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2.53% A True Beginning / Chapter 5: Ch.4

Chapter 5: Ch.4

Alice finally got her vision of the game and had her own smile now. In the morning I loaded up the Jeep and gassed up the vehicles before telling Edward to go pick up Bella.

He was out the door before I could blink. When they got to the house half an hour later, we headed to the field we'd play on when we could while we visited this town. I drove the Jeep with an excited Emmett in the back up into the mountains.

When I parked near the field he hopped out and grabbed the bags. Rosalie and Emmett played a quick bar game to determine who's team would go first and when she elbowed him in the stomach I chuckled and tossed Alice the ball. "Sorry love, Emmett lost."

She smiled and swayed to the pitchers mound. I heard Esme tell Bella. "You're our referee. Just call em like you see them."

Emmett smiled. "Are you implying we cheat?"

She laughed. "I know you cheat."

Rosalie went to hand me the bat and I shook my head. "I'm last. You, Carlisle then me."

She smirked and took the plate. I handed Bella an extra ball. "We're going to need that in a bit, I'm going to destroy the first one."

She frowned. "You saw that?"

I nodded and she asked. "Aren't your visions subjective like Alice's?"

I nodded. "To an extent sure. But those are the ones I look for. The ones that come naturally are more often right then wrong even when you try to prove them wrong."

She nodded. "I guess we'll need it after all."

I smiled as Rosalie hit her ball and ran, tossing the bat to Carlisle. I smiled as Bella asked. "That's gotta be a home run right?"

Esme answered her. "Edward's fast."

A second later he threw the back back through the trees to her while Rosalie was rounding home plate. She slid and was tagged by Esme when her foot hit the plate. We turned to Bella and Esme said. "Call it."

Bella held up her hand saying. "Out!"

I chuckled and pulled Rose up. "Don't be sour. We're still going to score two."

She lightened up and Carlisle took the plate. He hit the ball high while Edward and Emmett went for it at the same time. They crashed into each other in mid air making both of them miss the ball. Carlisle stayed on third and I took the bat.

I grinned at Alice. "Give me some heat love, I don't want to disappoint everyone."

I gripped the bat with my full sheen goth tightly controlled and swung cracking her fast ball into hundreds of pieces as it flew all over the outfield. I did my quick laps and we switched roles. Bella tossed me the new ball and I gave Alice a kiss as she went to bat.

I smiled as she saw herself hitting a home run. I pitched and a lightning crack sounded as the ball went soaring. When Carlisle went to get it Alice and I had visions at the same time. "Wait!"

Edward must've seen hers because he turned to the forest with worry. I told the rest. "We have company."

We gathered around Bella as Edward tried to take her home. I sighed. "It's to late."

Carlisle has us confront them as a family while Edward and Bella stayed further back. I stood beside Alice and waited. Three nomads did indeed show up and one of them was carrying the ball. The middle one introduced them. "We heard you're game and wanted to see if you'd be interested in us joining. I'm Laurent, this is James and she's Victoria."

Carlisle smiled politely. "Sure, some of us were just leaving you can fill in for their spots."

He tossed the ball back and Victoria caught it. "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball."

I growled. "We'll see about that."

My nerves were on edge as James had been staring at Alice since he arrived. Emmett laughed at my words and everyone else loosened up on except James, Edward, and me. When a gust of wind tossed Bella's scent into the air James caught a whiff and smiled. "You brought a snack."

Edward blocked her from his sight and we grouped together. Carlisle told them. "I think it's time you leave."

Laurent stopped his friends and pulled them away after repeating himself. Once they were out of eye shot Carlisle told Edward to take Bella home. They took off in a hurry and I told them. "Laurent is going to show up at the house soon we need to head back there and prepare."

Alice saw I was still on edge and asked. "What is it?"

I shook my head. "Not here. When we're home I'll let you know."

We left in blurs at a dead run. Alice hopped on my back and I lead them back. When we arrived back at the house Laurent showed up ten minutes later. He spun a story about being tired of James and Victoria's stunts.

Carlisle gave him the Denali coven's contact information and he left as Edward arrived with Bella. Once I was sure he was gone I told them. "James knows something about Alice. The entire time he was there his sole focus was her. It drove my wolf to the edge and I nearly attacked then."

Alice shook her head. "I don't remember ever meeting him and I met you not long after I turned."

I nodded. "That means he knows your human past or something leading up to you becoming a vampire. The way he looked at you, it was like he was looking at prey. I'll beat the answers out of him if I have to but I'll get them for you."

She smiled and held my arm. I sighed. "It's time we moved. Edward, you got the jackets?"

He nodded and I told them my plan. Esme and Rose will lead them on different trails. Edward will go with rose and Carlisle with Esme. Emmett you'll go with Bella and Alice to Phoenix."

Alice asked. "Where will you be?"

I grinned. "Hunting the hunter. I'll follow the male and hopefully catch him before he catches onto the plot. I can use the forest as my eyes and ears if necessary so once I'm on his trail it'll be less hard to catch him."

We split up as they left. I waited until I felt James was following Edward and I picked up his trail. I followed him for miles and yet I still saw it ending in the Ballet studio. When he skipped sideways through tribal land I followed alone and chased him to the waters edge.

Cursing I turned to see a stupidly big wolf. I grunted in irritation. "Relax, I'm within the treaties wording. There's a nomad that cut through this land and I followed his trail to here. Tell your people to watch out there's at least one more in the area, a female redhead. Both are red eye'd."

He growled a challenged and my wolf came to the surface and roared. The wolf's ears went flat and he went belly up on instinct. I snorted as my wolf subsided with satisfaction. Grunting I left him in a blur and headed towards Alice calling her.

When she picked up I sighed in relief. "James doubles back through tribal land I got caught up with the shifters and he got away. I'm headed to you, I saw a mirrored room and it's somewhere in your area."

I put on a burst of speed that made me faster than most land based vehicles as my body literally blurred to the human eye. I was using all my speed and strength to haul ass. I'd been chasing James for more than a day and I knew they were already in Arizona.

Ten minutes of running full speed brought me to the state line and another hour got me to Arizona, near Alice. I let my visions guide me from there and I picked up James's scent once more near an old truck stop.

I followed it to Bell's old house then to the ballet studio. I saw Bella enter it and masked my scent with the wolf's. I snuck inside and when he through her down about to step on her leg I attacked.

Vines and branches sprouted from the hardwood floor and wrapped around him, pulling and covering him in an massive cocoon. Only his head was still visible when I stepped before him.

I turned to Bella. "Are you ok?"

She stood up wobbly. "I'm fine. Is it safe now?"

I chuckled. "More than safe, Edward should be here with the others in ten minutes or so. I texted them when I saw you entering alone."

I turned my attention back to James as my voice went cold and hard. "What do you know about Alice's past? Are you the one that turned her?"

He growled. "I'm not telling you anything!"

I snorted. "Bella, go wait outside, it's going to get messy in here."

She took off and the cocoon began squeezing and crushing him with the full strength my body usually has. I traded strength for strength to pull it off. He screamed as the vines began entering his body and tearing him up inside through his stomach. The vines crept up his arms and legs from inside at my direction.

More screams of agony filled the room and soon enough the others joined me. Alice pulled me away and the vine bundle dissolved. She told me. "Edward is reading him from outside, we have it all now. No need to continue."

I nodded and Emmett began pulling up wood while Rosalie and I dragged him over the pile he built up. They lit the fire and Alice jumped on James, ripping his head off before hopping down. We tossed his body on the pyre and watched it burn up.

We left in a hurry as the building caught fire and burned down. Bella made her excuse to her parents and it helped that she got sympathy points from the head wound and cut hand.

A week later I took Alice to prom and Bella joined us back in Forks just in time to go with Edward. I danced with Alice a bit but we left early because the staring humans had gotten on our nerves. Edward did end up telling us Alice's past and I grinned when I heard her full name saying. "Love, I can finally make an honest women out of you."

She snorted and kissed me while the others looked amused at my antics. Sighing I told her. "We're leaving for a couple months. We need to go see your home and what's left of your family, even if it's from afar. It'll help, I promise."

She smiled sadly. "I trust you."

I held her and sighed. "You're to good to me darlin."

We left that night for Biloxi, Mississippi. It took us several days but then we were driving. When we arrived I did a death certificate search in the city archives and found her grave. We stood above it and I held her while she cried.

I explained the dates. "Your family must've been afraid of people talking because the date of death matches your admission into the asylum."

She nodded and I pulled her away after she said goodbye to that life. "You has a sister, Cynthia who was survived by a daughter. Not all of your human family is gone, love."

She hugged me tight and I wanted to cry for her when she told me. "You're the only family I need now, Zach. You and the coven."

I smiled weakly. "One more stop then and we'll go to France as a treat."

She cheered up a little and I drove her to her family home to say her goodbyes. There we found an older woman and children running around. I was thankful for the cloud cover when we got out. We watched them for hours before she she'd one last tear saying. "Goodbye Mary Alice Brandon, I'm Alice Cullen now."

I squeezed her hand and drove us away to the airport. There I chartered a private jet to France and had the car sent to the house by delivery service. I spent the next couple months letting her shop her heart out.

We went to theaters and visited all our favorite spots. When she was ready we left in time to get back just before school started for senior year. She bought Bella enough presents to last several decades at least which put a smile on Edward's face when he saw them all being delivered to our room.

That was one time I didn't mind him seeing my surface thoughts. During the first day back at school we watched Bella take pictures and when Alice gave her the invite I told her. "Don't worry, it's not far from little Edward's age, a few hours means nothing even to vampires Bella. Relax some, it's not like you could be changed immediately even if you wanted that path. It takes preparation and-"

Edward growled and I held up a hand. "Fine, fine, my point is, enjoy a day with us if for no other reason than to make Alice happy for me."

She gave in and Alice must've seen something because she exclaimed. "Yay, you're going to love it!" Before hugging Bella and skipping back over to my side.

It wasn't hard for me to be near humans, but my wolf did make it difficult to hug them, so I kept my distance for Edward's sanity. We left the happy couple and headed to our next class. After school Rosalie drove us home where we prepared everything for Bella's party.

Emmett bought her a stereo system for her car and I'd made her something else with Alice's help. It was a lock of my wolf hair made into a bracelet. It was a way for my wolf to identify her as a friendly human.

Alice got her own as well because it wanted to mark her as ours in any and every way possible. We'd spent the full moons in the woods south of France lately and nowhere had to get used to being back. When Bella and Edward showed up we all gathered in the living room.

Alice gave her the first presents and told her about the room full of them she could get around to after the initial gift giving. For a while everything was good and Emmett even got to install the stereo while Bella was opening Alice's second gift, the airplane tickets to Arizona to see her mom.

When he came back, Esme gave Bella the gift from her and Carlisle. That's when everything went downhill. It started with a paper cut. She even apologized for it, but the wolf in me reacted violently to it and ripped control from me in an instant.

The air stilled as everything turned green to my vision and a loud roar broke out.

(Wolf POV)

Blood, human, prey, hunt, kill, pain, vengeance. We lunged to the prey but our mate got between us. She teased and spoke weirdly before touching us. We let a growl of approval and she pulled us towards the doorway. We turned to the human and mate got in our view again before running.

We chase mate, we know she wants us so we chase and play. Dumb trees get in our way as mate teases and plays. When we catch mate we dominate and she moans. We like her moans, she does it well. Dumb other half fights us for control again but we don't give up until mate is satisfied and submits.

When mate lay there panting and growling her own approval other half fights harder and we let him have us way, mate is satisfied even without him.

(End of Wolf POV)

I came to finally in control and pulled myself off of Alice asking. "Are you ok darlin? I'm sorry for that."

She moaned as I pulled out and rolled onto me, back into the dirt. "I'll be just fine, but Bella deserves an explanation."

I felt wearer than I had in a long time. "We need to give her the bracelet. The wolf only saw her as prey and a torturer. If you hadn't been there-"

I shuddered and she kissed me before murmuring. "Don't worry about it. Nothing bad happened and once I give her your present she should be safe from you."

I wiped a leaf from her head and never felt more in love with little pixie angel. She laid her head on my chest for a few minutes before saying. "Come on, we need to get back to the party. She's been cleaned and shouldn't smell of blood anymore."

We showered at the cabin and dressed before meeting the others in the main house. When I saw Bella I bowed lightly. "I apologized or my earlier behavior it was inexcusable."

Bella looked stunned. "It's fine, really."

Alice murmured. "See, all better."

Edward scowled before saying. "Give it to her already."

Alice pouted but pulled out a small box with no wrapping paper. "Here, this is from both of us."

Bella took it and opened it up while Edward explained it. "It's made from Zach's wolf fur. Their hope is that it'll help the wolf associate you with pack and therefore not prey or an enemy."

I sighed. "It's only a theory at this point as my wolf is already used to everyone else and the only other person with something similar is Alice."

Alice showed her the necklace she'd made and wore constantly. "It's washable like your hair but it'll retain his Wolf scent as a permanent protection if it works."

Bella asked. "And you can't tell if it does?"

I felt uncomfortable before saying. "My Wolf is my blind spot. I can't see a lot of things that involve it instead of me or both of us directly. I can't tell if it works."

Alice put a hand on my arm before saying. "I should be able to tell once you decide to wear it."

Bella sighed. "Well, here goes nothing then."

Alice was hit with a vision and smiled. "It works. You're safe from Zach just don't loose it, it actually hurts him each time I take some. If it wasn't necessary I wouldn't have taken any."

Bella smiled. "No problem I think it should be pretty easy to keep track of."

I frowned when a vision of us leaving hit me. I turned to Edward and he noticed my look before shaking his head subtly. I let it go for now and watched as Bella got on to her presents.

One of which was from me as well. I'd made her a talisman I'd seen my grandfather make to ward against bad dreams and nightmares. Alice had me hand it to her personally after saying it was ok.

When Bella opened the package I explained. "It's one of the few things I remember from my childhood. Its supposed to protect your dreams from negative influences. It took a while to find the plants to make it with. Most are nearly extinct and the rest are rare even with money. I had to help them grow to have enough. It should work as most have a subtle effect on humans that lighten and ease moods."

Bella smiled. "Thanks, it means a lot that you'd go through the trouble."

I waved off her thanks. "You're apart of this family Bella, the moment Edward brought you home you meant more than money or trinkets to us. Edward's been alone a long time and it's good to see him happy even with the stick up his-"

Esme snorted and cut me off. "What he's trying to say is that we thank you for making him happy."

Emmett chuckled and I stood back next to Alice. She moved and brought Bella to our room that was still full of presents. Bella turned to Alice. "You really didn't have to-"

Alice stopped her. "Relax, these are just gifts we picked up in France. Zach took me there for the summer and we did a lot of shopping. It's mostly the latest fashion to update your wardrobe and shoes. What girl doesn't want that."

Bella finally gave in and excepted them. After unwrapping them all Edward took her and the presents home in her truck.

When he got back I gathered everyone there and told them. "Edward wants to leave Forks. I've seen it since he made the decision earlier today."

Alice frowned and looked herself. When she saw it she wasn't happy. "This isn't going to end well if we do it Edward."

He frowned. "What other choice do I have. Today was just a reminder that our presence is a constant danger to her."

I backed away and left sighing. "I'll pack our stuff."

I went to do just that and make the calls to have the jets on standby in the next few days. I heard Alice chew him out but ignored it. We were leaving regardless. By morning we were all set to leave and close up the house. Our cars would be put in storage and we'd leave for different places.

Edward wanted to chase Victoria while Carlisle and Esme would take Rosalie and Emmett to Australia. Edward was headed to South America on Victoria's trail. Alice and I would end up traveling back to France. We left after Edward has his talk with Bella in the forest.

After the first month in France I took Alice to my old haunt in Egypt. I showed her the cave I'd used in the desert. It was nearly buried when we found it. It still had half of my fortune I'd left in Africa when I went to the states in it. She looked through the gold and diamonds and I chuckled when she found an old pharaoh's bracelet.

I told her I'd robbed most of the great tombs of Egypt for the wealth and dig up most of Africa for the gems. She asked why and I shrugged. "I had a vision I'd need them one day. It was more of a blurry impression of destitute poverty so I made sure I'd always have wealth to avoid more of that feeling. This is half of everything's dug up or found. The rest was spread out across the states in stashes when I moved there. We cleaned most of those out though."

She raised an eyebrow. "Most?"

I grinned. "Love, I always have a backup plan when it comes to taking care of you. When I saw your tastes I set up smaller stashes to ensure even if I was ever killed you'd still have a good life. Their location would be delivered to you upon my-"

She kissed me before pulling back. "You sweet lovable fool. I wouldn't want money or anything but death if I'd ever lost you. You're my world Zach."

I kissed her and we made love in what the humans probably would consider the cave of wonders. We spent a week there making love before we shipped out all the gold and jewels and had them put in safety deposit boxes around the world as we traveled the globe.

When she had the vision of Bella jumping off the cliff we flew from Moscow to Forks in a hurry. She called Edward on the flight over. When she hung up a vision hit me of us before the Volturi.

I told her of my vision and she became worried. "Edward must be on his way to them. We need answers."

I agreed and when we found Bella alive in Forks, a shifter was with her. The moment he called Alice a leech I grabbed him by the throat as my vision tinted green and growled. "Speak to her that way again boy and we'll skin you for your pelt. Wolf or not you're merely prey to something like us."

My growl shook the very air and windows. Alice pulled me back and I reigned the wolf in as I dropped him "Calm love, he's hurting. Let's give them room to talk."

The shifter rubbed his throat. "What are you, you're no le- vampire I've ever heard of. You don't even smell like them, not fully. You smell-"

His eyes bugged out and I allowed Alice to pull me upstairs while Bella and Jacob talked in the kitchen. I calmed myself and Alice told me. "On the bright side Bella is still wearing your charm or you'd have attacked her instead."

I grunted. "She's telling him about me. Stupid skin walkers. They probably think they're real werewolves. They don't know the feeling."

Alice laughed. "Of course they don't. But they're Bella's friends and that should be a good enough reason to play nice."

I nodded slowly. "It is, so long as they don't disrespect you I could give a crap what they say."

She googled and hugged me. "My hero."

I chuckled. "Always darlin."

When I heard the phone Alice shivered and another vision hit her before she spoke. "Something's changed. Edward's going to the Volturi. He wants to have them end him."

I sighed. "Must've been the shifter otherwise you'd have seen the cause as well. You're blind to them it seems. We need to go or he won't survive."

She nodded and we went downstairs. Alice confronted Jacob and it turned out he was behind it in the end. Edward had called to talk to Charlie and Jacob had told him he was at a funeral. That triggered Edward's suicidal resolve.

Alice told Bella she was the only one that could save him and that we needed to go immediately. She had a decision to make and she did so when Jacob tried to get her to stay. We left in a hurry. I called to have the private jet refueled and prepped for take off.

By the time we arrived at the airfield it was ready. We flew to Italy and Alice stole a Porsche. I drove us and dropped them off saying. "Go, I'll be right behind you once I've dealt with the human cops here."

They took off and I got out. I saw they knew of our existence so I told them I was here to see the Volturi. They took care of the stolen car and I arrived just as Jane revealed herself to Edward, Bella and Alice.

I joined them and she raised an eyebrow when she saw my long coat and hat. I sighed and took them off, tossing them to Edward. He put the coat on and we went inside. Jane kept sniffing me and I reacted when her twin tried it. I backhanded him and he bounced off the wall.

Jane tried her powers on me but met a dead end. My mind was shielded by defenses beyond even Bella's. I continued ignoring her and she helped her brother up. He of course growled at me but I just smirked. "Either take us to your bosses or we're leaving now. Neither of you are a threat to me so make your decisions now."

Jane scowled and led the way. Alice raised an eyebrow and I nodded. "It'll be fine. Aro will want me like he wants you. Caius won't like it but Aro will keep him from declaring my death."

She nodded and I ignored the looks the wonder twins gave us. Edward asked. "How sage is Bella?"

I shrugged. "She should be fine. She's a shield, It's why you can't read her. If she ever turned she would probably learn to project it to shield others given enough time."

He frowned and I shrugged. "You never asked."

He let it go for now as we entered the main rooms. The secretary let us pass saying. "They're expecting you."

I chuckled when I heard that. "Not likely."

Bella asked. "Is she human?"

Edward nodded. "Yeah."

Bella seemed intrigued. "Does she know?"

I snorted. "Yes. The Volturi aren't exactly subtle."

Bella continued. "Then she's wants-"

Edward nodded and Jane spoke up. "And so she will. She'll just be lunch instead."

I sighed. "Nothing's changed even after all these years."

Marcus spoke up. "Well some things have changed. You're aren't in chains for one."

Caius growled. "Filthy werewolves."

I growled and my eyes tinted green. "I may have fled then but if you think-"

Aro cut me off with a scoff. "We're not against you old friend. We beat off your captures after all. Save your threats, weren't here for you currently."

Caius snorted. "He deserves death-"

Marcus shook his head. "He's bound so tight to the seer they might as well be one."

Aro frowned but shook his head. "He's never acted against our kind in any major way."

I grunted. "You mean my kind as well. I am after all half vampire as well. Or do you not smell the venom that runs in my veins."

They drilled and Aro held out a hand. "Show me then."

Alice held my arm tightly but I nodded. "It'll be fine. I've seen it after all."

Aro frowned and I took his hand. I pushed everything except my past life and the vision of the nomad I needed to find to the surface and lowered the basic barriers. He couldn't find any thoughts on my old life but everything else was there for him to see. And see he did. It took a while for him to see all of my three thousand odd years of life.

He stopped on my abilities for a while with a lot of intrigue as he went over them and their weaknesses which wasn't much. The visions were limited to only what effected me and the nature growth was limited to a square mile around me so there was that but I was still stronger and faster except just after the full moon.

When he saw it all he murmured. "Fascinating. The first of a new species and yet still one of us. I'm truly sorry we hadn't acted sooner to save you but the Romanian's were well protected albeit arrogant. Something we try to avoid."

He turned to Caius pointedly. I stepped back and he asked. "How accurate are your visions?"

I shrugged. "The ones I seek out are subject to change like Alice's but those that come naturally are nearly always correct. You've seen them."

He nodded slowly. "Oh, yes, but it's a lot to sift through, after all, you're older than even we are. Then there's your captivity, it flows together like an endless ocean of pain. I doubt even Jane could hurt you as much as a single moment of it."

I grunted and Alice took my hands. Edward was in his own hell as he saw it all as well. He was gritting his teeth in pain when I patted his back. "Sorry bro, those aren't meant for you let them pass and don't dwell."

He grunted in agony for another moment before straightening up. Bella looked worried and Aro collected himself before telling the others. "There's no crime here. He's shared everything and the only thing he's guilty of is being born and as far as I can tell, he's payed for that dearly."

Caius growled but let it slide before saying. "And the others, what of their innocents?"

Aro held up his hand for Edward to take. It wasn't as bad this time as most of my memories didn't stick with Edward. It was his own thoughts that were shown to Aro.

After a minute he spoke in Italian and looking towards Bella. "How can you stand to be near her, even now just from your memories I've become very thirsty."

Edward grunted. "It's not without difficulty."

Aro nodded. "I can see that. Her blood calls to you so."

Caius spoke up. "It doesn't matter. She's human and it's against our highest laws to-"

I snorted. "You have humans on your own staff do you not? Or are you going to become the hypocrites of our world."

Marcus shook his head. "They are only there till they have served their purpose and become our food."

I nodded. "Bella has a slightly different future, does she not?"

I looked towards Aro and he sighed. "That vision is still subjective."

Alice spoke up. "Then read me and know that I'll turn her myself If I have to."

She offered her hand to him and showed him she wasn't lying. When he backed off he told them. "She right, Bella will become a vampire with the path their on. There is no danger of breaking the laws. Though I'm surprised a shield like her has appeared, I wander if your immune to my own gifts."

Bella took a step forward and he clasped her hand for a long moment before saying. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Interesting, perhaps she's immune to all our talents, Jane?"

Edward went to protest and I grabbed him shaking my head. "She's safe, neither of the twins can harm her. You know this already Aro, why the games?"

He smiled. "Just playing the boundaries of your vision. It's true she's immune to all mental abilities and even some more elemental ones. A unique shield if ever I've seen one. She'll make an excellent vampire."

Marcus spoke. "Finally an end to the business. Go, make your plans for her change."

I sighed. "It will be another year at most before she joins our kind, until then I'd like to request a reprieve of your people from searching it out."

Aro sighed. "Granted. I can't wait to see what her future holds."

We left as Jane led us out. We passed a group of humans on our way out and Bella spoke up. "They're not going to-"

The screams started as the humans were slaughtered. Alice gripped my side tightly as my wolf smelled all that human blood and heard the screams. My vision was fully green as the wolf fought viscously for control to protect me and our mate.

(Wolf POV)

Alice started telling us she'd let us have our way with her once we were safely home as long as we behaved. We weren't interested in mating right now though. We only wanted to protect our mate and get away from this place.

It wreaked of fear and pain. Bloody smells clung to the air and nightmares from far away rolled over us. We hated being weak and now we were strong. The pack members were left in this small room till night came so we were trapped essentially.

Our mate had us sit while she distracted us. We could see what she was trying to accomplish and we let her think it was working for now. We would defend our pack first even with silly distractions."

(End of Wolf POV)

(Bella' POV)

Those screams are going to haunt me for years to come. Edward is protecting me as best he can but I can tell he seems worried. He keeps looking at Zach and Alice. Zach's eyes were green and his wolf was in control now.

Alice was trying to distract it with kisses and sitting on his lap. It seems to be working because he doesn't look as wild anymore. He hasn't even looked in my direction either thank God. The bracelet must be working.

Even the wolves on the reservation looked at it weirdly when they saw it. At first they thought I was a shifter as well from the small it gave off until I showed it to them. They said it came from an older wolf, whatever that means.

The dream catcher worked as well, I wonder if Zach is onto something there. Even with Edward gone it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd thought it would be. No nightmares came when I used the dream catcher Zach made.

I wonder if he'll tell me what plants he used to make it with. I am just so glad we made it in time to save Edward. What's wrong with me? My thoughts are everywhere, it must be the pain setting in.

(Bella POV end)

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