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Two days later, Jin Xia, Yang Yue, Cao Ge and Qi Qiu, they returned to the capital. They entered the office of Departement Six and wanted to hand in the offenders to the prison of the Ministry of Justice for custody. Tong Yu has been in this field for five years, but he is a man who is used to adhering to his boss' grandma. He has not made much achievements but in just five years, he get the position as a Head Departement.

"You're finally back! Just caught two criminals, you went five days. How can you be lazy all day ..." Tong Yu shook his head dissatisfied. "This is Cao Ge and Qi Qiu?"

"Yes." Jin Xia didn't want to see him, forcing herself to pull a polite smile on, and dragging Cao Ge to go in, its because Tong Yu is very annoying.

He reached out to her and said, "Stop right there, give them to me. Cao Ge is also involved in another case of treason against the enemy and must be sent to Beizhen Fusi* (*or called North Town Fuzi / Jinyi Prison - another prison) for trial. You are just back, so you can go and wash yourself, I'll send someone over"

When he heard the words "North Town Fusi", Cao Ge was so scared that he turned away and said, "No no ... no no ... I won't go there..."

Beizhen Fusi is in charge of prison, also known as Jinyi Prison. Everyone in the world knows that prison if compared with the prison of the Ministry of Justice, then the prison of the Ministry of Justice is heaven, then that Jinyi Prison is eighteen layers of hell. As soon as they entered that jail, they had no humanity. The criminal law in the prison was cruel, and the inmates had five poisons to prepare for, and their limbs were incomplete.

When Tong Yu reached out, he was about to drag Cao Ge, Jin Xia feels a bit annoyed.

According to her original temperament, she should kick the Tong Yu three meters away at this time, but in the past two years, she realize that she should restrained her temperament because right now his official rank way higher than her. It is better not to offend him, because you can be guilty. Every month, two or two silver bellies are shabby, but they are always white.

Tong Yu pulled the prisoners away with one hand, Cao Ge was dragged behind her with one hand, and she smiled stiffly: "Sir Tong, the offender was captured by me and Dayang, who worked hard for a few days, we even slept in the street. After a few days, I managed to get it back. Turn it over to the Ministry of Justice, and now you said, you will take them away? are you kidding me, sir? "

When she blocked his hand, Tong Yu's face was slightly dimmed: "I tell you, this is Jin Yiwei's dignitaries. Those who are deliberately delayed are regarded as complicity. Can you afford it?!"

"It's not appropriate for you to say that. We are under the same field. We worked hard, so we managed to catch the two of them and come back to the case. How come we are regarded as complicity?" Jin Xia laughed skeptically.

She was holding her temper, because her rank is low, she was already to be played by him. Tong Yu didn't accept that, he called "Shao, give me someone quickly."


Seeing that the situation could be worse, Yang Yue meddle in and said: "Mr. Tong, Cao Ge was committed a crime, just arrested them first, and do the trial here. It is better to wait until the case is convicted before sending him over to Jinyi Prison"

Those who do not want to have trouble, and know that Tong Yu's behavior of villains, offended him, will inevitably be secretly instigated by him in the future.

"So what! If Jin Yiwei wants someone who dares to delay? You don't bother or you will offend them, and everyone will not have a good life."

(Jinyi Prison = Jin Yiwei's Prison)

(Jin Yiwei = Another police departemen, but working straight under the king, they are like king's right hand)

As he said, the vice head of Departement Six, Yang Chengwan limped over from the porch, and Pu Dao (*CMIIW Pu Dao = kind of sword or something?) dangled lightly around his waist.

Yang Yue rushed forward and called, "Daddy."

In front of Yang Chengwan, Jin Xia holds her temper and bowed her hands respectfully: "Boss."

"Head Departement, Tong Yu!" Yang Chengwan first greeted Tong Yu, "Is there something wrong?"

Although Tong Yu and Yang Chengwan are both the head of Departement Six, Tong Yue always think that Yang Chengwan and his disciples are the shame of Departement Six. He snorted at the moment: "These two suspected of treason with the enemy, so Jin Yiwei want them. I want to send them away to Jinyi Prison but your two disciples are obstructing everything ... "

Jin Xia interrupting him, she hurriedly argued, "There are people that we just caught"

Yang Chengwan raised his hand to stop Jin Xia's talk, and said lightly: "I just saw that Jin Yiwei is waiting outside, so let them go, hand them over to Mr. Tong."

"Boss!" Jin Xia indignantly.

"Hand them over. Right now."

Jin Xia didn't dare to disobey him, so she let go and limped to the side.

Tong Yu tugged at Cao Ge angrily. Qi Qiu's life was not good. Because she fled with Cao Ge, she was considered a complicity and was taken away too with him.

Jin Xia followed a few steps later, watching Tong Yu lead the two of them across the wall and behind the door, the other side of hall, she could vaguely see the big red flying fish suit, it turned out that Jin Yiwei really already arrived. They are arrived, and they followed them. She suspected that there was Jin Yiwei's spy at the Departement Six, how can they knew their arriving as soon as she entered the city?

She gritted her teeth in disgust, watching Tong Yu hand over the person to Jin Yiwei. The Head of Jin Yiwei turned his back on her, so Jin Xia only to see that he was tall but could not see his face, but she could see Tong Yu's charming face clearly.

Jin Xia turned her back in despair and glanced angrily at Yang Chengwan: "Boss, you let him win. Why do you say that? You can ignore the Departement Six case, but Tong Yu just want to please Jin Yiwei."

Yang Yue sighed: "At least he doesn't say something bad about us, because if we offending Jin Yiwei, everyone will have a bad life."

Jin Xia said fiercely: "There are three law divisions in the Kingdom's Prison. It is enough. I don't get it, why the King created Jin Yiwei? then what is the purpose of the other three law divisions? It's just a waste!"

Yang Yue was about to cover her mouth and was flashed by Jin Xia.

"My little sister, stop! You, don't say that wildly." Yang Yue said.

"Now the offenders are taken away by him before he is brought to justice here in our prison. Isn't this mean that the time we ran away back then is in vain?" Jin Xia was very distressed. "I thought if I caught Cao Ge there is another reward for me. If I knew this is the ending, I would not trying so hard."

Yang Chengwan said indifferently: "It's good that you come back safely. Your young brother came to ask you several times. Go back home and see."

Suddenly Jin Xia remember her family after heard her young brother had come several times. She don't know if he was okay.

Yang Yue looked at Jin Xia, reassuredly said, "If you want rewards, you have to come back for a business trip's subsidy. Don't mess it up."

Jin Xia nodded helplessly. This is the time to leave quickly.

In the spring, the capital is prosperous, and the crowd is bustling. There are a variety of shops on both sides of the road. Noodle shops have so many kind of noodles, etc., pastry shops have fires, hot pots, silver silk, butter cakes, etc., more delicate pastries include chess cakes, dominoes cakes, crispy skins, peach blossoms, etc. Jin Xia, smelling the scent of various foods mixed together, the pace briskly walked through the crowd.

When passing by the confectionery shop, her steps were slightly stagnant, she counted the remaining money on her wallet, and hesitated for a moment. She still counted three copper plates and bought a small packet of amber sugar.

Bypass the lively market and turn into a deep alley. The first half of the alley is like a crooked mouth gourd. The alley is as narrow and small as the gourd mouth. After entering, it suddenly opens up. After the first gourd belly too small to narrow the road, you reach the second gourd belly.

Jin Xia walked to a mottled wooden door on the east side of the calabash belly, pushed the door, and knocked.

After a moment, the door creaked open, and a young man with new hair and a brown cloth crew neck collar said to her, "Sister! You are back!" He is Jin Xia's brother, Yuan Yi.

Jin Xia stretched out her hands to touched his hair on his forehead, and walked inwardly, asking, "Have anyone bullied you recently?"

In the small courtyard, a stone-grinding site was lining the west side, and a corner slipped. Jars of sauce, the smell of beans spread throughout the day.

"No, since you last packed the three kids from the pork shop, they never dared to tear my book again." Yuan Yi answered her.

Looking at her young brother, she sighed with regret. She remembers at his age, she was already a boss in Xifeng Street, and she had a lot of records. Yes, she was very obedient little girl. Although she was not beaten by her father and mother because of fighting outside, she always had to endure hardships to be a superior. She knew this very well.

It's a pity that her glorious era ended in her childhood. The days after that ... she sighed rather sighing, and then asked, "... Father and mother haven't returned from selling tofu?"

Yuan Yi made a snoring gesture to her, pointed his finger to the inner room, and lowered his voice, "Father went to sell tofu, and mother was asleep inside. She went to Xinfeng Qiaotou to sell halogen tofu last night."

Jin Xia looking at the window of the inner room, she sighed, and found out the packet of amber sugar from her arms and handed it to Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi opened it and saw that it was amber sugar. He complained, "I'm not a kid anymore. Why you treat me as a kid and always give me this?"

"If you don't want to eat it," Jin Xia reached out to grab, "then I'll eat."

Yuan Yi quickly escaped, quickly plugged an entrance, and packed the rest of amber sugar into his arms.

"Boss said you went to Departement Six to find me a few times. What's the matter?" Jin Xia asked him.

Yuan Yi murmured in the room and whispered, "Mother asked me to go and ask you when you will come back."

"Lack of money again?"

"Dong Dadu, who collects the booth fee, will marry his son this month. Mother said that she must give a gift."

Jin Xia wondered: "I remember he married his son last year. Why did he still marry his son again this year?"

"He has four sons."


Jin Xia moan, she suddenly thought about the stack of silver tickets Cao Ge had given herself before, and she became more groaned.

The sound of the bedboard came from the back room, as if someone rolled over, and then heard the voice: "Xia'er, are you back?"

"Uh yeah." Jin Xia stepping into the house, seeing Yuan Chen is getting up, "Mother, let me help you."

"It's okay." Yuan Chen's put on a gray-brown long urn, and her gaze first looked at Jin Xia. "The road is okay? nothing hurt?"

"No! Of course not." Jin Xia laughed.

"The prisoner safe too?"

"Safe.. safe..." Jin Xia holding it.

Yuan Chen expressed a happy face, and reached out to her immediately: "You said that the prisoner was important, and you will get reward, just right, gave me the reward. I had to go to the street and buy a gift for the Dong family. . "

Jin Xia chanted: "No ... I didn't get the silver, and the prisoner were taken to Beizhen Fusi as soon as we arrived."

Yuan Chen stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then the North Town Fusi should give you money, you are the one who arrested them!"

"That's right, but who dare to go to Jin Yiwei just to discuss about money…." Jin Xia, she did not dare to face her mother, lowered her head and gently shovel the small depression on the gray ground.

After hearing this, Yuan Chen frowned for a while, "Okay, you can wash and change clothes. Your clothes is almost worn out. I already said that girl should not be a catcher* (*catcher = police). It 's hard and tiring. I don't understand you. If you and your dad were willing to listen to me, they would marry you to the granddaughter 's family at the east side of the city. The family is a little bit dreadful. This year, the Sun family made peach blossoms and sold them. They also bought a shop in Xinfengqiao. If you marrying him, you may become a ladyship. Do you know that Sun Jixing's daughter-in-law is pregnant? You say you ... "

My mother 's speech was a cliché. I got used to it this, and just keep saying yes and stepped back, made a face at Yuan Yi, and went to the stove to boil water for bathing.

"Sister, there's one more thing ..." Yuan Yi followed Jin Xia and helped her sip water, mysteriously said, "Don't blame me for not telling you, the day before yesterday, mother invited Wang The Matchmaker".

Hearing that, Jin Xia, she gently raised her eyebrows and watched Yuan Yi vigilantly.

"I squatted under the window and listened for a while. This time, mother looked after Mr. Yi's youngest son."

Jin Xia raised her eyebrows in fright: "Mr. Yi ?! Mr.Yi ... your teacher?"

Yuan Yi nodded.

Mr. Yi is Yuan Yi's personal teacher. The three sons in the family are also scholars. Jin Xia couldn't understand, how could such a person will like her?

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