/ Anime & Comics / Pirate Achievement System

Pirate Achievement System Original

Pirate Achievement System

Anime & Comics 56 Chapters 1.0M Views
Author: SpartaDevilGod

1.9 (33 ratings)

About Table of Contents


“Ron” found himself inexplicably in the world of One Piece, after he was hit by a speeding truck. Facing a life-threatening situation, our hero was rescued by the fourteen-year-old Nami. After discovering his capability of evoking an achievement system, Ron’s adventure in one of his favorite fantasy worlds has started.

Achievement: Small Fortune (Get 10 million berries)

Achievement: Self-Discipline (1000 hours of practice time)

Achievement: Berserker Mode (10,000 hours of practice time)


Nami said with dull eyes: “what did you say…fifth-level magic?”

“Yes! it’s called The Last Judgment.”

1-15 taken from

  1. Qi_wang
    Qi_wang Contributed 2
  2. ScarletFaire
    ScarletFaire Contributed 2
  3. Nubbro64
    Nubbro64 Contributed 1

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Ok now: The story is good, but the problem is, Dont fcking copy the translation of other people! First 13 chapters are all from translatinotaku... At chapter 14 you will see the horrible translation... Because its MAchine Translation! And when translation otaku post chapter 14, he will copy it again... Its ok if you translate it yourself, but no you habe to steal the work of others... Report pls!

View 22 Replies

I am Otaku_Slayer the translator of the Novel: Pirate's Achievements System, on "https://*****translatinotaku.net/". I must say I'm really disappointed with such conduct...It saddens me to find out that the chapters that I've spent hours on are being used for someone else's personal gain...without even mentioning the original source... It is an interesting novel that I myself enjoy reading. And am trying my best to share that with my precious readers. Hopefully the website will take strict measures against such behavior. As for the people who have an interest in the novel, please stay tuned for more chapters to come on "https://*****translatinotaku.net/" or join my Patreon ‘Otaku_Slayer’ for more published chapters. Thank you for your Support! Peaceee!

View 11 Replies
LV 14 Badge

Using other people’s work without giving credit and not going over said work for mistakes is a sign of a lazy idiot Don’t be a lazy idiot To bad So sad

View 12 Replies

MC is about as sturdy as a piece of paper. This novel is going to need a heavy dose of plot armor for this MC to survive until the grand line. I appreciate the use of trying to integrate magic into the One Piece world, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of the things that matter in one piece like physical strength, stamina, and speed. First and foremost, if he wants to be successful in One Piece, he needs personal physical strength. Without the cheat ability of logia intangibility, he stands no chance. Right now he is essentially a frail excuse for a paramecia user. This isn’t the gamer where Jihan can just dump all his points into intellect and wisdom. The MC doesn’t have magic skills to buff his physical attributes. He’s a weak body with a strong soul. Yeah Magic’s fun and great, but unless the magic has Harry Potter type versatility, it’s not feasible to survive in One Piece World. I really do like your writing style and the dialogues aren’t bad. Other than the grammar sometimes, you haven nothing to worry about in that regard. But you need to do something about his training and mental faculties for even thinking that keeping his body that frail is a good idea. As of right now, chopper could destroy him without any of his power ups.

View 4 Replies

copypaste? write the source and translate it yourself correctly .. copypaste? write the source and translate it yourself correctly .. copypaste? write the source and translate it yourself correctly ..

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at this point it's no doubt in my mind this story is going to go to ****! interesting concept but a twisted minded author this story's already dead before it started! maybe the harem lords will be interested but they can only fap to this weirdo **** for so long 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Stolen from translatinotaku and all of the chapters after the latest chapter on translatinotaku are the worst machine translation I've ever seen

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LV 6 Badge

For anyone interested the raw is you can find the raw on https://***.uukanshu.com/b/96307/ (海贼之成就系统作者) Its written by the same guy who wrote the fanfic about a dude who got the tremor-tremor fruit from one piece while being in the naruto world and the fanfic about a dude in one piece who received a zanpakto system-ish cheat.

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It's really bad story with east China Sea the OC name is wrong doesn't really show anything at all its just a cheap copy I don't think author like this should be allowed to post anything they want to

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Horrendous reading, spoils the reader's mood with inconsistent translation/language. Please improve as the language usage is inconsistent and horrible when there multiple language in the book

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Its good slow pace but common its to slow 1 chapter one activity how long and how many chapters will it take to reach the start of the canon

View 4 Replies

The story is great but its a stolen translation in the early chapters and an awful machine translation in the later ones. Just go to the original translator site and read it there for better experience.

View 1 Replies

Really nibba... Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho Y tho

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Don't steal other people's hard work, scum!!! If I wanted to read it further than on translatingotaku I would've gone reading mtl or just subscribed on his patreon

View 2 Replies

Really now??? Subscribing to patreon then stealing that guys work for real wtf bro be real and stop doing those things .that guy does all the hard and it gets stolen not cool

View 5 Replies

Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work Not the real writer Stealing another writer work

View 3 Replies

This wasnt necessarily good or bad until the 18th chapter where I just lost my patience for this novel, just Idk, read it if you want too, but I’m leaving this here

View 2 Replies
LV 14 Badge

Copy paste but not 100%, not consistent with the name. Copy paste but not 100%, not consistent with the name. Copy paste but not 100%, not consistent with the name. Copy paste but not 100%, not consistent with the name.

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F*ck you, you're no different from those people who upload FanFiction.net fanfictions in Wattpad and doesn't credit the true owner. Piece of sh*t. Don't ask why it's a 1 ☆, just read the story and the others' reviews and comments.

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Latest Release:
Chapter 56: New 4 years ago

Volume 1

  1. 1
    Chapter 1: East Blue, Cocoyasi Village 4 years ago
  2. 2
    Chapter 2: Differences in the World 4 years ago
  3. 3
    Chapter 3: Achievement System 4 years ago
  4. 4
    Chapter 4: Wind Magic First Level 4 years ago
  5. 5
    Chapter 5: Details Determine Success or Failure 4 years ago
  6. 6
    Chapter 6: I’ll Save Her 4 years ago
  7. 7
    Chapter 7: Going out to the sea 4 years ago
  8. 8
    Chapter 8: Objectives 4 years ago
  9. 9
    Chapter 9: Unexpected Situations 4 years ago
  10. 10
    Chapter 10: The Power of the Wind blade 4 years ago
  11. 11
    Chapter 11: Three Achievements 4 years ago
  12. 12
    Chapter 12: Rise in The World 4 years ago
  13. 13
    Chapter 13: Cheers for the Cooperation! 4 years ago
  14. 14
    Chapter 14: Achievement Points for Life 4 years ago
  15. 15
    Chapter 15. Agreement with Us 4 years ago
  16. 16
    Chapter 16: Fire Magic 4 years ago
  17. 17
    Chapter 17: Leaps and bounds 4 years ago
  18. 18
    Chapter 18: Strength 4 years ago
  19. 19
    Chapter 19: Treasure chest and pirates 4 years ago
  20. 20
    Chapter 20: Ron's strength 4 years ago
  21. 21
    Сhapter 21 The One-Way Slaughter 4 years ago
  22. 22
    Chapter 22. Changes in spirit 4 years ago
  23. 23
    Chapter 23. What's missing? 4 years ago
  24. 24
    Chapter 24. Fame in the East Blue 4 years ago
  25. 25
    Chapter 25. Magic wand 4 years ago
  26. 26
    Chapter 26. Full-fledged Magician! 4 years ago
  27. 27
    Chapter 27 The coming wave 4 years ago
  28. 28
    Chapter 28 Don Krieg's goal 4 years ago
  29. 29
    Chapter 29. The magic of the 2nd order! 4 years ago
  30. 30
    Chapter 30. Battle! 4 years ago
  31. 31
    Chapter 31. Deal with it 4 years ago
  32. 32
    Chapter 32 1VS2000 massacre! 4 years ago
  33. 33
    Chapter 33 The power of the magic of the 2nd order! 4 years ago
  34. 34
    Chapter 34. Late support 4 years ago
  35. 35
    Chapter 35. Vice-Admiral's Regret 4 years ago
  36. 36
    Chapter 36 East Blue is shaking! 4 years ago
  37. 37
    Chapter 37. Time distribution 4 years ago
  38. 38
    Chapter 38. Explosive ignition 4 years ago
  39. 39
    Chapter 39. Return to Kokoyaxi. 4 years ago
  40. 40
    Chapter 40. Arlong's death 4 years ago
  41. 41
    Chapter 41 The strongest pirate hunter of the East Blue! 4 years ago
  42. 42
    Chapter 42 New changes in spirit 4 years ago
  43. 43
    Chapter 43. Master runes 4 years ago
  44. 44
    Chapter 44 Eternal Rune 4 years ago
  45. 45
    Chapter 45. Donquixotic Invitation 4 years ago
  46. 46
    Chapter 46 Information about the devil's fruit 4 years ago
  47. 47
    Chapter 47 Clash 4 years ago
  48. 48
    Chapter 48 Ron VS Senor Pink 4 years ago
  49. 49
    Chapter 49 Will and spirit 4 years ago
  50. 50
    Chapter 50. Absorption of the devil's fruit 4 years ago
  51. 51
    Chapter 51 Promotion 4 years ago
  52. 52
    Chapter 52 Heading to Marineford! 4 years ago
  53. 53
    Chapter 53 Kalm Belt 4 years ago
  54. 54
    Chapter 54 Iron fist of Garp 4 years ago
  55. 55
    Chapter 55 Mid-order Magic Imprint 4 years ago
  56. 56
    New 4 years ago