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78.17% A True Beginning / Chapter 154: Ch.39

Chapter 154: Ch.39

I turned on the news to find the signs I needed to hunt down Banner and keep an eye on Thor when a senator badmouthing Tony was on. Something about people not having the technology to do what Ivan had done.

I didn't really care about that as Banner was my main objective now. I found reports and incidents down in South America and all through Mexico. I could read between the lines and tell he was already headed towards West Virginia.

I had shadow monitor the army and spec ops wave bands for chatter about key words like Ross, Banner or Hulk as well as green giant and monster. With that covered, I turned my attention to the mess soon to brew in New Mexico.

As of yet nothing was there so it was of little importance now. I portaled over to nowhere and robbed a few scavengers of their ships and took them into my inner galaxy for later study. After that I went to Sakaar for a quick visit as time was I winky there.

I took half the scrap heap on the surface and portaled home before the being called the Gamemaster could sense me. Back on earth I set my bots loose on the junk pile and the ships to discover everything about the technology and add the useful things to the modified fleet of lantean battle and city ships I was building with all the alloys available to me.

Funnily enough Justin Hammer still had Ivan broken out of prison. I poised my company to strike and altered the authorities through Grim law. They found Hammer and Ivan in a hanger with his jet having a meal while talking deals.

The police moved in and caught them red handed but Ivan even more so as he'd killed two police officers before being gunned down. Justin Hammer was brought out in cuffs before the reporters on live television.

I know, it's a bit petty but someone had to alert the media. Hammer stock too a giant dive and I bought it all, not even sparing scraps for other companies. Since Stark wasn't interested in building defensive things for the military, I had Grim start a new subsidiary company called the Grim Defensive Line.

It took up all defensive contracts and began manufacturing body armor, suits, war planes and vehicles for the army, Air Force and navy. Micro synthetic trackers in the plating of all vehicles keyed into a special satellite would prevent anyone from stealing my armors and the intel would be used to learn what everyone was up to.

With all I'd had made for the army, the need to worry about road side IEDs became a thing of the past as long as they were inside the vehicles. They could roll over all bet a nuke and come out unscratched while even Stark's Jericho missiles couldn't do squat to them but slow them down a bit while the landscape changed.

The government tried to get Grim to build weapons and super soldier serums but like before they were turned down. Jacob Grim, the CEO and main bot body of Grim told them and the media. "Grim industries does not promote war. We will not make super warriors or weapons for war but shields to protect those out there risking their lives until the conflicts are over. Color it however you want it but we are there to help protect and save lives, not end them."

"That being said, our contracts prevent any under handed deals or sell offs to those that do. Any all technology purchased by my company is tracked by a singular tasked satellite and the information is sent directly to the pentagon and the halls of power in real time to keep those who would use their ranks and positions to line their own pockets from doing so. We do not support war, we merely wish to save lives."

The media had a field day with that and many generals, congressmen and senators were very peeved. Fury approached Grim on a shadowy deal and was told the same. The armor and vehicles were tracked and all information would be sent directly and solely to him.

Grim stated a matter of factly in their secret meeting. "Your special council can't be trusted, at least not by me and my company. You however have an honest although cloak and dagger look to you. I can at least see where you stand and that's firmly on the side of good. Although your outlook seems to be bleak. I can trust my gut and give you the armor and access you want."

Fury had agreed as he was getting what he wanted and they signed a deal that would for all intents and purposes keep his people protected for the most part. After Fury left Grim contacted me for further instructions and I had him deliver on all contracts with no weapons or soldier serums involved.

I on the other hand sent both heads of Hydra and the fingers of the Hand copies of their enemies names, locations and safe houses. Three days later Shadow informed me Banner had just passed through customs.

Two days later there was atmospheric activity in New Mexico. All evidence pointed towards Thor having arrived as well as his hammer, Mjölnir, having crashed landed in the desert. Tony stopped by telling he'd made a suit of armor out of the Gradium and a couple more besides. He also said he'd given Rhodey, his army buddy one of them.

I nodded and asked. "So where's mine or do I not rank on your list of friends?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you could build better?"

I smirked. "That's besides the point. Do I get one or am I not a friend?"

He rolled his eyes. "It's in the trunk."

I chuckled. "In that case I've something you like. Here."

I tossed him a vial and he raised his eyebrow as I told him. "It's untethered nanites. I'll send the programming and how to make more as well as how to make them better to Jarvis. Use them to make a truly awe inspiring suit because with them, the imagination is the limits."

He grinned. "I knew there was something about you I liked."

I chuckled. "Is the suit you made for me space worthy?"

He grimaced. "There's a bit of a hiccup in that department. Space is pretty vast and plays havoc on the suits because of all the free floating radiation. I can't-"

I waved him off. "The nanites will take care of that. Though you should really think about healing yourself up. There's no need for the gaping chest wound and the shrapnel killing you slowly."

He sighed. "I don't know about that. They say we're never more alive then when we're on the edge of death and lately I've been feeling pretty alive."

I chuckled. "Perhaps you're right. Though this isn't something you should risk. One wrong hit, one lucky enemy can end you either way when your playing the hero. There's no need to give them a handicap with your ticker in need of repair like that."

He sighed. "I'll think about it. Now, let me show you what these bad boys are made of. Let's go for a test drive!"

I got in the suit he'd prepared for me and hummed as Shadow took over to his annoyance and rewrote the programming and laws to be unhackable and in a dead Alteran language. There was no way even the universes smartest computer could crack it as even that was in modulating code ciphers on a frequency only gods and a special spelled AI core could pick up.

When everything was finished, I knew all that the suit could do and I picked up a vial like I'd given Tony and showed him as I cracked it over the suit. He asked. "What was that?"

I smirked. "Modifications and improvements. Now my suit is both nanite and solid and can do many things you haven't even thought up yet, including go into space and hit faster than light speeds. Nanites are a hell of a thing aren't they?"

He nearly choked before asking. "You have FTL technology?"

I nodded. "I invented it while you were of in Monaco playing S&M with a Russian man."

He didn't even pay attention to my joke as he merely brushed it of saying. "We need to work on a space program together. Maybe even build spaceships and our own fleet of awesomeness!"

I chuckled. "Maybe one day sure. For now though, let's take this baby out for a test drive. Oh, and I'm not giving you FTL technology. Sorry Tony, you'll have to figure out that one on your own like I did. Besides, it's not like you could use it in the atmosphere of a planet anyways withought tearing a whole in the atmosphere and causing irreparable permanent damage to it. This tech is dangerous after all."

He pouted but tried to push my suit to the limits. We fought in mid air over the ocean and when I activated my hard light shield and sword that looked very much like a Halo energy sword and the lantean personal shield, he was so jealous. Especially when he failed to scratch me with anything he had.

I'd replaced the power core with a miniature potentia that could last ten years at full power weapons and shields all the time unless something truly terrifying was attacking it like say, a god, or the Hulk.

Finally he had to give up or run out of power. He asked. "Am I doing anything at all to you?"

I chuckled laughed and told him. "Not even approaching one percent power output. You'll need to do a lot more than that to even dent the shield, much less the modified suit itself. If I attacked right now I'm fairly certain I'd knock you out of the sky and take a hand or leg. This sword is modified to cut through even my own shield and armor. Yours stands no chance."

I swung the blade and it extended, splitting a mile of ocean in half before returning. He gushed a bit before saying. "I need it, want it. Give me!"

I chuckled and tossed him the sword and it turned off into a thin tube without the constant power supply. He caught it and nearly drained his arc reactor trying to light it. He'd only managed a small butter knife before nearly dropping out of the sky.

He demanded as he changed power cores. "You've made something a lot more powerful than the arc reactor technology, admit it!"

I smiled. "I have. I call it a potentia, it's Latin for potential. It's crystal in looks but in reality it uses heavy elements as a charging supply and has a sub space pocket dimension of energy inside it."

His eyes brightened. "What about the relativistic effects?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Bypassed. It's inert unless activated. It's basically a battery that with perhaps ten of which could power the whole planet for ten thousand years at our current power requirements needs. Unfortunately the technology is crazy hard to make and requires the radiation of a yellow star to charge up and they're a one shot use apiece without the special charging satellite station."

He was fascinated and while I could tell he was trying to pump me for information, I wasn't going to tell him the process to make it or that the elements needed to make it didn't exist in this world.

After our flight, we sat on my roof, eating lunch and talking shop. I suggested he head to New Mexico and test himself there. I could tell he wanted to ask specifics but I brushed them off saying. "You'll understand once you get there. Now, since we've had our fun, I have some business to do."

I got up and headed to my lab and didn't leave until he had. I'd tracked down Dracula who had surprisingly survived Blade's battle with him. I had kept tabs on the situation and now that it was resolved it was time to bring in a possible loyal follower out from the cold as it were.

I found him in a bar, having fed on all the patrons and was eating the nice young bar hostess when I sat across from him. His instincts kicked in and I raised an eyebrow. "Don't let me keep you from your meal, carry on. We can talk when you're done."

He looked weary but continued feeding until she was well and truly dead. He released her corpse and asked. "What is it you want? I haven't seen you since you fed on me."

I smiled. "I need a loyal servant. One with your particular hunger for a good fight and not afraid of carnage but instead enjoys it."

He looked me over wearily before saying. "And if I refuse?"

I smiled bloodthirstily. "Then my next meal is on you. Only this time you don't survive."

The tension heightened and I sighed. "You'll sign this contract and in exchange I'll give you a world that rains blood and all the fighting you could ever need. Not enough to end you but enough to push you beyond your current limits. Do as I say and I'll make you more than you are now. More than any vampire has been in all the multiverse. You will be my warrior of death, my bloody blade of vengeance, truly immortal, unkillable and a real god!"

I held out the contract and he looked it over while asking me. "And who are we going after first?"

I smiled. "Some demons and would be gods. Nothing you can't handle once i imbue you with more power and you eat this."

I held up my hand and a golden apple appeared in it. He raised his eyebrows and I smirked. "It is immortality like the gods have only better. Very few beings can kill those that eat this apple but let me assure you, I'm one of them."

He grunted and asked. "How do I sign?"

I set the apple down and grabbed his wrist, forcing a claw out of his index finger and stabbing him in the heart with it before pulling his hand back as I told him. "With the blood of your heart. This is a mystical contract that will end you should you break it's agreement or otherwise try to betray me. Harbor ill thoughts all you want, but act on them or try to help others do so and your end will make even the gods weep in pity."

He asked. "Is that what you are? A god?"

I nodded. "I'm the flesh, so to speak. By the way, my secrets are apart of the deal so you'll be keeping them to yourself from now on unless I tell you otherwise."

He signed his name in blood and I smiled before putting the contract in my inner galaxy. I stood up and put a hand over his head as I imbued him with all the knowledge and powers I'd gained from Apocalypse and what I knew of this reality as well as the lantean language and all it's technology and science.

I forcefully expanded his blood soaked mind scape into a bloody world and forced him to build all the defenses I knew about while I gave him the strength, speed, endurance and altered his body to that of Hercules proportions.

I gave him the modified celestial armor of Apocalypse and warned him not to build an alter to transfer his essence and consciousness. When I finished with giving him telepathy and telekinesis, I lifted him up and bit my wrist. "Drink and you'll gain a form like my own vampiric one. Your very idea of vampires will change."

He did so while I did as promised. His form altered and reminded me of a vampire lord from the Skyrim games Emmett had loved so much. His wings were like my own but the rest was more draconic than mine and this making him appear as a vampire and Daedric lord halfbreed.

A truly fascinating combination and one that amused me until I grabbed his throat, crushing it a bit. "Enough!"

He reluctantly pulled back and I healed before passing on the same healing factor to him as well. "Now eat your apple and I'll put you on a world of your dreams. One like I promised."

He tossed the apple into his mouth and ate it whole while I made preparations for him as I made the right world for him. Once he finished chewing, I tossed him into my inner galaxy on the planet of blood. Creatures and beings made of blood were spelled to attack him night and day as they reformed constantly with all my knowledge of fighting.

He was forced to fend them off bare handed for a bit until I tossed his sword in next after modifying it with Gradium. Now it was up to him. A throne of bones and skulls was formed and a barrier around the area to keep out the blood beasts and creatures so that he may rest when he tired of the fight.

I left him to his fun while I set fire to the bar and portaled to West Virginia. When I arrived, I found Banner living in an apartment above a pizzeria. I gave it two days and things got interesting. He and an enhanced army man battled it out on a college campus and after the army man was defeated, I watched him escape.

I watched Natasha from afar as she watched Banner leave after the fight. I sent her a telepathic message. (I'm here at the university right now if you want to send them off and create our own natural disasters here.)

She stilled and looked around until she saw me in the distance. She asked. (Were you here for Banner or me?)

I mentally shrugged.(Banner at first but seeing your hips sway caught my attention. I could easily be persuaded to change my focus to entirely on you.)

I sensed her arousal and saw her thighs clench as if just the thought brought back the needs and wants. She shook her head subtly and sent back. (Can't. Busy. Banner's a big problem right now.)

I snorted light before telling her. (Banner's not the issue. It's the soldier boy that is. Banner is stable-ish. The soldier on the other hand is a different story. He's becoming more and more unstable as we speak. He's injected himself an incomplete super soldier serum. It's making him mentally unstable.)

She turned to the downed soldier and sent orders for them to collect him but the army intervened as general Ross showed up and took over. He took Blonsky, the broken super soldier, and left in a hurry to catch up to the Hulk.

A day later I sent Drake to collect the Destroyer armor after Tony and Thor trashed it together. Not that Tony's weapons did much damage but it was the same for the Destroyer armor as Tony's suit was nearly as indestructible.

If it weren't for Odin's magic and the tunes inside the Destroyer armor enchanting it, then it would loose out to Tony's armor hands down in durability. As it was neither were able to hurt the other which gave Thor his opening to damage the Destroyer armor beyond Loki's control.

Drake was successful in the retrieval and barely got it and got away before shield had arrived. He came to me while I was watching the Hulk and Betty Ross at a distance. He told me. "Mission complete. I'd like to return now."

I smiled. "Don't you want your reward?"

He raised an eyebrow and I chuckled. "Here."

I tossed him a wrist band made of Gradium. "It can take you in and out of my dimension at will. Use it wisely and don't go toying with Blade. He's insignificant now and yet still useful while he's hunting werewolves."

Drake nodded and put it on before disappearing. I put the Destroyer armor in my inner galaxy and had my bots study the rune work to add the power to my own Iron Man suit of armor I'm calling the Dark One.

It was now midnight black with fiery runes etched into it all over while several shrunken full potentia powered it in special armor folds making it appear whole and sleek instead of with a nightlight.

My it reminded me much like a simple full body black suit with armor plating like what my father Knull wore without the red chest plate symbol and a helmed like a pull up hood reminiscent of the Anubis from the stargate reality wore.

The black repulsor lights were actually darker than shadows so unless you really looked, you wouldn't see my suit in the night sky. Even the eye lights were the same way.

My symbiote body. Covered the outside like a cloak and any magical or powered blow would be mimicked and become immune to. The glyphs the boys were studying from the Destroyer armor would make my own magically able to shoot the same inferno blasts as it did as well as add a magical layer of protection and indestructibility to it.

I watched as Banner and his ex make their way to New York and meet with Samuel Sterns.

I took a blood sample of my own for my own tests and watched in secret as things played out. When Banner was captured, I smiled as Blonsky forced Sterns to inject him with Banner's blood. Sterns ended up knocked out and infected as well but I bound him and put a note on him for Natasha to find as Blonsky left to find a friend.

I followed Blonsky and let him have his fight with the Hulk while having shadow make a donation fundraiser to clean up the mess and help those effected by it. I got the humans away from the fight except Betty and the military.

Finally when Hulk won, I tossed a smoke spell into the area and took Blonsky's body into my inner galaxy while the Hulk jumped away. I caught up with him and pulled him into the mirror dimension where I confronted him.

There shit got real fast. He socked me while roaring and while I took the blow, I felt his power being mimicked. He drew it from a primal dimension of rage as an elder god. I felt my own connection with that dimension solidify as green gamma radiation spewed off of him and into me.

I roared and my body shifted as my mind nearly fractured. My mental avatar of my rage emotion became nearly lifelike as it took in all the rage I pulled from the dimension and tried to take over. I forced it into submission as I turned into a giant green muscly man all my own. My illusions failed and my hair turned white while my eyes flowed red.

We charged each other as I re-fused with my avatar of rage completely. I could feel my control solidifying and I switched to using martial arts as I let out my own rage and bloodlust fully out. Hulk didn't back down and we went to town until the mirror dimension is created had shattered under our impacts.

The more we fought, the stronger we became until finally we were continent busters and I had to force us both to stop as the ancient one showed up. I shifted back and she sent Bruce out of his body and into astral form when he charged us.

She turned to me. "Was that necessary?"

I shrugged. "Necessary? Not really, not after the first hour. I regained control of my emotions when the mirror dimension I made broke and ejected us. After that I was testing the limits of the new strength."

She raised an eyebrow. "And?"

I shrugged. "Definitely at the level of an elder god in raw strength but unless you can control your emotions like I can, it takes building up to reach that level, like all rage builds."

She nodded. "So he and you are elder gods now?"

I chuckled. "Hardly. Well, he is anyways. I'm something different entirely as you well know little girl."

Banner's astral form spoke up. "Excuse me, but what's an elder god and what's happening?"

I chuckled before telling Yao. "Teach him what you can about control. His mind has split and his rage has become a second personality. It's the equivalent of a five year old right now. He needs to learn it's not some illness but apart of himself. It was in his DNA before he ever got dosed with gamma radiation and he'd have become the hulk either way, it just made him stronger than he'd have been otherwise and split his mind."

She looked Banner over and I told her. "Take him to Calcutta, away from Tibet. The government is looking for him and others are keeping track of him so don't bring them to your door."

She nodded and I via teleportation. I went home for a shower And to wait for an answer to my note. I'd gone Deadpool style with art likenesses of her and I together in bed with words at the bottom reading. (Tonight or I come looking for you and take you wherever I find you.)

It wasn't more than three hours before I felt her weight settling over me while I had my eyes closed on the bed. I opened them and she smiled. "That's a very neat talent you have for drawing. I take it Blonsky's body is with you?"

I smiled. "Blonsky is alive and ravaging a forest off world in my own realm."

She bit her lip while she rubbed slowly over my bulging pants. "My boss saw the fight between you and the Hulk. He wants to know how there's another one. He wants me to track you down."

I chuckled. "Tell him what you want, just don't tell him my alias as Creed Dark."

I made out clothes vanish into my inner world and she found her moist heat rubbing her slick folds along my shaft. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head and she murmured. "One last thing before we begin. Who was the bald monk?"

I sighed. "A student of an old friend from a few thousand years ago and one such powerful person that keeps the world safe. Now no more talking."

As if on cue she leaned further back and came forwards, impaling herself on my throbbing shaft. For the rest of the night and most of the next day we recked the house as I took her on every surface I had, even the roof, until the building nearly collapsed.

Even when she was too tired to go on from the workout I put her through, I took her while she moaned and did her best not to pass out on her hands and knees. The ball gag in her mouth and the red hand prints on her ass only heightened her pleasure as I womb fucked her into the mattress and unloaded all my pent up aggression and need into her clenching velvety fist like sheath.

When I roared, shaking the house as a final torrent of seed began to fill her. She moaned helplessly around the ball gag as I filled her with inhuman proportions of seed. When I finished and panted as I softened and slid out of her, an audible pop was hers from my exit of her body. Her now sore red lower lips drooled a mixture of our combined essence before she moaned one last time and felt to her side as the bed collapsed again.

I watched in primal satisfaction as she quivered in her sleep as the light bulge of seed in her overly inflated womb deflated and made a hasty retreat from her body, gushing out.

Seeing her shuddering and moaning while filled with my seed spoke to the animal side of me as a good mating. I took the ball gag out of her mouth and with a grin, grabbed the lube before waking her up to another invasion that had her bitting the pillow.

Several hours later, even with the Deadpool like healing she was walking funny, like the sex had been life altering. I'd had the house elves repair the house while I'd left her to sleep after cleaning up the aftermath of our last bout that had her begging me not to do more for now as her mind could only take so much pleasure before it broke.

I'd abided and let her sleep while she healed up nice and tight and I cleaned her up and out with a telekinetic thought that had a very messy bed sheets afterwards.

I'd destroyed and replaced them after bathing us both while she relaxed and put us both to bed for a time while the house elves had done their jobs. When I cooked her breakfast the next morning, she'd wore her work suit via the sword suit. It cling to her and I used my connection to it to have a replica of my member form and enter her to her wide eyed surprise.

I kissed her as I made it silently vibrate and she barely remained standing. I murmured in her ear. "Think of it as a gift of sorts to prepare yourself for me whenever I call or come to collect you. Feel free to use it to take the edge off when you're thinking of me but to busy to come to me or vice versa. But know it's no substitute for the real thing."

She moaned huskily. "Don't I know it!"

I set her plate of eggs and bacon in front of her as I slid my hand down her abdomen and the suit sword made way as my fingers roamed through the tuft if hair to her stuffed moist lips below. I rubbed her clit while she leaned against me and shuddered while trying not to cry out.

I asked her. "Am I disturbing your meal? Do I need to stop?"

I withdrew my hand and she yelled. "YES! Wait, NO NO!"

I chuckled and plucked at her tuft before making my on hand vibrate from slight movement and a whole lot of speed as I applied it to her until she screamed my name. "Oh god, DARK!"

Her discharge made me smile as with a thought I made the suit return to normal and cleaned her up while she panted into my chest. I held up a couple slick fingers and showed her the leftovers while she watched through hooded eyes as I licked my finger clean. I held up my middle finger to her lips and she needed no encouragement to try some as she shuddered more.

I chuckled before popping my finger out of her rosy lips and gave it one last lick before telling her with a light murmur. "Enjoy your meal, I know I did."

She shuddered and slapped her ass lightly before walking away to leave her to eat in peace. Some time later she came to kiss me goodbye and left via teleportation. Satisfied and happy things were progressing both with Natasha and with my own plans, I gave Abomination the Destroyer armor to play with for a while until I ejected his spirit from his body.

His corrupted soul floated there before asking. "What is it you want?"

I smirked. "You. I'm building an unbeatable team to tackle a few nearly unbeatable enemies. I want you to sign a soul contract stating you'll do as I say and wish and only as I want you to and I'll give you real control of your body and emotions while in Abomination form."

It was basically the same contract I'd given Drake and included his own world of Hulk like creatures to crush. He read it over before asking. "And if I don't sign?"

I smirked. "I eat you, body and soul, and use your strength to bolster my own."

He shivered before asking. "Can you give me power?"

I shrugged. "I can give you control and more varying abilities including shooting optic blasts from your eyes and absorbing powers and life from others with a touch. You'll need to learn to control and harness these powers as well as learn how to shift back and forth between your human form and Abomination but I can help with that as well."

He nodded and I changed the wording of the contract to include the powers and his efforts to learn to control them all. He signed and I smiled before putting him back in his body and entering his mind to help him regain control as well as fix his shattered power addicted mind.

After his mind was no longer shattered and his mind scape was solid. I taught him how to control his change through anger and how to change back and forth at will. Then came the powers. I bestowed him Rouges power first before teaching him control once more. Then Cyclop's power and finally I gave him a golden apple and reinforced his mind as well as taught him Occlumency.

It was a magical skill from the previous world but it was also a meditation skill and apart of my own mind already so I couldn't actually forget how to use it. I helped him build a core self and his defenses both army and monster like before standing back and telling him to come at me.

As his powers were mostly unnatural scientific based unlike Bruce's, I could only take his strength, speed and endurance and add them to my own basic physical form. I was now stronger than the basic Hulk form with a few hours of pent up rage in my human form.

It was a vast improvement that brought me to five times denser than the human body as my muscles became more compact and my strength, speed and durability rose. I also gained a bone spike ability but that wasn't something I intended to use in a fight unless absolutely necessary.

I left him to his practice as I have him a memory copy of all the fighting techniques and skills I'd learned over the years. The Hulk like beasts would keep coming just like the blood beasts on Drake's planet and growing stronger and more proficient as well.

When I left I made a suit of armor out of Gradium that had mystical properties that would repel evil from outside, heal the wearer and keep out telepaths and mind manipulators up to a godly scale. I even made a giant cleaver reminiscent of Silent Hill and left it beside his own safe zone alter of stone the resembled a struggling hulk on bender knee holding his seat up.

I had great plans for Blonsky and Drake but I was also waiting for the others I intended for my group. Blonsky has eaten his apple and was fast changing into an immortal as well so everything was right on schedule.

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