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9.35% Dc Reinhardt

Chapter 13: Calm before the ...

The following morning Cyborg and Geralt were playing basketball on his court. "Vic, how do you stay in the watchtower all day? Couldn't you just connect to it, and then go about your life?" Geralt posted up, and then followed up with a turnaround jumper.

The shot went in and Cyborg went to the top of three for a check. "Nah, that's a huge security risk. Can you imagine somebody like Lex taking control of the watchtower?" Cyborg's right foot went forward; he dribbled once then followed up with a step-back three. Geralt jumped up to contest the shot, failing to block it the shot went in.

Geralt went up to the top of the three; "what did you do with the rest of that 250 mill?" Cyborg asked.

"I did what any smart person would do, I invested most of it into companies owned by Lex corp and I put the rest of it into different companies hoping to hit it big… but back to the Luther thing, isn't he a hero now. I mean he does where the superman S. A didn't he save you all from that evil justice league awhile back." Geralt drove past Cyborg for an easy layup; walking back to the top he checked the ball.

"Let's be real bro, do you really think he going to stay a hero. It Luther, it's only a matter of time before he goes back to shady shit. And why Luther, if you wanted an easy invest why not companies owned by Wayne industries?" Cyborg took another three *swish* the shot went in "Bo-yah!" he yelled in joy as he closed the score.

"Lex's maybe shady but it says everything when he can do all that shady shit, and his company won't suffer for it. Wayne great in all but can he say the same?" Geralt grabbed the ball and took a deep three "game and next you use that computer of your, I'm bending gravity every time you shoot."

Cyborg laughed and the two went inside, on the table, he spotted the contract by Meta Solutions and said: "dude, don't tell me you have a deal with them?"

Seeing his face Geralt laughed "hell no, they came to my house a while back. And let me tell you, the meeting stank. I mean what kind of company comes straight to a person's house, instead of reaching out to their team." Stepping into the kitchen he took out a bottle of water from the fridge and set it on the bar.

"Smart, the leagues been trying to get somebody to do a detailed investigation of them for a while. But no one's free, and I mean no one. Green Arrow, Nightwing… you name them, their busy. But what little we do know, can be summed up to keep at arm's length." The two relaxed a bit more before Cyborg went back to the watchtower. Geralt spent the rest of the morning and afternoon practicing with the earth, fire, and basic sealing magic.

After the training Geralt was drawing runes on the inside of his suits, the runes read Protection, Wholeness, and Growth. 'Ok, this should work… I really shouldn't have drawn these runes on all my suits without testing it…' midway thru his thought the doorbell rang and he went to open it.

"Doors open, I'm upstairs." When Geralt yelled out, wonder woman stepped inside "Sorry it took me a while to get the soil, where do you want it?"

"Can you place it by the forge downstairs, and by any chance did you bring your sword. I want to test something." Heading down to his basement she passed his training room and yelled in shock, 'wow it's a mess! Doesn't he clean it?'

Walking further past the training room, she entered the forge and shook her head. "Hestia help me, this man's forge is the messiest I've seen in a while...although his forging skills have really improved." All over the floor were axes, shields, hammers, spear along with different assortments of armor pieces.

"Where'd he gets the metal to make all of this? And how many weapons must he enchant? Is he planning to sell them…" finally reaching the forge she placed the soil on the floor. Her attention was drawn to the desk near the forge. All over it were different armor designs 'at least he's passionate.'

On her way out she spotted a long-handled ax, the shaft was oak. But what made it really unique were glowing blue runes all over the blade. Turning the ax over she saw a Nordic snowflake and on the shaft, she read "levitation ax." When she swag the blade frost came out and fell to the floor 'pretty nice.' She thought.

"D, can you come up here with some blades I need to test something!" Geralt yelled from his room. Diana headed upstairs and after some time she finally found it, opening the door she saw suits all over the floor with rune different rune patterns on them.

"What are you…" before she could finish Geralt cut her off "do me a favor and start cutting up the suits, oh and downstairs is a sword that reads Angurvadal Mk.1 on its blade. It should be leaning on the forge."

When she reached the forge she saw a plain short sword that read its name on the blade. As she grabbed the blade it lightly touched another sword and that blade melted. 'Nice… Really nice!' she thought going back upstairs.

The two started, testing the weapons on different suits and tuxedoes. Diana stopped to ask "where did you find this magic, it is so old. I haven't seen the gods use it." Geralt smiled towards her and said in an old withered voice, "young Amazon, you shouldn't worry about things above your head." Diana slapped him outside his head and smiled while saying "funny, I don't remember you being my elder being a 26-year-old man."

After some time the two of them were relaxing in his room, around them were his ruined clothing. Some of them started to repair themselves from the cuts, burns, and frost. "I lost some good suits, but at least I have a better understanding of enchantments can and can't do." Looking towards Diana, Geralt cracked a smile.

"Yah I know this great place, we can …" midway thru, Diana cut him off" thanks for the offer, but I'm taken. Besides I don't date dirty men."

Lost in confusion he asked, "what do you …" Geralt looked down at his room floor and saw the mess then thought about his training room and forge. "I see your point, how about we clean this house then go a few rounds. I promise I can take a beating."

Diana laughed some more then followed with "by the Gods, your just as bad as flash, I've never seen a man make sparing sound so sexual." Walking out the room she followed up with "You won't get that spar today because I'm too busy, but I will keep this ax." Geralt smiled and stared at the Amazon as she walked away. 'Strong, beautiful and can fight with the best of them ... damn, she's my type of woman.'

After his cleaning up, Geralt spent the rest of his evening dealing with the runes he drew on some parts of his house. 'Damn I'm lucky I went with Protection for the outside of the house; adding to them was easy. But now I have to redo most of the house, Fuck!. '

While Geralt complained, Diana was flying to her house off the east coast where she lived with Steve. "Mawahahah, I am mech god fear me!" looking down, she saw a fool dressed in bootleg Cyborg armor. 'Men and their toys. Why do they have to act so barbaric with them?'

Throwing her new leviathan ax towards him it embedded itself into the cement below his feet. Large amounts of ice formed around that location, and within a second mech god was trapped. Landing on the ground she extended her hand to pick up the ax. The ax broke out of the ice and flew back to her. Smiling she picks up the ax and goes home to Steve.

At the same time, an armored truck was driving down a dead road, surrounding it were three armored BMWs. Heavy rain poured down onto the windshield, "Director Waller, will be down at bell reves within an … " *Boom! Screech* "ah, send back, send back up!"

Stepping out of the wreckage was Dendra the 8 foot tall, 800-pound muscle-bound behemoth of a Minotaur. *Kraackatoom, boom!* before the truck driver could blink the last two BMW convoys were run through by dendra.

Knowing it was his end, the drive said "Director Waller, I've always wanted to say this… and I guess since I'm going to die I will say it now… Fuck yo…" *siizzshh* before the man could finish a small candle size green flame hit the front of the truck melting it whole instantly.

Walking up to Magog, Dendra said "The great goddess, Circe wants you." Magog picked up his spear and without saying a word he aimed for Dendra's head.

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

timbit info# Diana's gear, is made of 8th metal its dc version of divine metal.

and for the male/female who asked, i will try to add more character expression but, you won't see it appear for 9-10 more chapters.

after the current arc, i will be writing chapters centered around. Superman/Lex luthor and Super's family, since what happening there, is going have major impact on the story as a whole.

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