Deeply confused by what just happened, the others thought it must have been a mistake on the beast's part. Perhaps, Logan's attack had hurt it more than they thought and now its movements weren't as swift as before.
The only one that knew what had happened was Quinn himself. He used the Phantom Punch, this was an attack that would only work on humanoid creatures with a certain level of intelligence.
Quinn wasn't so sure if it would really work but it was obvious that it worked and was incredibly useful in the battle. Those with high intelligence wouldn't be tricked by the phantom punch, at the same time, beasts whose intelligence were far too low wouldn't even recognize the trick in the first place. This was the reason why the Phantom Punch wouldn't work on most beasts.
However, it seemed like the beast in front of him was perfect for the Phantom Punch. The level of intelligence was enough for it to be tricked, but not high enough to recognize that it was being tricked.
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