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0.68% Original Everyday Dimensional Amnesia / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Hunting

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Hunting

Our journey continues from where we left off as our forgetful friend tries to help a lady hunt and gather food so she can help the village. As Thomas follows her he begins to realize that he forgot to ask what they were hunting for. Knowing that talking to her won't work he follows close behind as they walk along a path that leads into a forest. The forest's canopy made it dark but things were still visible. The lady had a basket with an axe in it but Thomas could only assume that it was to harvest whatever they found since he couldn't ask her. The lady started to run as Thomas followed he tripped and dropped his weapon without realizing it. As he falls he hears a roar behind him and then mumbled "It must be Monday." As he rolled over onto his back to see what roared at him he heard the lady try to say something to him.

Unable to understand her he assumed that they were hunting the giant bear that now hovered mere inches over him. As Thomas reaches for his spear he realized that it wasn't on his back he looked around without getting up but couldn't find it. Knowing that if he moved too much it would draw the bear's attention he slowly grabbed the shield that Jake lent him off of his back. Once he had the shield in hand he brought it slowly towards his chest as he began to slowly get up. The bear standing on its back legs was about ten feet tall and less than a yard away. Once Thomas stood up he glanced at the ground and seen the spear in front of his feet. Thinking for a moment Thomas lunged at the bear with the shield knocking it off balance and cause if it to fall. Once the bear began to fall Thomas quirkily picked up the spear and stabbed it in the chest.

The bear roared out in pain as it flung Thomas off its chest. The bear began to run as Thomas chased after it. The lady followed behind closely yelling something. However, Thomas had no time to stand around and talk as he chased the bear deeper into the forest. Still following the bear's blood Thomas started following it slowly but when he turned to see where the lady went Thomas couldn't see her anywhere. He thought to himself maybe she started gathering something easier to get. It started turning night but Thomas refused to give up on hunting the bear. Thomas remembered that Jake said that hunting is a lot easier during the day but he wasn't about to let that discourage him. Still following the bear it began to lay down.

Thomas sat in the trees above it waiting for it to fall asleep. Once the bear finally did fall asleep Thomas snuck down the tree and carefully walked towards the bear with his spear in hand. Once up close he looked at the bear and decided on where the heart would before plunging the spear into the bear's heart. The bear started to grunt and struggle but before long it died. Once the bear was completely dead Thomas had another problem. He couldn't think of a way to move the entire bear. He remembered that in town they had carts but the trees made it narrow so the carts couldn't fit. He decided that there was only one way to get the bear out of the forest. He went to the front of the bear and lifted its front paws and started following the blood trail back through the forest. He slowly walked while dragging the bear while looking around the bears resting place he saw that where the bear was had plenty of claw marks.

Once he noticed he decided to take a branch off a tree and tie one of the bear claws onto it. Once he did this he stabbed at a tree and watched it pierce through the tree easily. He went back to the front of the bear and lifted its paws again and started dragging the bear some more. Unable to see much he relied on his sense of smell to warn him of incoming attacks once he found where the blood trail ended he sat there wondering Witch way to go and then looked at the sky as he watched the stars slowly move by he smiled and said "The nose knows." He began to sniff the air and eventually found her sent as he followed it back he heard a noise and smelled a familiar scent. Upon smelling it his grin soon faded as he said "Goblins again?" Still carrying the bear he now had his guard up. He heard some branches crack behind him he dropped the bear and grabbed his newly made spear as he yelled "Show yourself!"

And then he remembered that no matter what he says no one will understand him without a spell. He heard the goblins making noises but he was still unable to see them. He backed up slowly as he mumbled "Stupid me agreeing to go hunting with someone I don't know how to speak to." A noise came from behind him. As he turned he used the bear's claw to scrape whatever was behind him. He heard a goblin screech out in agony as he lowered his weapon he felt one jump on his back as it tore his shirt. Luckily the goblin didn't have a weapon and only managed to scratch the bandage a little. He quickly grabbed the goblin and threw it on the ground then he stomped on its head. The goblin noises stopped and so he went back to the bear and picked it back up again. He continued to drag the bear out of the forest but didn't get back until the sun started to rise.

Once he got back the town gathered around to see him walking through a grassy field while dragging a bear covered in its blood. Once he made it to the village the people and Jake walked over and asked "What happened to you and why were you carrying a dire bear through the forest?" After Jake asked the question Thomas dropped the bear and fell over out of exhaustion as he said "You said we were going hunting." Jake looked at him and said, "Why would you hunt such a deadly beast by yourself?" Thomas tried answering but couldn't get any words to come out. Jake said, "Don't worry about that now you came back alive and that's all that matters right now." Thomas's exhaustion caused him to lose consciousness before Jake could ask him any more questions. Once Thomas was unconscious he woke back up in the field of flowers with the same girl asking him "Do you remember me now?"

He thought for a few moments before standing up and saying "Sorry girly but I still don't have a clue." The girl smiled and said, "I'll ask you again next time." He stared at her and said "Next time?" Her smile faded from his mind as he woke up in a familiar room. He looked around and seen that there was a new shirt sitting on the desk. He grabbed the shirt and started heading towards the door. Once outside he saw Jake working on a building beside the one he was just in. Jake called out to him and said "Glad your awake mind giving me a hand?" Thomas shouted back to him "No problem." Jake said, "Good to hear now be sure not to work yourself to exhaustion again be sure to take some breaks." Thomas asked what he could do as Jake told him "Go grab a sharp axe and cut down some trees." Thomas asked, "Are you gonna build some houses out of materials other than mud and straw?"

Jake nodded and said, "Let's get to work." Thomas walked off back towards the forest as he wondered what they did with the bear he ended up dragging to the village." He started chopping down trees and dragging them towards the village one by one. Once night came Jake said, "Don't you think it's about time you take a break besides how do you even carry huge trees by yourself?" Thomas said while breathing heavily "I suppose your right I could use a break." Jake said, "I'm glad my plan worked today." Thomas looked at him puzzled and asked "What plan?" Jake said, "Everyone in the village has been planing a bonfire in your honor the man who killed a dire bear by himself and saved us from goblins." Thomas looked at him and said "Thank god theirs food I haven't eaten anything since I've gotten here. Jake said, "I'll start teaching you the demi-human language tomorrow at sunrise." Thomas nodded and said "Great but for now, let's get something to eat." Jake agreed and they went to the bonfire in the middle of the village.

Stardew Stardew

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