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(Chapter 60)

Shyrveen's consciousness falls into the dark abyss of dreamland and he just found himself standing in the middle of the big throne room.

He looked around and saw how crowded the room is, the audiences are standing from their seat while royal guards standing in the middle pathway, giving a path for him with a red carpet from the door towards the throne beneath his feet.

But the thing that making him confused was, the throne room is not in the medieval era but in the future era.

The room has futuristic touches of things that more futuristic than the modern Earth.

Holograms are everywhere, laserguns are on each royal guards, even their armor suits can make someone think that it will produce energy shields.

Then he heard someone calls his attention but he's not sure if he is the one who's the person calling.


Shyrveen looks up and stunned himself after seeing his face that much older, he estimated that the old man which has his own facial features, is in mid-fifties.

And there's the queen that has the same features of his mother but he can still differentiate the two.

Lastly, there are two kids beside the king and queen, a young man with the same age of Han Sen and little girl which resemblances his late sister.

But Shyrveen is more focused on the young man wearing a suit and cape that befitted for a prince.

Except that he can tell very much that this is not him at all.

This family of four is like depicting his own family that is living in the future with better lives.


Then he heard the very familiar voice again that coming from his back, he looks back and saw his father standing just in the door frame, wearing his casual clothes.

With his mother and little sister at his side.

His features are from his mother and father that he can see it by himself and so he's not doubting for being adopted by them.

He massages his face and stops on his nose bridge.

He was prepared for being killed again by them since this is a nightmare.

But this is out of his expectation, and so, he is very confused now.

'... But... Why there's two?... What kind of hint is this, Irveen?...'

In Shyrveen's inner mind.

Irveen can saw what's Shyrveen is dreaming of.

He gritted his teeth, he's infuriated and use the ice to cover his fist and punch the egg before saying in a growl state.

"You're still interfering with my plans?..."

He punch again and again while murmuring.

"... There's no hope for you anymore, Eggie~... Give up~... Stop it~... YOU, BOTH, WILL, BE, CONSUMED, BY, ME, SOON~..."

'... I need to make Shyrveen take the four shards fast...'

Irveen looks at his open palms and clenches it.

'Shit... Why I can't just intervene to control the body!? WHY!? Arg!'

And soon punched again the eggshell that made some cracks again after being regenerated.

Hence, he looks back to see what's happening in the dream while feeling antagonized again after watching the whole four dreams.

He swears that he made sure that they are four nightmares and not four simple dreams.

He glares with an intent to kill the egg but he knows that he's being restricted by something.

'Because of you I'm powerless in this place!'

Thus, he can only harness ice to send punches, kicks, headbutts, shoulder bashes, and anything that Irveen can think of to let out his frustration to the egg.

Outside of the inner mind.

Four hours passed, but Yang Manli already stopped crying instead she is confused with Han Sen.

They saw how peaceful Shyrveen sleeping is, they have urges to shake him to wake him up but they thought that this is how Shyrveen sleeps while having nightmares.

Then soon, the eyelids tremble and slowly opens.

Yang Manli rushes to hugs him and looks carefully to his face and saw that there's no single bullet of sweat and sighed in relief.

Han Sen sighed too and ask.

"So what did you got, brother Shyr?"

Shyrveen caresses the back of Yang Manli and looked at Han Sen.

"... A fucking puzzle four dreams..."

Han Sen scratches his head from feeling like an idiot but something is different from the way that Shyrveen said it.

"... Isn't that applied to your past nightmares?... Or..."

"Yeah. They were not nightmares but very confusing ones... Somehow I got the hints for the eleventh shard but I think it's in the fourth sanctuary... And... By any means, this puzzling dreams is like focused for... Who I am..."

Shyrveen tilted his head and ponder for a bit and mumbles his verdict.

He felt Yang Manli's body stiffens and saw Han Sen's stunned expression.


And Shyrveen continues his mumbling.

"I... I don't know if my memories are still true... Or false ones that have been sewn by Eggie or Irveen..."

Yang Manli push herself away to see the face of Shyrveen, and she cups his cheeks with her hands.

"Then! Isn't that a bad news?..."

"I don't really know, even with my rational mind, I can't keep up with this... But all I can say is one of them is protecting me and one is harming me... But Eggie is isolated and imprisoned... So I don't know yet if he's the one protecting me or harming me..."

Shyrveen shook his head and elaborated, but only to heard Han Sen's conclusions too.

"Until you can't found out how Eggie can intervene or communicate with you... Your doubts to Irveen will always be in 50-50?"

"More or less... Both of them are older than me, I can't keep up with their minds... My mind keeps telling me that I'm just running around on their palms... I can't even think and predict what Eggie lay down before isolating himself inside the egg... Even if we say that Irveen is the bad soul here. I don't have any means to purge him out of my inner mind... There are so many fucking 'if's in my mind, you know?... Haa..."

After hearing Shyrveen like this.

Silence permeates for ten minutes straight.

And Yang Manli doing her best to caress his back, she knows that Shyrveen can't express any frustration for his mind to be this confused.

Thinking like this made her heart feels so sad for him, and so she tries to soothe his body instead.

Han Sen leans on the wall and his mind is aching too and thought that this might be much worst since Shyrveen can't convey the feelings that should be expelled from thinking these doubts.


Then Shyrveen proceeds to tell his thoughts to them.

"... And with my desire now?... I desire to give up and get the fuck out of this confusing situation and sleep eternally for no more headaches..."

Yang Manli became enraged and slaps his cheeks and push him on the bed that was stunned from her action.

"That-! No, darling!!! Don't do it! I won't let you! No! No! No!"

Both men saw how hard she cries after hearing Shyrveen, and Shyrveen can feel Han Sen's accusation stare.

'Shit... Because of this confusion, my mind is not working properly and just blurting things out like what I was in the past... I'm becoming indifferent again...

Haa... Relax, put these things in the side of your mind, Shyrveen... Slowly... But surely... Solve them one by one... Huu...'

Shyrveen massages his face, took a deep breath, and released it and soon wipes her cheeks out of her tears.

"... I'm sorry... And... Don't worry, that's just my metaphor if you're not on my side, sweety... I can't do that as long as you're still with me..."

Yang Manli knows that Shyrveen is out of his indifference and trying to lighten up the atmosphere and she joked with him.

"You! Are you saying that you will give up if I break up with you!?..."

Shyrveen shrugs and acts as he smiles evilly to Yang Manli.

"More or less... So, take responsibility, sweety~"

"You idiot... You're helpless if I'm not around, eh?..."

Yang Manli hugs him after mumbling this, Shyrveen shrugs.

"You can say that."

But Han Sen ignored this and want to confirm something from Shyrveen.

"... Are you not scared of dying, brother Shyr?"

Shyrveen looks at Han Sen's complicated eyes that possess mixed emotions.

"... There's no 'fear' if you're this complicated, brother Sen... You should already know that the moment you saw my body broke down when I was merging the two Sacred-Blood Obsidian Dragon into one..."

"... That... Haa..."

Han Sen facepalmed and only to hear Shyrveen changing the topic.

"... So, what's the status of your Mana?"

"We stopped the moment you take your sleep. I can't continue just to leave Manli like this..."

Han Sen elaborated for what they felt for four hours staring at him that sleeping peacefully then willed his Mana to be release.

"But here, measure it, I don't know how to compare mine to others..."

Shyrveen measured the magical presence of Han Sen and told him what he found out.

"... You're a peak C-Rank Hunter... Aren't you too fast cultivating Mana?... Wait. Your Mana is like diluted... C'mon, brother Sen... I told you not to rush things, right?... Compressed them to be dense as like what you felt to my Ice Mana..."

Shyrveen raised an eyebrow for this and sighed for his sworn brother.

Han Sen scratches the back of his head and explained himself.

"Sorry... I'm too excited and I thought that I can take whatever I can before compressing them to be dense."

Shyrveen shook his head for Han Sen to see and intricated the things.

"... That won't do. If my conclusion is correct, once your body feels bloated, the body will start to work at that time for you to be awakened..."

Han Sen realized this and nodded, fetch the Magic Crystals, and waved it as he walked towards the kitchen part.

"Alright. I'll go back to cultivating now... There's still 4 hours before 8 o'clock."

Shyrveen saw him arranged the table and seats on the side and Han Sen took a seat in the middle area in crossed legs, then glance down to the swan that still hugging him.

"So... What about you, sweety?"

Yang Manli didn't budge and only muttered.

"... You can check it yourself."

Shyrveen detected that Yang Manli focused on compressing the Mana according to what he said and different from Han Sen, she's currently still a D-Rank but in a peak state and soon will breakthrough.

He took a glance at Han Sen and thought.

'Does he have a problem currently and it seems he's always in a haste?...'

Then he heard Yang Manli mumbles between her lips and his neck.

"... Let's sleep, darling... I want to hug you to make your body remember my presence, with that, I can stop that mind of yours from thinking that bullshit..."

Shyrveen sighed and hugs her body and closed his eyes too.

"... Okay, sweet dreams, sweety."


Quarter before eight, Shyrveen woke up from the sweet aroma of breakfast.

"Good morning, darling/brother Shyr."

He looked at the kitchen and saw Yang Manli cooking and Han Sen gobbles down his food.

"We didn't wake you up since your mind wasn't really sleeping when dreaming."


Shyrveen takes his seat and thanked Yang Manli that soon takes a seat beside him too before mowing down their meals.

Three of them watched the news on television and soon, they are on their way to the Sung Family's apartment to call for Sung Jin-Woo to go with them at once to the office.

"Come inside, everyone. Did you three take your breakfast?"

Park Kyung-Hye invited them and asked.

"Yes, Ajumma."

Three of them said respectfully, while she felt happy about this.

This is the first time that someone comes over to this place that her son's friend colleague or so, and not the same people that related for her son's being a Hunter.

"Jin-Woo! Your friends are here!"

Sung Jin-Woo's head appeared from the bathroom's door frame with a toothbrush in his mouth and greeted them.

"Hello, Hyung-nim, brother Sen, and sister Manli."

"Hi. Brother Jin."

They waved to him and soon they heard a joyful voice of a young woman.

"Hyung Shyr! - !!! Oops!..."

Sung Jin-Ah runs towards the door, to where Shyrveen is and wants to hug his arm and will pull him towards the table to eat breakfast.

But she stops in her tracks after seeing a woman blocking Shyrveen's body from her.

Yang Manli subconsciously made her body like a barricade after hearing the voice of another woman that has a kind of reverence and.

'Admire?... This won't do... I know that darling insisted to reject Xuan Xuan and I felt very bad for her... But this... This isn't really possible... I won't allow this!'

Yang Manli glare at Sung Jin-Ah's eyes and soon sparks appeared in the air.

Han Sen, feeling the love war that will break out soon, he carefully went inside and didn't dare to be in between of two women.

Sung Jin-Woo don't know what to do after seeing her sister like this and thought that Shyrveen is a one-woman man and will reject his sister's feeling.

But thinking this, he will feel sad for his sister's first love to be broken just like that.

'... I should not intervene with this... I know Hyung-nim isn't that kind of man...'

Shyrveen sighed after seeing and sensing the 'adore' stage of the stare of Sung Jin-Ah.

Then soon, Park Kyung-Hye smash the ladle to Sung Jin-Ah's head.

"Don't stand there just like an idiot, you're blocking their way."

She can feel her daughter's feelings but decided to let the kids deal with it, she will only help and support her kids once they are down.

'But for now...'

And she takes a glance at Shyrveen and Yang Manli.

'Good for him... He's not the so gloomy and shy man compared from our first meeting.'

After thirty minutes of chit-chatting, four of them said byes with Park Kyung-Hye and Sung Jin-Ah.

As the door closed completely.

Park Kyung-Hye changed her mind and she stated to her daughter.

"Give up, the young woman beside him is sure his lover. And I know that Shyr will reject you, even if we say that he might accept you. I won't agree for you to be his mistress, Jin-Ah."

"Muu, even you, Omma?..."

Sung Jin-Ah mumbles and glances at the door.

"... They are not yet married. Hyung Shyr might change feelings, Omma~"

"You-! Stop thinking nonsense already! Yang Manli seems a Hunter and a strong one too, and what I mean is, young girl... I won't let you be a Hunter too and seek dangers by yourself just to follow Shyr. Your Hyung already making me worries, so behave."

"... Ugh, Omma~..."

"Shhh! Get your ass back to your homework."

Sung Jin-Ah pouted and scratches the back of her head and annoyingly went back to her room.


Four of them decided to take a taxi to commute instead of using the public bus.

The taxi driver was stunned after seeing the four individuals that he saw in the newspaper just this morning, and now they are his customers this time and excitedly went outside and helped them like a first-class chauffeur.

After ten minutes of riding, Sung Jin-Woo makes the driver stop the car not that far from the Guild's entrance.

"What's wrong, Jin-Woo."

Sung Jin-Woo didn't answer but pointed at the front.

And that's when they spotted the big cordon of reporters camping outside the Guild building.

Yoo Jin-Ho was currently being surrounded by them, unable to do anything to extricate himself.

It seemed that he got ensnared by the reporters during his morning commute.

They saw how the reporters began their barrage of questions to Yoo Jin-Ho and soon four of them noticed him to be outwardly looked to be somewhat troubled.

But with their exceptional eyes, they definitely caught the kid trying to forcibly suppress his smile every now and then...

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