Butch looks around the room and takes in the five dead bodies resting in the back. Then he sees the pool of blood at my feet coming from the four bodies behind me, each with a throwing star deeply embedded in their throats, gushing out the beautiful red liquid like there was no tomorrow! Well, I guess they actually don't have a tomorrow.
Butch moves his eyes to my face and, to my surprise, chuckles.
"Heh, I knew you were trouble, but easily taking out ten of my best men! Oh God, that was more than I expected."
"You would be wise to not underestimate me..." I say in a quiet but confident voice, making sure my mask is still covering the bottom half of my face. I thought it might have slipped down with the force I used to smash the idiots in the back's heads together.
One of Butch's men lean over and whispers something in his ear. Whatever the man said seemed to have confused Butch.
"Maybe I gave you too much credit. There was a guy here in the back that is the leader of the second most powerful team in our family... He is nowhere to be found. Did he run off? And are you losing your touch to the point where you would let a witness go?" He looks a little disappointed when he says this.
I don't answer him out of habit. I do not really talk much to people I'm not on good terms with, and even then I would have to take a liking to you. But this does not stop me from thinking of the answer to his question. 'Rei is missing and if I do not get him back, why should you get all of your men back? It seems like a fair trade to me.'
"If you think that we had anything to do with your 'friend's' disappearance, then you are mistaken." He picks up a knocked over chair, then another and seats them across from each other. He seats himself in a relaxed way and gestures with his hand as if to brush the topic away. Then he looks at the other, empty, chair. I know what he is implying but I when I make no move to sit he seems to get that I in no way trust him, for he then says,
"I'm hurt that you think I would stoop so low as to attack you after inviting you to sit with me. Am I really such a lowly creature in your eyes?" His voice is like honey, yet it seems hurt. I'm annoyed by this for some reason. Which is probably the opposite reaction then most would have, but then again, since when am I normal?
"Yes.." Is all I say as I pass his four guards and seat myself across from him. I swiped all of the guards guns and knives that were at least easy to access. Knowing Butch, his men have many more weapons on them but at least this will slow them down if things go south. And I know they will.
At hearing my answer to his rhetorical question, all emotion falls from his face and he looks at me deadpan. We continue to just stare at each other for some time, until one of the gaurds shift and brings Butch back to reality.
"My father passed away recently if you did not know... and yesterday was the reading of his will." I am wondering to myself, who would not know of his death? Everyone in the clan was forced to go to his funeral! Well, all but me. I slipped out the door as soon as I checked in and they marked me down that I had attended. I don't like to be forced to do anything. He continues,
"He started it off the usual way, Saying his last words in a letter to us all from beyond his death, listing what would go to who, concluding it with 'He hopes we continue to take care of ourselves and carry on his legacy...' And an extra note that was a folded up piece of notebook paper. Do you have any idea what that quick little note said?" By this point in his monologue, he was a tad bit worked up. He looked at me with a cocked head and a small smile on his face. Anyone would have thought 'What a nice man." if they did not see the wild and murderous look in his eyes.
I looked at him like I was not at all interested in what a dead man had to say, even though way, deep, deep down I was a little curious what this had to do with me. With that look and a shrug from me, I swear I saw a vein pop in his forehead. The gaurds all started shifting and I could sense that they would all rather be anywhere but here with me and Butch, the two most deadly people in Dublin, Ireland. Dublin is where the Crow's Nest is located and where I grew up, despite being taken from a hospital all the way over seas in Tasmania, Australia. We took a boat when I was a baby to get back here, I don't remember much from that time.
"It said that there was a little boy with silver and black hair who approached him one Sunday morning. He was waiting for the bus on the main street east of the Crow's Nest. The little boy seemed smart yet pitiful and so he offered his help in finding the boy's sister. He consoled the boy and when his sister came up to claim him, my father was actually happy. That was until he got on the bus only to realize he was robbed blind. Ringing any bells... Sage?" He glares at me and I know that he is testing me to see if I will reject the last name. It is undoubtedly mine but like I said, to claim it would be a death sentence.
"Big accusation there..." Is all I respond. Knowing that my short vague answers annoy him.
"Do you know of anyone else in ALL OF IRELAND, that has that same f***ed up hair color as you!?" He is fuming by now, and I am really enjoying it. If he is going to try and kill me, might as well make the most of it right? And he is not wrong... I have mohawk hair about four inches long and the sides of my head, along with the back, are trimmed really short, but a bit longer than a buzz cut. My hair is a glowing silver with the hair at the back of my neck and head pitch black fading into the silver. The black can not be seen from the front and only a sliver of it from the sides, but then there is an inch of black colored hair on the bottom part of the back of my head when you see me from the rear.
"Dyed?" I say in a cocky manner to just see how far I can push him before he snaps.
That really got him, his eyes are bulging and I swear he looks like he regrets not killing me right away. All of a sudden he calms down and has a gentle smile that looks very out of place on his face.
"Anyway, as I was saying, I know that you are Sage and I am personally impressed that you got away with such a feat for so long. That is the longest anyone has been able to elude me-"
"Not long enough." I interrupt him. Well knowing that I am dancing on his last nerve.
"Well, yes I guess you did get caught in the end, but it is still respectable for someone of your age. I would like you to willingly come and stand trial in front of Team Claw. If you do so willingly, we would be happy for you to join our team."
"And if I don't?" I ask knowing the answer from the very beginning of this whole ordeal.
"Um, ...A most unpleasant outcome, let us say." He speaks as if enjoying the thought of this second outcome.
"Fine..." I raise my hands in mock defeat. I plan to play along for now, and as I rise to my feet two guards grab me from behind. I give a look to Butch and he understands exactly what it means.
"Take your hands off Shadow, unless you wish to lose them! He has more knives on his body than you have ever seen and he knows how to use them too."
Just because I take what he said as a complement, I leave his guards alone and walk towards the back of the room. Even though I don't like him using my nickname at all.
"Sage, we will be leaving from the front door not the back." Butch is eyeing me suspiciously as I make my way to the back wall of the Rei's place.
"Then I'll meet you out front," I say turning so that my back is to the wall opposite the front door. I think you might know where this is headed... I kick the wall behind me with my heel and the body from before falls from the support beams above.
I turn and walk out the back door and to the front of the building where I see the four gaurds packing up the bodies into one van and Butch leaning against the other. I walk up to Butch, hop in the back of the van and sy right before closing the doors in his face,
"I never leave witnesses unless I want to..."
So sorry I took a break! I got a new computer and was also updating my other books...
hope you are all still liking this book! I plan on finishing it even though the contest is done!
Creation is hard, cheer me up and vote for me!
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