Author's note: With this one FINAL experiment (for the in-between chapters), I'm trying to be a little more on the nose with dialogue, character, and narrative. Please let me know if it's too simple or you like things less vague. You don't even have to give me an explanation, just if it is or isn't. Regardless, in the future I'll still shift between vague and simple depending on the point in the story. I just want to know how simple is too simple. For example if I said: "Thomas felt angered that Doevm said he was naïve. He wondered why Doevm would say that. He concluded it was because blah blah blah." I appreciate everything my community has contributed to my growth as a writer and this is the last thing I'll pressure you guys on for a while. Now back to the story…
"Human, monster, you talk as if those are two different things," Shay said.
How was everyone's Halloween, for those who celebrate it? I got to eat two candy bars and study for college. Boy growing up is so fun. I used to just pick up a pillowcase and run around the neighborhood with a small group of three for quick efficiency. Then we'd empty our haul in a room and make trades with each other, finishing the night off by chucking unwanted candy at each other. Now I can't even eat a few twix without my body saying, "you're going to spend a half hour in the bathroom regretting that decision."