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The meeting

The school bell rang signaling the end of the 7th period, which means I am one class away to call it a day.

I stepped out of my classroom and headed to my locker, to get the book for the last period which is English literature.

As I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but remember last night's dream,

I couldn't forget it

How am I supposed to face him in the office?

After my class I started to pack my things, someone put a paper on my book and rushed towards the door,

I couldn't see who was it,

I took that paper.

Meet me in the hallway, don't be late.


Was written in cursive writing.

I waited until everyone left the classroom, I started walking towards the hallway.

When I reached there, I could see that Remond was waiting for me.

I was a bit nervous, because of yesterday.

He looked at me, " I want to talk to you about something "

I didn't say anything, he still continued to tell,

" Whatever I say, must be between us, if anyone else comes to know about this ..... you'll have to face the consequences.

Bending over a bit he said

" understood " I nodded stepping back,

"Hmm.. good girl, from now onwards we shall play a game. In which I will give you daily tasks which you must do.

If you don't, then I will punish you. If you complete the tasks then I will reward you. " He said with very Serious expression,

" What if! I don't want to play "

" You don't have any say in this, it's my game and only I have the say in this so, you must play "

Arguing with him, hah its waste of time. 

Sighing, I nodded my head.

"Use words," he said,

" Ok I will play, " I said,

with a Smirk, he said " good "

" I will give you a file tomorrow it has all the do's, Don'ts, punishments, rewards.

You will read it, sign it and bring it to me in the morning "

Is he serious, who on earth does this

" Do you understand ? " he asked

" Yes "

"Okay then,

bye, see you tomorrow "

He turned around and walked towards the exit

Suddenly he stopped and started walking back towards me,

What does he want to say again,

Why can't he leave me alone? I thought to myself

" Kiss me," he said,

" What " I exclaimed,

" Relax, I was texting your

reaction "

" You are an ass " out of anger

I said,

He smirked at me and left.

Fucking pig,

I went to my car climbed in and left

After Reaching my home I parked my car and went inside my house

Quickly freshened up, I dressed up taking the file with me, I locked my house and rushed to the

L.F 's building

I rushed towards the elevator went in, reached the 95th floor which was the floor where he took the interview.

so, I ran towards the room knocked on the door.

" Miss Foster wait "

the receptionist called me from behind

"Mr.Francesco's office is on the top floor, not here Miss Foster"

"Oh . thank you" I smiled at her, Then I ran towards the elevator reached the top floor. I ran towards the last office knocked on the door.

"Come in" came he's a husky deep voice, I quickly pushed the door open and walked inside. Seeing me, he looked at his wristwatch.

"You're 2 min 48 seconds late"

He glared at me, "Coming late, on your First day is not good Miss Foster"

I lowered my head,

"Sorry sir, it won't happen again"

"Did you bring the file?" He asked,

"Yes sir" I gave that file to him He took it from my hand, He opened the drawer of his desk and kept it inside.

"Did you notice that office over there?" Pointing towards office beside his,

" Yes," I said looking at it,

"That's your office, redesign it if you want. And there are files kept on it read everything carefully, take important notes on them and bring them to me " he said with authority in his voice,

" Yes, sir," I said, nodding.

" You can leave now," he said,

I turned around and started walking towards the door

"1 second," he said,

I turned towards him,

"I didn't give you your punishment for coming late, did I?"

A smirk flickered at the corner of his mouth as he Watched my scared and shaking body.

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