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(Chapter 57)

Cha Hae-In woke up from her stupor and decided to charge towards the angel statue with great anger but only to be stopped by Shyrveen grabbing her shoulder.

Cha Hae-In looked at Shyrveen without voicing out her confusion for why he is stopping her.

"... Focus at Jin-Woo. Try to wake him up."

Then Shyrveen pointed out to Sung Jin-Woo that sleeping quietly like a baby and sitting on the throne in the middle of the chamber.

Cha Hae-In looked to Sung Jin-Woo then glances at the angel statue before nodding at Shyrveen and sprinted towards Sung Jin-Woo.

Shyrveen looked at the vexed angel statue that glaring at him.

"What are you!?"

"... And I thought you're a higher being?... You should be the one to know what I am... No?"

The angel statue becomes more irked after Shyrveen throws back its question, but its mind's gears work so fast after the question sink in its mind and disappeared from its position and reappeared just in front of Shyrveen.

Shyrveen allows it to stare at his dead eyes in a point-blank range.

And after a few seconds, the angel statue laughs so hard that it can be considered a laugh of an insane and crazy person.

"HAHAHA! You're him!!! Who would think that 'he' is you all along?"

The angel statue said with amusement in its voice while still can't stop laughing, which made all the people in the room confused.

The angel statue found the Broken System that it throws to the person which is called 'The One' from the moment Sung Jin-Woo invited Shyrveen, it was Ashborn's order but that's not all.

After the invitation was sent and the other party accepted it.

The angel statue, the Architect, detected the remnants of Absolute Being inside of 'The One' but it can't find the said person because the Broken System was out of its administration's access and commands, by another Ashborn's order.

No one except the Architect knows the remnants of the Absolute Being for it is planning something.

And now, the Absolute Being that the angel statue, the Architect, has been searching for from the behind of Ashborn, was the person who is facing it now.

But the angel stops laughing after someone punches its cheek and the angel statue flew again onto the wall.

Cracks ran against the surface of the wall again from the sheer impact force and rubble tumbled down to the floor.

Just before the angel statue could slide down to the ground, Sung Jin-Woo stood before the stone monster and he tightly grasped its neck and growled at it.


Sung Jin-Woo's other hand was pressing against his right chest.

Indeed, he wasn't dreaming of it, there was one more heart beating away within the right side of his chest.

Sung Jin-Woo clenched the neck of the statue even harder and asked.

"What the hell did you do to my body?"

For a moment then, within the recalled data, Sung Jin-Woo had become the real Shadow Monarch.

And that's when he realized it, that there was another heart of magical energy beating within his chest.

He felt powerful surges of energy ceaselessly flowing out from this new heart.

Then he proceeds to check his status.

'Status Window...'

That's when he saw his enormous Mana that over one hundred thousand units and new title.

[Title: Demon Hunter

'You have satisfied its requirements.'

You have recovered the memories of defeating the King of Demons, Baran, Monarch of the White Flames. An immense power has acknowledged the Player as its new owner.

Effect 'Black Heart': Additional MP +100,000]

"But how... Can you be!?"

Sung Jin-Woo raised his head after hearing a trembling voice that was leaking out of the angel statue's mouth.

For the first time ever, Sung Jin-Woo saw another expression besides that disgusting smile or the one of anger from this statue's face.

The emotion revealed by its new expression was clearly fear.

The angel statue looked at Sung Jin-Woo with true fear and spoke as if it couldn't believe what had happened.

"How can you still retain your former ego, even with the Black Heart beating within you!?"

"... So you know something."

Sung Jin-Woo heard the winged monster's mutterings and quickly realized two important things.

One, the angel statue was definitely not responsible for this "Black Heart" appearing within his body. Two, the result of it waking up within him shouldn't have ended well for him.

After thinking about this, Sung Jin-Woo strengthened his grip on the angel statue's neck, and deep cracks formed on its neck.

But only to be stopped from hearing the casual voice of Shyrveen that calling his name.


Sung Jin-Woo looked back at Shyrveen and his anger subside a little bit.

"... Hyung-nim."

"I don't know what that thing did to you but don't kill it yet for I want to seek some knowledge from it too."

"... Then you are too, Hyung-nim!?"

Hearing Shyrveen's words like this, Sung Jin-Woo can't stop thinking that Shyrveen might be the same as him.

But Shyrveen shook his head and walked towards them.

"... Yeah. I just got back yesterday and I wanted to talk to you about this but I can't reach you. I want to warn you about your powers that might be a plan, a stage for these higher beings to be fully reincarnated after preparing our bodies to be stronger as their incarnation vessels...

In your case, it's the Death Monarch... But I don't know how much your situation can be compared to mine though..."

"That... Haa... And it's not Death Monarch, Hyung-nim. But accurately called, Shadow Monarch..."

Sung Jin-Woo was confused about how Shyrveen got this information and corrected him, and only to be interrupted by the angel statue's voice.

"Could it be!?... Y-You, you damn Shadow Monarch, you dare to… Against us!!!... You think other Monarchs will take this lying down!?"

The angel statue glared at Sung Jin-Woo and kept muttering out some nonsense, then remember Shyrveen after seeing his face so close again.

The angel statue keeps looking alternatively at Sung Jin-Woo and Shyrveen, then the fear that was changed into anger after thinking the Shadow Monarch betraying the others, changed back again to the fear.

And changed back to anger again before it shouted at Shyrveen so loudly.

"No! No! No!!! How you can be!? You're the Absolute Being! A person who is more concerned about having an entertainment than the lives of others!!! You shouldn't be taking part in this!!!... You!!!... WEAKLING!!!"

The angel statue cannot accept that it will die and its plan to control the Absolute Being's remnants to be his and reincarnate as a person that has a chance of being a Monarch once it is successful, will be all for naught.

And the fact that its plan is not yet beginning, or not progressing to the first phase.



Both men were stunned and speechless from seeing the changing expressions of the angel statue and its cursing.

But Shyrveen heard Irveen again without his usual demeanor and requested at him.

'... Can you make him shut up, Shyr?... He's too noisy...'

'... You're the one who should shut up here...'

And he ignores him and focused at the angel statue again that continued its weird speech.

"You can't deny that you are weak, Absolute Being! Hahaha! You've been killed in the first place because you're too complacent from your ability to harness any kind of powers in this universe!"

'Shyr! Make him shut up!'

And only to hear the irritated Irveen this time, but something suspicious keeps pestering Shyrveen's mind from his first meeting with Irveen and now.

'... Why?... Are you 'him'?...'

Shyrveen confronted Irveen casually but only for Irveen to be shocked and stated loudly in Shyrveen's inner mind.

'!!! No! Why would I be!? I can't stand hearing him insulting us! Eggie is already a part of us and so, that shit is insulting us too, you moron!'

'... You're being defensive, Irveen... You and Eggie... I'm watching you both...'

'You-! How you can be like that!? Didn't I helped you already!?'

'... There's a possibility that you're still lying to me though... Cry all you want there...'

'This moron! Arg! I won't talk to you anymore!'

Then Shyrveen's attention was got from the angel statue that screamed to the high heavens after Sung Jin-Woo's fingers dug quite deep into its neck.

If Sung Jin-Woo simply pulled his fingers back, the angel statue's neck would shatter into pieces. The enormous pain was transmitted in full to its real body somewhere.

"Now, answer my question and explain our concerns..."

But after he asked the angel statue, red lights flashed from its eyes.

"What's this!?"

Both men heard the Hunters' shocked cries and they looked around.

"T-those things!"

"They're coming back!"

Red lights were burning within the eyes of the god statue and the stone statues that were moved to one corner of the chamber, and then, they began moving again.


The angel statue guffawed out loudly.

"If you kill me, no one will be able to stop my dolls!"

'So, can you really kill me now?'

The angel statue glared at Sung Jin-Woo with its eyes that screaming that question at him.

'Inferior beings possessed far too many weak points. Since this man was also human, this would be one of his weaknesses, too. Without a doubt, he'd have the so-called friends among those humans.'

However, quite different from the angel statue's expectation, Sung Jin-Woo suddenly formed a smile.

'He's… Smiling?'

Sung Jin-Woo asked the dazed statue with a gesture pointing at Shyrveen,

"So, what will happen if I kill you first, and WE, then destroy those dolls afterward?..."

The angel statue hurriedly replied in a panic.

"If you both kill me, the Architect of the System-!"

"You know, I also thought about that..."

But Sung Jin-Woo cut the words of the angel statue off.

The look in Sung Jin-Woo's eyes was rather similar to what the statue had when it was looking at the human Hunters earlier on, and the angel statue can see that.

Add that the angel statue keeps glancing at the dead eyes of Shyrveen.

'... He's not different from Absolute Being that-'

But before the angel statue can finish its thought, he heard Sung Jin-Woo saying again.

"Here's the thing. Just because the guy who created the System disappears, that doesn't mean the System will suddenly start breaking down, does it?"

The bluff was called.

The human that it's facing, already knew the truth that the angel statue deliberately failed to mention.

This was a serious miscalculation on the angel statue's part.

It had forgotten with what criteria this particular human being had been selected in the first place.

This man, even in the past, was capable of seeing through the set rules.

"If that's the case, you've forced my hand!"

The angel statue activated the final hand it possessed.

[System has denied the System Administrator's access.]

[System has denied the System Administrator's access.]

[System has denied the System Administrator's access.]

Several more mechanical beeps rang in Sung Jin-Woo's head.

The exact and the same message repeated itself again and again, however, the face of the angel statue hardened considerably.

It attempted to use the System and do something to Sung Jin-Woo, but unfortunately, even the System itself had turned its back on it, the Architect.

Sung Jin-Woo shrugged his shoulders, causing the angel statue to go berserk in rage.


The angel tried to struggle but only to meet a hard kick on its left leg from Shyrveen that destroyed its whole leg.

Sung Jin-Woo saw this and stunned after seeing that Shyrveen became so strong again from having the journey in God's Sanctuary.

'... I really want to know what it's like in another universe... But...'

He put this thing be in the side of his mind and looked at Shyrveen, that at the same time, he saw the enormous magical presence within Shyrveen body.

Then he smiled for him sincerely and nudge his head to point at the angel statue and told him.

"If this thing wasn't going to answer, Hyung-nim..."

Shyrveen nodded and got what Sung Jin-Woo is hinting at, and he continued the words that had been hanged in the air.

"Then, there's no point in keeping it alive."

Sung Jin-Woo let go of the angel statue's neck and kicks its body.

The angel statue skid and rolls on the floor but it didn't mind for its busy thinking how foolish these humans to show off just to kill it.

But the disgusting evil smile on its face was frozen after a wooden purple whip with lightning stripes wraps on its neck, pulling him but only to shout again after feeling a pain on its only right foot.

It looked down just to see the same arrow that penetrated its foot, nailing the angel statue on its position, on the ground.

Then in its peripheral vision, it saw Shyrveen and Sung Jin-Woo appeared on each side, clenching their right fists that covered with Mana.

That made the angel statue panic and tried to harness its last drop of energy to rip the whip and break the arrow.

But it was interrupted again after several branches sprout out from the ground and bind his waist, shoulders, arms, and its last leg, to stale its body movement on its position.

It saw the hateful lump of woods in the corner, crouching, and its two arms are on the ground as its branches are spread out like roots.

'... I'm fucked...'

That was the last thought of the angel statue, the Architect, before its head was destroyed and exploded like a grenade from the two fists on both temples.

The immense impact force from two fists colliding created a loud 'kaboom' and a great shockwave that spread out to the whole room.

Affecting both sides that fighting at each other in the surrounding, before the shockwave dissipates within the chamber's walls.

Then in no time, the headless angel statue slowly crumbles on the ground...

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