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19.35% Kakashi: The Strongest Hokage / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5


It was just dawn but Kakashi had already got up.

Wearing black clothes, with the head guard over his left eye, and a black mask covers his handsome face.

Look at the white knife at the bedside, Kakashi thought for a bit before he put it on his back.

The White Light Chakra Blade broke in the battle of the gods without Kun, but Kakashi still left it. (EN: ???) The reborn Kakashi is not used to using short swords. He has no need for short swords, after all a sword requires a good 'reach' that long swords can offer. His kenjutsu can also be used with a long sword.

"In the future, I will go back to Takumi village, the Village of Artisans, to get myself a sword, and recreate my White Light Chakra Blade."

The white chakra short sword is also made of metal that can conduct Chakra. (EN: It's talking about the metal used in chakra blades.)

Kakashi got up and walked towards Guy's house.

When Kakashi walked to Guy's door, the door just opened.

Guy saw Kakashi, obviously stunned. Usually Kakashi is hiding from him, but today he actually took the initiative to go to the door?

Although I don't know why, Guy is still very enthusiastic. "Hey, Kakashi, my rival! You got up so early, sure enough, you are demonstrating the power of youth. I have to get up at five o'clock tomorrow!"

Said, Guy as he clenched his fist, eyes filled with a passionate flame. (EN: no homo lol)

Kakashi sees this and is speechless. Although in his previous life he has seen Guy's character in the anime, but when seeing him in person, acting like this, he is still speechless.

"Guy, let's practice today."

"Hey, Kakashi, you actually took the initiative to find me practice, this is the enthusiasm of youth,

come on, let's first try to run 200 laps around the village!"

(EN: I am debating putting Guy's lines in caps? Should I?)

After Guy finished, he didn't wait for Kakashi to answer, and he quickly began to sprint.

Kakashi is helpless, but since it is to practice with Guy, it is natural that there is no reason to hold back.

Guy ran very fast, but Kakashi did lose to him. The two started the morning run around the outskirts of Konoha village.

"Hey, Kakashi, why are you so slow? I will definitely beat you if you move like that!"

"Ah, I won't lose to you, Guy." Kakashi said, and he quickly followed Guy's footsteps, and the two raced, neck and neck.

"Is this Kakashi's strength? I can't lose, this is youth." Guy says before he speeds up again.

Kakashi is not willing to show weakness either, so he also accelerates forward.

After two hours, Kakashi and Guy stopped at the seventh training ground. Kakashi was sweating all over, and it felt like his legs might fall off. He sat down, inhaling and exhaling in large breaths.

Although Guy is also sweating, he can still stand up.

"Call…call… As expected of my rival, perfect for the morning run. This time it's a tie. Now let's do 1000 push-ups together."

Guy gasped and finished speaking. He did not stop for a moment. Instead, he immediately sat on the ground and sat up with push-ups.

Kakashi's eyes couldn't help but twitch. This Guy's stamina is really terrifying. I am afraid that this kind of gluten-style cultivation is what allowed Guy to open the eight gates and make it become the Six Path of the Six Path. It's not an opponent; it's a man who almost kicked the finale. (EN: lol…I think I'll keep it as gluten style cultivation. Thank you MTLs. Also, I'm not sure what the rest of the paragraph means.)

The eighth gate at the expense of life, that kind of power, is chilling.

Although Kakashi was lost in thought, his actions didn't stop. Despite the body already feeling very tired, sore, and heavy, Kakashi kept pressing his own stamina.

At this time, Kakashi has already been surpassed by Guy in terms of Taijutsu. The two years of lack of practice has made Kakashi's strength progress slowly. At this time, it is necessary to make up for it.

A stronger, more formidable body, can hold much more chakra. So no matter how tired, Kakashi must stick to it, otherwise, he will eventually end up as a useless mob.

Since I came to this World, how could I not do something?

Sweat continually ran down the cheeks, Kakashi's breathing became more and more labored, and the Chakra in his body began to be restless, constantly screaming among his chakra nodes.

In order to achieve the best results in the training, Kakashi does not use Chakra, but the simplest stamina exercise.

"Hey, Kakashi, you are so amazing. I will not lose! Time to do 1000 kicks." Guy snarled.

Kakashi did not respond. While Kakashi transcended his physical limit his consciousness is gradually blurred, but the body keeps sitting on the push-ups at the same frequency. (EN: basically a runner's high)

At this point, Kakashi seems to have third person point-of-view look at his body. The Chakra within his body constantly rushes into the muscle and tissue, supplementing the consumption of Stamina.

For a long time, the exhausted Kakashi gazed into the distance with blank eyes, squatted on the ground.

"Kakashi, Kakashi, what's wrong with you?" Guy hurried forward and asked.

At this point Kakashi has fallen into a coma because his stamina is running out.

For Kakashi who was just possessed, his body has not yet fully adapted, and the soul has not been integrated. He can't stand this kind of high-intensity strength training for a while, so he faints.

Guy saw that he didn't wake up Kakashi. Hurried, Guy picks up Kakashi and rushes him back to the hospital in Konoha.

"Noisy. It's so noisy. I was training, where am going? Is it the hospital?"

Konoha Hospital, a white-bearded old man is facing Guy.

Kailian even lost his smile: "Unexpected, unexpected." (EN: Who's this dude?)

"Let Kakashi take a break at the hospital. I'll go check to see if there are any other problems." The white-bearded old man said, and let the assistant carry Kakashi into the treatment room.

Guy had to stay outside and wait for Kakashi to come out. At this time, Guy naturally has no mood to practice again.

"Well?" Kakashi groaned. Finally awake, looking at the strange ceiling in front of him, Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little unresponsive. He turned to look all around, white sheets, half-open windows.

Is this a hospital?

Kakashi reacted and knew that he had fainted while practicing.

The corner of his mouth reveals a bitter smile as he secretly thought: "It's too bad, the first practice sent me to the hospital, it seems that I have not yet adapted to this body."

At this time, the door opened. A wild Guy enters. (EN: hahaha. I added the last part.)

"Hey, Kakashi, are you awake? How do you feel?" a concerned Guy asked.

"It's nothing serious; I just feel a little tired."

"Kakashi, what's wrong with you? How can you faint?"

"I haven't moved for too long."

"Kakashi, I know that the death of the Fourth Hokage is a big blow to you, but you can't do this to yourself. Youth is to be used for living." Guy held a big thumbs up and said excitedly.

"Hey, hey, I know." Kakashi knows what the cause of today's hospital visit is but he won't explain it to

Guy. After all, this is because of the fusion of soul, which leads to fainting if he doesn't adapt to his body soon.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival, next time, we will train together again. Nest time, I will beat you!" Guy's eyes exude a frenetic fighting intent.

"I know, Guy." In the face of the energetic Guy, Kakashi was helpless. Feeling that his body had recovered. Kakashi got out of bed and decided to go home.

"Kakashi, where are you going?" Guy wondered.

"Naturally I'm going home. The sky is dark, or will I stay in the hospital for the night?"

"True. Ok then, let's go eat together." Guy said, his stomach sounded at the right time.

Kakashi hearing this felt moved. He knows that Guy hasn't eaten yet because he was staying with him.

"Well, let me go, I invite you to have some ramen."

"Really? As expected of my life's rival!"

LiveMan LiveMan

Hey Guys, LiveMan here.

Last chapter for the day. I posted these five in advance because I am going to be busy until Friday. But I'll resume posting on Saturday. If I manage to take a break sometime before Friday, I'll also post then but it's unlikely.

Anyways, another funny story:

When I read the MTLs, I began to question if this is a BL fanfic featuring Kakashi x Guy. Ex. “and the two went hand in hand.” --->“and the two raced, neck and neck.” There were other examples too where Guy is looking at him with ‘passionate eyes’ or when Kakashi has ‘no reason to pull it down’ because he’s with Guy. I had to edit it a ton to make it sound normal lol. I feel like I did a good job making this no homo.

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