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20% Link: Mage of Fairy Tail / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Prepare Yourselves

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Prepare Yourselves

Chapter Two

Link walked through Freesia at a relaxed pace before he stopped when he saw a group of people working through the remains of a destroyed church. "Damnit, I still can't believe that Salamander even destroyed our beloved church!" One of the people yelled and others grumbled in agreement as they helped move the rubble. Link just put his palm to his forehead as he sighed and shook his head before continuing on. Natsu...

After walking for half an hour, Link stopped in front of a large mansion protected by a fifteen foot tall metal fence with an artfully crafted and elegant gate barring the main entrance. The mansion was beautifully designed and the lawn contained several sculptures of a variety of wildlife, one of which was even a human-sized dragon. In his tired state, Link barely acknowledged it all as he pulled out the Job request from his pouch to confirm the address. Let's see... this is it. Link nodded his head once before he walked forward to knock on the gate.

Almost instantly a light green circle appeared in front of him with the face of a bald man with intense, focused brown eyes. Communication Lacrima. Link noted absently as he looked at the man.

"Can I help you?" He asked and Link held up the sheet so the man could see it. "Are you from a Guild?" The man asked and Link took a step back as he put the sheet away. He then shifted his body to pull up his right sleeve to reveal a green Fairy Tail mark on his right bicep. "Very well, please come in." The man said and the circle disappeared as the gate slowly opened.

A couple of minutes later Link was following a large, muscular man, the same one that had been using the Communication Lacrima. "I'm glad that someone responded this quickly, my Master has been very distraught." The man said as he led Link upstairs while the blonde looked around with mild curiosity. "This is his study. Please wait here while I announce you." He said and Link nodded his head once before stifling a small yawn after the man went inside the room.

"Please come in." Another voice said a couple of minutes later and Link immediately walked in before stopping in surprise at the vast amount of books located in the room. "That attire and the Fairy Tail mark… I daresay you are Link Kokiri yes?" A middle-aged balding man asked as he sat behind an oak desk located in front of one of the many bookcases and Link blinked before nodding his head once. "An honor to meet you, my name is Bola Fowl." He said with a smile and Link offered a small bow. "I'm glad you're here, when Butler recommended I put out a job request about my notes I was afraid the idea for dimensional travel would be thought of as a joke." Bolan said and Link shook his head twice, getting a smile of appreciation from Bolan. "I'm glad to see you don't think so." He said before looking at Link curiously. "Tell me, does the subject interest you?" Bolan asked and Link nodded his head quickly, getting a short laugh from him. "Once you manage to get my notes I'd be more than happy to go over them with you." Bolan said and Link smiled as he gave another nod before his face went serious again.

"Of course, on to business." Bolan said with a small sigh before he brought his hands together on the desk. "A couple of weeks ago my home was broken into and my notes were stolen. The thief left behind a demand for ten million jewels, and though I paid it my notes were not returned but instead a demand for another twenty million was sent." Bolan said and Link's eyes widened slightly in surprise at the amount. "At that time Butler recommended I put up a job and while I waited for a response from a Guild, I asked for help from several acquaintances. This morning I received information on where the thief might be." He said before he stood up and grabbed a folder from his desk. "Here is the best lead I have on where the thief is, please go and retrieve my notes." Bolan said after he walked over and handed the folder to Link, getting a determined nod from him before he walked out.

Link yawned as he walked through the streets of Freesia. As he walked, he occasionally glanced at the sheet of paper inside the folder to follow the directions. It didn't take him very long to locate the place and in a couple of hours he found himself standing in front of an abandoned warehouse in an empty lot.

With a small shrug, he put away the folder and walked up to the building to find the door. After a quick inspection showed it to be locked, Link gave a tired sigh and he brought one foot up to kick the door, and the impact sent it flying off its hinges and into the warehouse. Link calmly walked in and looked around to see a large group of people looking over in surprise before their faces tightened in anger.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Several of them yelled as they stood up angrily but Link just regarded them steadily, hardly intimidated by this group.

"Bolan's notes." He replied simply and everyone tensed in preparation for a fight.

A bass chuckle had everyone look over to see a large, heavily muscled man with dark orange hair slowly stand up; the chair's creaking sounded almost like relief. "So that fool actually put out a job?" He asked as he regarded Link with amused green eyes. "His notes are right here." The man said with a cocky smile, indicating a notebook on the table as he walked towards Link. "They're actually rather worthless in my opinion, dim-" The man stopped talking as a blue crystal appeared around the table and slowly rose into the air to hover twenty feet in the air.

Everyone's eyes went wide before looking back to see Link now holding two broad scimitars in his hands. "Hmph, nice toothpicks." The man said as he held his left hand out and a large claymore with a golden blade that glowed with a magical light appeared in his hand. "But it can't match up to my Buster Claymore." He said and his men grinned as they moved out of the way.

"Try not to make too big of an explosion when you kill him, Boss." One man said and he just scoffed.

"This won't take too much effort." He said before jumping up and towards Link much faster than one would've thought possible considering his size.

Link's eyes followed him calmly before jumping to the left and retaliated with a quick mid-air slash at the man's free arm even as the Buster Claymore sunk into the floor. The man winced before jumping away right before a small explosion went off from the slash and Link brought his scimitars in front of him as a partial shield. Despite the movement, though, a large splinter still managed to get through and cut him on the cheek.

"Boys, it looks like we're going to be leaving once I'm done with this brat." The man said and they all nodded as they moved to the far end of the warehouse. "This time you won't be so LUCKY!" The man roared out the last word as he charged in at Link, not paying any heed to the red aura that now surrounded both scimitars.

Outside the warehouse the air was calm when the warehouse suddenly erupted in a giant explosion. Large and small pieces of debris were hurled in all directions to rain down on the empty lot. A couple of minutes later Link walked away from the disaster zone with the notebook under his left arm and the Buster Claymore held securely in his right hand with the blade resting lightly against his shoulder.

After Link walked out of the destroyed remains of the warehouse he looked back and gave a small sigh as he shook his head. Looks like I overdid it a little. He thought with a yawn before he wiped at the scratch on his cheek and got some blood on his glove. Now I'm really gonna get it… Link thought with a tired sigh before bringing the Buster Claymore out in front of him to examine. After a couple of minutes of close scrutiny Link gave a nod of his head before he set the notebook down and opened one of his pouches. He then started to slide the large blade in, which easily slid in until it was completely stored. Once he was done, Link then picked the notebook up and immediately started on his way back to Bola Fowl's mansion. As he walked, he couldn't resist opening the notebook to skim through it.

Butler's impassive face broke into surprise when Link held up the notebook in front of the green circle. "Y-you already got the notes?" Butler asked incredulously and Link nodded his head once before he brought the notebook back down. "Master Bolan will be pleasantly surprised, please come in." He said as his face resumed its impassive expression and the gate immediately opened.

Three hours went by after Link entered the mansion before the green mage finally walked back out. A small, hopeful smile was on his face as he closed the door and remained in place as he walked out the gate. He says he still have several more years to go but… Link thought before he stopped to look up at the sky. This is the closest I've come to being able to return to Hyrule. He thought before he looked forward again and gave a large yawn as he closed his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, a green aura started to materialize around him. The aura quickly gained in strength and a small wind started to swirl around him. The wind quickly picked up speed and he slowly became transparent within the strengthening green aura. Within seconds, he completely disappeared from sight and the green aura scattered into several green orbs that moved in a circular rotation with the wind before they flew into the air.

Back at Fairy Tail a green orb shone brightly on the second floor near the S-Class Job Request Board. After a couple of seconds, the small green orbs suddenly appeared below it. They all swirled quickly for an instant before they rapidly lost speed and came together into a single green aura again. A few seconds later Link walked out of the green aura with small bags now under his eyes. He stretched his arms up then turned around to face the S-Class Job Board. The green aura reappeared around him then went up his left arm to create a new green orb that quickly faded from view. Now to get some milk and get home before Er-

"Link." He heard from a voice that made him instantly freeze. Link slowly opened his eyes to see Erza downstairs by the bar as she stood next to a giant, jeweled horn. Equipped in her usual custom-made breastplate, which had the modified sarcelly cross Heart Kreuz logo over a red Fairy Tail mark, a pair of silver, sword-shaped earrings, steel gauntlets with small wings on the end, blue skirt, and black boots that covered most of her body, she was undeniably still a beauty. While the sight of her long, scarlet hair and piercing brown eyes was usually a welcome sight, now her presence made him very nervous. "Good, you've arrived in time to help Gray, Natsu, and myself with something I discovered on my last job." She said before she paused and looked at him more closely. "You've been resting regularly these past several days right?" She asked and Link gulped nervously.

"Actually he took a job right after he got back yesterday and he looked very tired then." Mirajane said with a bright smile and Link's eyes went wide as he shot Mirajane a betrayed look. The white-haired beauty simply shrugged in response as if she had expected the look and was actually amused by it.

"Link, please come here." Erza said and Link's eyes moved around quickly before he sighed and walked downstairs to stand in front of her. "You have bags under your eyes, you look exhausted." Erza said before lightly touching the scratch on his cheek, causing him to flinch slightly. "And this; is it because you were too tired to dodge effectively?" She asked and Link offered up a weak grin while Lucy watched with wide eyes.

"Erza even has Link afraid of her, and he was able to beat Natsu easily..." She said in amazement and Natsu's right eyebrow twitched as he glared at her.

"Link didn't beat me. He just trapped me and ran!" He declared and she sweat dropped.

After he blasted you out the door with two moves… She thought to herself as Happy looked up at Lucy.

"You're wrong." Happy said as Erza continued to berate Link as he shook his head quickly, his hands up in a calming gesture. "Link and Erza are at about equal standing in combat." He and Lucy looked down at him with wide eyes.

"B-but she subjuga-"

"However they've been close friends for eight years now and she's always been lecturing him about resting when he needs it." He continued and she looked back at them with wide eyes before giggling slightly.

"Just like a co-" Lucy was cut off as Natsu and Gray put their hands over her mouth and Happy jumped up to latch on to their hands backwards.

Erza, noticing the sudden movements, looked over curiously at the scene. "Is everything alright?" She asked and the three of them nodded their heads quickly.

"If you value your life you won't say something like that while Erza is around." Gray whispered fiercely as Erza turned her attention back to Link.

"Aye." Happy and Natsu said at the same time and Lucy's face went pale.

Link had taken advantage of the break and put one hand up in a calming gesture as he loosened one of his pouches and reached into it before he pulled out the Buster Claymore. Lucy's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as she saw the large sword coming out of the small pouch so easily. What the hell is that pouch made of?! She wondered before she remembered that her mouth and nose were covered. Lucy quickly slapped Happy off and then removed Natsu's and Gray's hands so she could breathe.

Link held the golden blade up before handing it over. Erza accepted the sword and examined it closely before she looked back at Link. "Is this supposed to distract me from your exhaustion?" She asked and Link blinked in surprise at her tone before he looked at her with a hurt expression.

"Erza, you know that Link usually tries to bring back a souvenir during the times you two do separate jobs." Mirajane scolded as she came to Link's defense.

Erza's expression slowly softened before she looked back at the claymore. "Sorry." She apologized before she smiled as she inspected the blade. "Thank you for the sword, it's extremely well crafted… and even has magical properties?" Erza asked and Link nodded then picked up an empty chair and pointed at it. "Very well." She said with a grin and Link threw the chair up into the air. Erza jumped up and sliced through it with a blinding horizontal slash that made Lucy's eyes go wide. Right as Erza landed the broken pieces were surrounded in a blue crystal before they detonated, the blast safely contained in the crystal.

"Looks like your boyfri-urk!" A Guild member started to say jokingly before he shut up and broke into a nervous sweat as the Buster Claymore was suddenly against his throat.

Erza glared at him coldly for several seconds at his remark and he seemed to deflate under the intensity of her gaze. "I wonder if its effect works on humans as well." She said darkly as Link came up and carefully pulled her back from him. Erza grudgingly went back one step at a time though her eyes never left the terrified man's eyes.

"See what I mean?" Gray asked and Lucy brought her hands up and bowed slightly towards him.

"Thank you for saving my life." She said gratefully with tears of relief in her eyes.

When Erza looked back at Link, he nodded his head before he pointed at the sword and then the scratch on his face. "I see. Your opponent attempted to use it against you and in the ensuing explosion you were hit by a splinter." She said and Lucy looked at Erza in astonishment after Link nodded.

T-that's a very detailed description of what happened considering there were only a few gestures… Lucy thought before Erza Ex-Equipped the sword and nodded her head towards the bar. In reply she got a nod from Link and the two started over.

When they got up to the bar Mirajane already had two glasses of milk waiting for them. "Since Link arrived second that means Erza is paying this time." Mirajane said and Link looked at her in protest. "Well since you did another job right after you got back the first time, it doesn't count." She said brightly and Link gave a tired sigh before he nodded in agreement as Erza looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Why would the first one to arrive be the one to pay and why milk?" Lucy asked in confusion as Link and Erza both grabbed their glasses. "It's like a competition between them on the occasion they do different jobs." Happy explained as they both picked up their glasses and started drinking at the same time. "They're both very proud so having the other pay for their drink is a motivation to get the job done and get back quickly and in one piece." He said as they both finished and gave a satisfied sigh before wiping at the milk on their lips. "And milk because it's delicious." Happy said as he raised one paw into the air.

Synchronized milk drinking? Lucy wondered with a sweat drop before giggling into her had. So cute!

"We leave tomorrow." She said then looked over at Link as he put a hand on her shoulder and raised one eyebrow curiously. "You'll be no good if you don't rest, so it can wait until then." Erza said and Link looked at her flatly. "Don't tell me you can sleep on the train, sleeping in a bed is better for your health." She said as she turned to face him and Lucy sweat dropped.

He didn't even say anything… She thought as Link shook his head before he pointed at Erza then himself, then Natsu and Gray.

"You're right, this is urgent…" She admitted grudgingly but continued to lock eyes with him. Finally, after several moments, she gave a small sigh. "Very well, however you will be sleeping the entire time on the train even if I have to knock you out." Erza said as she pointed a finger at him and Link gulped before he nodded his head once.

"W-would she really knock him out?" Lucy asked and everyone around her nodded their heads immediately and at the same time.

"Aye." Happy said confidently and Lucy sweat dropped. So violent… She thought nervously as she regarded Erza.

However, Gray gave a sigh of relief. "Hey, Erza, since your usual partner is here doesn't that mean we're not needed anymore?" Gray asked and Erza looked back over at him.

"No, I still need yours and Natsu's help as well." She said and everyone's, with the exception of Lucy's and Link's, eyes bulged in surprise as they started murmuring amongst themselves.

"Link and Erza teaming up is already powerful enough… but Natsu… and even Gray?" Mirajane said as she brought a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "I've never imagined this but…" She said as she looked up and started shaking slightly. "This might be the strongest team in Fairy Tail…" She said and Lucy's eyes went wide in surprise.

"We'll meet at the train station in four hours, prepare yourselves." She said before walking over to the jeweled horn and picking it up effortlessly, Link walking with her.

As they walked outside Link gave a small yawn. "You really should take of yourself better." Erza said and Link gave a small grin as he nodded his head in agreement before he looked at the horn curiously. "This is from the demon I went to subjugate." She said with a grin and Link gave a slow whistle. "After the townspeople decorated it I decided to bring it back." Erza said and Link chuckled in amusement.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence Erza looked over at Link. "Were you able to find anything on that Job?" She asked and Link shook his head.

"I did find something on the second Job, though." Link said in a quiet voice and Erza didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"So you're still determined to get home?" She asked and Link nodded his head as he looked forward, his eyes focused. "I see…" Erza said before looking forward and Link glanced over at her before he put one hand on her shoulder. Erza looked over at him again to see a grin on his face and she gave a small smile. "I know." Erza said and Link nodded his head once before removing his hand from her shoulder as they continued walking down the street, ignoring the people that quickly moved out of the way as they looked at the giant horn with wide eyes.

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