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28.42% A True Beginning / Chapter 56: Ch.11

Chapter 56: Ch.11

As the night ended I found Esther in a graveyard with Alaric doing a spell of her own creation. She had gotten Elena's blood somehow and a piece of white oak she must've scried for as she'd moved the timetable up a great deal.

I hadn't even had time to act before she plunged the white oak into his heart, killing him and forever turning him into an immortal monster. I roared and snuffed out her soul as her body died there and then.

I sent out a roar of anger into the night before warning my former siblings of what she'd done in her final moments. Rebekah returned to the manor with me where it was safe behind my wards while Niklaus called the last of his hybrids before moving after Elena to take her blood and flee.

Elijah came to the manor to regroup with us and figure out how to deal with him. I set Whickery bridge on fire after taking the sign. I watched it all burn as I looked at the last of the white oak near me. It was already splintered where Esther took what she needed.

Sighing I sent it to the house before teleporting to Finn who was nosing around the graveyard where Alaric was now feeding on Bonnie. With a thought I sent him to New York as it was far enough away for him to be safe for now.

Unfortunately that gave Alaric the warning he needed as he appeared in front of me. I growled and he smirked. "Killing you will only be the beginning."

Snorting I told him. "Don't pretend to be Alaric. You're the twisted amalgamation of the ring's power to raise mortals back from the dead. No more than a magical by blow."

He sneered. "Says the vampire witch."

I didn't even defend as he stabbed me with the white oak. I smiled into his face as it barely pierced my skin. "You're going to have to try a lot harder than that if you're to be the one to kill me."

He frowned and pushed harder as it sank a half inch further and stopped at my rib bones. His frown deepened as I grabbed his wrist and pried it off the stake before backhanding him across the graveyard. "I'm far stronger than you little vampire. My skin and bones were forged and tempered in hellfire. There's simply no way for you to win."

I pulled the stake out and through it at him, nailing him to the side of the mausoleum. I cursed as he pulled it out and fled. I heard Bonnie's weak heartbeat and was torn.

With a thought I sent her to the hospital emergency room before giving chase. Unfortunately Esther has been clever this time as she'd bound him to Elena and her to him. If I siphoned off his immortality, killing him, Elena would die as well.

I figured that out when I caught up to him the second time. He fled after I released him seeing no good way to end him. I said as much to Niklaus the next morning and he started to drain Elena as he got ready to leave town.

When I saw that I went to release her and he collided with me sending her flying into the steps. I grabbed him by the throat growling. "I've warned you she's under my protection and yet you've acted repeatedly like an uncivilized animal. Since you won't learn, perhaps it's time I show you what a real beast is like."

I shifted while holding him as my form changed in front of his eyes. I growled as I bit into him and drained him dry of blood in one strong pull as I nearly tore his head off in my feeding frenzy. My wings encompassed us before I released his now bloodless desiccated body to the floor.

His look of horror at my form matched only by Tyler and Elena's looks of terror as I turned to them. Tyler grabbed her and fled while I drained the hybrids that stayed. In moments they too were desiccated like Niklaus, though most were headless as well. I roared as the blood fueled fog cleared somewhat.

I growled as Alaric showed up before fleeing at the site of me. I gave chase on instinct but lost him near a cemetery. The sun started to rise as I shifted back into my human form and regained full control. I immediately clamped down on my sense of smell and hearing bringing both to human levels with spells.

I called Stefan and Damon, telling them where Klaus was and not to let Alaric near him as he was out to kill original vampires. I gave them the full sit rep before doing the same to them all.

I told Rebekah and Elijah what I'd done and Rebekah wen to intercept and pick up Klaus as Bonnie went to help Damon hide him with a spell after she got out of the hospital. Elena was safe at home now with Stefan.

Elijah was a bit preoccupied as well trying to keep Rebekah from killing Damon and Bonnie. I spent the day with Lexi knowing Alaric was trapped until sundown at least. I'd done a locator spell and found him at the Lockwood's mansion.

As the day passed Elena was brought to the hospital when she'd passed out. There she was treated with vampire blood thanks to doctor Meredith Fell. Sighing when I heard about the council actively moving against the mayor and sheriff, I half expected then to come knocking on my door.

As it was though, night fell simply too soon. Alaric has managed to catch up to Damon, Bonnie and Rebekah just after Elijah was finished making a deal to help them get Niklaus and the indestructible white oak stake.

With one last sigh I burnet the white oak I had when I felt Niklaus die. I'd felt the body possession spell that Bonnie had performed on him to send him into Tyler before but now his body died.

Be it luck or my hand in the dark as I worked my way into Alaric's mind and had him close the casket Nik was in, either way, doing so cut off the oxygen of the flames thus preserving his body.

Elena was out of the hospital now and with Matt leaving town as he was trying to protect her. Unfortunately, Rebekah intervened and they went over Whichery bridge. I arrived just in time to stop Alaric from nearly taking Damon with him as a last act.

As he began to gasp and flounder Damon shook his head. "No, no, no, you can't die, because if you die then so does she."

I sighed. "And vice versa. I couldn't kill him without killing Elena as well. It's why I've repeatedly let him flee."

Damon held his friend and I looked him in the eyes. "Damon, Ric is dying as a supernatural. That means what?"

He stilled before sighing getting my meaning. "He's going to the other side. That means you can bring him back."

I nodded. "It does. And Elena is a doppelgänger, a supernatural by birth. They will both be fine Damon, I promise. Have I ever broken a promise to you?"

He shook his head and I smiled. "Niklaus's body was put out and his spirit resides in Tyler Lockwood's body thanks to Bonnie."

He looked up to me as Ric breathed his last and died. "She couldn't do that to me and her friends or Lexi who she's come to adore. So she body hopped him in secret. That is why you're not dying as well. So stand up. We've a lot of work to do."

I helped him up and sent Ric's body to the basement of my house where a coffin lay for him. Then I took Damon and Niklaus and teleported them to the house where Lexi was waiting.

I put Niklaus's body away for now and told Damon. "The council is on the war path, with my siblings in pain and even refusing to leave town when it's best for them. They've overstayed their welcome when they broke my rules."

Damon was a swirling mix of emotions now so I continued. "Your job is the council. You need to find and destroy their vervain supply, then compel them to forget the fact that you, Carol and the Forbes's are related to vampires. A task all it's own I assure you."

I sighed and told him. "I need to focus on Bonnie and getting all the dark magic she's been using out of her system before shit goes bad and I'm forced to strip her of magic."

Lexi spoke now. "My job is more simple, crowd control. We need to cover up that Alaric and Elena are dead for now that way when they are brought back the humans don't start asking question."

Damon snorted. "I thought you were going to bring them back right now?"

I shook my head. "It's not possible. Elena died with vampire blood in her system. I checked the hospital records curtesy of one Meredith Fell. Ironically it was your blood in her system. Want to tell me how that happened?"

He frowned. "I had a little run in with the good doctor when Alaric first started showing signs of being a psychotic nut job. We thought it was her."

Sighing I smacked him upside the back of his head. "And a mystical dark alter ego of our human drinking buddy doesn't warrant a mention to the most power witch you know?"

He rubbed the back of his head with a slightly angry face. "You've been a little less than reliable lately and Bonnie's mother hooked him up with a cleanse diet. We thought it would work."

Growling I pulled back from chewing him out and sighed. "I've been preparing you to live a life without the dependence on me you've grown attached to Damon. It needed to be done so that when I finally left you didn't just flip it off and go on a killing spree."

He looked me over and I rubbed my face continuing. "When you made your choice, I knew. I've been watching out for her ever since trying to walk the fine line. Hoping beyond hope that she would become more than a lover or the love of your life, but a best friend. Someone you could depend on and trust as implicitly as you've done me for so long. To soften the blow for when I leave."

He looked me over with a sad frown now. "I'm not that delicate-"

I shook my head and put my hands on his shoulders. "You're not, I know that. But could you blame me for wanting something more for you? Hell, I'm going to bring back Ric in the hopes that he'll fill the rest of the gaps Damon, because when I leave, I won't be able to return. The infinite universes out there are quite large and I've not even regained all of what I was before my previous death. It would nearly be a mathematical impossibility that we'd ever meet again."

He gripped my harms as the full weight of what I was saying hit him. I took a deep breath as he asked. "Why, what's so important that you need to go-"

I shook my head. "You know why. If it were Elena, could you possibly live with the notion that you'd never see her again? For eternity?"

He frowned and I nodded. "That, that horrible pain you just felt. The moment I remembered who I was I felt it to, multiplied by a thousand. I've lived with that horrible feeling since my vampire life began. I can't live with not knowing. I have to, it drives me to keep going. Even with Lexi, it's not a replacement. It's more of an addition all it's own."

Lexi smiled and I looked her in the eyes before turning back to Damon. "So once I've helped you straighten out this mess of a life you have, I intend to leave. And at that time I hope that instead of grieving, you'll do something else. I want you to be able to look at Stefan the way you have me all these years. And when he can't help, then Alaric. And finally Elena. A safety net that keeps you happy without me."

I let him go and sighed while Lexi spoke up. "I want the same for Stefan. He and Caroline have been friends for a long time. I'm hoping it'll be more by the time we leave. And when he needs a brother, I expect you to be there Damon. I didn't see it before but then you've always been a bit on Ryan's side. But your love for your brother is what I'm depending on to keep him together even when Caroline or any others fail."

I looked to her as she nodded before reaching into his mind and blocking this conversation from him until we were gone. When I was done I told him. "Deal with the council, I'll deal with Bonnie then raise our friends. Lexi has crowd control and keeping the rest of your friends safe and sane."

I sent him to his house while I turned to Lexi who said. "It had to be done."

I clenched my fist before nodding. I was trying not to hit the walls and bring the house down upon us. "I know, I just didn't realize it'd be that hard."

I took a deep breath before sending her to Stefan at the hospital to explain the situation. I then set the immortal white oak stake on Niklaus's coffin and teleported Bonnie where she was with Tyler/Klaus.

Tyler took one look at me and I sighed. "Hello Nik, no need to hide the animosity. You've seen two thirds of what I am after all. I think I can slap you down just fine no matter the body you're inhabiting."

He stilled before asking in rage. "Why?"

I looked him square in the eyes and sneered. "You come to my town in my territory. I treat you like the brother I'd left so long ago and you decide to break my one rule! You dare ask me why? Be glad I'm not ripping apart this boy you've hidden yourself in!"

He backed away at my anger as tears came to his eyes. I continued. "I've been lenient ever since you've arrived to my town! I helped you break the curse Esther placed upon you! I did! Then you decided that wasn't good enough and you tormented the people under my protection. Yet still you only bent the rules there. I let it go then and I let it go again when you returned. I helped you kill Mikael! Then you turn my town into a home I let it go again as I was happy to see you all once more. Then like clock work you called me up when I wasn't even in town and called me back to see and hear out the bitch who not only tormented my human mind before and cursed us both, but the one responsible for my death!"

The room shook at my voice as I calmed myself down in panting breathes before continuing. "Still you and they only bent the rules there. I even looked past it when Esther, our of spite and desperation created an immortal hunter and set it loose on us with her final moments. But you have the balls to ask me why when you Damn we'll know Elena was important to my friends here, my mate's friend even. And yet you were willing to kill her out of fear and greed."

My eyes were a green and red mixture of glowing power as I looked him up and down. "I had one rule, don't harm the locals. Hell, I even gave you a loophole, not in my territory. And yet you spat in my face! I looked past the compulsion and feeding even when it hurt them, but you, you dare ask me why when you damn well know if I'd let her die my life here would be over!"

The walls cracked as the last words left my mouth. He had tears in his eyes as he clenched his jaw. I snorted. "I am not here for you now Niklaus. I may have preserved your body to let this poor boy go free but when you return to it you will leave Mystic Falls behind, without a doppelgänger or her blood. Or-"

He growled and bit out. "Or what? You'll do what exactly?"

I sighed as the anger drained from me and my voice became cold. "I'll never forgive Niklaus. I'll never help nor lift a finger when you need it most. I'll let you suffer as if you were a common stranger, like you've done to so many others. No pleading or begging we sway me, Niklaus. This is it, all you'll ever receive from me be it now or a million years from now when this planet dies and we are the only creatures left on it."

My words and the tone of my voice brooked no argument as I turned and told Bonnie who was looking at me with both fear and fascination. "You will return home now and go through a cleansing so thorough it'll remove the black magic you've taken in out of you. I will not see you fall as I have countless others. And if you ever touch this magic again I will take it all away. I'd rather see you a regular human than the creature this path leads to. I thought I taught you better."

My words hit her just as hard as I sighed weakly as all the fire went out of me and I felt hollow as I'd been so long ago. I turned to Niklaus saying. "I shall return you to your body on the morrow. Then you are to make your decision. I'm done arguing and being nice Niklaus. With your actions you've managed to make me not only remember but feel as hollow as I did so long ago."

I turned and took Bonnie as I teleported away to the sound of him trying to speak. I drew a holy oil bath for her and a moon bath besides and waited for her to get in. She stripped and did so while I preserved what modesty she had left. I held her under and sent healing magic as she was essentially skinned and boiled alive repeatedly.

She'd touched on some of the foulest magic out there and was prepared and ready to do more than that. When it was over I picked her tired body up and rinsed her off before putting her in the moon bath to sleep for the night.

I set a robe and towel beside her moon bath and cleaned the black oily mess in her other tub. When I was done I sealed the dark magic books under a timed barrier that would only release when she was much older and wiser.

With that I left and headed to Whitmore University. There I found professor Shane and dug into his mind. I showed him what his visions of his dead wife really were and what Silas was really attempting. With that I left him there a grief stricken shadow of himself.

Returning to Mystic falls I went to the Gilbert house where Elena, Stefan and Lexi were trying to reason out what was happening. I revealed myself saying. "She needs to feed."

Elena shook her head. "No, I don't want this, I never did!"

I sighed. "What does it matter Elena? Whether you're a vampire or doppelgänger you end up in the same place as all supernatural creatures in the end. The other side."

She tried to say. "But I was human-"

I shook my head. "No, you weren't. You were a literal magical being made by magic itself to balance out the fact that two witches several thousand years ago made themselves immortal. Hell, your attraction to Stefan wasn't entirely natural either."

Stefan frowned now. "What do you mean?"

I turned my gaze to him. "You were a doppelgänger as well until you became a vampire. You didn't know it because well, you're not exactly as popular as Elena, Katherine and Tatia. All of which have had run ins with the original family."

Jeremy asked. "So doppelgängers are naturally attracted to one another?"

I shook my head. "No, not quite. Not long after Silas and Amara, their ancestors, became truly immortal, the first set of doppelgängers were born into this world. A special and powerful witch wishing to destroy their original selves cast a spell on the two doppelgängers that passed on to every doppelgänger since then."

I sighed as I told the unfortunate couple. "He needs both doppelgänger's blood and a certain event to happen to accomplish his goal. Therefore he cursed them with a mystical attraction to each other so that when the time was right he'd have them both at the same time, primed and ready to be sacrificed for his spell."

Elena and Stefan both paled and I sighed. "As vampires you're both useless to him and since Elena has no children as the last of the line, it ends with her. Why else do you think all of her ancestors had children out of wedlock? They couldn't find the other doppelgänger so they were driven to reproduce to ensure there would come a time when the doppelgängers would reunite."

My words hit them like a brick wall and finally Elena asked with tears in her eyes. "It's not real?"

I sighed. "I'm sure something is real but no more than any compulsion spell could produce. Why do you think Katherine is so hung up on Stefan? Because of his hairdo? Not likely. Even as vampires you're effected by the spell to a degree."

Stefan looked broken now as I told them. "If you'd like, I can break the spell on the two of you. It won't help future or past doppelgängers but it will show you both how you really feel for each other if nothing else."

Almost immediately they agreed. Sighing I cut their palms and gripped them as I searched and drained the spell linked to their blood that was forcing them together. Almost immediately they were much different as they looked at each other.

Elena shook her head. "I don't love you, why don't I love you?"

Stefan was just as confused before saying. "It was the spell the whole time."

sighing I told them. "It didn't effect your views on others but it would have effected your feelings for them if they were anything that would interfere with bringing you two together."

I healed Elena as Stefan healed naturally. She groaned and left the room while Lexi told him about Klaus being alive and Damon dealing with the council. He left in a blur to help Damon and I went upstairs to see Elena's compelled memories come back.

I stood in the doorway as her vision cleared again. "It sucks, I know. But hiding from it won't change the fact that you and Stefan need to talk. Besides that-"

I held up a cup of blood. "You need to feed. If you'd like to be human again afterwards I have just the thing, but for now drink. I swear I'll make you human again if that's what you really want when everything settles down."

She frowned but took the cup before hesitating and downing its contents. From there I helped her clear her mind and build a decent mind scape. With that she was able to control her impulses better than most vampires ever would be able to.

I exited her mind and told her. "You're sired to Damon. The memories you've gotten and the feeling you've had before. If you want them to be real you need to listen to me ok?"

She nodded as I hadn't lead her wrong yet. "Turn off your emotions. It'll cut the connection you feel for good. Once you do I'll enter your mind and help you turn them back on again."

She took a short breath before closing her eyes. Lexi spoke up. "I'm going to help the boys."

I nodded. "You're wearing your protection so just call if you need help."

she kissed me and left in a blur. Elena opened her eyes and I saw the coldness I knew so well in them. I delved into her mind immediately and flooded it with memories of her strongest emotions, forcing them back on as she screamed for a minute then started crying.

Jeremy walked past me and hugged her. Sighing I told her. "What you feel is real now. No more sire bond and no more spells. I've done all except make you human now. I'll give you a month to decide what it is you want."

I teleported away and helped Damon in destroying all the vervain in the town. Before erasing the council's memories of Alaric's events and onwards. I left them with a drunken hangover in their homes.

From there I went about destroying Elena's blood that Niklaus had in stock and killing the last of his hybrids that were drained of blood. There was only Tyler left now and he wasn't sired to Niklaus.

I found Elijah and Rebekah together while Finn had just arrived. He wasn't pleased until I teleported him to Sage. There I left him in her capable hands. With him out of the way I turned to Elijah and Rebekah. "Rebekah, you, like Niklaus have broken my rules. I cannot allow you to stay in Mystic Falls any longer. As a last parting gift I will give you the spell I intended to help you body hop with but it'll be up to you to find a witch to do it. You are no longer welcome in my territory."

I tossed her the page as she cried a little and I shook my head. "I opened my home to you and both you and Klaus have acted little better than beasts. You've compelled and hurt those under my protection before breaking my trust with Esther and finally breaking my one rule here. For this I hope you find the life you deserve."

I summoned the bag she and Matt had been using with the resources in it. I tossed it in her hands and thrust the information on how to send the money to Matt as she sold it off. "Goodbye Rebekah and May you have a good life."

I teleported her to a condo I kept in New York. I then turned to Elijah. "You are partially responsible for bringing all of this mess to my door Elijah. If you had not come they would not have followed. While you've bent my rule you haven't yet broken it so you may leave when I revive Niklaus tomorrow. If you do choose you can go now though and I will not stop you."

I turned saying. "I will not have this trouble brought to my door once more, but if you ever need me, just call."

I teleported away and headed to where Niklaus was at. I summoned his coffin and the white oak stake to us. He looked at me with Tyler's eyes and asked. "Is that for me? Have you decided to just finish me off?"

I snorted. "I'd never want you dead Niklaus. No matter how I feel at times. No, it's a last parting gift. The one thing that can kill you will be in your possession. This way you'll never need feel hunted again. It's all I can do for you Niklaus. You've broken all trust I had in you and dashed any hopes of mine to get to know you once more."

I sighed and opened the coffin, placing the stake in his dead hands. I held up a hand and focused on the spell I wanted before jerking him back into his original body and healing his desiccated self.

I summoned some bagged blood and tossed it to him before saying. "Elijah is waiting at the house you had built. If he's still there when you arrive you are to leave town with him and never return. Mystic Falls and I no longer welcome you. Goodbye Niklaus. Don't look for Elena or her blood. She's been turned into a vampire because of a silly doctor and Rebekah running her off a bridge. Alaric, the hunter, is dead. You've nothing to run from but you are not welcome here."

I turned to Tyler and sent him home with a thought. Teleporting home myself I met Lexi there as evening was hitting once more. We'd been working through the night to repair and fix the damage all this nonsense caused.

A month passed as we hadn't much left the house except for when I sacrificed a vampire pervert and brought back Alaric. He was still an immortal powerful vampire but he was no longer evil or compelled to try to kill me so that was a plus.

It wasn't until May of the next year that I heard from Elijah once more. Everything has been quiet as Damon and Elena had become a couple. Stefan and Caroline were showing the same signs as Tyler left to get back at Klaus.

It had been quiet with the council and Elena had chosen to stay a vampire for the time being. I'd told her that I could turn her human whenever she wished. Alaric wasn't the same as he had been bitter about becoming a vampire so I offered the same solution and he'd finally excepted it.

I siphoned off the magic that made him immortal and healed his wound that had reappeared from his mortal death. He was now once more a walking talking bonafide human. He started teaching at Whitmore college as an occult's history professor.

Elijah called by phone to let me know they'd settled on New Orleans where a wolf girl Nik had knocked up a few months back while there was being held captive by the witches there to force their hand in cooperating.

Lexi saw my look and asked. "Is it time for us to move again?"

I shook my head. "Not yet. Once I've cleaned out the second prison world we will move there. Of course when things get bad we can go help. But for now they have it handled."

Lexi and I focused on raising her magic and I put away the mountain of charged diamonds as over this near year they'd all finished charging. With the pack full I stored it alone in the basement and focused on one project of my own.

The graduation and eventual freshman year of college happened for our friends. Damon had become more like I'd been expecting as he hung out with Ric more and dated Elena. Their relationship had not only bloomed, it'd flourished while Stefan's and Caroline's had begun to bud as well.

Lexi of course encouraged them while being the rocker best friend to Stefan she gave great advice to Caroline when she asked. The only hiccup in the silver lining was the secret society of vampire doctors were back. But then Damon and I wiped them out for good this time ending in only one professor's death and half the donators to Whitmore College going missing.

I'd wiped out memories and destroyed all traces of their little project while Damon went on a small killing spree. It was fine though as they certainly deserved it. They weren't just experimenting with vampires but students as well.

Near the end of their freshman year I heard Elijah's prayer and came with Lexi. We teleported into a church of sorts where Hayley lay dead and her child had been ripped from her arms. Niklaus was bloody and in tears while Elijah was enraged.

I read the room saying. "Hayley will rise again as a hybrid. Your child's blood, your blood, ensures that. As for the child, let's ensure it is there when she awakens. Lexi, take Hailey, I'll send you to the compound where you clean her up. We have everything else handled here."

She saw my look and knew I was going to do some serious damage. Nodding she grabbed Hailey and I sent them away. Growling I told them. "Stand up. Now is not the time for tears. Save those for when your daughter is in your arms."

They did so and we walked outside. I felt the magic of the ancestors on the other side but I released my seals and the world shook. The spells shattered as the spirits were forced back. I growled. "You've buried Esther amongst their dead. She's manipulating them into sacrificing your child. I guess it's time both of you saw what my last sides looked like."

I began shifting as my bones cracked loudly like a rock slide. My partial werewolf form shocked them both as I spoke in their minds. (Stay close and follow me.)

I moved and they followed as my roar broke the last cloaking spell and we ran to the altar where they were trying to consecrate the babe.

Roaring I startled them as I charged and tackled the red headed witch. The ancestors tried to appear before me with the two harvest girls but I roared disrupting the magic as I tore the redhead led witch's head off.

I tossed it to their feet as one found herself impales by a metal bar. Roaring I ran at the other and Elijah appeared on the other side of her as she tried to flee. We ripped her in half together before I shifted back into my human form, cleaning and clothing myself.

I saw Niklaus pick up the baby and I teleported us to the compound. The ancestors tried and failed to stop us from leaving as I broke through their magic's with sheer force.

When Niklaus held his child close I told Elijah in a whisper. "This is his redemption Elijah. Through this child's love even the beast he's is can be redeemed. Never doubt his love for this child. It comes from a pure place. He could no more use it to his benefit than he could demand I bow to his will."

Elijah looked at him before asking. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I am. Even if this child could sire every werewolf in creation he wouldn't waste a drop of it's blood to do so. I can feel it and know this truth to be absolute."

I turned to face him saying. "Just as I know your love for it's mother is pure and true."

I sighed. "Niklaus, hand me the babe and let me added the protections of my power to it. No harm shall come to this child no matter the enemy's you face."

He looked up to me and saw I was serious. He handed me the baby and I asked. "What is her name?"

He smiled. "Hope."

I nodded. "Very well."

I bit my hand and held it over the child's head as my blood touched her brow. My magic's bent to my will as the world shook before a barrier of light and power appeared around the babe. I told them. "Add your blood quickly, both of you!"

They did the same and the barrier snapped into place before sinking into her. With a smile I handed her back to her father. "So long as we live no being can get within twenty feet of her that has ill intent. No power on this earth or in any spirit ream can be used to hurt this child and nothing and no one would survive trying to hurt her with a physical blow. The shield we've summoned was a spark of what I once was. I have only one spark left for myself now."

Elijah's eyes went wide and I nodded. "Yes, it is divine in nature. The elements of this world will defend her if necessary and lay waste to any that would see her dead."

I patted Niklaus's back saying. "I once promised you I'd help defend what you needed most and I've just done so Niklaus. So long as we three live she cannot be harmed even by a god. And I mean that literally. She needs no army or castle walls now. She is safe. Take her to her mother, she is about to wake and I'm sure the little wolf would like to say hello to her mother."

I turned to Elijah. "I hope that you seize on that love you feel. Life is a hollow existence after you've felt it and lost it."

Lexi appeared in the doorway Niklaus was headed to and I tossed her a drop of blood. "For the mother. I took it from the babe painlessly to ensure she need never harm her child."

Lexi caught it and went inside. We waited around for a while as Niklaus and the child's mother thanked us for a bit. I pulled out a parchment and told them. "This is a spell Esther used to make Niklaus's blood father a moonlight ring. It will work if used exactly as the spell says. Use it to help the werewolves and bring them under your umbrella. Elijah, if you'd like to become the faction leader for the vampires I'm sure they would welcome an original to back them up."

Sighing I told them. "Whilst the babe needs fear no one, you all can still call upon me if you feel the need."

Tattoo's appeared on both Niklaus and Hayley's arms. "Elijah will tell you how. Now, unless you need us for something else?"

Klaus spoke up. "I'd like a word if your offer is serious."

I nodded. "In a bit though. In all my years I've never had a child myself and that includes the time before. No, I'd like to watch the babe sleep and wonder of better days for a time."

Nik smiled and watched with me for a while as the littlest Mikaelson slept. Finally I turned and he followed me out. Lexi and Hayley stayed while Elijah awaited us in the office room. When he was ready and prepared Niklaus spoke up. "I'm sorry for what I did and tried to do in Mystic Falls."

I sighed. "Let the past be Niklaus. I forgave you the moment I saw the look of pure happiness on your face. You cannot return of course but I've forgiven and forgotten."

He nodded before sighing. "I've enemies all over this world and I want your help in tracking them down and destroying them."

I snorted. "Easy enough."

I summoned a piece of parchment with a world map and told them both. "Cut your hands and pour blood on the pages and I'll do the rest. Both of you now."

They did so and I began chanting. The blood on the parchment began to spread and form names while the blood on the map spread all over. Sighing I told them. "I can kill the vampires and werewolves easy enough, but those with magic will be much harder to kill."

Nik was focused on one name in particular before asking. "Can I save one vampire?"

I nodded. "Cut your finger and smear out the name. The rest will be dead in moments."

He did so as I noticed the name was Marcel Gerard. When he was done I lit a couple candles and did a massive linking spell before doing a basic head explosive hex. Those without magic all died as the blood on the map dried almost all over. Hundreds of vampires and werewolves died except Tyler Lockwood as I hadn't linked his name to it.

I turned to the witches now and killed them one by one as they resisted. I was only pushed back on two, Esther and Dahlia. I told Niklaus and Elijah. "Esther has taken a human body if her name's on the list. My advice? Turn the bitch into a vampire. No magic means you can compel her to live in a septic tank for eternity for all I care."

Elijah asked. "And these other two names?"

I sighed. "Tyler Lockwood is a friend of people I care about. I can't nor won't kill him. He's not a threat either. As for Dahlia, if I remember correctly she's our aunt and when I tried to kill her I found she's immortal. And I don't mean vampire immortal either. I can't kill her without laying hands on her and draining her of all the black magic she has keeping her alive. Either way she's not a threat as nothing can harm the babe and while she's powerful for a witch she's nowhere near my level. If you run into a problem with her just call. From what I could tell she was in a hibernating sleep anyway."

I handed the map and list to them. "It's self updating so you'll always know most of your enemies. But I suggest you be careful. There are ways around those spells on the map and list. I noticed a lot of resistance as it was forming so I doubt that's all of them. If you need anything more just call. For now I need a cleanse as I've just killed nearly a thousand individuals."

I left them as they were in higher spirits now and headed to where Lexi and Hayley we're watching Hope. Lexi saw me and came to my side as she saw the black eyes. I turned to Hayley saying. "This is goodbye for now but feel free to call or pray if you need help. And I hope everything works out between you and Elijah from now on. You both deserve to be happy."

She smiled and thanked us once more before we teleported back home. I told Lexi what I'd done and went to cleanse myself of the black magic I'd invoked in killing so many. They were mostly vampires and witches while only a few wolves were from Klaus's hybrid hunting days.

The witches were those scorned or otherwise targeting them for the baby. Davina Claire wasn't amongst them as she may hate them but she's not really an enemy. I cleansed myself and went back to enjoying life.

The travelers showed up in town a week later to which I drained them all of magic, sending them completely to the other side.

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