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ash the Pokemon master ash the Pokemon master original

ash the Pokemon master

Author: Daoist236167

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: saving the Pokemon

Chapter1: Saving the Pokémon

The world of Pokémon is divided into different regions. There are regions which are well known and some are isolated which do not share any boundaries with other regions.

These are Kanto, Hoenn, Jhoto, Sinnoh, Isolated one Unova, Kalos and Alola and galar

But our story begins in the small town of Kanto town is known as the pallet, the peaceful town where fresh air of new beginning blows every year when new kids at age of 12 begin their journey to become a Pokémon trainer and master.

Pokémon is a wonderful creature with fascinating powers and abilities. They could be found everywhere from land to flying high in the sky.

Here also lives the Kanto's known and respectable researcher and poet, professor oak, responsible for taking care of Pokémon tamed by trainers at the ranch which he owned behind the lab.

Pokémon ranch is spread over the area of acres with different habitat suitable for a different kind of Pokémon.

Our story begin near the woods of pallet town where a young boy of four walking through woods hoping to get a glance of wild Pokémon or searching something that will help him in future on his quest to emerge as a Pokémon master and defeat about Gary, he is a rival of ash who always showing off his knowledge about Pokémon from the day they both met each other at oak lab as he is the grandson of professor oak . And professor oak is not pleased with the way Gary behave with others but Gary is filled with too much arrogance and oak treats ash as his own grandson as Ash's mother Delia Ketchum was a former assistant of him as she retired after ash was born.

- January 1, 1985-

{ ' I will show him.I will show Gary that I know more about Pokémon than you. Just because your grandpa is famous that doesn't mean you can put other people and their dreams down '}ash thought

Ash was interrupted by his thoughts when he hears some voices near the tears he sprinted towards the source of voices.

Being curious, he went to bushes, but what he saw made him more angry and sad at the same time. Sad because he loves Pokémon more than himself and anything else, and angry how could these people treat Pokémon like this, who are by the way non-native to Kanto by were all covered in cuts and bruises.

But the question is how they landed near pallet?There are five Pokemon in total looking like they are from different most important who are these two teens.

"Hey, you stop right there..! " yelled ash at teens.

"Huh.. " said the two teens, as they turned towards ash sending the glare at him, and asked him"What's the matter kid, who you are and why are you yelling at us, Don't you have something to do ? "asked the two teens.

"I have," ash answered back "and that's what I'm doing right now. Stopping you scums from hurting those innocent Pokémon".

"Look, Billy, he is going to save them but how?" Another teen named Todd said.

"Yeah, Todd I think we should warn him before he could get hurt."

"Go kid cry to your mama," Billy said

"I said leave them," said ash as rage start filling inside him.

" what you are gonna do? crying out loud? " asked the two teens.

All of a sudden Ash's amber brown eyes turned blue and red, his body engulfed in the blue glow with a mix of crimson red that begin scaring the shit out of two teens.

"what you thought hurt those innocent Pokémon and get away," ash said in an angry tone

ash then fired a blue orb out of his both hand which knocked the two teens out after which ash returned back to its normal self and thought

"whoa-w-what happened right now ?" ash questioned himself.

Still confused he throw away that thought and ran towards the group of hurt Pokémon.

Group of Pokémon gathered all their remaining strength get in the battle stance as they saw ash approaching them. These Pokémon knew that he is the one who saved them but they need to be alert for a while they gain their strength back.

Feeling the fear among the group ash immediately got the message that they are recovering from the incident and torture they received from these teens so ash finally spoke up

"Hey, relax I don't want to mean any harm. I only want to help you," said ash

The group of Pokémon still in fear looked into his eyes which shows concern rather than threat also he saved him a few moment ago so they relaxed a bit knowing that he wants to help them and listen to him what he wants to say.

"Listen I am Ash Ketchum and I am no threat.I want to help you.I don't know about treating Pokémon but I know someone in person who could treat you but you have to trust me." said ash after which they all nodded in agreement.

"Please wait here or hide in bushes nearby so no one could see you. I will bring him here. All right. " said ash as he assured them.

They all hide and ash sprinted towards the oak lab. After 10 minutes of running, ash reached the door of the lab and knocked.

Hearing door knocked oak answered.." coming "

As he opened the door he saw ash standing on another side of it. After professor oak answered the door ash said

"Professor oak please help injured Pokémon are there… "ash said with the worried look in its eyes.

"What?" asked Professor Oak still confused what ash said.

"Catch your breath ash and tell me what happened, " said professor

" Professor please help there are injured Pokémon near route1" replied ash to which professor Oak nodded.

" Let me take some medicines and potion ash, " said the professor oak.

20 minutes later...

ash and professor oak reached the location where Pokemon were hiding.

After arriving at the location ash said "guys come out, I am back and I bring my friend with me" said ash to Pokemon after which they come out of hiding.

when professor oak saw their condition he was terrified. so he quickly took potions, medicine supply out of the bag at which the Pokemon back off.

"Guys these are medicines, this will help in healing your wounds," said ash after which they let professor apply for medicine.

"Thank goodness ash you took me here otherwise their condition could be worse" said professor

"but what all are they doing here and how they landed here? " professor asked ash

"I don't know professor" answered ash "but when I arrived here they were treated badly by those two" ash said as he pointed his finger towards two fainted teens

Oak thought looking at fainted teens "looks like they will not be getting up soon "

"what happened to them ash?"professor asked ash

Ash told the whole incident from the time he arrived here till he called professor oak for help

Oh I see …said oak still amazed.

{ "I know he will do some great things in future "} thought oak.

"Ash..." professor get ash's attention towards him." First of all we have to take all of them to lab or else they will be in trouble again" ash nodded in agreement.

"sure professor" ash replied.

"But professor don't tell this about anyone even Gary" ash requested professor to which he nodded in response knowing that if Gary somehow got the information that they are wild he would try to ask professor to give one of those straight away.

After arriving professor keep them in intensive care unit and ash asked professor if he could stay with them till they are free to leave.

Looking at ash professor replied that yes he could stay here but first of all he should inform his mother about this.

Ash smiled at professor and asked him about the time they require to heal completely.

Oak informed him that they would be healed before ready to leave in two weeks.

"Thanks professor" ash said thanks to professor for allow him to stay here for 2 weeks.

"By the way professor what Pokémon species are they, I have seen many kanto species in the books but they are completely different" asked ash

"Ash they are shiny riolu from sinnoh,shiny froky from kalos, beldum ,bagon and ralts from hoenn" replied professor

"Wow that's amazing, it means there are more pokemon than I could imagine" asked ash to which professor nodded

After which he returned home and told Delia the whole incident and informed her that he would be staying at professor's lab for next 2 weeks to which Delia permitted him.

And from that day ash was present at their side praying arceus to make them better.

Ash only leave their side when he need to take bath and eat food for which he visit his home.

2 weeks later...

-January 22, 1985-

it was the time the Pokémon opened their eyes and look at their were confused at where they are right now.

They then saw Ash sitting near them on chair which makes them happy that there are some humans which they could trust.

Ash saw this and inform professor oak about it.

"Professor they are awake" . Professor saw ash jumping up and down like a kid…. {"oh wait he is a kid by the way."} professor thought

{"Oh man my age is getting over me". } Professor oak thought

Yes ash let's check if they are ready to leave.

" hello little guys ,I hope you all are felling better huh" asked professor to which they nodded and rubbed their head towards his legs.

Oak informed him that they are ready to go anytime they want.

Ash ran over to the group of Pokémon he saved and said "now guys since you are healed up,you could get back to your family where you belong"

The group of Pokémon looked each other and start discussing

[pokespeach activated]

("Hey guys how you all are feeling?" ) enquire Riolu.

("Better than ever") replied Ralts.

("yeah...fine" ) replied froakie ( " but when we are going to leave?") questioned froakie.

(" Yeah what I want to say that this person name Ash saying that we could leave anytime we want" ) replied riolu

("yes! finally !...we could go back home") ralts replied back

("But guys do anyone knows how to get back there? that place what we call home") asked beldum

( "no we don't know") replied bagon

("It seems like this person Ash ketchum is kind,caring so why don't we stay with him" ) replied Riolu.

("stay with him? what do you mean riolu?") asked froakie

("By the term stay with him I mean that why don't we become his pokemon .You know this world is filled with evil people, also he is so caring and kind and this person ash could help us getting strong and this old guy seems caring like ash and will take care of us here" ) explained riolu.

(" so are you in?") asked riolu.

("yeah we are ...! " )replied Ralts, Bagon, beldum in unison

("I also think he is the trainer I have been waiting for")replied froakie

[pokespeach deactivated]

A dog like Pokémon with white color and red eyes came forward and start pointing to them and then to him.

"Huh.. what do you mean little guy" ash asked

Oak understood and began explaining to him…..

" Ash, my boy," professor oak said as ash turned his attention towards the professor."Riolu here want to say that they all five want to be your Pokémon and friends" said professor.

Ash was surprised and filled with a joy.

He kneels down at eye level of Pokémon and asked

" is this really true that you guys want to be my Pokemon instead of going back to wild" asked ash to which they nodded

"Ash they want to be because of two reasons. First, they belong to other regions which mean they cannot go on their own and second you save them so they want to show their gratitude towards you" said professor

" Plus ash they saw that you are kind, caring so that made them be with you." added professor to which Riolu and others nodded in agreement.

" So professor am I not to young to have a Pokémon with me." asked ash to which he denied

"Hey professor …" ash asked

"Yes my boy ?" Professor questioned.

"Would you like to teach me all about Pokémon training method, typing, diet, Pokémon medicines…etc" ash asked with puppy dog eyes.

Professor Oak thought for a second then agreed to it but he put on one condition that he should need to be serious which ash agreed to it with determination in its eyes.

" And ash tomorrow I have surprise for you." said professor

Ash turned towards the group of Pokémon and said them goodbye for now and ran towards his house.

-At Ketchum residence-

" Hey ash how are the Pokémon you took to oak." asked delia

Ash starts telling her about that they were fully healed and decided to be his Pokémon….

"Oh, ash I m happy for you. My baby boy is grown up" Delia said with sparkling eyes and hugged her child. In a death hug to be precise

"OK mom but you are cutting off my breathe," Ash said

Delia then released him as she was happy with the way ash was growing.

"Dinner is ready ash so get fresh in ten minutes, " said Delia

After Ash finished the dinner, he went to bed recalling the today's events.

{" Finally my own Pokémon before , I will show you who is best. "} Ash thought to himself and fall to sleep

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