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meeting mew

this event happened some what 1 day before him saving the Pokemon's now let's see

A five-year-old kid with spiky black hair, brown eyes and lightning bolt marks on his cheeks could be seen wading through a small pond towards a large golden fish like pokemon that was flopping about in the shallows, injured. The kid was wearing a blue t-shirt and black shorts.

"Ash be careful there, you don't just approach any wild pokemon. If you startle it, it can attack you. Even a Magikarp can be very dangerous." An old man with grey hair and wearing a lab coat said, trying to deter the now identified Ash from doing something rash. "But Professor Oak the Magikarp is injured, I can't just leave it here helpless." Ash said determined to help the poor Magikarp.

Said Magikarp just kept flopping about, but kept an eye on the child approaching it. As Ash reached closer, the Magikarp started to panic. "Easy there Magikarp I won't hurt you. I just want to help you, please calm down." Ash said with a soothing tone of voice. Magikarp just kept watching Ash trying to figure out if he had evil intentions towards it or not. After a couple of moments, Magikarp stopped panicking and flopping about, allowing Ash to approach it without fear.

When Ash reached Magikarp, he ran his right hand over its head cooing soothing words towards it, all the while checking its injuries. After examining the injuries Magikarp had, Ash came to the conclusion that using a Potion would be enough to heal its injuries. "Professor can I borrow a Potion from you?"

"Here you go my boy," Professor Oak said tossing a Potion towards Ash. After Ash caught the Potion, he turned towards Magikarp, "Magikarp this is going to sting a little, but afterwards you will feel good as new. Are you ready?"

"Karp Magikarp…" Magikarp said showing that it was ready. Ash opened the seal on the bottle of Potion and then started spraying the contents on Magikarps various wounds. Magikarp just winced as some of the worse injuries were covered in the potion, but kept calm all the while surveying the young human child.

Unknown to everyone on the scene, a pokemon was observing the young child helping the Magikarp while an old man was waiting for the boy to finish. 'I think that I will give the chosen one a gift for his selflessness.' The pokemon thought to itself, 'But I have to be careful so that I don't reveal his role in the world. Hopefully the council won't give me give me much grief over my decision.'

"There you go Magikarp all better." Ash said with glee as he watched Magikarp flop about happily. "Bye Magikarp and be careful not to get hurt again, you were lucky that me and the Professor were close by." As Ash turned to leave, Magikarp gave a sad "karp karp" and tried to flop away when suddenly a pokemon teleported in front of Ash.

The pokemon had a small pink feline body with ears like a cats, a long tail and baby blue eyes. The pokemon looked at Ash with a curious expression on its face all the while flying about Ash's head. "Arceus! Ash that's the legendary pokemon Mew." Professor Oak exclaimed in surprise. Ash was just as surprised as the professor and so he gave Mew a tentative "Hi mew."

"Hello young one," came the female sounding voice of Mew through the use of telepathy. "I was flying about when I saw your act of kindness and I was quite impressed. It's not every day I see a human, one so young no less, be so selfless as to approach an injured wild pokemon with thoughts of helping it. What do you want to be when you grow up young one? I wish to give you a gift for your selflessness."

"I want to be a Pokemon Master and there is no need for you to give me a reward for doing what is right. Mom always taught me to do the right thing." Ash said.

"Noble and pure of heart as well. So be it I will give you a gift that only Sir Aaron of Cameran Palace got and he is considered one of the greatest hero the world has seen. Even we legendries mourn his loss. I will give you my help should you need it. Also it seems that you have latent psychic and aura abilities. I will also give you all the knowledge you require to at least start using your abilities immediately." Mew said before touching Ash's forehead with her and Ash glowed white before the nimbus of psychic energy vanished. After that, Ash collapsed nearly falling into the pond but Mew caught him using her psychic powers and teleported him to the Professors side.

"Take good care of the child old one. He has a great destiny ahead of him, being Arceus's Chosen One, but don't reveal his destiny to him yet. It shall be revealed to him all in good time." Mew said seriously to which Oak just nodded his head. As Mew was about to leave, Magikarp started to get worked up, "Karp Magi Karp, Magikarp." Mew just nodded her head and turned towards Professor Oak. "Magikarp here wants to be with the Chosen One and said to tell him that he needs to fetch him when he starts his journey . She believes that it was fate that brought him to her and I am willing to believe that." Mew said before teleporting out of there.

Oak didn't know what to say or do, then carried Ash to the jeep. After buckling Ash down, Professor Oak started the jeep and drove back to Pallet Town.

A few hours later, "Ohhh…" a moan could be heard in a darkened room. "What happened? Where am I?" Ash asked in a groggy manner sitting up. Looking around he saw that he was back in his room and in his bed. Getting up Ash walked to the door of his room and opened it. After washing his face in the bathroom, he walked down the stairs and into the living room.

"I am telling you Delia; when Mew appeared out of nowhere I was so surprised, but what surprised me more was that Mew had been impressed with Ash and decided to reward him." Oak could be heard, talking excitedly with his mom in the kitchen.

"Oh my Professor, so what did Ash get from Mew?" Delia asked.

"Oh I don't know what Mew gave, but I know that he collapsed after Mew gave him his reward…" Oak said before trailing off seeing Ash standing at the doorway of the kitchen. "Evening mom, Professor Oak."

"Oh honey I am so proud of you. Not only did you help an injured pokemon, you were also able to impress a legendary pokemon enough for it to show itself to you. Congratulations on becoming the member of a very elite club of people to meet a legendary." Delia gushed.

"It's nothing mom, I just followed your teachings. I didn't even want to be rewarded for what I did, but Mew had other ideas." Ash said embarrassed at the praise.

"Well my boy you are one of the few people to be blessed by a legendary pokemon. You should be proud." Oak said.

"Just as I said before Professor; I did what I did because it was the right thing to do, not because of some reward."

"Speaking of reward, what did Mew gift you?" Oak asked going into research mode.

"Oh nothing much something about awakening my latent psychic and aura abilities. Also that she would be there for me should I need it. Now I have a question, what does latent mean?"

"Latent means untapped or un-awakened in your case. So you have psychic powers and aura, interesting that Aura users and Psychics don't usually get on well with each other. I know that you got your aura powers from you father. He was a direct descendant of Sir Aaron of Cameran Palace in the Kingdom of Rota. But where did you get your psychic powers from?" Oak mused at the end.

"Mew told me that she gave Sir Aaron her help when he needed it. Could that be why she showed up in front of me?" Ash asked.

"Could be. You are descended from Sir Aaron. The Ketchum family is directly connected to the Royal Family of Rota. If I am not mistaken, the daughter of the present Queen of Rota, Queen Melisa, is Princess Ilene your cousin. Her and your great grandmother was Queen Melina. She had married Harold Ketchum and had twins. According to custom, the female twin was crowned Queen and the male twin became her Knight or in this case Aura Guardian. Ilene is descended from the female twin while you are descended from the male twin. I just can't seem to remember their names for some reason." Oak explained to an awed Ash who just listened with rapt attention.

"Ash there is something I must tell you. Now that you know your father also had the ability to use aura, you should know that he decided to leave us because he had a lot of enemies and he knew that they would target us so he decided to leave for training " Delia had tears in her eyes from remembering that sad event that caused her husband to leave. .

. "Wait how do I have psychic powers if psychic and aura powers are contra…contadict…"

"Contradictory son, and you get your psychic powers from my family and I am the last one in my family and I think you got it from sir Ashton ketchum who was the world's greatest psychic powers on par with sir Aron's aura powers."

"." Ash turned towards Professor Oak and asked, "What happened to Magikarp did she return back into the deeper section of the pond safely?"

"Oh Magikarp said she will be your Pokemon when you start your journey and should train her before your journey in the river. and said so to Mew who translated for her. " Oak said with a smile . "Alright good evening you two but I must return home before Daisy sends out a search party." Professor Oak got up and then walked towards the main door.

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