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46.15% Into the World of Bleach / Chapter 24: Chapter 23: True Colors 1/2

Chapter 24: Chapter 23: True Colors 1/2

AN: Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. Heres Chapter 23. I'm already several chapters ahead in my writing so I surprised myself with my writing speed. Sometimes the writing just flows out. stays that way and I won't be stuck on a chapter.

Now then, will Kishin return to Soul Society? Will he and Tosen fight? Will Aizen show himself? Read to find out!

As always, thanks for your continued support!

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)

-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 23

A still silence hung in the air. The ever perpetual darkness of the night in Hueco Mundo's sky only accentuated the tense atmosphere in this moment. A large pool of blood tainted the soft crystalline sand of the desert in the nearby distance. A strong sense of iron and death diffused into the air from the smell of the pile of dead Adjucha bodies that Kishin had just slain not too long ago. This was greatly contrasted by the other side of the field in which four cowering, trembling, scared Hollows stood frozen in place. They were Nel, Pesche, Dondochakka, and their giant eel-like Hollow called Bawabawa. And in the midst of the contrasting sides stood Kishin and Tosen.

Tosen slightly furrowed his brow in seriousness, finally speaking out. "I'm surprised that you were able to block my attack just now. Did you know I was there?"

Kishin just smirked and quickly scanned the area trying to find hints or traces of Aizen nearby. "You wouldn't happen to be alone now would you? Captain Tosen."

Tosen again just furrowed his brow. "What makes you think I wouldn't be?"

"No reason in particular. Is it so hard to answer my question straightforwardly?"

"A foolish question."

"Well then, I'll take it that you aren't alone."

"Take it however you wish."

"Did you come to save me Captain?"

Tosen remained silent causing Kishin to curl his lips in a knowing smile. "Seems it's the opposite then."

Tosen just pointed his blade back at Kishin. His Zanpakuto was an average sized katana with an orange colored hilt that had a teardrop shaped guard. The base of the teardrop arced over the top of the blade while the tip of the teardrop pointed below the sharp edge of the blade. Several teardrop holes decorated the bottom of the teardrop curve as a small ring protruded from the tip of the teardrop guard. "Prepare yourself." Tosen said with a serious tone.

Kishin just gave a curious glance. "Why are we fighting?"

"You are dangerous."

Kishin pointed to himself as if making sure that Tosen was addressing him. "Me? What's brought this on?"

"You need not know."

"Captain Tosen, no, since you're acting this way then maybe addressing you as a Captain isn't very fitting. I suppose I'll just have to address you as Tosen now right?"

"Address me how you wish. It matters not."

"Alright then, Tosen-chan. At least tell me the purpose of why you've come to attack me."

Tosen scrunched up his face in disapproval at how Kishin addressed him, but otherwise didn't comment on it. "You've been quite busy recently, Lieutenant Chigetsu."

Kishin slightly frowned at the comment. "Well...this is unexpected. You say that as if you already know what I've been up to."

"It is I who should be saying that it is unexpected."

"Ah?" Kishin rubbed the back of his neck in awkwardness, understanding that Aizen had probably found him out. "Then I guess the gig is up. I had hoped to stay off of Aizen's radar, but the bastards got more tricks, eyes, and ears than I thought."

Tosen remained indifferent as he got in a fighting stance. "Prepare yourself. Lieutenant Chigetsu."

Kishin just let out a sigh knowing that he had no choice now but to fight. "Oi. Nel. You and your entourage get out of here."

Nel's ears perked up at his order. "Eh? R-Really? Ish okay?"

"It's fine. You'll probably die if you stay."

Nel's eyes teared up as she stared at Kishin preparing for battle. Sniff. Sniff. "W-Will you be okay?"

"Why are you asking that? I thought you didn't like Shinigami?"

She simply ignored his comment. "Waaaah! Don't die! Nel doesn't even know evil Shinigami's name!"

Kishin just sighed. "Just go. It's not like you're off the hook. After I deal with this guy I'll come find you. You still owe me a favor."

Nel sniffled and nodded. "Mn." She then made herself scarce with the others.

Tosen frowned and commented, "To address me as only some guy. You think too highly of yourself."

Kishin held out his Zanpakuto in front of him and nonchalantly replied with a hint of a taunting undertone, "What's this? Are you getting angry? Kaname-chan?"


Near instantly Tosen dashed forwards without waiting any longer and slashed with his sword aiming right for Kishin's neck, however Kishin just grinned and easily countered the attack.


He then kept his blade connected to Tosen's and performed a concentric circular sliding motion forcing Tosen's blade down towards the ground.


The sound of metal sliding against metal rang loud and clear in the area. He then slashed upwards towards Tosen's chest in which Tosen quickly avoided the strike by leaning back and Shunpoing away. Kishin however, didn't let Tosen regain his footing or composure as he Shunpo'd right after him and struck at Tosen's head. Tosen could only awkwardly swing his sword up to block.


The loud ringing noise that reverberated from the sword strike entered Tosen's ear and slightly disoriented him. Kishin took that chance to expertly kick Tosen in the right leg joint causing him to kneel over.

"Uh!" He groaned out in shock.

Kishin then slashed right towards Tosen's chest, but Tosen quickly brought his sword up to defend.


Once more the sound of metal on metal echoed out. Kishin smirked and kicked Tosen in the head while he was still preoccupied with blocking Kishin's sword.


Tosen flew through the air for several tens of meters as he struggled to regain his balance. Kishin dashed after him and just as Tosen stabilized himself, Kishin pointed his finger at him and shouted, "Rikujokoro!"


Six rods of yellow light bound Tosen midair preventing him from moving his muscles, however he expertly responded as he said, "Nake, Suzumushi." A high pitched ringing noise echoed from Tosen's Zanpakuto. The powerful vibrations it produced in the air instantly caused the six rods binding him in place to shatter, freeing him from their hold. Kishin slightly furrowed his brow as he began to slowly recall the abilities that Tosen possessed.

That technique he just used. I don't really remember it since it didn't seem that memorable, but if I recall he once fought Kenpachi alongside Komamura. He had an ability that shoots a bunch of swords, but what's dangerous about him is his Bankai. I think it removed all of someone's senses or something to that effect. It won't be good if I get caught up in that.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard Tosen shout out, "Hado #54: Haien!" As the purple aura of dense flaming energy shot at him he stuck out his palm and shouted back, "Hado #63: Raikoho!"


The two Kido spells crashed into one another creating an explosion of smoke, however Tosen felt his heart palpitate in shock as the yellow thundering energy of Kishin's Raikoho had actually overpowered his own Kido spell and continued on straight for him. He was forced to Shunpo away to his left, but that's exactly where Kishin had moved to intercept him. Kishin slashed down with his sword forcing Tosen to swing up with his blade.


As their swords were locked together Kishin chanted out, "Saku, Sekiken Zansatsu." His Zanpakuto instantly transformed into his Shikai release state as he fired out a dense and powerful crimson crescent blade.


The force of the attack from being so close instantly shot Tosen down into the ground.


A giant cloud of sand and debris kicked upwards and into the air from the impact of his crash. Before the crescent blade disappeared, Kishin changed its direction, having it fly back towards him and reabsorbed the blood back into the lotus flowers of his Zanpakuto. As the sand and debris continued to obscure the area around Tosen, Kishin simply Shunpo'd with incredible speed right into the middle of all the dead Adjuchas and stabbed his blade into the blood soaked ground. With a calm and indifferent tone of voice, he said, "Nomu." Instantly the blood on the ground began to flow into the flowers of his Zanpakuto. Kishin focused his mental energy on absorbing as much blood as fast as he could into his blade.

One flower.

Two flowers.

Three, four, five flowers began to shine brightly in crimson red before he heard Tosen shout out from within the dust cloud, "Suzumushi Nishiki: Benihiko!"


Hundreds of sharp pointed blades flew out from the sandy debris aimed straight for Kishin. He quickly countered as he stuck out his palm and said, "Bakudo #84: Hachikaku Kabe!" A large and orange colored three-dimensional eight pointed rectangular barrier appeared before Kishin defending him from the attack.


The sound of the sharp blades stabbing into the wall could be heard, however they were unable to fully break the barrier. Kishin then slashed out with his blade sending out another bloody crimson crescent blade flying out from his Zanpakuto.


The loud sound of metal grinding against metal sounded out from the crimson blade as it flew with incredible speed through the air. Tosen furrowed his brow and avoided the attack by Shunpoing into the air, however the crescent blade immediately changed directions and trailed after him. Tosen frowned and swung his blade downwards to intercept the attack.


A loud piercing grating sound echoed from the clash of Tosen's katana against the bloody crimson blade of Kishin's ability. Tosen gritted his teeth as he had underestimated just how powerful the technique was. No matter how hard he pushed against it it wouldn't budge or move an inch. Instead, the force behind the attack continued to send him flying upwards. It was at that moment that Kishin appeared behind Tosen's back and slashed down with his katana.

Tosen felt a bit of panic in his heart and immediately acted on instinct shouting, "Nake, Suzumishi!" The loud high pitched noise echoing from his blade caused just a powerful enough vibration to interfere with the crescent blade pressed against his sword so that he could have just enough time to reposition himself in a way to get hit without taking any fatal damage.

Swish! TING!

Tosen's left arm spurted out blood as a large gaping wound was inflicted on it from his choice maneuver, however in doing so he had successfully turned in time to block Kishin's katana. To Tosen it was a small price to pay for not dying by Kishin's more deadly blade techniques.


Due to Kishin having the higher ground swinging down along with gravity he also had the power advantage. Once more Tosen was sent flying down into the ground crashing into the sandy floor. A few moments later and Kishin landed on the ground as well with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Odd. Your move just now seemed a bit desperate." Kishin curiously commented.

Tosen was currently in a crawling position heavily huffing and panting as he struggled to stand back up.

Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff.

By now the black cape he wore had been completely torn off. The left side of his shihakusho was ripped to pieces. Blood dripped down from his left arm. Bruises and dirt stains marred his body all over the place. Tosen took a moment to catch his breath before staring at Kishin with caution and amazement.

"You...are much stronger than you let on. To think that you are only a Lieutenant..."

Kishin just smirked. "I'll take that as a compliment." He then carefully studied Tosen's battered frame and asked, "You know about my Zanpakuto's abilities I presume?"

"What if I do?"

Kishin just let out a sigh. "Haah. Of course you would. Nemu definitely wrote a profile on me and left it in the 12th division. No wonder you chose to take my attack and avoided my blade."

Tosen furrowed his brow and commented, "Apparently you did not tell her everything. Your Zanpakuto can absorb the blood of others. Isn't that right? I presume it can do more...or that you lied to Lieutenant Nemu."

Kishin just shrugged. "If you want to know, why don't you let me cut you a few times? I assure you a quick death, though don't blame me if it's not so painless."

Tosen grit his teeth as he felt the throbbing pain on his left arm from where he was cut earlier. "Why do you not use your Hollowfication?"

Kishin inwardly frowned and narrowed his eyes at Tosen's comment. "Well then...I had suspected already but you're finally confirming my thoughts."

"And what thoughts might those be?"

"That Aizen is a cunning bastard. Did he tail me during my two months in Karakura Town?"

Tosen didn't give a direct answer, instead he just frowned and said, "You are more difficult to deal with than I imagined. You truly are dangerous."

"You said that already. So? What are you going to do about it?"

Tosen remained silent for a moment before he held his sword straight up in front of him. He then placed his left hand over the circular ring near the guard of his katana and said, "Bankai: Suzumushi Tsuishiki-Enma Korogi."

Kishin's fingers slightly twitched as he witnessed Tosen release his Bankai.

Can't let myself get caught up in this technique.

The circle ring by Tosen's hand expanded and soon became 10 giant glowing rings. As Tosen slashed out his katana the ten rings flew out to surround both him and Kishin within a circular perimeter. The rings then began to generate a black light from within its center.

Kishin furrowed his brow and instantly channelled an immense amount of reiatsu into his blade.


His ominous blood red reiatsu flared up around his Zanpakuto as he swung out his sword at one of the rings and shouted, Saku!"


The glowing light from one of his lotus flowers on the hilt of his Zanpakuto instantly faded away as all the blood that was stored inside of it was completely drained, becoming a razor sharp and incredibly powerful crimson crescent blade. The crescent blade flew through the air at blinding speed and power, given how much reiatsu and blood he had put into the attack. It near-instantly crashed into one of the circular rings of Tosen's Bankai before it could finish emitting and connecting the black colored lights.


The immense force of the crescent blade knocked the giant ring out of the circular formation with no sign of resistance. Tosen couldn't help feeling shocked to his core as he witnessed his Bankai's ability being instantly shattered before it could even take on its completed form.

"H-How...with only your Shikai?"

Kishin didn't pay any heed to Tosen's shocked expression and instead held out his palm as he quickly chanted, "Hado #88: Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho!"


A devastating giant blue lighting cannon shot out from Kishin's palm and roared through the air seeking to destroy everything in its path. Tosen could only grit his teeth as he was too dazed and shocked, unable to react in time. Just before the attack could obliterate Tosen into dust, a nonchalant voice echoed in the air.

"Bakudo #81: Danku."


Not a moment later a giant plume of fire, smoke, sand, and debris crashed into the air for several kilometers. Five seconds passed. Ten seconds passed. Thirty seconds. It wasn't until nearly two whole minutes flew by that the cloud of debris cleared away. Kishin just stood in place with an unsurprised look in his eyes as he noted the two new figures of Aizen and Gin standing by Tosen's battered frame.

Finally he shows himself.

"I thought you might be around." Kishin said nonchalantly.

Aizen just smirked. "Ohya. It's just as I thought. You have indeed grown powerful. Even more powerful than I had originally imagined."

Kishin furrowed his brow. "I'm surprised you've decided to show me your true colors."

It was at this moment that Tosen bowed his head to Aizen in shame. "Forgive me. Lord Aizen. I am incompetent. I could not force him to utilize his Hollowfication and instead caused you to needlessly step in."

Aizen's facial expression didn't change from his amused and unconcerned look as he replied, "It matters not, Kaname. You did more than enough. Because of you I have a fairly good understanding of his strength."

Kishin frowned as he listened to them talk. "I reckon you haven't only been keeping tabs on me during my trip to Karakura Town?"

Aizen smirked. "Good instincts. And it appears you are not surprised by my appearance here."

Kishin gripped the hilt of his Zanpakuto tighter and ventured to ask, "Why are you here? And why did you send me here?"

"Heh. For two reasons. The first was to assess your growth."

"And the second?"

"To have a chat."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "A chat huh? Alright. I can get behind that. What do you want to talk about?"

Aizen stared at Kishin with intriguement and asked, "How long have you known about our true motives?"

Kishin just shrugged. "What true motives? Care to fill me in on the details?"

Aizen just grinned in amusement. "You truly are an interesting child. Why continue to feign ignorance?"

"Me? Feign ignorance? Not at all. I really don't understand the way you do things."

"Oh? You presume that you know what I've done? Then you know more than just our motives."

Kishin just tilted his head to the side unperturbed by Aizen's comment. "So? You want the Hogyoku right? Why not just take it?"

"Hm. Not going to answer my previous question then? Well, that's fine. As for the Hogyoku, I can take it whenever I wish. There's no need to rush things."

"Tch. Ever so confident."

"Confidence comes from having ability. Are you not the same?"

"I never said I didn't have confidence."

"I see. Let me ask you this, have you known about me since the very beginning?"

"Now how would I know about that?"

"You are the only one with a power above the Lieutenant class Shinigami in all of Soul Society who has not yet been placed under my Kyoka Suigetsu. You have successfully avoided my attempts to get you to see its release and even more so, you have kept your distance from me."

"Is it so odd to not be on close terms with you? It's not like I'm acquainted with every single Captain of the Gotei 13. Why should you be any different?"

"Hahaha! Indeed. Very well. I will simply assume that you have known the truth about us nearly from the beginning. That would explain most of your behavior until now."

"Get to the point."

"Now now. Don't be so impatient, Chigetsu-kun. I took all this time to send you here to Hueco Mundo so I can personally have a free and open discussion with you."

"Then shall we skip the small details. I know you want the Hogyoku. And now you know that I know. Where was my mistake? I was sure I escaped your radar for some time."

"Indeed you did. After you fought the modified Hollow named Black that was meant to transplant a Hollow virus inside a Shinigami, I kept close tabs on your condition. Unfortunately even after 3 weeks you somehow managed to suppress the Hollow deep inside your soul preventing the typical symptoms of Hollowfication. After that you became less interesting."

"Tch. Then when did you get interested again?"

"When I came to pick up the supplies I ordered from the 12th division. Do you remember?"

Kishin frowned. "Our encounter was brief."

Aizen gave a thoughtful look as he replied, "Yes. Brief, but you did spark another interest for me. The one thing you couldn't hide from me was the strength of your reiatsu. It had grown exponentially more powerful than I had imagined. Most Shinigami who show talent like yours would stagnate or plateau in some area of their training. Sometimes it would take a century, perhaps even two before they can overcome their tribulations and gain enlightenment. You on the other hand, kept growing."

"That's it? That's the reason why you took a sudden interest in me again?"

"Indeed. I knew at that moment that I had underestimated your potential. While I did not focus much time on observing you, I did start to pay some more attention to your movements. Imagine my surprise when I found that you were in contact with Urahara Kisuke in the World of the Living. Furthermore when I discovered your meeting with the Visored."

Kishin felt inwardly conflicted the more they conversed. He felt like he was becoming an open book to Aizen. He was sure that he wasn't tailed by anyone, but then again he wasn't sure what methods Aizen was using to track him.

This bastard had, at the very least, a hundred years to set up devices, tricks, and whatnot in the World of the Living. He could have been watching from anywhere.

Aizen noted the sour look on Kishin's face and said relaxedly. "Do not worry. If you fear that I will move against the Visored then allow me to put your mind at ease. I will do nothing to them. If you fear that I will move against Urahara Kisuke. Then fear not. His life will be in no danger."

Kishin just frowned even more. He felt like his face was going to turn into a wrinkly old man if he kept frowning, but he couldn't help wondering exactly what Aizen was planning to do. "Why go through all this trouble? Aizen…"

Aizen bent his arm by his chest and held up his palm as if he were giving a speech and answered, "How much do you know about the World?"

"The World? What are you going on about?"

"Heh. The World. Soul Society. Hueco Mundo. The World of the Living. Even the Royal Palace. What about the Souls? Humans? Quincies? Hollows? Shinigamis? Where in all of this is god?"

Kishin furrowed his brow. "What are you getting at? God? Do you mean the Soul King?"

Aizen smirked. "The Soul King? Hahaha! That thing is unqualified to be called a god. No. You see, there is no god. Heaven's throne is vacant. No one stands at the top of the World. No being to give judgement when judgement is needed. No being to punish those who need to be punished. No being to give comfort and safety when all seems lost. I shall rectify this."

"You're rambling."

There was a moment of pause in the air as Aizen momentarily closed his eyes deep in thought. As he reopened them he simply turned and began walking away, confusing Kishin. "Where are you going?"

"I have said all that I have come to say."

"That's it?"

Aizen paused in his step and let out an amused sigh. "Heh. That's right. I simply wanted to meet you and talk to you face to face without any pseudo barriers between us. You know the truth of our motives, and now I am also aware that you know. Furthermore, you now are aware that I know about you."

Kishin narrowed his eyes in caution. "And what exactly will you do with this information?"

Aizen just smirked. "Why nothing."

"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean exactly that. I will do nothing. You are intriguing Chigetsu-kun. Not only because my intuition tells me that your potential is still growing, but because you are the only one in all of Soul Society to have been able to discern the truth about us."

"And you're going to do nothing?"

"That's right. I confronted you so there's no need for us to hide our true characters from one another. That is all."

"You aren't concerned that I will expose you?"

Aizen's lips curled upward in an unconcerned but also confident smile as he replied, "Expose me? You have known about me all this time and you have yet to say a word nor have you made any significant moves to work against me. You and I both know the reason why."

"And if I happen to let slip some of the truth?" Kishin ventured to say testing the waters of how Aizen would respond.

"Oh? By all means. I welcome you to do so, however I already know that you won't."

Kishin frowned. "You're quite confident. And how do you already know?"

"Heh. You already know the answer. After all, it would be quite tragic if somehow the Gotei 13 witnessed you killing innocent people of Rukongai. Or perhaps you'll be seen killing members of the Great Noble Clans. could be that a Captain witnesses you killing their unarmed Lieutenant. My, there are so many different possible crimes that you MIGHT commit. Chigetsu-kun. I wonder how the Gotei 13 will hunt you down."

Kishin narrowed his eyes and grit his teeth. "So blackmail is your answer huh?"

Aizen just let out a light chuckle. "Blackmail? Not at all. I would have you see it as a friendly suggestion in which it would be in your best interest to simply not interfere. At least until my plans have come to pass."

"Tsk. Bastard."

"Ohya? Did that anger you? By all means you are free to stop me." Aizen then turned his head to glance over his shoulder. His eyes reflected a confident taunting look as he continued, "That is...if you believe you have the strength to do so right now."

Kishin didn't reply as he and Aizen simply stared at one another for a few long moments in silence. Aizen grinned and commented, "Do not worry. I will not make life difficult for you. Simply wait until I accomplish my goal. You can do whatever you wish after that."

In the end Kishin let out an annoyed sigh. "Is there a reason why I am still alive then?"

Aizen grinned and started walking off again as he replied without directly answering Kishin's question. "Train. Train to your heart's content. Grow strong. Use up all of your potential. Master your Hollowfication. How far will you go? I expect great things from you. Chigetsu Kishin."


He then disappeared along with Gin and Tosen.

Kishin just stood unmoving in place for what felt like the longest time. He simply stared at the spot where the three Shinigami Captains had just been prior and let out an irritated sigh. "Haaah. That fucking bastard. He set all of this up just to show me how powerless I am to do anything even if I know the truth. Well, it's not like I was planning to directly move against him anyways think that he's letting me go just like that? And he wishes for me to grow stronger? What the hell is going on through his head…"

In the end he deactivated his Shikai and sheathed his Zanpakuto as he started his search for Nel and her entourage.

Damn Aizen. He could have at least had the decency to send me back to Soul Society. I'm not even sure how much time has passed. 12 hours? 16? A day? Central 46 will definitely be alerted that I have missed the return time. I can only imagine what sort of ridiculous judgement they're passing on me right now.

Kishin clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Tch. Maybe I just shouldn't go back if I have to deal with a sentence given by Central 46."

3 Days Later

Kishin currently lay in the soft crystalline sand simply resting in peace and quiet. A reigar was held between his lips emitting smoke into the dark night sky. He just stared up at the moon. The only source of illumination in this gloomy world.

"I wonder if anyone is trying to look for me?" He then thought of Akon and let out an annoyed huff. "Tsk. I hope that bastard finally realized that he sent me the wrong butterfly."

As he continued to look at the moon's illumination he couldn't help thinking that it looked sort of graceful and serene. It reminded him of a certain someone.

"I wonder if Rukia-senpai will miss me." He then grinned and mumbled to himself. "I hope she didn't slack off on her training for the past 2 months just because I wasn't there…"

He shook his head right after as he recalled the memory of her exhausted frame sleeping outside his office door. "Nah. Rather I hope she isn't overdoing it. She's too unaware of how defenseless she leaves herself sometimes."

Kishin remained like this for another 15 minutes before he sat up and turned his head to the west. "Hm? Nel?" He questioned as he felt her familiar reiatsu.

"The hell? I've been looking for her everywhere and now she randomly appears before me? Talk about finding what you're looking for when you least expect it."

In no time at all the dust cloud that rose in the distance from Nel and her companion's running forms approached closer and closer until they were right upon him. It was then he heard her yell out, "Waaaah! You're alive!"


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