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Chapter 244: Chapter 7: Shirley of the Takemitsu Clan

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with neither Bleach nor Code Geass.

Shirley of the Takemitsu Clan

Takemitsu Manor, Seireitei

Within the walls of the manor of the noble Takemitsu Clan, a vassal was rushing to get to the garden of the manor. It was a man with dark blue short hair and brown eyes and he was carrying a katana on his left side. He soon arrived at the garden and saw the young woman with her long orange hair wearing her silk white and magenta kimono.

"Milady," the vassal spoke, "everything is set. We can head to the Rukongai, per your request."

The young woman turned around with a smile and it was Shirley, "Great, then let's go Kosetsu."

Rie's House in Raku'uta

Lelouch was sitting with Euphie and Rie.

"It's been a year since Euphie started living here with me," Rie said, "I remember when we first met. Euphie was depressed and filled with sadness."

"I can imagine," Lelouch said feeling guilt.

"Rie, please don't bring up the sad part to Lelouch, you're just going to make him depressed," Euphie requested.

"It's fine Euphie, besides, it's best if I hear it anyway."

Euphie looked at Lelouch with concern, "Lelouch…"

"Anyway Euphie," Rie spoke, "I remember how we met."


Flashback: One year ago

Euphie was sitting by a tree very depressed. She looked up in the sky with tears in her eyes.

"Why? Why did this happen?" Euphie asked herself.

Euphie was reliving the terrible memory of from when she spoke to Lelouch when she was suddenly compelled to do something so horrible which resulted of her killing the very people she was trying to help and in which in the end, she was shot by her brother and died seeing her knight Suzaku in tears begging her not to die.

"Why?" Euphie spoke horrified at what had happened, "Why Lelouch? How could you do this?"

Euphie started to break down crying, upset that her plan had failed and worried what would the result be since the terrible incident had happened. As she kept crying, Euphie hears someone approaching her. When she looked up, she sees a woman very concerned for her and it was Rie.

"Young lady, are you okay?" Rie asked.

Euphie calmed herself down and wiped her tears.

Rie kneeled to face Euphie, "You poor girl, you look like you just had a traumatic experience," Rie extended her hand, "Here, come with me. You can stay with me."

"Are you sure?" Euphie asked with sadness.

"You seem very lonely. I'm alone as well and who knows, after sometime, you won't feel so much sadness."

Euphie looked at the woman who was extending her hand with a warm smile and then Euphie figured and hoped that it wouldn't be so bad and took her hand and they both got up.

"What's your name?" Rie asked.

"My name…my name is…Euphie," Euphie answered.

"Just Euphie?"

Euphie nodded, "Yes."

"I'm Rie Kenjima; it's nice to meet you Euphie. Here, come with me."

"Okay…um, thank you Rie."

Rie smiled, "It's no problem, besides, I see the look in your eyes and you look like you've been through a lot. Come with me."

Rie led Euphie back to her house.

Flashback End

"Euphie and I started talking and we told each other stories," Rie said, "it wasn't easy at the beginning but with time, Euphie began to open up and gradually heal mentally and before we knew it, a year went by."

"I'm very grateful to Rie," Euphie said, "thanks to her, I was able to pick myself up and found it to be very nice here. I even started to get along with the people here, it's been wonderful."

Euphie had a smile as she was saying the things. Lelouch was very happy for his sister but at the same time, he was very sad, he was sad because he knew he was responsible for what happened to her and to why she was depressed and it went to the point that Lelouch wondered if it was really okay for him to be around his pink haired sister.

"Lelouch," Euphie called.

"Huh?" Lelouch responded.

"Lelouch, are you okay?" Rie asked with concerned, "you looked a bit sad."

"Oh…yeah, well, anyone would be if they heard their sibling went through a sad time."

"I see, you know it's really something."

"Hmm, what is?"

"The fact that the two of you were able to meet with each other again."

"Yeah, I suppose."

"Yes, considering that something like this is extremely rare."

"Huh?" Lelouch was confused, "What do you mean?"

"When people die and come here in the Soul Society, it's not often that they would be reunited with loved ones who died before them."

Lelouch raised an eyebrow, "Is that true?"

"It is, that is why I say that you two siblings are very lucky indeed. In fact, Euphie, didn't you say you also had another brother, who died before you, um, Clovis, was it?"

Oh, y-yes," Euphie responded, "my brother Clovis."

Lelouch flinched and remembered that he had killed his own brother Clovis.

"Yes, Euphie wondered and tried to find him but there was no luck, I had reminded her at the time that it's common that people wouldn't find and most likely never find their family members in the Soul Society."

"But why, if people die and are sent here, why would it be difficult for people to reunite with them?" Lelouch asked.

"I honestly don't know, that's a good question Lelouch."

Lelouch balled his fist, "If that's the case, then does that mean, if I were to try to find someone, I wouldn't be able to, even if there is a chance that she was here."

Rie sighed, "Lelouch, the Rukongai is divided to 320 districts, if you really and I mean really want to find someone, my guess is that your best chance would be to search every single district in the Rukongai and that would take many years and even if you were to start search now, there is a chance that something may have happened to the person you're looking for, anything can happen here and they could be moving around or any other circumstances."

"So, you're saying that I couldn't find the person and it would be very rare if I did?"

"Lelouch, is there someone who died and you want to find?"

"…Yes, Nunnally."

"Nunnally, hmm, Euphie, I think I remember you mentioning that person before as well."

"She's our sister," Euphie answered.

Rie remembered, "Ah, that's right, I remember now."

"Nunnally, she was killed during the war," Lelouch said, "She died right before I did."

"Oh, I see."

Euphie had a downcast look herself.

"Well, anyway Lelouch, why don't you stay with us?" Rie asked with a smile.

"Is it all right for me to stay?" Lelouch asked.

"Of course," Euphie said as she wrapped her arms around Lelouch's arm, "Please, say that you will."

Lelouch looked at Euphie and at Rie and then had his thoughts, "I suppose that it wouldn't be so bad."

East Gate of the Seireitei

Shirley and Kosetsu just stepped out of one of the gates of the Seireitei and headed for the Rukongai.

"So where are we heading this time Milady?" Kosetsu asked.

Shirley sighed, "Kosetsu, you don't have to address me so formally now that we're not in the manor. I prefer it that you just call me Shirley."

Kosetsu was taken back, "But…"

"I know that my adoptive grandfather assigned you to me but still, I would like it if you refer me by just my name."

"Is that an order?"

Shirley turned to Kosetsu with a sad expression, "Do I have to make it an order?"

Kosetsu felt a bit guilty, "Uh…no, of course not," Kosetsu smiled, "if it's okay, then I'll do as such Shirley."

Shirley felt relieved and smiled, "That's better. Okay, let's go Kosetsu."

"Sure Shirley. You know, it's amazing, I used to think that all Britannians were rotten and expected everyone else in the world to bow to them."

"Yeah, that's true, but then you met Zero and found out who he really was, I was really surprised."

"Yeah, just as I was surprised that you were one of his classmates and that even though the tragedy that happened that caused you grief, you still believe in him and you forgave him even though he was the reason why your father was gone."

Shirley nodded, "A lot has happened. I just wish, I just wish I could talk to Lulu again and tell him that I'm okay."

"Let us hope that Zero, that your friend Lelouch, is able to win freedom for Japan and for those that Britannia caused suffer and misery."

"Yeah, I hope so too," Shirley had her thoughts, "Lulu, you're winning, right?"

Shirley and Kosetsu continued on as they headed to their destination.


Lelouch stepped out of Rie's home and looked up in the sky and had his thoughts. He figured that staying with Rie as well as his sister Euphie wouldn't be so bad. He also wanted to try to find Nunnally. He didn't want to give up and possibly find Shirley as well.

"If I was able to reunite with Euphie, then I believe there is hope that I can reunite with Nunnally as well…Nunnally, are you somewhere here in the Soul Society," Lelouch said to himself.

Lelouch was thinking about his blind wheel chaired bound sister. Euphie stepped out and saw her brother in complete thought.

"Lelouch," Euphie called.

Lelouch turned to Euphie, "Euphie, I'm…I'm going to find Nunnally."

Euphie sighed, "I knew you'd say that. But Lelouch, do you even know where to start?"

"No, but I need to try. Nunnally could be out there in the Soul Society, probably all alone and no one to help her."

"Lelouch, I understand, I really do, but do you know where to start, how will you proceed to get clues in where to find her?"

"Euphie…just what are you saying, are you saying that it would be a waste of time?"

"I'm not saying that at all, I'm concerned for Nunnally as well, it's just that, just wandering around looking for clue, who knows if it will work or how long it would take, we could go for many, many, many years and we still wouldn't have any clues."

"Are you saying that we should give up on her? Give on Nunnally?" Lelouch was getting a bit heated.

Euphie sighed again, "That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that we should have some leads first before we try to look for her."


"Lelouch, I started looking for Clovis because I wanted to see him. I just started looking and I thought that if I would eventually get to know where I can find him but I had no luck and in the end, I learned nothing and was not even close getting anything. Lelouch, I understand and truthfully, I want to find Nunnally as well but if we're going to find someone we should get clues."

"If it's pointless doing ourselves, then how would we go about it?"

"The Shinigami that brought us here."

"The Shinigami…?" Lelouch asked and then remembered the Shinigami that he met in C's World.

"That Shinigami brought you here in the Soul Society the same way he did to me," Euphie said, "well for the past two weeks, I've been hearing rumors that a Shinigami of his description has been wondering around in Raku'uta and other districts."

"Oh, I see, you think that he would be the key to our questions."

"Yes, although normally, the rumors also said that he wouldn't talk to anyone about what you and I may ask as reason for some protocol."

"Hmm, is that how it works?" Lelouch said, "That man…"

Flashback: C's World

"Oh, you noticed," the Shinigami said as he showed his right back hand and it was a geass symbol.

"Geass…so, you're immortal."

"In some way."

"Some way, what is that suppose to mean?"

"Enough talk," the Shinigami said as he drew his katana, "let's do this."

Lelouch got nervous and backed away, "What are you going do?"

"Hmph, I don't see why you're getting nervous."

"Just what are you going to do?" Lelouch asked in a demanding tone.

The geass symbol on the Shinigami's right back hand glowed and he rushed and stabbed Lelouch. Lelouch was shocked and he looked at the blade that he stabbed him in the chest and he looked at the Shinigami that had a grin.

Flashback End

Lelouch frowned, "Yes…he might be our only real lead for now."

"I believe so too," Euphie said.

Lelouch had his thoughts, "Although there's no guarantee that even if going through all of that, that he would still talk to me or Euphie. He wasn't willing to tell how he knew about me, but if he knows about me and what happened then maybe, he may have brought Nunnally here as well, but if he really has then why…no, I'll worry about that later but also, how I would I do it? I no longer have my geass, so I won't be able to compel him to answer my question."

"Oh, over here Kosetsu, maybe they would know," Shirley's voice suggested.

"Well, all right, excuse us, we hope you can help us," Kosetsu's voice said.

Lelouch was stunned as he recognized two voices and then he turned to see Shirley and the man who was one of Todoh's Four Holy Swords, who aided him as when he regained his memories, Kosetsu Urabe. Shirley and Urabe were shocked to see Lelouch.

"Lulu?" Shirley spoke in shocked.

"Z-Zero," Urabe said in a surprised low tone voice.

"Shirley…Urabe…is it really you?" Lelouch asked in shock.

Euphie was confused, "Huh, Lelouch, do you know them?"

Shirley and Urabe saw Euphie and were surprised to see her.

"Ah, Princess Euphemia," Shirley spoke surprised again.

"Euphemia...?" Urabe spoke, "then…"

Complete shocks on both side seeing each other in such a manner.

Kamine Island

Bismarck went to make contact on a makeshift phone. There was blood on his sword and he looked at the blood that belonged to Suzaku.

"Kururugi was such a fool," Bismarck said to himself, "it was foolish for him to try to go against His Majesty, well, it's over for him now. He should've just been satisfied that he became a Knight of the Round in the first place."

Bismarck picked up the phone and was making a call.

Meanwhile in the air, the Mordred and the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. were arriving and looking at Kamine Island.

"Kamine Island," Kallen said, "CC, will I really learn the truth there?"

"Yes Kallen, you will," CC said.

"Oh CC, I still can't understand why you think it's alright to bring her along," Anya said, "Everything will be okay once the plan commences."

"What plan? Kallen asked annoyed, "You keep referring to some plan, what plan is going on and also, are you really Lelouch and Nunnally's mother?"

"Yes, I know it's hard to believe as you're seeing Anya, but I really am Marianne."

"And what happened is the result of the geass you have?"

"That's right."

"So CC gave you geass…CC, what other secrets have you been hiding from Lelouch besides that you knew all along what happened eight years ago?"

"You don't need to know that Kallen, it has nothing to do with you," CC simply responded.

"Lelouch is dead and you kept things from him all this time and yet you…" Kallen's anger was starting to swell up, "if you had told him what you knew about his mother…then he would have…"

"…Do you hate me for that Kallen?" CC asked.

Kallen didn't answered but instead, piloted her knightmare to get to Kamine Island.

"There is nothing to worry about," Anya said, "When the Ragnarok Connection succeeds, she'll see Lelouch again."

CC didn't say anything and just kept quiet.

The Ikaruga

Ohgi was in the hall with Villetta, Todoh, Chiba, Minami, Sugiyama, and Tamaki.

"Do any of you have any idea where Kallen is?" Ohgi asked.

"No, but we do know that she took the Guren with her," Chiba said.

"I can't believe that Kallen just up and left," Minami said.

"Is Kallen going to come back?" Tamaki asked.

"I…I'm sure she will," Ohgi said, "she…she probably just needed to clear her head for now. I'm sure that once she does, she'll come back and everything will be fine. Also, I'm sure she'll finally understand we did what we had to do," Ohgi nodded with an expression of resolve remembering Yoshida, Inoue, and Nagata, "it's like I said, the Black Knights don't need Zero anymore."

Todoh and Chiba looked at Ohgi and just nodded while Villetta looked at her boyfriend and smiled.

Diethard walked by, "Ohgi, Xingke and Lady Kaguya are in the conference room now and Prince Schneizel is there as well, there's waiting for you."

"Oh right, I'll be right there," Ohgi said as he left with Diethard.

Minami, Tamaki, and Sugiyama left in a different direction.

"I wonder…" Chiba spoke.

"Hmm, what is it?" Todoh asked.

"I'm just wondering what if Kozuki decides that she doesn't want to come back."

Todoh was silent for the moment, "That is a possibility…it is also a possibility that she was seek revenge against us."

"Would she really do that?" Villetta asked surprised.

Todoh frowned, "The look she gave when Zero's body was being taken away and her hostility towards us, I've seen it happen before."

Chiba looked down with a frown and Villetta looked down with a sad expression.


Shirley was happy to see Lelouch and she went up to him and gave him a hug, surprised Lelouch, Euphie, and Urabe.

"Lulu, I'm so glad to see you again," Shirley said happily but then it dawned on her as she looked at Lelouch, "but that can only mean that you died."

Lelouch nodded with a sad smile, "Yeah."

Shirley got sad as she had just realized the situation, "Lulu, what happened to you? I thought…I thought you were fighting against the lies and the deceit of the world."

"I was killed Shirley."

"But how?"

Urabe stepped up, "Zero, what happened?"

Lelouch and Euphie looked at each other and nodded as they looked at Shirley and Urabe.

"Here's what happened," Lelouch said.

Lelouch told Shirley and Urabe what happened from the time when Shirley died to the point when he was executed in the Ikaruga by Ohgi and the others. Shirley and Urabe were surprised with what they heard. Shirley was angry at Suzaku for setting Lelouch up at the old Kururugi Shrine and the Black Knights for betraying him while Urabe was disappointed that the core members of the Black Knights, including Todoh would, would strike a deal with Schneizel and that they did so easily, Urabe had lost faith in his leader and wonder what was going to happened.

"I can't believe this all happened," Shirley said, "and now Nunnally is also dead?"

"Yeah," Lelouch replied with a sad expression.

"What the hell are they thinking?" Urabe asked.


"Don't they realize what they have really done?"

"Sadly, I don't think they have," Euphie said.

Urabe looked at Euphie, "Euphemia li Britannia, the thing that happened in the SAZ a year ago…?"

"Yeah, it was really all do to Lelouch's geass," Euphie answered.

Lelouch looked away with shame, "It's true, it's really all my fault. Urabe, Shirley, all I ask is please, don't direct your hatred toward Euphie, it wasn't her fault, it's all mine."

"…Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't angry about it, I just can't believe that you would be so careless and use it for your purpose, that's just wrong Zero."

"Yes, it is and I accept whatever you want to do as retaliation, I won't resist."

"Lelouch!" Euphie spoke with concern.

"Lulu," Shirley said with concern as well.

Urabe balled his fist, "If that the case, then…"

"Wait Kosetsu," Shirley said as she stood in front of Lelouch, "don't hurt him."


"Kosetsu, I know that you're angry and I know that you can't ignore it but don't hurt Lulu."

"…Even after learning what he did?"

Shirley was not backing down, "It was an accident, a terrible accident and you heard what Lulu and Euphie said, he didn't intent for it to happen and he was actually willing to work with Princess Euphemia."

"That's no excuse at all."

"I…I know that but that doesn't mean that Lulu isn't really a bad person and—"

"Shirley, please stop," Lelouch interrupted with a sad tone.

Shirley looked at Lelouch, "Lulu."

"Shirley, I really appreciate what you're doing but there is no excuse. It's only natural that Urabe would hate me for what I did, even if it was an accident."

Shirley was worried and looked at Urabe who looked like had a thought.

"Princess Euphemia, I have a question," Urabe said.

"What is it?" Euphie responded.

"Tell me, having known all of this and what Zero has just confessed to, why haven't you retaliated against him?"

"Because there's no point," Euphie answered immediately.

"Hmm, what do you mean?"

"I going to tell you what I told Lelouch and that is that it wouldn't change anything. You would think that I would be satisfied if I took my revenge on my brother but what would I really gain? Would I be able to revive in our world? Would I be able to change the past? No, I wouldn't. Nothing would change and I can't really do anything about it right now. What happened has happened and neither of us can change it."

"So, that's your solution to it."

"Yes, it might be hard to believe or you might think of me as a fool but I still love my brother Lelouch and I want him to be around and besides," Euphie looked at Lelouch with concern and pity, "I believe that even though we lost our lives and don't know why we're here, I think we can move on here and start over."

"I see…all right, then that's fine."

This surprised the other three at what Urabe said.

"But Urabe, I thought—" Lelouch started.

"You thought that I would physically harm you," Urabe interrupted, "well, I could but…what good would it do? Besides, it's like I said to you before, with the things you said when you got your memory back, I know you were being sincere and I know you never thought of me or rest of us of the Black Knights as pawns, that I know for sure. Besides…CC, she had already gave me an idea as to what happened. Zero, if I felt that you were really a rotten con man like the others thought you were, I never would have participated in helping you at Babel Tower nor would I willfully gave my life so that you can move on. I still believe in you Zero."

"Urabe…" Lelouch was astonished.

Shirley was relieved with what Urabe felt and Euphie was glad as well.

"Urabe," Lelouch said, "thank you."

"You're welcome Zero."

"But I would like to make a request of you."

"Hmm, what is it?"

"Can you please stop referring me as Zero? Just Lelouch, okay?"

"Lelouch, right, sure, I got it," Urabe replied with a smile.

"So Shirley, how have things with you here in Soul Society and how did you and Urabe ending up together?"

"Well, Lulu, the thing is that Kosetsu became a vassal for noble house of the Soul Society."

"A noble house?" Lelouch then looked at Urabe, "really? You Urabe?"

"Well, yeah," Urabe replied, "and if you think that's surprising, you're going to be more surprised regarding Shirley here."

"What do you mean?" Euphie asked, "Shirley?"

"Um, well," Shirley chuckled, "this is may be hard to believe but not long after I arrived here in the Soul Society, I was adopted in the house of the Takemitsu, a noble clan of the Soul Society."

Lelouch and Euphie were shocked and they looked at each other and then back to Shirley.

"Adopted in a noble clan?" Lelouch asked.

"Really? Um, how is that possible?" Euphie asked.

"I guess it was a matter of being in the right place at the right time, if that what someone would believe," Shirley said.

Flashback: 54th District of North Rukongai

Shirley had just witness someone getting beaten to death she saw a man with a club that had murderous intent. Shirley was frightened and decided to get away. The man went after her with the intent to kill her as well. Shirley was running as fast has she could to get away from the man who just wanted to kill.

"Why?" Shirley asked scared, "why is this happening?"

Shirley kept running and then soon found a place where she believed she could hide and it was inside a small shed. She hid and saw the man run past the shed. Shirley was breathing nervously and then decided to pop up outside and didn't see the man and sighed relief as she stepped out.

"Oh, that was close," Shirley said in a low tone.

"Oh, you think so?" the man's voice asked.

Shirley was shocked and saw the man who had an evil grin.

"Now, you die!" the man declared as he swung his club only to miss.

Shirley was trying to get distance from the deranged man, "Why? Why are you doing this?"


"I don't understand what did I do to you? I just got here and already, you want to kill me? Why?"

The deranged man laughed, "Why you ask? Because I can, why would I need a reason to kill," the man just looked at Shirley, "well, if you really want to know, I suppose it's survival of the fittest, the strong devour the weak, that's how it is here, the law of nature and I'm just obeying the law of nature girl."

The deranged man had eyes of excitement like he was finally going to kill an animal.

Shirley was shocked and her eyes widened, "The strong devour the weak…that's sounds just like…" Shirley saw that man was on the attack and dodged and she kept dodging but tripped and fell on the ground and was not able to move.

The deranged man laughed, "Too bad for you girl, this is end for you, you get devoured because you're weak."

"That's enough of that!" another man's voice said.

The deranged man and Shirley turned to the side and they see an old man who had grey hair that was tied in a topknot and wearing a black gi and black hakama with white obi, white tabi with sandals and he also had a katana on his side and wore a haori.

The deranged man gritted his teeth, "A Shinigami…"

"Shinigami?" Shirley spoke, "Then is he the same as the guy that I met?"

"Attacking a defenseless girl just for kicks," the old Shinigami said, "don't you have any sense of shame?"

The deranged man was angry, "Shaddap Shinigami, this is none of your business."

"I can't simply just stand by while something despicable is happening right before my eyes."

"You Shinigamis think you're so great, go away, this is not of busi—"

The man didn't finish what he was saying because he was punched hard in the stomach by the Shinigami causing him to roll his eyes over and pass out, falling on the ground.

The Shinigami turned to Shirley, "Are you all right?"

Shirley nodded, "Yes, thank you, you save me."

The old Shinigami smiled, "It's my pleasure…anyway you have people that you're with, right?"

"Huh? People? Um, it's just me alone."

The old Shinigami rubbed the side of his chin, "Oh, is that so?" The Shinigami looked at Shirley very closely, "Hmm?"

Shirley was nervous, "W-What is it?"

"Oh, uh, sorry, it's just that you remind me of my daughter."

"Uh, what, really?"

"Yes, say, what's your name?"

"My name, my name is Shirley, Shirley Fenette."

"Shirley Fenette," the Shinigami sighed with a sad smile, "not Kaede."


"That's the name of my daughter."

"Um well," Shirley chuckled a little, "well, I'm sure your daughter would find it weird if there was someone out here who reminds you of her and had the same name."

"Yeah, she would have…"

"Hmm, would have…?"

"My daughter passed away six years ago."

Shirley was shocked and felt guilty, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to…"

"It's okay, you didn't know," the old Shinigami thought of something and believed it to be a good idea, "say, why don't come with me?"

Shirley was again surprised, "Huh?"

"You don't have anyone here right? Why don't you come with me? My home just too big for me and my granddaughter and she does get lonely since I have my duties as well."

"Is it really okay?"

The old Shinigami extended his hand out to Shirley with a warm smile, "You shouldn't have to be alone. What do you say? In fact, you can be my new granddaughter."

"Wait, what?" Shirley was surprised with the old Shinigami and was puzzled.

Flashback End

"The next thing, I went with him to his home," Shirley explained, "however, what I never imagined that his home is actually a manor within the Seireitei and that he's the head of the Takemitsu Family, noble clan of the Soul Society."

"Wow, so, you're really now a member of a noble family?" Euphie asked.

"Just by adoption….the servants there were quite surprised with my new grandfather."

"And how do you feel about it?" Lelouch asked.

"Well, it still feels weird and but then my grandfather assigned Kosetsu here as my own vassal and thanks to him, it's been bearable. My new grandfather does what he can to help me even when he has his duties as a Shinigami and Kosetsu has helped me a lot."

"I see, so Urabe, how did you end up working for the Takemitsu Clan?" Lelouch asked looking at Urabe.

"I helped the vassals that were attacked by thugs and the head of the clan saw my skill and asked me to work for him," Urabe answered.

"Interesting…anyway, Shirley…you said that your surrogate grandfather is a Shinigami, right?"

"Oh, yeah, that's right," Shirley said, "Seiji Takemitsu, Captain of the 3rd Division of the Gotei 13, the main military branch of the Soul Society."

"A division captain?"

"Yes, as the name implies, there are 13 divisions and it is the main military branch."

"I see," Lelouch thought about it, "Shirley, when you died, were you greeted by a Shinigami with long black hair, gold eyes, and a scar on running on the side of his face?"

"Yeah, I was and so did Kosetsu as well."

"Not just us two," Urabe said, "it seems that Senba, Asahina, and Lord Kirihara as well."

Lelouch was surprised, "Wait, Lord Kirihara as well?"

"Yeah, they're also vassals for the Takemitsu Clan…in fact; the four of us know who that Shinigami is."

"You do?" Euphie asked.

"Yeah, the truth is he used to be part of the Japanese military and then when fighting against Britannia, he helped form and joined the Japan Liberation Front but he was killed six years ago."

"Who is he?"

"Kajiro, Kajiro Sumeragi."

Lelouch was surprised to hear the surname, "Sumeragi, wait, would he happen to be…?"

Urabe nodded, "That's right, the younger brother of Taichi Sumeragi who was Lady Kaguya's father, in other words, he's Lady Kaguya's uncle."

Lelouch was surprised, "That man is…Kaguya…and Suzaku's uncle?"

"That's right."

District 36 of West Rukongai

Kajiro was behind a tree and he saw a Shinigami with brown hair and wearing square glasses.

Kajiro grinned, "There you are Aizen. Now what are you up to? What experiment are you performing?"

Kajiro soon saw Aizen holding a small bluish-purple orb and he saw that Aizen was smiling.

Kajiro was intrigued, "Interesting…what is that?"

Aizen moved his eyes to the side and quickly turned and didn't see anyone there. He looked around and didn't see anyone there but he smiled and had his thoughts, "You're way too predictable Lieutenant Sumeragi."


"What do you know about this Kajiro person now?" Euphie asked.

"From what Lord Seiji said, he managed to move up in rank quickly and now is the Lieutenant of 13th Division," Urabe said.

"Can you find a way to ask him?" Euphie asked, "To get him to tell what he knows and tell us where he might have placed Nunnally?"

"You think he may have purposely placed us?" Shirley asked.

"We believe so," Lelouch said.

Shirley nodded, "Sure, I'll ask my grandfather about him."

"And we'll gather as much information as we can," Urabe said.

"Shirley, Urabe, thanks," Lelouch said with a warm smile.

Shirley blushed, "Oh, um, y-your welcome Lulu," Shirley smiled.

Euphie noticed Shirley's expression and had a guess, "Oh, I see…"

"Well, anyway, may I ask what has brought you two here?" Lelouch asked.

"Oh right," Shirley said, "I actually wanted to look around in this district."

"Really?" Euphie asked.

"Yes, I wanted to see things in the Rukongai. I wasn't here long when my adoptive grandfather took me in, I just wanted see all there is."

"Shirley…" Lelouch spoke.

Euphie smiled, "In that case, would you like to walk with me and Lelouch?"

"Huh?" Shirley was surprised.

"The truth is that Lelouch and I were actually doing the same thing. Would you like to join us?"

"Oh really…Lulu?"

Lelouch smiled again, "Why not? Urabe?"

"If it's fine with you guys, we'll take you up on it, won't we Shirley?"

"Yeah, okay, let's go," Shirley said, "oh, um, Princess Euphemia…?"

"Please, just call me Euphie, besides, my title from birth has no merit here and I gave that up when I was alive."

"Oh, really…um okay then um…Euphie."

Euphie smiled and Lelouch smiled as well.

"Shirley," Lelouch said in his head, "I'm happy to see you again," Lelouch remember the terrible moment when Shirley was on the ground bleeding and dying and how he was desperate to try to get her to live, "you seem to be in peace and very happy."

Lelouch was looking at Shirley and Euphie as they were talking and giggling with Urabe laughing as well and enjoying the conversation.

The Ikaruga

Jeremiah had just cut down three of Schneizel's soldiers. Afterwards, he glared at Todoh and Chiba with murderous intent.

Jeremiah brought one of his blades up, "I knew that something was wrong."

Todoh and Chiba had their guns pointed at Jeremiah.

Todoh gritted his teeth, "Jeremiah…"

"How dare you, how dare you kill my lord. So you find out the identity of Zero and decided to strike a deal with Prince Schneizel?"

"Damn that Tamaki," Todoh said in a low voice.

"He didn't give us much choice," Chiba replied, "and besides he was playing a con game with us, we weren't going to let him get away with it."

A gun cocked and Jeremiah turned and saw Villetta pointing her gun at Jeremiah.

"Lord Jeremiah, it's over, please stop this," Villetta pleaded, "Lelouch is not worth it."

Jeremiah simply glared at Villetta, "Villetta, there was a time that you and I were allies, but now, you'll do whatever it takes just for your own gain."

Villetta was offended, "Jeremiah—"

"Don't try to tell me you did it for that fool Ohgi or that you did it to help the Black Knights. My lord was fully aware about you. You did it for yourself really."

Villetta flinched and gritted her teeth, upset at the things Jeremiah had just said to her.

"Someone like you has no right to say things like that," Chiba said as she shot Jeremiah but she, Todoh, and Villetta were surprised that Jeremiah was still standing and had no effect on him, "What?"

"How is this possible?" Todoh asked surprised.

"I'm a cyborg, guns will have no effect on my," Jeremiah said as he readied his blades, "you people have committed a crime and murdered my prince. I will avenge my prince here and now!"

Jeremiah went on the attack, causing eyes widened on Chiba, Todoh, and Villetta.

Meanwhile in the conference room, a soldier was informing Schneizel, Kanon, Cornelia, Ohgi, Diethard, Kaguya, and Xingke of what was happening.

"What, Jeremiah?" Ohgi asked in shock.

"Yes, Jeremiah is on the attack," the soldier said.

Kaguya was shocked, "But why would he…?"

"Has he betrayed us after all?" Xingke asked, "Or is this happening now that Zero is dead?"

Ohgi and Diethard had their guess that Jeremiah somehow found out.

"Well, this is not good," Schneizel said, "we can't have this meeting if someone is going on a rampage within the Ikaruga."


After a long day spent together, Shirley and Urabe said their goodbyes to Lelouch and Euphie.

"I'll come by again to visit you two," Shirley said.

"Yes, we'll looking forward to it," Euphie said.

"Take care of yourself Shirley," Lelouch said, "I'm looking forward for your visit."

Shirley was happy with what Lelouch said, "I'll try to visit again as soon as I can Lulu."


Urabe smiled and nodded, "We'll see you again Lelouch, Euphie."

Afterwards, Shirley and Urabe left and headed back to the Seireitei. As they were leaving, Euphie looked at her brother and saw an expression of relief and happiness.

"I like that look on your face Lelouch," Euphie said.

"Euphie?" Lelouch responded surprised and looked at his sister.

Euphie smiled, "You look so happy and you seem happy talking to Urabe and Shirley."

Lelouch chuckled, "Yeah, I guess I am," Lelouch looked up at the sky, "I hope to find Nunnally soon."

Euphie nodded, "Yeah, me too."

"Well, I suppose we should head back ourselves, Rie might get worried."

Euphie nodded, "Mmhm."

Lelouch and Euphie went to go back to Rie's home.

Takemitsu Manor, Seireitei

Shirley and Urabe arrived back in the manor and were walking in the hall.

"Thanks for accompany Urabe," Shirley said happily.

"No problem, after all, I was doing my duty," Urabe replied.

"Still, you have my thanks.

Urabe and Shirley smiled.

"Shirley," a woman's voice called.

Shirley and Urabe were surprised and they saw a woman with long brown hair tied in a ponytail, blue eyes and wearing a light green kimono with a marigold sash.

"Nodoka," Shirley spoke.

"Shirley, why did you go to the Rukongai?" Nodoka asked glaring at her adoptive sister.

"I just wanted to go there," Shirley answered, "and besides, Kosetsu was with me and he made sure nothing happened."

Nodoka glared at Urabe, "Kosetsu, why didn't stop her from going?"

"I was doing what she asked of me and I am her vassal per instruction by your grandfather, Lord Seiji."

Nodoka sighed, "Shirley, you shouldn't just venture in the Rukongai just because you feel like it. You're a member of a noble house now and as such, you are expected act as a member of nobility. I know you may not really understand since you came from the Rukongai yourself but that's why I'm here to teach that."

Nodoka walked away and Shirley frowned.

"I should have known," Shirley said, "it doesn't matter if it's here or back in our world, in Britannia, it's always the same. And to think that Lulu and Euphie were once…"

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Urabe said.

"Oh, you two are back," Kirihara's voice spoke.

Shirley and Urabe turned to see not only Taizo Kirihara but also Ryoga Senba and Shogo Asahina.

"Yeah, we're back," Shirley said, "oh, and we ran to two people that we know."

"Hmm, who?" Senba asked curiously.

"Princess Euphemia…and Zero," Urabe answered.

"What? Are you serious?" Asahina asked shocked.

Kirihara and Senba were shocked as well.

"Yeah, it's true," Shirley said.

"But then if Zero is in the Soul Society as well," Kirihara started.

"Yeah," Urabe said, "he died…he was killed by Todoh and the others."

"Ho, is that so?" Asahina commented.

"Shogo…" Senba spoke.

"What's going on?" Kirihara asked not pleased to learn that Zero had been killed by the Black Knights.

Shirley had her fist over her heart with a concerned expression, "Lulu…"

That's it for this chapter. Next chapter: A year passes by and Lelouch meets a Captain of the Gotei 13 and gets information of becoming a Shinigami.

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