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1.43% Dc Reinhardt

Ascendance (2)

"Welcome Geralt Reinhardt and rejoice cause today might be the luckiest day of your life!" looking around Geralt spotted an old white male sitting on a long black dragon and beside him was the body of a dead white male. "Is that dragon alive? And where his/her legs?" The old man said, "the dragon is dead and you asked the wrong question."

Thinking it over Rein asked, "why am I here, what is this about and who are you?" Smiling the old man said "Good questions; some call me Wotan, others call me Odunn but most call me Odin all-father of the first gods and one of the last of his kind! And you boy are here to inherit my legacy. " hearing this Geralt was smiling from ear to ear, but then asked" wait; I thought you guys were Asgardians? And am I inheriting your power too? "

"No you will not inherit my power, all gods are different and my power comes from the source itself and after what happened on the first world I doubt he will allow anyone to use a fraction of his might. No, I will not explain it to you, but you can read about it in one of the books I will be leaving, and like most things around the universe our names change depending on where you're from."

Stepping forward Geralt said, "We both know nothing is truly free, so what do I need to do to earn all of this." Looking deep into Geralt's eyes Odin said "almost nothing; over the years I've tested what little remains of my glorious bloodline, but sadly you're one of the last with the requirements to go through this ritual.

As such, I won't be giving you some massive quest like I use too; however! If you fail to pass this small test I won't give you the full inheritance and you will only gain enough to reignite the bloodline. Oh, before you say yes you must know this ritual will take some time to fully complete. But when it does you'll know you've officially become a new-god."

"I got this old Odin, now what's this test?" getting up off Nidhogg's body Odin smiled and with the wave of a finger, he pulled Geralt towards him, the dead dragon and Heimdall's body. Before Geralt could say anything purple, the gold, blue and black flames started to surround his body. The black and blue flames were burning his body while the gold was reforming it. When the three flames finished all that was left was purple; "the black flames represent the strength of Nidhogg, the blue is Heimdall's sense.

Sadly I don't have enough to gift you my wisdom, but at the very least it was enough to keep you alive. Now you see that last flame it represents your godhood in order to earn it you have to pass the test and the test is simple… win this fight, oh and during this test, the strength of Nidhogg will be sealed to you so good luck. "

Time starts flowing again and Geralt turns towards the old man "old man Henry; I thank you for everything, but the fact is you betrayed me by siding with and helping the Columbians. To top it off you purposefully messed up the game plan and you've temporarily blinded me with petroleum jelly."

Sneering Henry said, "you were nothing more than a cash cow I trained up, but the Columbians are paying me more and giving me a fighter they say is more talented." Hearing all of this Cobblepot says "well Wayne their goes your bet, *meh quack, quack, quack*" everyone one of the league members frown and Luther says "Oswald you really should pay attention to Reinhardt's tone, does that sound like the voice of somebody who quit?"

Adding to Luther's comment Slade said "watch the show, that man about to pull off something special, look at his demeanor does his look worried to you." As Reinhardt stood up he walked towards the center of the octagon while saying "oh and Henry you're fired." Bumping gloves Matt Williams laughs while saying "how's your eyes mate?"

Saying nothing Geralt throws a left jab and follows it with a left to his body and ends it with a right hook to his head. "Just because I can't see, doesn't mean I won't knock you out, after all, you can't block S**t." as Geralt calmed down realized he could and feel everything, as Matt took a step he knew his movement, as Circe pulled Bruce closer to her chest he sensed it when Diana and Jessica leaned forward to watch the fight he felt it. #A/n: think of it as an enhanced version of daredevil's power#.

When Matt threw his right hook, Geralt repositioned his left foot 90 degrees, leaned back, and launched a right uppercut as the right hook was flying right past him. Griping Matt's extended right hand he followed it up with an over the shoulder throw, that led into an arm-triangle choke.

The fans at home lean off their chair, Clark, Jon, and Lois applauded the Geralt as he seemed to take control of the fight. All the current and former members of the Titans were cheering, while villains across the world cheered for whoever they beat on, but two groups were seething at the results.

Geralt thought he was on his way to a knockout when he felt matt hold his breath while his muscle tightened. Before he knew it Matt had overpowered him, broken the hold, and was now standing upright; the regular people at home thought it was a natural foot of strength. But the more discerning eyes could tell Matt Williams was a Meta and some of those eyes started to be leery of Geralt.

Matt starts their next exchange with a left jab; Geralt dodged it by leaning to his left and Matt followed it with a right hook, before it could land he exhaled by mistake, Geralt noticed the change in his body and stood up as the fist was coming down.

As he fired a quick jab, Matt held his breath as the fist connected and Geralt noted how dense his muscle was; before he could react Matt connected with a body shot to the gut. Wincing Geralt backs up to the edge of the arena and Matt presses him.

Matt proceeded to throw punches but none of them connected, finally tried he released his breath as Geralt connects with a body shot to the ribs to end the second round. In the stands, Barry couldn't help but say "wow this fight was totally worth it; who would have expected to see two Meta's fight this smart inside an octagon."

Simon nodes and Slade says "I must disagree with you on this one, Reinhardt is fighting smart, but Williams is starting to panic after all; he failing to land clean hits."

'This Geralt Reinhardt, I wonder how good his sense truly are?' as Bruce and Diana thought this Circe said it followed with "win or lose I would love to meet this charming man; his powers are unique, to say the least." Everyone nodded in agreement as the third round started.

Both men walked towards the center of the arena once more they bump gloves and once more they go at it, however, unlike last round Matt found himself on the defensive as most of his punches connected barely hit. When he used his Meta powers Geralt would back away and go defensive, the third round quickly came to an end and Matt had lost decisively it. Everyone watching could tell who the better fighter was; walking to his side of the octagon Geralt opened his eyes and stop focusing for but a brief moment.

During the few seconds, he lost focus, Geralt could see and hear across the planet. Children laughing, and leafs falling, he could even see the movement of grass and its sound and it was suffocating! Sitting down on the arena floor Geralt was lightly shaken as he tried to get himself under control. The people at home couldn't understand and neither could most of the people in the arena, but Diana, Luther, Bruce, Berry, Slade, and Victor had a good idea of what he was struggling with.

'Calm down, calm down and refocus, Matt's reeling your almost done with this match and this test. Now let's knock this fool out and I just thought of the perfect idea.' Stand up Geralt walked to the center of the octagon and bumped fist "XXX-XXX-XXXX" after saying the number he threw a quick right jab "XXX-XXX-XXXX" once more he repeated the number and threw a jab. Matt snapped back "how do you know my wife's cell number?"

"Take a guess; XXX-XXX-XXXX last year she went to National City" Matt lost his cool and charged forward. Like before nothing landed, finally having enough Matt held his breath and went in for a takedown. Taking another deep breath Matt put his fist together and started to launch Hammers down at Geralt.

"XXX-XXX-XXXX, last year she was away for your honeymoon; come on Matty take a guess why." Matt was seething as he tried kept Hammering down at Geralt, but everything was getting blocked. "Kind of cruel, but it's a smart strategy to use" 'especially when your opponent is a Meta who powers only work when their breath is held.'

Berry's comment was echoed by most of the league but Slade, Luther, cobble and just thought 'he's effect not cruel' but Circe just said "oh and what does a man know about this sort of thing? After all it clear this Reinhardt hasn't even bed the girl and that Matt whatever his name is a buffoon for falling for this trick."

The round quickly went by and matt was a mess physically and mentally; "Give me some Oxygen pills" Matt's trainer sneaked a few pills into a towel and while they whipped down the sweat, matt quickly swallowed the pills then he got up off his Stool "Reinhardt I'm gonna fuck you up!". The two men bump fist and the fighting resumes.

Geralt moves forward however before he could engage time stopped once more. "Old Odin, the fights not over so why was I brought here back so soon?" looking up at Geralt Odin said "with the way things have derailed, I won't be alive long enough for you to pass the test. And yes things have derailed; you find out soon how, because of how you've done I will BARELY pass you…trash.

However you could have been far more effective in how you dealt with Matt Williams, this fight has gone on 3 rounds to long and now it threatens the people around you. As such your new test is to contain and drop him with no life lost; now step into the purple flame and ascend to god-hood you lucky MOFO…no you really are just a bunch of luck it insane."

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

for those wondering this story takes place at the start of dc rebirth. But i will not cover all the side stories from rebirth or most solo stories, however i will reference them to give you a good point of were we are at in the timeline.

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