"Let none pass," Olpi yelled out. She jumped in front of a Demi and blasted a line of demons with frost magic, adding another dozen statues along the west hallway that the enemy struggled to pass.
Menla slogged to her side and ushered the three exhausted Demis back through the classroom's gaping hole of a doorway: "Switch out." Turning to face the oncoming hordes of demons, she clicked her tongue, summoned a nominal amount of mana, and fired away. "What the hell is this? Did the demons manage to overrun the southern hallway? The Undead seemed better than that."
"I doubt it," Olpi said. "They seemed strong."
"The demons' numbers have gone up by three times ever since that loud crack," one of the Demis called out. He lay down on the desk drenched in his sweat and rung the demon blood out of his robe. "It's never ending."
I wanted to get this all done in one chapter but it was too much (2500+ words to be exact. That's nearly two times my regular chapter length). Currently the schedule looks like this...
Today's chapter: The Western Hallway: Part 1
Next chapter: The Western Hallway: Part 2
Chapter after that: Death in the Academy
Chapter you've all been waiting for: Long-Awaited Meeting
And so on.