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Chapter 207: 2/2

Toru glances at Iruka who has a wistful and sad expression. "I've… figured that out," he says quietly. "It's depressing, but at least he has someone looking out for him. In his circumstances… it would be hard, but he's still so cheerful and that astounds me."

Iruka looks at Naruto and for a moment Toru sees himself looking at Sasuke. "I know what you mean," Iruka says quietly. "I guess, it's a bit of the opposite for you isn't it? You're suddenly two people from a clan of many and the memories stay with you."

Toru takes a mouthful of noodles. "Yeah," he says. "It's… it's hard. I feel like I have to act like the adult and, kami," Toru feels hysteria bubbling in his chest and eyes watering, "I don't know if I can do it."

"You can," Iruka says, staring at the Naruto and Sasuke with unreadable eyes as the squabble over something. "You can because you have too and you're determined. You're going to make it work because you need to look out for him, to be everything you can be. Yes, you might make mistakes but you're going to do the best you can and learn from them. It's going to be hard but you'll manage."

Toru presses his palms against his eyes and just breathes. He nods to himself and looks at Iruka, "You must be an amazing teacher."

Iruka's eyes go wide, "Oh, really? Thank you. It was hard at first but…"

"But then you found your reason to try," Toru says with a wry smile. "I know what that's like. I was going to coast along and be a shinobi, but then he comes along and suddenly I have to look out for someone younger. I have to try, and I have to work hard, and it's going to be weird; I'm not used to it."

Iruka looks at Toru with a considering expression. "You're no eleven-year-old kid," he says. "You'll manage it though, your kind tends to."

My kind, Toru thinks, and it sounds worrying, but Toru knows he'll do what has to be done. He'll manage one way or another. As Iruka had implied, geniuses tended to.

"I'm never moving again," Kiku groans from where she collapsed on the ground when Natsumi called for lunch.

"You may want to stretch; otherwise it'll hurt more tomorrow," Shou advises from where he's stretching.

Toru grins at the pair of them as he does another light stretch, "I'm kind of glad I'm still recovery as I didn't have to go through that session."

"Just you wait," Kiku warns, jabbing a finger towards Toru before she starts stretching. "I think my bruises have bruises," she moans.

"I'm not sure that's possible," Shou muses and Kiku glares in response.

"Fuck you," is her elegant response and Toru helps them both stand up. "Okay, where are we going for lunch? And what did Natsumi-sensei want us to do again?"

"Talk about team positions," Toru says, "Also, I don't know any places nearby."

"I know a good place," Kiku says, "Follow me. What exactly about team positions are we meant to discuss?"

"Well teams tend to have a leader for one," Shou points out, "and while Natsumi-sensei is our superior, she is not our actual leader. I suppose it's also vital we look into what we each bring to the team. For instance, does any one of us have any medical experience excluding what we learnt in the academy?"

Kiku leads them to a small stand and all three buy a meal. "Alright then, let's start with the basics," she says as she eats. "Who's the leader? I nominate Toru."

"Agreed," Shou says.

"What? No, I'm not a leader person; I'm more like a panic person," Toru replies quickly.

"You caused us to pass the test yesterday and… you have experienced an actual attack so will probably not freeze up next time. From what I have observed, you have paranoia levels of an experienced genin. You are also willing to ask for help as well as tell us what to do," Shou says before taking a bite of his meal.

"I hate to say I agree, but I agree," Kiku adds.

Toru dips his head in acknowledgement, knowing he can't change their minds (but what if he fails them all? What if he's the reason why they all die, again?). "Alright, first things first then, Kiku you're easily going to be our main taijutsu person on the team. You've put the most work in and have found a taijutsu style that fits you and isn't one of the academy styles. I don't know what Shou and I will be more specialised in, but I won't be able to learn much healing jutsu until I have better chakra control, which is what I'm working on in my spare time."

"I can learn a basic healing jutsu," Shou confirms, "It is best if we have one team member who is able to heal some injuries. We all have fairly average aim, but Toru's is edging on being the best. However, he has to build up his arm strength."

"Well I can be the one who sets up traps," Kiku says, "I did really well in that section of the academy curriculum. And Shou can be the tracker." Kiku frowns, "Do you have an area of strength?" She asks Toru.

Toru shakes his head, "I haven't learn any ninjutsu ignoring the academy three and one fire one, and my chakra control for genjutsu could be further improved. Taijutsu is out currently due to the fact I'm recovering." He grimaces, "I don't really have an area of strength at the moment."

"That's probably for the best," Shou murmurs. "It means that you're a blank slate and can start anywhere."

"My suggestion would to work your taijutsu and chakra control," Kiku advises. "It'll only help in the long run." Toru looks at her curiously, so far Kiku hasn't suggested anything, mainly picking arguments with Shou. "That way your taijutsu will be stronger and the chakra control will help with, well, everything. Do you have a certain taijutsu you want to focus in?"

"I know the general academy set of katas along with the Uchiha Fire Style, but I can't use it due to my lack of sharingan," Toru replies. "However, I know I can, well, find other styles in the Uchiha library."

The atmosphere dampens at the reminder of the massacre that took place over a month ago. "You don't have to go alone," Shou offers quietly.

Toru gives a quirk of his lips, hoping that it looks like the smile it's meant to be and not a grimace. "I do," he replies.

"If you want a hand you come get us, got it?" Kiku says sternly, "We're a team."

This time Toru's lips move into an actual smile, "Yeah, we are."

"Greetings Hokage-sama," Tory says with a bow, Sasuke does the same beside him. The Sandaime looks at them with a wistful but kind expression.

"Why don't you both take a seat?" The Hokage asks, "I think there is something we need to discuss in regards to the Uchiha clan's demise."

Toru takes a seat, very much aware of how the Hokage wasn't really asking a question but merely giving an order. The way the Sandaime spoke demonstrates his distaste regarding the massacre, but there was also a lack of true emotion. The man was good; he had to be in order to be known as the Kami of Shinobi. Neither of the two Uchiha speaks; Sasuke models his behaviour based on Toru's behaviour, while Toru decides it's better to take the patient path.

"In our village, clans are only known as such when there are three or more people who have claim to the name. Of course, two of these three cannot be married or engaged to each other." The Hokage pauses, looking at the two Uchiha to gauge their responses to his words. Sasuke had instantly stiffened and a scowl was forming on his face; meanwhile, Toru had fallen into an almost relaxed position, but the Sandaime could see how he is ready to move. "The three members have to be part of the village, and due to the circumstances of the Uchiha clan, there aren't three members within Konoha's walls."

Sasuke shoots to his feet and opens his mouth to say something. Toru shoots the younger boy a sharp glance. "Does that still apply if a member of the clan has a kekkei genkai?" Toru asks, emotionally detaching himself from the situation in a way Sasuke couldn't quite manage (he had done this many times before, just not now).

"It does not," the Hokage admitted, "Therefore, the clan leadership will need to be discussed. The Uchiha clan has a seat on both the clan council, village council, and central council due to the position of the clan in Konoha's history and what they have brought to our village."

"What differences would there be if we did not have a kekkei genkai?" Toru asks as Sasuke sits down, wanting more information.

"The clan compound would return to being unowned and techniques would be released to the rest of Konoha and gone through by one of the departments," the Sandaime replies. Toru feels his expression change as he feels the stirring of anger go through him. "This is not what will happen in your case. You still have a clan, and consequently the clan seats on each council still exist."

Toru attempts to rearrange his facial expression to be stoic again, but his mask seems to slip through his fingers. The Hokage seems to be… appeasing them, and that idea sits heavy in Toru's stomach. Toru knows that both Sasuke and his anger is something to be feared, and that what they could do if they joined another village is tremendous. As Uchiha, they have the possibility of passing the sharingan down, and to give another village that power is something that no Hokage would want.

"This is about clan leadership, isn't it?" Sasuke says bluntly, pulling Toru's attention back to the present.

The leader of Konoha dips his head in acknowledgement, "It is. Normally the clan head is chosen by the previous head, or the person who has the closest genetic relation with the previous leader. Technically, Sasuke-kun can be the leader of the clan. However, it does get more difficult when there is another person involved. Either way, neither of you can get on any council until you're a chūnin, but Toru can take clan leadership."

Toru looks at Sasuke who's biting his lip, "Hokage-sama said I can Sasuke, not that I have to. It's up to you."

"You can have some time to think about it," the Hokage offers kindly, "I do have a few other things that need to be discussed." Sasuke nods, a flat expression on his face and Toru worries of what might come from it. "Toru-kun's rise to genin makes him legible to access what his parents left behind. As he isn't clan head, he cannot access the Uchiha clan funds, but he can access what was left to him. However, as you, Sasuke-kun, are not a genin yet, you cannot access any funds. Therefore, you will receive the orphan stipend, or Toru will, as he is your current guardian. I understand you will be moving out soon and into your own apartment, is this correct?"

Toru dips his head in a nod when Sasuke unexpectedly speaks. "I want Toru to be clan head," he states.

"Are you sure Sasuke?" Toru asks, sending Sasuke a surprised glance.

"Yes," Sasuke says, accompanying his words with a sharp nod. "You can always transfer leadership back to me."

"This is true," the Hokage admits. "Remember Toru-kun, you will not have any duties until you are a chūnin at least."

"Thank you," Toru says, dipping his head in an informal bow; although, he isn't sure whether he's thanking Sasuke or the Sandaime. A bitter thought rises in his mind, telling him that he's just made another tie to the village (that isn't home).

"Dismissed," the Hokage says, Sasuke and Toru bows before they both leave.

The pair makes it to a park before Toru suddenly takes a seat on an empty bench. "Toru?" Sasuke asks and Toru looks at him with miserable eyes.

"I'm a clan head now," he says with a shrug of his shoulders, "I don't know what I'm doing. I'm your guardian and I don't know how to look after a kid." Sasuke looks at him with unreadable eyes and Toru worries that he shouldn't have broken down in front of the child. However, he thinks that Sasuke should know what he's dealing with. "I'll be blunt; I don't know what I'm doing. I'd understand if you don't want me as your clan head or guardian."

Sasuke hesitates before hopping up on the bench and hugging Toru. "Sometimes… sometimes things get hard, but that just means you've gotta adjust," Sasuke murmurs quietly to Toru.

Toru closes his eyes and rests his head on Sasuke's. "Yeah? Whoever told you that was one smart person."

"It was my mother," Sasuke says gravely, pulling back to look into Toru's eyes.

Toru pulls back, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

"It's…" Sasuke trails off, a scowl forming on his face, "You're human," is what he eventually settles on.

"Yeah," Toru says with a soft laugh, "I guess I am."

His chakra is low, the lowest it has been this entire week. He deflects a tantō with a kunai and with a split-second moment to think, he lashes out with one of his explosion seals. He darts backwards and spins around, ignoring the sound of an explosion behind him. His new target growls at him, and gains distance before using ninjutsu to keep him at bay.

He's tiring now. He doesn't have the chakra to use his most powerful ninjutsu. He does the one thing he hopes he would never have to. He breaks his seals. They splinter and fracture; he hisses because it hurts more than anything else as the chakra is released. It hurts more than the deep slash on his chest, the splinters in his arms, and the cut on his face and the possibly broken ribs. The chakra the seals release, though, that's what's important. They give him more chakra and force his abused chakra coils to create more chakra.

He twists his hands. Wind and water swirls together and swallows another enemy ninja. He now let's chakra ease from his feet into the ground, where unknown seals pulse and start working for the first time in eons. No one gives him a chance to do anything more, and he's quickly engaged in another fight.

He doesn't let anyone take his time though, and lashes out with a combination of quick taijutsu and small ninjutsu. He's slowing down though; poison, he knows. It doesn't appear to be effecting him too much, but he gains a nasty kick to the sternum that pushes him into a completely new realm of pain.

He's tired of all this fighting, of this game of death and life. He knows, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he isn't – they aren't – going to get out of this one. This will be how they die and fall. They will lie forgotten and any survivors will be cast to the wind, and their children will remain unknowing of who they once could've been.

He rolls up so he's kneeling with one knee up. His leg burns as he gets up, but he manages to leap out of the way of stream of fire. He's on the edge of exhaustion though, and his enemies seem to know it. They manage to get his back against the wall, and he can feel his chakra wavering. He won't be able to pull out any more ninjutsu. However, ninjutsu has never been his strength.

He pulls out another tag, and throws it forward. It sends out arcs of lightning, and more opponents drop. He grabs two tags, and throws them, before grabbing a bit of debris with his hands and pushing himself so he lands on a ruined roof. He runs leaving wind and fire screaming behind him as it takes lives.

He stumbles, falling, and twists so he manages to land on his feet. The landing jars him but he's standing a second later. There are a trio of approaching ninjas; a group of jōnins based off their chakra levels. He bites back a frustrated sound and pulls chakra to his fingertips. It's the work of two seconds to write the seal he wants in the air, and it creates a barrier around him.

He quickly draws a seal in blood on the ground just as the barrier drops. He grins as the seal below him roars and the earth moves up. He jumps onto another ruined roof and the pillar of earth falls. He sees one of his ninjas nearby, and with a few leaps, he reaches her side.

She has one arm hanging down and is clearly limping. Nevertheless, she pulls herself upright and water flies at her opponent, sending them crashing into a wall and collapsing. There's no time to recover, as another group of enemy ninjas surround her.

He manages to block a tantō and burns a seal on it with chakra. Lightning conducts through the blade and its owner goes down in a shrill scream. He takes two more down with a third seal and blocks a forth in a barrier that drains oxygen.

His kunoichi manages to defeat two more and the pair gathers themselves and run. Nevertheless, he knows they can't run forever. He won't manage it and she's already flagging. She eventually stops and turns around, "Keep going," she says. "You cannot die here. I will hold them."

He bites back his immediate protest, "The sea never dies," he tells her instead. He takes off again, and feels another pang of pain upon knowing he's left another one of his ninjas to die, whether she decided herself or not.

He doesn't escape. He gets himself surrounding by four jōnins and one person stronger. He draws himself tall, bleeding and in pain. He's dying; he knows it. He can feel it in his wheezing breath, in how his chest hasn't stopped bleeding. It's in his burning chakra paths and the splintered seals on his skin. It's also in the poison that makes his vision flicker and his heartbeat increase. But mainly it's in the seals that pulse around him, each one becoming extinguished as another one of his ninjas fall.

He spits blood onto the ground. "Die," he growls as the four jōnins close in on him. He manages to take one down before they injure him, stabbing a kunai deep into his shoulder. He pulls it out; knowing leaving it in could mean tearing his shoulder muscles. That leaves him in danger of bleeding out, although he thinks he already knows that's going to happen.

The blood is on his fingers and he snaps his hands out, creating more seals in the air. The two pain seals lash onto one jōnin who screams as he goes down; the torture and interrogation seals were made for ANBU and he doesn't use them lightly. The other two jōnins keep fighting him, and he takes one out with a kunai but receives a stab to his stomach in response. The last jōnin goes down with a paralysis seal.

He tries to stand, but his legs buckle beneath him and he collapses onto his knees. His vision flashes before returning to the half-dark sight he currently has due to the poison. He can hear someone come closer and he tries to create another seal, but the thought escapes him and his chakra has almost disappeared.

"No need to fight," the voice says with a lilting tone. "It's past your death date. You've done well, but you've fallen now. It's been two weeks; your village has fallen."

"Not dead," he gasps out, coughing up blood. "Village never dies."

"I'm afraid your so-called village of longevity will exist no longer," the voice replies.

"You're afraid of our seals," he responds, and he can feel himself just hanging on. "We won't end here."

"You will," the voice says harshly, all traces of happiness cast away. "There is no one left alive," the knowledge is like a dagger, and he flinches. They laugh. "I think it's time to let you go greet your ninjas… in the afterlife." His eyes widen despite the fact he can't see anything as something stabs through his torso. He screams as the pain grows. The blade's pulled out a moment later with a harsh twist. He gasps, unable to do anything more.

Toru wakes up, a hand on his stomach and a scream in his mouth. He swallows it, and looks the scar on his torso. He frowns. The dream – nightmare – he had just gone through is nothing like his experience (it is his experience of then, not now).

Toru moves out of bed, knowing he won't be able to sleep with the memories dream he just had. "T'ru?" Sasuke mumbles sleepily.

"Go back to sleep," Toru chides softly, "I'm going on a walk."

"A'right," Sasuke says before his breathing evens out in sleep once again. Toru waits a minute, checking that the younger Uchiha is actually asleep, before leaving the room.

He should probably know better than to leave the house so early, but its dawn right now and he has a weapon on him if he really needs it. He doubts that, though. Konoha is safe, even if it isn't quite a home, not with the traumatic memories that are with him wherever he goes (through his chest and it hurtshurtshurtsHURTS).

Outside, the light is starting to get through the trees above his head. Toru supposes he should think about the dream and what exactly it means. But he can also feel the injuries from his dreams as if they have carried over into what Toru knows is reality.

Toru lets a soft huff of laughter escape him. Reality is all a matter of perception, isn't it? He perceives his reality of existing to be a, well not a mistake but something close to one – a moment of chance. Will his reality of continued existence include dreams of death and dying, a struggle between life and death but death is the only end result? Toru doesn't want his life to be like that. He thinks that it's okay to want that. He is a shinobi, though, and that means killing and working with and around death. The possibility he will die is there, even if it's lower than if Konoha had been at war.

There's something in the back of the Uchiha's mind. Toru has had dreams before, not like the one he had just had. It was different; it had felt real. It… it connects with Toru.

Toru has always been different to peers his age. He has always edged on being an outsider, although that might've been due to his clan. Still, he has always seemed a bit quieter, a bit less driven, and a bit more aware. He had always passed it off as being more intelligent, but what if he is simply more experienced?

Toru had never been in any true danger before the massacre, yet he had known somehow that something hadn't been right. He had moved and been prepared for danger, and for that he had lived. There had always been something in the back of his head, pushing him certain ways. He hadn't ever noticed, not really. He had felt, and at times seen, it in various ways.

Toru sits down a bench hidden in a small clearing off the main section of one of Konoha's parks. He closes his eyes and once again searches for his chakra. There's his normal chakra that comes to him easily, rising to his wish, but he leaves it. He reaches for that dark-not-dark chakra and it comes. It doesn't come easily but it doesn't struggle; it feels as if it comes on its own will.

It's like water and wind. It comes wild and calm and it will be whatever it wants and you can only go with it, because going against it means you will die. It's something that Toru appreciates, though. Because it's wild and free and wilful and it feels capable of doing anything it wants (and then he remembers blood pouring from his torso and the wish for a village to never die).

The chakra pulls up the dream (it's not a dream) and other things that seem familiar but have to be more dreams (he's lying to himself; he doesn't want this). He remembers Ayumu and a village surrounded by the sea. He remembers becoming a genin, becoming a chūnin, becoming a jōnin, becoming an ANBU, and then becoming ANBU commander. He recalls Ayumu, the Uzukage, falling a month before the invasion, poisoned in the safety of the village. He remembers becoming the next Uzukage and preparing for the battle that was soon to come as enemies approached their shores.

Toru pulls his legs up; he remembers and he wants to cry. He didn't ask for this. He gave everything for the village; he became the Kage he never wanted to be but had always been a candidate for anyway. His dream had always been about fighting without killing, but he had grown and it had changed. He had truly always wanted to protect his village with everything he could. He was – is – Toru of Uzushiogakure – Konohagakure – a ninja because he didn't know how to be anything else.

He– He died and it hurt; it hurt so much. He had fought so hard and it had all been for naught because he's never heard the name of Uzushio but everywhere he looks, there are reminders of it. There's the symbol on everyone's uniform and on Konoha's hitai-ate even has the symbol. Konoha is engraved with Uzushio's symbol, but it doesn't care about remembering Uzushio's history. Toru's people died for this, this useless memory of a village ruined.

Toru doesn't know how to handle it. He's alive but he wasn't, and now he is but he doesn't know how. He doesn't know if he's the only one and there are just so many unknowns and–

"Breathe," someone says quietly. Toru flinches away (because there are more enemies approaching and his ninjas are dying and he needs to do more, be more). "Easy, focus on your breathing." Toru does so, because he's safe in Konoha (not home, not home). He feels his breathing slow down and he finally loosens his muscles, releasing his legs and stretching his arms.

"Thanks," he says quietly, still looking down at his feet. He doesn't want to think of what this ninja now thinks of him. A genin breaking down who's never even left the village (in this lifetime).

"It was no problem kid. It happens to everyone, want to talk about it?" And Toru finally looks up to see a kunoichi crouched next to him.

"It was just a– just a," he grimaces, because he doesn't want to call it a dream (because it was so much more, it was a realisation and something too big for words to communicate).

"A nightmare? We all have them kid," the kunoichi says, and Toru just nods his head. "Make sure you have someone you can talk to," she stays sternly, looking eyes with the Uchiha.

Toru dips his head, "Alright," he murmurs, feeling uncomfortable with the amount of attention on him.

"Kid, I mean it," the kunoichi repeats. Toru looks up at her and a small smile. "I have to go, but make sure you look out for yourself," the kunoichi says before darting off, leaving Toru with his thoughts.

He looks down at the bench's shadow. He might be alone in this world from his previous life, but he isn't alone in this world in his current life. He promised that he would get strong enough to protect, and for now, that's what he's going to focus on.

Toru stands up and for a moment imagines himself surrounded by the sights and sounds of Uzushio, then he casts the picture out of his head and walks towards a training ground. He has training to do.

"Must we?" Sasuke asks as they near the village centre.

"They did invite us," Toru replies. "Besides, I would like for you to meet my teammates."

"I could've been training," Sasuke says mournfully.

"You'll tire yourself out too much," Toru responds, "and then you might not be able to train at all. It's good to train and train yourself hard, but you can't go over the top or you risk exhaustion."

"I know Toru," Sasuke says, drawing the words out. "But it's a birthday party!"

"My teammate's birthday party," Toru replies. "That aside, I think there are others your age. Shou has more friends than Kiku and me. She mentioned that a friend of hers was looking after their cousin and they were bringing him. He's apparently in your class in the academy."

"I don't even know them; did I really have to get them a gift?" Sasuke says, changing track.

"Probably not, but it is polite," Toru says. "Besides, if I want to get out quickly, I have a reason."

"You're using me," Sasuke says flatly.

"I'm a shinobi," Toru replies, "Besides; I'm helpful as I gave you a gift so you don't have to figure out what to get them!"

"Underhand," Sasuke grumbles just as they reach Shou's house.

Toru knocks on the wooden door, and it's quickly opened. Shou's face appears; their dark brown hair is down and curling slightly at the ends. "Happy birthday Shou," Toru says, "This is Sasuke."

"Happy birthday," Sasuke intones, and Shou gives them both a grin.

"Thank you. Also, for further reference, I'm female right now," Shou says, carefully avoiding looking at Sasuke's face.

Sasuke blinks, "Okay," he says looking confused. "We have gifts?"

"You didn't have to," Shou responds, "I'm opening them later. I was thinking you two and Kiku could stick around for dinner?"

Toru hums and looks down at Sasuke who shrugs. "Sure," Toru responds, having checked if it was acceptable with Sasuke.

"Kiba-kun is here Sasuke-kun; do you two know each other?" Shou asks.

A grimace appears on Sasuke's face and Toru swallows a laugh at the pout. "He's like Naruto but… worse," the Uchiha tells Toru.

"I'm sure you'll somehow manage to converse with each other," Toru responds with a devious grin. "After all, otherwise you'll have to spend your time around me and all the people I talk to."

Sasuke scowls, scuffs a foot, and then walks into the house with his head held high. "He looks like a handful," Shou comments. Toru tilts his head and gives another small hum. Shou quickly gives him a small hug and Toru freezes before relaxing. "Thank you for coming; you didn't have to."

"You're my teammate," Toru replies awkwardly, "I came because I wanted to."

"C'mon, open the gifts already!" Kiku says, bouncing next to Sasuke who pulls away with a pained expression. Toru laughs softly and lets Sasuke move closer to him without flinching.

"I guess I'll open yours first," Shou says, pulling one wrapped in grey from Kiku. She unwraps it and finds herself looking at a pair of dark blue gloves.

"Reinforced to help stop a blade from cutting through," Kiku says. "They also have good grip for on slippery surfaces and you pulse chakra through them to repel objects."

"Thanks; these will be extremely handy," Shou says with a smile. Kiku snorts at the pun and Shou's smile widens. She unwraps Sasuke's gift, and grins upon seeing a brace of kunai and shuriken. "I needed some more," Shou says, turning to face Sasuke. "Thank you."

Toru pushes his present towards Shou, and she pulls the pale yellow paper away from the gift. It's a book, and Shou grins upon reading the title. "'A complete guide to traps – both chakraless and with chakra'? Thanks Toru! I've been wanting this book for a while."

"Way to get the best gift," Kiku says with a laugh.

"Yours and Sasuke-kun's is just as good," Shou says as she hugs her teammates, Toru dragging Sasuke into it as well.

Four weeks after graduating to genin, Team Five (consisting of Kiku Kurama, Shou Shimizu, and Toru Uchiha) along with their j��nin-instructor Natsumi Hayashi were given a C-ranked mission. It is expected to go for two weeks and is a bodyguard and infiltration mission.


Okay, so, the main plan for this book is to update it slowly. Not sure how long slowly is yet, but we'll figure that out later. Anyway, so the formatting is basically stuffed on this website because it doesn't copy across and I'm far too lazy to go through it right now and figure it all out. It means some of the writing won't make sense because I can't have strike throughs (is that what it's called when the word has a line through it?) on . Which sucks, really it does.

Anyway, majority of my writing has an author's note at the bottom, which is generally me just talking about the chapter and my thoughts regarding it, and yeah. The previous chapters didn't really have it because I didn't have much to say, and I only really start getting into the habit of doing that from this chapter onwards.

Okay so this chapter ended up being bigger than I expected, but that's probably because Team Five barged in and decided to take up more space. And then, of course, Naruto decided to pop up and Toru ended up meeting Iruka. I always thought Iruka would be more powerful/smart than how he's portrayed, as he is looking after children (and clan heads), despite being in Konoha you would still have to be on the look out.

The Sandaime is becoming a fun character to write, as I have to make sure he's manipulative but still kind. His word choices are normally thought out (especially the use of the inclusive language and reminders that the clan is dead due to Itachi and Konoha is supporting the two Uchihas).

And then, Toru decided he needed to have the start of a breakdown because he isn't coping very well (and it's only going to get worse). Toru is in an extremely bad place. He's coming out from a traumatic attack where he thought he was safe and is now a legal guardian to an eight-year-old kid; he's only eleven. Not to mention, he's got these memories of dying and killing, which would be pretty confusing for most people. Toru's managing to keep himself calm through a mixture of avoidance and having half-knowledge of it without the actual recognition of what it means. He did slightly figure out what it means, here. However, he still is avoiding it. I mean, he pushed to doing training instead of taking the time to pause and think of what is happening. He's recklessly throwing himself into training when he doesn't have to so he can avoid thinking about where he learnt things. He's hanging with his teammates though, which is helping ease things but they can't be everything. There's also the pressure of going into the Uchiha Clan Compound and the new leadership position he has. Also, he doesn't have the kekkei genkai, which would make him seem lesser in the Uchiha's eyes (except they're all dead).

All in all, it was a fun chapter to write. Although, the ending I was a bit unsure of but I really wanted to move onto C-ranked missions.

I am not genderfluid nor do I know anyone who is. I thought it would be good to write a character who was because I've seen it mentioned in one book and thought it was something that could be dragged into my own writing. That way I can actually have some more representation, and it's also showing the lack of discrimination in the ninja world. It is there, of course, but it isn't based on gender or sex or anything, but mainly on what people don't understand (i.e. kekkei genkai, and tailed beasts). If anyone has any points to tell me, or explains how something is incorrect, please tell me so I can fix it.

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