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"Come over here" he boldly beckoned his finger.

I lowered my gaze to the floor and hesitantly walked towards him and stood in front of his desk.

He got up from his chair and walked towards me, I didn't raise my head until he grabbed my chin up. And that was enough for me to raise the flag of surrendering to his eyes.

He stared deep into me, I started thinking about all the dirty things that are going to happen when he said punishments blame it on BDSM books.

" Bring black coffee for me "

Wai fort What ?...

Wait why I am disappointed?

I shake all thoughts And nodded, quickly ran towards the elevator.

The elevator stopped at floor 75 with a cheerful ding.

I stepped outside and I have no idea where was the cafeteria

Searching for it, I bumped into someone's hardback.

" Hey, what the fuck," said a man in a black shirt.

he was tall, blonde, manly and handsome.

" I'm so sorry I didn't notice you I'm so sorry "

"No no its ok, btw I'm Niall woods " he offered his hand towards me.

"I'm Venessa foster, nice to meet you "

"Finally, you met her "

Someone from behind said.

Then I saw that the receptionist was coming towards us.

" She is the new personal assistant Mr. Francisco "

She said to Niall looking at me smiling.

" Oh, really? "

" Yes "

" What are you doing here," the receptionist asked me.

"Mr.Francisco wants black coffee, so I was searching for cafeteria but I couldn't find it "

"It's at the corner over there," she said.

"Oh.. thank you "

"Btw I'm Alice swan, Nice to meet you" 

"Nice to meet you too, I need to rush now or else I will be late bye " I started walking towards the cafeteria.

" She's cute Nah "

" Yea, she's cute "

I heard them saying.

I reached Cafeteria

My jaw dropped looking at it.

It's a huge Cafeteria, I walked inside and took a cup and muffins.

I quickly reached the elevator stepped inside pressed the button and reached the floor.

I walked towards the officer knocked on the door

" Come in "

I stepped inside the office walked towards the desk and kept the black coffee on it.

" Here sir "

He didn't say anything, he just kept his head as he looked over the documents on his desk.

"Mr. Francisco," I said biting my bottom lip.

"Enzo...., call me Enzo when No one's around " he stated, never looking up.

"Ok, Enzo "

"Hmm? " Still looking at papers

"Would you like to have a muffin, sir, I thought ma....."

He cut me off " chocolate? "

"Yes " I smiled and gave it to him

He picked up the muffin and took a bite.

"I need you to go through all of my emails and set up my schedule and calendar "

"Yes sir "

I walked out and took a deep breath.

I relaxed a bit and walked towards my office.

Finally, after running here and there at last now, I can actually see my office.

I went inside my office my jaw literally dropped, It was beautiful The ceiling windows, the interior was the same as his, Cabinets, couches, mahogany desk and everything are white ceilings, floor, walls.

He already set it my desk with a computer, printer, phone, and a Calender.

I walked over to put my handbag down which was still with me all this time and set my things down on my desk and pulled the chair out to sit. It was comfortable to spend a large amount of time with my ass planted in it.

I took the files which were on the desk, took my notebook and started reading them carefully and making notes of them. It took all my energy to complete them.

I quickly stood up took my book with me and started walking towards his office

I knocked on the door.

" Come in " with Stern voice he said, I stepped inside.

" Miss Foster, next time don't knock just come in "

"Okay sir "

"I read those files and wrote this notes sir please check them once "

I put it on the desk, he instantly took it and started checking them.

" Please take a seat, Miss Foster "

" Please call me ven or v or ness or ven " looking at him I quickly shut my mouth

"Call me whatever you want sir "

Fuck that I came wrong,

I looked away.

I mentally facepalmed at my stupidity.

"I will call you Venessa, I like it it's long and unique "

"That's fine, Enzo "

I said in my low voice

Suddenly he slammed the book on the desk and walked towards me.

I quickly stood up from my chair

We were almost chest to chest Or rather head to the chest as I had to look up at him.

"Say it again," he said in a low voice which gives me Goosebumps, I'm confused, say what?

"Enzo?" I asked, but it came out like a  moan.

I was backing up, but forgot that there was a chair and about to fall but a strong arm wrapped itself around my waist. And my hands were on his chest.

We were so close to each other, Looking into each other's eyes.

I don't know for how long we were like that, what It would be like if he leaned down a little bit, I just wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

But it would never happen Men like him never kisses a woman like me.

Out of Nowhere, I remember that kissing scene at the restaurant, him kissing some women.

I pushed him but he didn't budge he tightened his arm making every part of my body touching his.

"Enzo ...., Please leave me ..... I...I.I ...have....w... do....s..sir"

" Kiss me "

I looked at him

"I'll not leave until you kiss

me "

He said with an intense stare,

I don't know what to do in that situation.

It's not like I don't want to, I want to kiss him but I can't do that.

I gathered up some courage and slowly lifted my head and looked at him.

" I..I..I.." I stuttered

" If you don't kiss me in 10 seconds I will kiss you "

I started panicking,

"10 "

Fuck he started.

" 9 "


What should I do?

" 8 "

Oh, God!

" 7 "

" I..i..i "

" 6 "

" I"

"5 "

"I.. can't..."


"Wait "

"3 "

"I can't reach you "

I shouted, out of panic.

Bending over he continued,


I quickly kissed him on his left cheek.

" 1" he ended

" That was clever " smirking, he said,

I looked at him confused.

"I asked to kiss on my lips but instead you kissed on my chick "

I flushed and lowered my gaze,

Chuckling he released me and walked back to his chair.

" The notes are good, did you check everything properly "

"Yes," I said confidently.

"Good, Now pack up, we shall have dinner together "

I was about to say No but he cut me off saying.

" It one of the punishments for coming late today "

I shut my mouth and quickly

Walked into my office.

Took my things came out, he was waiting outside. We both stepped into the elevator.

On the 75th floor, the elevator stopped, doors opened and Niall stepped inside.

Looking at me he smiled,

" Hi, Ness "

looking beside me he dropped it and stepped beside me when I side glanced at Enzo. he was glaring at Niall. If looks could kill, Niall would be dead right now.

The temperature was hot in here I was literally sweating although there was an air conditioner in the lift.

No one spoke anything

I looked at the display its show 21st floor.

20 Fucking floors.

After What felt Eternity we reached the ground floor Elevator doors opened Niall was Frist to step out, Enzo grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards the parking lot.

Everyone was looking at us I hate attention.

After reaching his car Enzo opened the door, I was hesitating to get in.

" If you don't get inside in 2 seconds, ill lift you up and put you inside "

I quickly got inside, he slammed the car door which made me flinch a bit.

He climbed inside and started the engine.

What made him this angry

He's scary, he always radiates Dominance. He had that kind of take-charge, no- bullshit attitude.

In my 18 years, I never meet this intense man before.

Suddenly my phone started ringing,

I quickly opened my bag and took my phone, I didn't check who was calling I just clicked the volume button which made it go into silence. I glanced at Enzo, he was deep in thought and unbothered.

I turned,

When I saw who was calling,

Every part of my body started shaking heavily my hands started sweating.

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