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(Chapter 59)

Enough time had passed on the outside and it was night-time already.

Hunters began emerging one by one from the Gate, with ice blocks on their feet, that they can see that melting too fast and in no time, no trace of water or ice can be seen.

Right up until then, those waiting around outside the Gate had no idea the scale of the event taking place within.

However, they all realized that something really bad had happened after seeing the deceased Hunters being carried out by the shadow soldiers.

"... Oh, my god..."

"Are those all!?..."

The members of the Bravery Guild who had reported this matter, and the female Association employee standing by, all saw this procession and their complexions turned ashen in an instant.

The number of casualties was just far too great for them.

'Weren't these people the elite Hunters of the country?...

The Hunters belonging to the Hunter's Guild and the Monitoring Division were called some of the very best, yet...'

Everyone outside of the Gate was thinking something like this.

After everyone had emerged, Sung Jin-Woo and Cha Hae-In simultaneously stepped out of the Gate.

Reporter Kim had been staying put until then to keep an eye on the situation, and when he saw the conditions of those two, his eyes grew extraordinarily wide from sheer shock.

The heavy traces of intense battle were clearly visible on the bodies of these two S-Rank Hunters, dried up, caked blood, torn, ripped clothing, their disheveled hairs.

But soon, everyone saw the last three individuals that much better compared to the Hunters that went out first.

Two individuals are very young, a man and a woman just almost reaching twenty years of age, and the last one was the Hunter called and known by the public as the Dragon's Summoner.

Only the personnel of Hunter's Association and Reporter Kim saw that three individuals are the last people that went inside.

Reporter Kim was thinking that these three arrive too late and only helped so little.

But the right-hand personnel of Woo Jin-Cheol, knows best.

'... Based on his magical presence, Dragon's Summoner helped them a lot...'

Then he went to glance at the eleven corpses inside the ice coffin before he continued his thoughts.

'... If not, the numbers might be over twenty instead...'

He shook his head and went to grab a clean towel and run towards Woo Jin-Cheol that slumped over the ground after the stressful fight inside the Gate.

Physical and mental stress was accumulated in his whole body that caused him to be in a dazed state in the middle of the fight a few times already.

Sung Jin-Woo stop Woo Jin-Cheol from trying to stand up and pointed at reporter Kim that is not stopping taking pictures of them and ask him.

"It is indeed disallowed to film you in an individual capacity, Hunter Sung. However, just like how it was back in the Jeju Island raid, it's impossible to block the report on the incident itself."

Sung Jin-Woo nodded his head.

'Mom would get worried if she saw my messed-up appearance, though...'

He was sort of worried about that happening, but then again, it didn't mean he could forcibly stop the reporter from doing his job.

Indeed, that reporter was doing what he was supposed to be doing.

He also wished for someone to let the world know of the ultimate sacrifices these Hunters made while fighting to ensure that no tragedy would unfold in the near future, as well.

"Want to go with us? We will go back now..."

Shyrveen asked Sung Jin-Woo after making sure the things here are fine now.

"Wait, Hunter Shyr! What about those ice coffins?"

The member and a girl of the Hunter's Guild asked him with eyes of despair and sadness.

"... Ask their relatives if they want to thaw and cremate their bodies or not. If I thawed that ices, the bodies will fall off from each other and you guys will have a hard time piecing them back and..."

Shyrveen pointed at his back, for where are the reports are.

The girl nodded after realizing what Shyrveen is pointing at her, even those other members are listening.

"... So for now, I'll make those coffins stay like that. It's fine if you put them into warm or cold morgues, that ice is unmeltable but not indestructible. And go to Ahjin Guild, 9 in the morning if you all want to continue our talk about this... So take your time as much as possible to get some rest for there's still the major event that is happening in Tokyo, Japan..."

Shyrveen elaborated and thought something and gave his opinions to them.

Choi Jong-In thanked them sincerely and agreed to his opinion.

Because if the Gate in Japan can't be stopped by the people in that country.

This might be a second Jeju Island case but much worst on an international scale.

And after saying byes with them.

Sung Jin-Woo summoned Kaisel and Shyrveen summoned Apollyon.

Two big dragons, but a western and eastern dragons meet, both are sentient, but only stared and soon bows at each other.

Sung Jin-Woo and Shyrveen looked at each other then shrugs.

'These two won't see each other as enemy as long we, their summoners, are not hating each other too, eh?...'

Sung Jin-Woo helped Cha Hae-In to get up on Kaisel's back with him, because her home was in the same direction too.

And Yang Manli was helped by Shyrveen but Han Sen only jumps on Apollyon's back while being annoyed.

'Great! One pair of lovers is already burning my eyes and now? Two pairs?... Arg! I want to be loved!!! O'great heaven, please throw me my soulmate!!!'

Shyrveen glance at Han Sen and muttered.

"Why not try to pursue Xuan?..."

Han Sen almost took a heart attack after hearing Shyrveen's suggestion.

"!!! Brother Shyr!? No! No! No! I'm sorry for saying this Manli but I'm having an inch of anger while thinking your best friend... Did you know brother Shyr? The moment that I arrived in the shelter, that woman intercepts me as if she has clairvoyance! And I was forced to take a beating from her! Oh god!"

Shyrveen wryly smiles and Yang Manli giggles.

"Hihihi! Why don't you try? One philosopher said, 'The greater you hate, the greater you love.'."

"Stop! Mercy! I don't want to hear anything! Blah, blah, blah, blah!"

Han Sen covered his ears and closed his eyes.

Sung Jin-Woo was amused by this as Cha Hae-In too.

She was curious about what are the identities of these two, but she knows that she is not in the right place to ask questions.

She took a glance at Sung Jin-Woo's smiling face and her eyes stop at his lips, her fantasizing started and Sung Jin-Woo decided to ignore this.

Two men hug the waists of women but leaving the lonely Han Sen clutching on Apollyon's scales before they order both dragons to fly in the starry night sky that has been covered by the veil of darkness for the people's eyes on the ground that seeing this.

After a half an hour flying casually, they reached the place where Cha Hae-In is living.

While Sung Jin-Woo helping Cha Hae-In to get down from Kaisel's back.

Shyrveen decided to let Apollyon fly above the clouds and let the two aliens see the full moon that is floating above their heads.

Sung Jin-Woo and Cha Hae-In spend around fifteen minutes before they said byes to each other.

Four people continue on their journey way back home and they reached the apartment for Sung Jin-Woo.

Both dragons touched down and disappeared, Sung Jin-Woo and Shyrveen talked to each other for ten minutes while Han Sen and Yang Manli was listening to them from the side.

But before Sung Jin-Woo turns around.


Shyrveen throws the last fist-sized blue crystal to Sung Jin-Woo and saw his eyebrow raised.

"Lick it like a candy, that's our new great findings in that place."

Sung Jin-Woo inspects the crystal and glances at Shyrveen, trying to check if he is trolling him or not.

After making sure that Shyrveen is serious about this, Sung Jin-Woo licked it and felt a much stronger life energy compared to the Sacred-Blood Genes, that went inside his bloodstream and bypassing his internal organ until his body was covered by it.

'Tyrant Sea Serpent's life essence was consumed. Two Super Geno Points gained.'

"... Super?"

He was confused about why there's a fifth, Shyrveen said that there are only four Geno Points and he remembered too the thing in his Extra Status showing his Geno Points.

"We can talk about this thing tomorrow morning in the office."

"Alright, Hyung-nim. Good night."

"Good night as well."

Shyrveen lead Han Sen and Yang Manli that greeted Sung Jin-Woo 'good night' too.

After reaching his room and locked the door.

"So, sleep or cultivate?"

"Cultivate, of course. It's still 10 in the evening, darling~"

"Yup, yup."

"Okay, here."

Shyrveen handed the big magic crystals from the double dungeon that they got, to the two gluttons.

"Just tell me if you feel, something like... Full or bloated?"

"Got it, brother Shyr."

After seeing the two went into deep cultivation, he went outside and calls someone.

He connected through and talk to the person on the opposite side for thirty minutes straight and ends the call before going back inside.

With nothing to do, he cooked some meals to eat and left some portions for Han Sen and Yang Manli.

He can't practice the Icesheath as long there's a person beside him, adding that there are two people at his side in one room.

Instead, he looked at his status.

Shyrveen Yñiguez: Not Evolved

Status: None

Life Span: 200 Years

Required for Evolution: 100 Geno Points

Geno Points Gained:

- Ordinary Geno Points: 100

- Primitive Geno Points: 100

- Mutant Geno Points: 64

- Sacred Geno Points: 40

- Super Geno Points: 17

Beast Souls Gained:

- Mutant River-Scaled Sea Serpent [Spear] x5

- Mutant Crimson Iron-Bone Fish [Arrow] x3

- Sacred-Blood Black Beetle [Armor]

- Sacred-Blood Nimble Sea Serpent [Spear]

- Sacred-Blood Adolescent Nimble Sea Serpent (2 Stars) [Spear]

- Sacred-Blood Adult Nimble Sea Serpent (3 Stars) [Spear]

- Super Dragon Dream Comedora Queen, Deisy (1 Star) [Pet, Glyph]

- Super Dragon Volceanic Champion, Apollyon (1 Star) [Pet, Mount]

- Super Treant Devout Guardian, Esmund (1 Star) [Pet, Staff]

Lexine, Elessar, Vrtra, and the Sacred-Blood Bow are still with Yang Manli and Han Sen.

He decided not to get back those Beast Souls from them while all of them are still on Earth.

If something happened, they won't need to waste time finding him and getting the better Beast Souls to fight.

And it's better for his sworn brother and girlfriend to use them since he can't summon all of them at once while meddling their Beast Souls at the same time.

'... Or my body might get erased and reduced to nothingness... 33 points more before I can try to evolve one of them into (2 Stars)...

Thinking while focusing on my ability to evolve Beast Souls seems easy... But getting their based Beast Souls are time-consuming...

I can't even put this as a proposal to make a contract with Qin Xuan or she will get some suspicious for why I'm collecting certain Beast Souls with a great amount of numbers...

It's understandable if I'm collecting Beast Souls to sell, but it must be done and be applied to any Beast Souls and not only to my required Beast Souls...

Where in the hell I can find people to be trusted to help me obtain Beast Souls?... I can't forever think that brother Sen and sweety to be available 24/7 just to help me... Haa...'

Then two people appeared on his mind and decided to add this thing to talk about with Sung Jin-Woo.

And he took a glance at Yang Manli and remembers his birthday that will be happened at twelve midnight.

He went to her side and poke her nose.

Yang Manli woke up and smiled happily to see her beloved but soon her happiness will shatter.

"Hold Deisy for me, she might eat the quadruple nightmares later after twelve midnight..."

"... Do you really need to do this, darling?..."

She wants to cry again and be stubborn to stop him but Shyrveen caress her head and can receive her worries.

Shyrveen kissed her forehead and stated softly.

"I must."

With just one word, Yang Manli sigh and kissed him deeply and let him lay down on his bed.

"Be careful?..."

"... I will."

"I love you..."

"... You know very well that I can't say that to you until Irveen got back the 'love' emotion..."

Shyrveen shook his head and caress her cheeks with tears.

"... Just this one, please... I'm fine hearing it for now, even without the feeling in your voice while saying it, darling..."

"Alright... I love you too."

Shyrveen decided not to use his acting for it will be more rudeness to her, and said the words simply with his usual dead voice, before slowly closed his eyes.

Han Sen already stop cultivating after hearing the soft cry of Yang Manli and watch them with a heavy and negative feeling in his heart.

Yang Manli wants to grab Shyrveen's hand but she knows that this might cause her beloved to fail to encounter his clues for his Soul Shard.

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder and she knew that it was Han Sen.

After a few minutes of silence, she heard him saying.

"... I know that brother Shyr is doing this for you now... You're his reason now to fight those two...

And he wants you to be loved by him too. Even though he knows that you're fine with his inadequacy in his life...

But someday, he, or you both, need to face this for those two souls that fighting inside him will come to an end in no time soon..."

"I know..."

Yang Manli slowly put her head and softly cries beside the bed where she can't touch her lover for a couple of hours, and knowing that he needs to experience another shuddering nightmares...

Shengtot Shengtot

I think, it was a good idea that I put this in Book & Literature, no?

I'm thinking that, to send some romantic excitement, cringy from horrifying experience, laugh from some comedic parts, and etc. to the readers while reading this story...

What do you guys think?

Isn't it more lively to read? XD

But sadly, sorry for those who will not like it though, thanks for reading.


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