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17.39% Life begins after death / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

The past month and a half have been extremely productive for both me and my mother. After hearing my plans for the future she has geared up my education in occlumency and potions making. The plan has currently been revised so much that I could probably recite it in extreme detail in my sleep. I still haven't accessed my job system and the pocket dimension though as loki put restrictions on both of them, the job system would be accessible once i reached level 100 jobless and new jobs would be unlocked. The dimension however would be accessible once I turned 8 years old. the Warhammer I can begin using now if I wished but I planned on training in it once I started my teens as I could exercise freely without damaging my growth potential.

Its nearly time for me and my mother to pitch the sirius is innocent thing to arcturus. We plan on doing that sometime next weak, I plan on mother taking credit for the discovery as I don't want the extra attention, while I will be stupidly op in the near future I am still a seven year old with no actual magical education yet,and as my mother is so fond of saying a snake doesn't strike the moment it sees an opportunity, it will lie in wait in the grass till it is sure that one strike will put down its opponent hard. Anyways if all goes according to plan I Will have black freed in three months time and iris Potter will be in his custody by the time five months have passed at which point I will probably ask (read convince) arcturus and sirius to adopt me into the black family as once I finish killing lucius and betrothing draco to Parkinson. I plan on merging the malfoy family into the black one with all votes properties and vaults being turned into black ones as the malfoys really aren't as respected as lucius would like to believe. Most actually powerful families think of the malfoy as French goatfuckers who emigrated to the UK and manged to buy their noble title instead of earning it as all older families in the UK did the name itself will probably be forever tainted by the actions of Abraxus and lucius under the service of voldemort.

You may ask why I would give any power I may have to the blacks well the thing is I won't, I will be head of my particular branch of the black family while arcturus will be my head of house I will also be head of the branch family by doing this I elevate my own political power as I would be part of an most ancient and noble house while being head of my own noble house which in technicality would be a vassal to house black so to speak. By doing this I would receive the right to hold the last name of black change my name as I see fit and be able to learn the family magics of house black by virtue of being adopted, house malfoy by virtue of blood and the magics of House Parkinson as my brother would be the future lord Parkinson and as his head of house I would have the right to learn of his own family magics as was custom.

If I manage to do this I would have access to the family grimoires of a most ancient and noble house, an ancient and noble house, and a noble house which in all honesty is more than most purebloods will ever have access to. And the information will be worth very much as the blacks specialized in curses, wards, rituals and dark arts while the Parkinson specialised in herbology, magical creatures and potions, they were actually the premier potions ingredients suppliers in the UK and managed to gain the approval of Snape himself who was notoriously picky about his suppliers as he demanded nothing but the best ingredients. The malfoy themselves unlike what Canon suggested specialised in transfiguration, warding, mind magics like legilimency, occlumency and various memory spells known only to the family. Fortunately or unfortunately lucius never had an aptitude nor any power to excel in his own family magics an compensated for his shortcomings by training only in the darks arts and sadism while he was acceptable in death eater circles a highly determined 17 year old hogwarts student could probably Beat him using nothing but hogwarts curriculum spells. The one thing that set apart the malfoy was that they had the knowledge to create solicitor pensieves which was highly sought after by nearly everyone as solicitor pensieves were rarer than normal pensive 's and had more functions like the project function. Which projected memories instead of the individual using it being immersed in the bowl itself. I did plan on making them into my occupation I this world as they were highly sought after and most pureblood families be the most ancient or just elder houses would pay a prince's ransom for just one new solicitors pensieve, not taking into account the ministry itself for use in trials.

Other long term plans included emptying the room of requirements at hogwarts for all it was worth, finding how it was built in the first place to replicate it in my dimension, learning about magical architecture and designing a kickass castle in my dimension before I leave, also possibly unite the deathly hallows to see what happens, acquire the notes on how to create a philosophers stone though I could make a guess based on the basic principle of alchemy that was the rule of equivalency that stated that for anything you want from the alchemical process you would have yo give something of equivalent value most alchemical transactions used magic as payment, though I did believe the philosophers stone would require the life force of living organisms in exchange for Granting unending agelessness, I also planned on creating a huge pocket dimensions in my pocket dimension like in the fantastic beasts movie to house all the creatures I planned on taking into my dimension such as the basilisk in the chamber of secrets which I shall access with the help of Potter, Dumbledore phoenix, the dragons from the tri wizard cup, a few unicorns, acromantula and basically any animal and plant that has the slightest hint of magic as once the were in my dimension they would one obey me and two be loyal only to me which gave me a freaking huge trump card in the more dangerous worlds like rwby and highschool dxd. I did howbever plan on spending a few decades finding out how to create time turner's and possibly design a time dialation feature for the ROR in my dimension as that would be kickassand very useful in future worlds.

I already figured out the magic interference in electronics issue all I had to do was engrave a runeset onto the outer shell for said electronics that was commonly used in prison cells that didn't let magic in or out of the cell.the reason no one ever figure this out was a typical the pure bloods don't care for electronics and the muggleborn and most half-blood who do care don't know about the runeset as only pureblood had enough pull to ask for such from the ministry. There are probably books on alchemy and time magics in the room of requirement that I will probably copy out if i can't take them out of the room the malfoy had nine house elves in total that i could use myself to copy and ransack from the room, as it turns out fanfiction were right about runes being used in enchanting in the Potter verse, the Class was study of ancient runes till year five years six and seven were called as enchanting and rune crafting which required high grades in ancient runes and charms in the owl examinations. Right now I have a list of all subjects I intend to abuse the shit out of from the room of requirements for. the list went as follows

1.transfiguration,and the animagus transformation .


3.defence against the dark arts and the dark arts themselves

4.rituals and mind magics

5.potions and alchemy

6.runes and arithmancy which could be used to create new spells


8.breeding of new magical creature for fun

9.healing magic

10.warding and cursebreaking.

I could probably learn how to Smith goblin silver from the goblins if I paid enough and gave an oath staring I would never sell any items I made in this world and that I would never teach anyone in this world how to Smith it, as that was an amazing addition I could make to my Warhammer once I grew actually strong enough to use it the weapon grew with me I could make any addition and the Warhammer would accept it without issues in other worlds I already had plans on improving it furthers in skyrim I planned on using enchanting from that world to imbue the shock damage and combining it with the soul binding I planned on in the Potter verse it would be a decent imitation of strombreaker from infinity war just underpowered for now, in the rwby universe I will probably add an gun somewhere on it for for the hell of it. Weapon upgrades aside I did plan on learning as Much magic as possible in the Potter verse as possible as while it might not be as powerful as magics in other universes like in the elderscrolls or highschool dxd but it was much mure subtle and versatile than in either of those universes.

Onto the nefariousness.....

Jacobsteale Jacobsteale

Already have a solid plan for the so called Canon going to be major divergences and the likes. However already decided on the next universes

1.percy jackson

2.mass effect wars

Won't directly interact with mcs in those universes much though will still destroy canon events somehow on said universes except when world wishes are stronger than usual like being a dragon born in skyrim or having and op power in highschool dxd where there will be direct involvement in Canon.

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