data pad. "According to what we gathered ---"

"What the hell do the hell do you mean by that?" Waller cut off the man. "Well… according to what the men c…could gather the flames are fairly corrosive… and there seems to be high levels of energy left in the area. All data poi…"

Amanda rubbed the bridge of her nose before saying "is that really all you found? Anybody with half a brain can see there was a fight and that the fire corrosive. All you need to do is look at the cement or sniff the air and you smell gas! Get your ass out of here and bring somebody smarter." The young man nodded his head and rushed away.

Geralt's estate

"Hello today, I'm Susan and today well be talking about the new flash! Yes folks there a new flash out there. And some think he faster than the old one." Lying on his sofa Geralt was reading one of Odin's books, the title read Dummies guild to atomic manipulation. In his left hand was a rock and what circling it were fire, water, air and electricity.

"…In the clip you see playing now the new flash clearly had ginger red hair and not only that. According to some sources I have he ran from New York all the way to DC in six seconds. Yup you heard me right folks six seconds." Hearing what susan just said Geralt closed the book and started watching the news.

Susan went into further detail about the titans and their fight with what the media thought were magical clones of them. "That not magic, it tech. do these idiots even review what they get?" Geralt vented while he tried making glass. "The title of the book is dummies guide to atomic manipulation… so how the hell is this easy to learn, urhhh dammit Odin!"

He continued to watch what was old news, when he realized 'wait… if this is basic, how hard is advanced!" after failing some more Geralt went back to ranting. "Urghh why this so hard, I mean I can make black holes. I can generate and manipulate light and radiation, sound wave and a whole slew of stuff. But why the hell do struggle with atomic and subatomic shit."

Shifting his attention away from what he deemed hard, geralt went and grabbed the soil wonder woman got for him. Leaving the forge he appeared in his hideout, grabbing the pouch that contained the seed of idunn off the doorknob and placing them in the center of the cave were Odin once lit the fires that made him ascend.

Closing his eyes and placing a hand on the wall of the cave Geralt let his senses go; his senses encompassed the cave. Opening his eyes once more he focused his vision on the walls and ground around him. The atomic structure of the cave became visible but Geralt thought 'Why the hell didn't I do this when I was trying to make glass…FUCK!'

Refocusing Geralt pulled up his phone than searched up penthouse blueprints; over the next 40 minutes he adjusted the layout of the cave. The first thing he did was expand the base of cave; following that he condensed most of the caves base to form enough room for a basement.

During next hour he moved Odin's storage of rare goods to the basement. With the remaining space left empty for forging and the equipment needed. Following this he made a hole to connect the two floors before making a stairs that spiraled up past the hole. 'I am so replacing this shit with gold or some other fancy shit once I learn how…damn all this rock is ugly.'

Flying up to the roof of his hideout he placed both hands on it, a wall came down and stopped halfway from the floor before expanding towards the wall on the far side of the cave. Once everything was connected he cut a rectangle out of the first wall he just made so he could have a view of the first floor.

Using the stone he cut out; Geralt expanded to be the floor for his second floor. Cutting another hole out the ground he connected it to the stairway. Turning away from the stairway, he sectioned off half of it to create a bedroom. He further sectioned off a part of it to create a closet the size of an average apartment bedroom (132 square feet).

Cutting out the doorways he connected all the rooms together, before going outside again and sectioning off another area for a washroom. After he made a whole in the washroom, he made a basic seal before creating a black hole for were the toilet was going to be. 'One day when I'm super powerful I won't to shit anymore.' He thought as he did the same for his future sink and bathtub.

Cutting out one last doorway he looked around his upgraded hideout. 'I almost forgot' remembering about the book cause Geralt created a wormhole for Odin's bookcase. And had it fall into his bedroom than he moved it against the wall.

Walking back to the center of the first floor Geralt opened the bag of soil before and spilled it onto the ash that once held Nidhogg and the three fires. Than mixed it with the ground in that area. Forming a moat around that area of his hideout he planted the seed and began to draw runes of health, life and finally water.

The runes mixed in with the water in the moat making it resemble that of a sapphires shine. Looking around the cave he thought 'I can't wait till I finished building you.' Geralt raised his hand up and released, small blue balls of light from his hand. the balls flew off and connected with random parts of the cave walls. He formed a soccer ball sized fluorescent light and let it float to the roof

As Gerelt took a break to bask in his success, Circe was at her island hideout and in front of her were Dendra and Magog. "What took so long dendra?" she asked.

"My apologies oh great and beautiful goddess Circe, I had to show my dominance least he lust after your beauty and disrespect your honor." hearing what he said Circe looked down towards the kneeling Magog "My apologies my goddess. I didn't mean to disrespect your favorite servant. " Unfazed by everything the two said she just looked at Magog's body.

'Wow, I created him on a whim and truthfully I thought he would die. But the fact that he could leave magog with such serious injuries is impressive. And to top it off his he only has a few scratches on his fist.' Looking back to the kneeling Dendra she asked a question to confirm something. "Why didn't you use your powers?"

"Greatest most beautiful goddess Circe, you did not order his death so I tried my best to discipline him without killing. Next time I will try to be more restraint." Smiling Circe kneeled to his level and said "Dendra thank you for your loyalty. I hope you continue to do de-- "

Cutting her off he said "no, no, my goddess no, no, no. I am not worthy of you so please stand up..." Dendra continued his bellow until Circe got up. Magog kept his head down but rolled his eyes "my goddess, what task do you want us to accomplish?"

Hearing what magog asked Dendra went quiet and Circe said "I want you two to bring me Geralt Reinhardt ALIVE!" After healing the two men, she opened up a portal below them and the men appeared in forest outside National City.

Looking around Magog asked "why are we here?" Dendra snorting then said "The Great Goddess sent us here to find his scent and this city is our best chance. "

When the portal closed Circe frowned whiling thinking 'I'd better prepare a few contingences, for the off chance they fail… The last thing I need is for Diana to realize I never quit scheming. '

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

With men I know what to expect. An initial spurt of bravura teamed in the end with cowardice. Even the best of men are driven by--at most--two or three desires. Easily manipulated. Like putty, but with too much hair.


this alone should, explain her character.

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