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5.11% Original Everyday Dimensional Amnesia / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 News of a Dungeon

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 News of a Dungeon

As Jason asked his question about what new quest they'd do Thomas turned to look at him as he said "Not a clue but first things first I need a nap." Lily looked at Thomas as she said "We can pick one out and do it tomorrow." Thomas looked at her as he said "We'll take a look but after I'm going to bed." Thomas stood up from his seat as he walked toward the quest board and asked Lily "Do any of them sound fun?" Lily looked at the board as she asked "If your book is in another language shouldn't it be able to cast a spell so the reader can understand how to read other languages?" Thomas looked at her as he said "I dunno I only looked at the first three spells in the book." Lily looked at him as she said "You can pick out our next quest if your spellbook can translate what's written." Thomas looked at her as he said "I'll go check but I wouldn't get your hopes up."

Thomas went up the stairs into his and Lily's room and grabbed the spellbook he had put under his bed. He walked backlit if the room and down the stairs as he held up the book and said "I got the book so I'll check for a translation spell." Thomas sat down as he began flipping through pages glancing at the spell descriptions. Thomas eventually stopped as he said, "There is a translation spell but it's an advanced spell that'll drain the user's mana quickly and it will only work for about a minute." Fredrick looked at Thomas as he said "Translation spells sell for a lot so count yourself lucky." Thomas looked at the spell as he read out loud "Speak in tongues the spell that allows the reader to focus on words and hear them." Thomas looked at the spell as he said "This would seriously be a useless spell if I didn't already know how to speak the language." Lily looked at the book as she asked "How do you cast it?"

Thomas stared at the book as he continued to read and he said "All I have to do is clear my mind and focus on words and they'll begin to speak to me." Lily looked at the words as she said "I'm gonna try to." Thomas watched her as she stared at the wall for five minutes as he said "I don't think it's working." Thomas looked at Fredrick as he asked "You wanna give it a go?" Fredrick stood up and walked to the quest board as he said "I don't see why not." After another five minutes, Thomas looked at Jason as he said "I don't think he was able to do it either." Thomas looked at the word as he said "Here goes nothing." Once Thomas started staring at the quest board he began to clear his mind and concentrate on his breathing. After concentrating on his breathing he slowly began to transfer his concentration from his breathing to words on the paper. As he did this he heard the words "Slay goblins in a settlement that has been overrun with them."

Thomas turned around as he asked, "None of you said anything goblin-related right?" They all said no as Thomas looked back at the spellbook the words he just read began to be speaking to him. He looked at them as he said "These voices are strange but I suppose it's better than being unable to read." Thomas looked back at the quest board as he closed his eyes and said "I got about forty-five seconds or so before this spell wears off." Thomas stared at the board concentrating on the entire board all at once as all of the quest papers began to talk to him at once. As the voices talked Thomas heard one voice that stuck out from the rest of the voices as the voice said "Clear dungeon of monsters that have been causing problems for the city." Thomas focused on that voice as he opened his eyes and stared at the quest paper. Lily looked at him as she asked "Did you find one you wanna do?" Thomas looked at her as he said "None that seem too interesting."

Lily looked at him as she said "Are you sure none of them seemed interesting to you?" Thomas nodded as he looked at Lily and said "Absolutely none." Thomas mumbled, "I'm not exactly interested in going through the dungeon but if it's causing problems I guess I'll just have to clear it so it doesn't cause any problems in the future." Thomas looked at Lily as he said "I'm gonna go to bed I'll see you all tomorrow." He looked at Fredrick as he said "You can pick what we do next." As Thomas walked up the stairs he looked at the book as he mumbled "Looks like I'll have to learn more magic if I wanna protect people." Thomas walked into the room as he grabbed his money pouch and weapons out from under the bed and began to lay down with the spellbook, weapons, and pouch of money. Shortly after Lily walked in and went to bed. Shortly after Lily went to sleep Thomas got up and went to the window as he said "I'll be back soon."

After Thomas said this he hopped out of the window as he said "First things first I'm gonna want something to hide my face." Thomas started to walk out from behind the inn as he said "My best bet is the marketplace." Once Thomas made it to the market place he began to look around and eventually found a small green cape-like cloak that buttoned once around the neck. He asked the man working there how much he wanted for it as he said "fifty coppers." Thomas reaches into his pouch and handed the man the fifty coppers as the man said "Nice doing business with you." Thomas grabbed the cloak as he began to walk back towards the Rolling Ship Inn. Before going inside Thomas looked around for Jason as he said "Good Jason's not here." He looked at Cali as he said "She won't notice me since she hasn't seen me too much." Thomas walked in as Cali said, "Welcome what can I do for you."

Thomas said nothing as he walked toward the quest board and grabbed the dungeon quest as he put it down on the counter and avoided eye contact with her to make sure she couldn't see his face. She looked at him as she said "Sir would you like this quest?" Thomas nodded so she couldn't hear his voice as she said "Alright the dungeon is north from the gate." Thomas took the quest paper as he walked out of the inn and started to walk towards the gate. Thomas sighed and looked up at the sky as he said "Man this is extremely stressful." Thomas walked outside of the city as he looked at the guard and asked "Witch ways North." The man pointed towards the ocean as he asked "Why did you need to know?" Thomas started to walk towards the ocean as he said "I'm taking care of a problem." The man looked at him as he asked "What kind of problem?" Thomas reached into his pocket as he pulled out the quest paper and said "A monstrous problem."

The men watched as he walked towards the ocean. Once Thomas had gotten to the edge he looked down at the ocean as he saw that there was a sandy beach. Thomas jumped down and started walking along the beach as he said "The dungeon should be somewhere along this wall." Thomas looked at the moon as he said "I have to be back by sunrise so they won't get suspicious." Thomas began to walk along the beach looking at the rocky wall as he searched for the opening of the dungeon. As Thomas walked as he saw a few goblins wandering the beach as he said "I must be getting close to the entrance." Thomas looked at them as he said "I'll do this quickly and quietly." Thomas walked up behind one of the goblins as he grabbed it tightly by the neck and continued to squeeze until the goblin died. As the goblin died he threw its body at the sand as he said "If I keep going like this I'll make it back ahead of time for sure."

Thomas unsheathed his blades as he walked up behind another goblin and shoved one of the blades through the goblin's throat. Thomas watched as the third and final goblin began to walk away as Thomas said "That's right lead me to the dungeon." As Thomas followed the goblin he made sure to be extra quiet and once the goblin went back to the dungeon Thomas grabbed one of his blades as he chopped the goblins head off and said, "So this is where you were hiding?"

Stardew Stardew

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