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47.05% I DON'T KNOW / Chapter 8: 93 -99

Chapter 8: 93 -99

New Year's Day is not interesting, it is nothing more than a relative or a relative who has been taken away.

On the third day of the new year, Pei Qiancai was finally born and slumped on the sofa at home to watch TV.

"Son, did your short play come out?" Mom handed a cut apple.

Pei Qian reached out to take over and said, "Well, the mini-drama is not something you can watch after you shoot it. You have to edit it, and you have to do it later. You ask it eight times a day."

"Ask the director again." The mother who finished feeding was still not resigned.

Pei Qian was helpless and had to send a message to Huang Sibo.

After a while, Huang Sibo replied.

"President Pei, it was uploaded yesterday, you can see it when you click on the sweet potato online. In the" Funny "column," People's Daily "."

I really came out.

High efficiency!

Pei Qian took his laptop, opened the home page of, and turned to the "funny" column.

I really have a recommendation!

Is not the most striking one, but it is not bad.

Zhu Xiaoce said before that he had a sister in the sweet potato online class, can help take care of the recommended position, but he really took care of it!

Of course, it shouldn't be free, most of it is advertising costs.

Pei Qian nodded in and took a look, and her heart was cold for a moment.

发布 It was released yesterday, and today it has exceeded 200,000 views!

This is a new account!

It's over, the worst feelings come true!

"Hoo ... calm."

"Some of the videos that have been played for more than 200,000 times are that millions of broadcasts may not be enough. does not currently have a video incentive plan, and the podcast sharing plan will take 13 years.

Pei Qian stabilized his emotions and prevented his parents from seeing his abnormality.

Then passed the laptop pretendingly calmly: "That's it."

Er Erao put the computer on the coffee table and brought it together.

"" Pei's Daily Life "?" Pei looked suspiciously at Pei Qian.

咳 "Ahem. This is the name of the short play, and I play the boss of the company inside." Pei Qian explained.

Lao Pei could not help but mumbled: "There is no hair on his mouth, and he is not good at handling things. You look like a company boss."

The video started.

"I looked at my Ralisks, not to watch the time, but to let you know inadvertently, I am a tyrant."

"I was on a whim this day and wanted to make a game that would make players burst."

The dull BGM, coupled with the bland tone, makes the characteristics of the entire video suddenly stand out.

In the picture, Pei Qian is wearing a custom suit and wearing a Luxor, lying on the sofa in the company's reception room, and there are high-end tea sets and tea on the coffee table next to it, everything looks so natural.

连 Even Pei Qian's indifferent expression was so expressive.

Pei Qian stood behind her parents and looked at herself on the screen, her mouth twitched slightly.

Is this when I was filming ...

It seems like ... how many acting skills?

I can't wonder if Director Zhu Xiaoce didn't shout card once.

Just ...

It seems that this is not a good thing ...

Pei Qian could not help but secretly squeezed a sweat.

The short one-minute video has twists and turns, and the lines are funny and rhyme. The ending is endless.

"That's over? Not enough!"

儿子 "Son, you are too short, isn't it?"

In the impression of Lao Pei, I thought that the mini-drama had to be ten minutes in length.

It turned out that this short play was a good one minute episode!

Lao Pei's complexion was a little serious: "Did you really go to the game company?"

Pei Qian hurriedly waved his hand: "No, I just found an office building next to me. All the actors in this picture are actors, and there are passers-by from our university."

生 He was afraid that he would not be willing to go to the game company to shoot the scene.

My mother opened the video and watched it again.

别 "Don't say, I think my son is really talented in acting! You see how well he plays a boss, especially naturally, just like the company he runs."

Lao Pei clearly disagrees with this view: "Which good! The whole face is paralyzed, there are no expressions, and the speech is just like getting into the ground, which big boss do you see in reality?"

Pei Qian hurriedly interjected: "This is the voice of others."

Lao Pei stared: "Nonsense, can I not hear the voice of others, I said this film is not true."

Mom dismissed Lao Pei's words: "It seems like you have met quite a lot of bosses."

Lao Pei was speechless for a while, and said for five seconds: "Hey, haven't you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it before, but I watch more TV shows than you! The big bosses in TV shows are all like this, I think my son is acting well. What's wrong?" Mom started the unreasonable mode.

行 "Xing Xing Xing ... I don't have common sense with you. Anyway, this stink boy can make money, which is a good thing."

不过 "But son, why do you shoot a game company?"

"I tell you, this game thing, but it's not harmful ..."

Lao Pei will start a long story again.

Pei Qian quickly let him stop: "Dad, this short video of us is ironic in the game industry!"

你 "Look, the boss gave 200,000 research and development funds, and the people below were exploited layer by layer. In the end, there were 50,000 left in the hands of the people who worked. This is ironic about the internal management confusion of many game companies!"

"A boring game made of fifty thousand dollars, but the players still desperately bought it to play, this is for the irony ... hey, anyway, you know what this means?"

"This is a style of black humor, which is ironic and revealing. I played this role mainly to criticize the big bosses of some game companies. Otherwise, the face of the whole process is not as flat as the director asked. "

Lao Pei's expression changed from serious, to curious, to solitude.

哦 "Oh ... that's the case."

"The director is good ~ ~ It's an idea director! What's his name?"

Pei Qian answered, "Zhu Xiaoce."

"Zhu Zhu! How old is Zhu Zhu?"

"This year's senior."

"Look at people!" Lao Pei looked envious, "You can always be like Zhu Dao."

My uncle was unwilling: "What's wrong with my son? Isn't this the first year of my son's short play male number? This is four years away from college, what are you worried about?"

"My son is acting really well, I'll look twice more. My son, please copy it to my computer at home."

I have a very old desktop at home, which was bought by Pei Qian in high school, and it is already stuck.

Pei Qian transmitted the video to the computer at home, and the mother immediately hugged the computer and watched it again and again, and the boring BGM sounded again and again.

Lao Pei began to turn boxes in the living room.

"Son, when you go back to school this time, you must not bring a small gift to Zhu Dao? Let me see what else I can bring to you at home ..."

Pei Qian is speechless: "Dad, no need, Zhu Dao is also a student, almost the same age as me, unhappy with this."

"Hey, why don't you say that your child is not sensible." Lao Pei hated iron and steel. "No one is surprised at others. Zhu Dao can do it, but we can't help it. Zhu Dao doesn't drink tea. ? Bring some tea? "

"Don't drink tea, don't drink tea, don't be busy. Hey, so I went to a nearby mall to buy some digital products for Zhu Da before leaving. Don't fiddle with the old antiques at home. Young people don't like this." Qian hurryed to persuade.

Lao Pei just gave up, pulling Pei Qian again with a strong heart.

Pei Qian barely listened for a few minutes and fled.

It's really big!

When I returned to my room, Pei Qian felt awkward.

I lied, I had to panic with more panic ...

I knew this already. What kind of game was it in the beginning?

However, Pei Qian thought for a while. At the beginning, it was 50,000 yuan, and there were no options. I could not stand at the school gate, right? That's not ridiculous.

Besides, what I thought was losing money at the time, who thought of making more money?

Also, this is not a lie.

I did star in the number one man, and Zhu Dao did give him a reward, nothing wrong.

He just said that Zhu Dao's money was also invested by himself ...

But my parents didn't ask!

Hmm, I'm still very honest.

Pei Qian had this opportunity to see the comments below the video.

Now the sweet potato network has no barrage function, at least two years later.

However, even if the sweet potato network has a barrage function, it is useless, and it is quickly overtaken by the latecomers, and it quickly declines.

But then again, at this point in time, it is still a very influential video giant with many excellent content publishers.

Pei Qian took a look at the comments and comments under "Pei's Daily Life".

"I thought this was an ordinary short video, but after reading it, I found another profound meaning, absurd and funny, but if you think about it, you seem to know each other and get cold ..."

"This young actor's acting skills are so good, he has rendered the image of a stupid money rich upstart vividly, and the irony of chaos in the industry is also very spicy!"

"Using black humor to reflect the social state, after reading it is thought-provoking."

"The expression is quite in place, full of contempt for the world. Is this really the world of the rich?"

"Pei Pei not only has a superb temperament, but also has a superb expression. The feeling of laziness lying on the sofa is like a big boss of a company! This is the film emperor! Circle fan!"

"Upstairs, the brackets have been removed, but is it okay? Too dedicated!"

虽然 "Although this video has no production cost and is visually shot in SLR, it is very deep and thoughtful. It is much better than those short films full of extravagant effects!"

"Who told you that there is no production cost? This costume item is not a cost? This custom suit and a Ralisbury watch are not costs? I looked closely at the close-up of that Ralisbury watch, it is a real watch, not a high imitation!"

"This video says that for 50,000 yuan for an eight-hour driving game, wouldn't it be" Lonely Desert Highway "?"

怎么 "What's wrong, is this video still linked to reality?"

"It should be based on reality."

"Then Tengda can't sue them?"

"I don't know, is it possible that Tengda has something to do with this video?"

There are many opinions in the comments, and many people have linked this video to Tenda.

However, the most popular reviews that I liked the most were mainly the analysis of the black humor in the short drama "People's Daily Life", and the acting skills of Pei Qian, or playing stalks.

I suspect that people related to Tengda in this short play have no evidence and naturally can't set off waves.

Pei Qian released the games in the name of Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd., without checking the company's legal person, no one will know that its owner is Pei Qian, let alone know that this is the actor.

现在 Nowadays, even if ordinary people want to check the legal person of a company, there is no good way to do it, because software similar to Tianyan Check appeared in the original world four years later.

The world is still 2010, and it is not yet.

So, most viewers just think of Pei Qian as an ordinary young actor.

There are also some posts under the video.

"Rough fabrication, unknowable!"

"The video author laughed at me, and it was almost common sense! Do you think that the big bosses are all wearing custom suits and wearing Ryalis? This is all a stereotype. The real big bosses are polo shirts and shorts. Do n't you care so much about it? "

"That is, to make a big-selling game for 50,000 yuan, it was a laugh, and 蹭 heat is not so rampant! Although the cost of" Lonely Desert Highway "is not high, it is definitely more than 50,000 yuan!"

"I think we should find a middle-aged person to play the role of President Pei. I always feel that President Pei has performed very well, but it is too young, and it is inconsistent with the facts!"

Of course, these comments were quickly brushed down by several hot reviews.

Pei Qian doesn't care about these elites.

What he cares about is the volume of this video!

Judging from the current trend, the situation is very bad!

There was a trace of fortunateness in the original Pei Qian's heart. What if everyone did not like it? What if everyone dislikes showing off your wealth?

However, nothing happens!

Now Pei Qian can only keep praying, I hope that Director Zhu Xiaoce will never receive the advertisement for Just Fan!

As long as there is no advertising income, no amount of playback is useless, and conversion will not be profitable!

Uh ...

On the fifth day, the second episode of "Pei's Everyday" was updated.

On the seventh day, Pei Qian left home and went back to work.

He wanted to replace all the appliances in the house, but no matter what his parents didn't agree, he had to leave it.

老 In Lao Pei's view, it is a good thing that the son can make money, but it is better to keep his own money after earning 30,000 yuan, so he refuses to accept it.

Pei Qian had to wait.

Electrical appliances directly pulled home, raw rice cooked mature rice, parents said not to change, I will definitely change it at that time!

Although Pei Qian can stay at home until the end of the winter vacation, but after all, the company has to stare.

I am not afraid that the company's project will become yellow, but mainly because the company's project will not be yellow!

I managed to taste the sweetness last time. I lost more than 20,000 yuan. This time I made persistent efforts and once again lost 700,000-800,000. It was no problem.

I said that when the short video became hot, made a lot of money, and then spent money at home, my parents should have no reason to refuse.

Huh, plan to pass!

Uh ...

On February 22, the third episode of "Pei's Daily Life" was updated.

This time Pei Qian opened it again.

Huo Huo, all three videos have basically been played for over 500,000!

The original small account of two or three hundred fans, the number of fans is constantly increasing!

The recommended position on the homepage of is getting better and better, UU reading and it is obviously spreading to Weibo and other platforms!

Close the video silently.

Pei Qian worked hard to keep himself calm.

It's okay, it's just a short video ...

1 million were all thrown in. It was still early.

I may not be able to receive the video of Just Fan, even if I can receive it, the price should not be too high ...

Pei Qian can only comfort himself.

I was thinking about it, and faintly heard a greeting from the office area outside.

"Zhu Zhu is here!"

"Guide Zhu, the short video is hot, isn't it for dinner?"

"Guide Zhu, when can you also open a video section for me?"

Most of the people in the company participated in the performance. Like Xiao Lu, he also got a lot of dramas, such as the intern who made the game with 50,000 yuan in the first episode.

Although we don't get much pay now, they are very enthusiastic!

It's not important to save money or money, anyway, no matter how high Zhu Zhu's salary is, it can't be higher than the salary given by Pei!

The key is to show face!

Who doesn't want to be a star?

So everyone was very enthusiastic to see Zhu Xiaoce coming.

I hope to be able to follow PY with Zhu Dao. I will give more dramas in the next few episodes, or open a short video column separately, such as "One Day of President Pei".

Zhu Xiaoce held the SLR and assured everyone one by one.

"Rest assured! There must be more and more drama behind everyone!"

"Everyone short series in the future!"

"But everyone has to do a good job, otherwise President Pei cannot spare me."

After Wu An calmed everyone, Zhu Xiaoce came to Pei Qian's office door and knocked gently.

Pei Qian knew that it was time to shoot the next episode.

A total of three episodes were prepared the following year, and they have all been released.

The fourth episode wants to be played within three days, and these two days have to be tight.

However, after the script is written, the filming, editing, dubbing, and other tasks will be completed within a few hours after the script is written, which is especially suitable for a high-yielding sow-like mode!

So, it 's completely okay in terms of time.

Pei Qian had no choice but to sign the contract. Since he couldn't afford the liquidated damages, let's be honest.

Anyway, it is a knife, and the neck is stretched a little bit less pain.

I quickly finished the fourth episode.

Zhu Xiaoce held the SLR camera and looked at it, and made an OK gesture.

完美 "Perfect! President Pei's acting is still so online, it's great."

"Sure enough, a game designer who doesn't want to be a film emperor is not a good boss!"

"Well, Mr. Pei, regarding video commercial cooperation, Brother Huang asked me to ask you, you see ..."

Zhu Zhuce looked at the reception room next to him.

Pei Qian instantly understood that this was to talk to himself alone.

If it's something else, Pei Qian will probably wave his hands and let Zhu Xiaoce and Huang Sibo take care of it.

As soon as I heard it was a business cooperation, Pei Qian came to the spirit.

"Come in the reception room."

Video business cooperation, also known as chahan.

This matter Pei Qian is concerned!

If Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaoce do not mention, Pei Qian is also embarrassed to ask.

After all, this one million yuan was invested by Pei Qian. I told you everything before, but I just asked. Now the film is out, it 's also hot, and I ran out to point and draw.

This is easy to collapse.

It's so distracting, but the team is not good to bring!

现在 But now, since Zhu Xiaoce has taken the initiative, Pei Qian has room to play.

He entered the reception room, and Pei Qian listened carefully.

Zhu Xiaoce was slightly excited: "Pei Pei, our team received the first advertisement the day before yesterday! Keke, in other words, we can have dinner right!"


Nyima, this is too fast!

Pei Qian thought that it would take another two or three weeks or even a month to receive the Chafan advertisement.

As a result, it only aired for a few days, and I received the Chanfan advertisement? !!

Pei Qian's expression remained calm: "Well, what quote?"

Zhu Xiaoce said, "It's an advertisement for a clothing online store. I hope we can implant their new T-shirts."

"You have to arrange a supporting role to say a slogan, and you have to wear their clothes, but I think this should be understandable by the audience. The problem is not big."

Pei Qian was silent for a moment and asked, "What about the price?"

"Five thousand dollars! That's really not much, but this is just the beginning, the first step." Zhu Xiaoce said.


Give 5,000 for the first meal? ? ?

Pei Qian people are a little aggressive.

How about giving so much?

Although Pei Qian didn't know the price of exactly the price of the video's UP main chacha video, but he did understand some from the side.

In this big environment in 2010, most people despise video creators, and even regard people who make videos for a living as a shame.

Most of the UP masters who are on fire basically have their own main business, full-time, but few.

Pei Qian still remembers that he once watched a video of the factory director Ao, and in 19 years he reviewed the beginning of his meal: in 2011, each video had only nearly 100,000 views, and he received "League of Legends" Advertising of Chahan, and thus started his own road to Chahan.

So what was the quotation for the video of Chafan at the time?

1000 yuan.

Yes, such an important game, such a big company ... only 1,000 yuan!

Although the single episode video of "General Pei's Everyday" currently has 500,000 views, it has only just been on fire for a few days! Who can determine if the author of this series of videos will soon be exhausted and buried in the long river of history?

So, the price of 5,000 yuan is considered to be a reasonable price, and it can even be regarded as excellent.

Of course, this is based on the general personal UP master meal.

If you think about episode IPs, solo broadcasts, etc., that's another matter entirely.

Pei Qian groaned for a moment.

"My proposal is ... reject."

Zhu Xiaoce was quite surprised.

Saving money was invested by President Pei.

Pei should always be more eager than anyone to hope to recover the cost and profit?

"I don't understand very well, please ask President Pei for advice." Zhu Xiaoce was very modest.

After all, no matter how talented he is, he is just a senior.

In the face of President Pei's suggestions, I still have to listen.

Pei Qian considered for a moment and said, "The most important point of starting a business is to take a long-term view!"

确实 "Indeed, a video of just 5,000 yuan for Chahan looks very fragrant."

"As long as you do a little implantation in the next episode, and five thousand pieces are in hand, where can you find such a good thing in the world?"

但 "But you also have to consider that in order to implant this T-shirt, it is either stiff or you need to adjust the plot, can you still have the original effect of this show?"

"This is corrupting his reputation."

Pei Qian's expression was a bit distressed, as if foreseeing the consequences of the collapse of word of mouth.

下次 "Next time, what if you come to the right place with a cosmetic, shower gel, or shampoo? Creating for just the right way, how can you play your best?"

"If a large IP fails because of a lot of five thousand dollars, isn't it worth the loss?"

Zhu Zhuce was shocked.

Sure enough, as soon as President Pei opens his mouth, this vision is different!

My focus is on 5,000 yuan.

The focus of Pei's attention lies in the IP value of this series of short dramas!

This ... is it the difference in the pattern ...

Pei Qian paused, UU read the book and continued to say earnestly: "You and Huang Sibo, don't be under pressure!"

"It's just a million dollars, what if you lose it all?"

"That's all a minor problem!"

"If you want to do big things, you need to be short of everything. Either the fire or the reputation will be lost. Don't get too much money and the word of mouth collapses. That's the dumbest, understand?"

Zhu Xiaoce nodded fiercely: "Alright President Pei, I understand!"

Pei drank his mouth tea calmly and said meaningfully: "In this way, if you are willing to listen to me, you might as well set a standard for this series of videos."

"Ad placement? Too blunt, don't play with that."

"If you want to pick up, pick up high-end customization!"

"A just-for-money advertisement, 100,000 yuan! But it is not a sky-high price. Other video authors are brainless implants. You can do high-end customization."

"A short video, from the beginning to the end, under the premise of quality and quantity, all revolves around Jinzhu's products."

这样 "In this way, on the one hand, it guarantees the audience experience, on the other hand, it also ensures the effectiveness of advertising, and also keeps the word of mouth of the video, killing three birds with one stone."

Zhu Xiaoce's face was difficult: "But President Pei, this requirement is too high? It is not easy for someone to come to us for dinner, and we have to complete the video around this product with quality and quantity, this ..."

Pei Qian shook his head gently, sipped his tea, and looked at Zhu Xiaoce's eyes full of trust: "I believe in your talent, you must also believe in yourself."

Zhu Xiaoce opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Mr. Pei's eyes have explained everything!

"Good President Pei, I see!" Zhu Xiaoce focused his attention.

I sent Zhu Xiaoce away, and Pei Qian felt relieved.

Fortunately, everyone respects President Pei!

Short video monetization methods in this year are still very few, because video sites have not given incentive plans according to the amount of playback.

Video revenue can be roughly divided into several aspects.

One is to work with advertisers to implant or hard-broadcast in videos. This is a more traditional method, which is common in beauty and game areas.

Qiao Liang, who had previously made the "Lonely Desert Road" popular, mainly relied on this.

Another is to make your own peripherals, or to open an official online store, which can sell something.

This kind of upper limit and lower limit may be profitable for online stores, or it may be closed at a loss of light speed. The game's professional players retire, and they usually go this way.

Of course, there are some other ways to make money, but they are more nihilistic. The average video author does not need to consider it at all.

Like the general hope of writing web articles, people who watch piracy can be less, subscriptions can be higher, as for what sells copyright for millions of millions ...

That's all in the dream, everything in the dream.

However, Pei Qian finally fooled Zhu Xiaoce and let him temporarily give up this low-end meal.

This cut off 99% of the income of "Pei Daily"!

After all, find a video UP master to make a high-end custom video of 100,000 yuan. How much money can the rich master do so?

不好 Isn't it good to buy advertisements directly with video websites?

Thought of this, Pei Qian was relieved a lot.

Uh ...

Someone knocked on the door.

"Go in."

Pu Lu Mingliang entered the door.

"What's wrong?" Pei Qian asked.

的 The design draft of "Game Producer" was completed years ago, and Pei Qian has already made the decision. It is unlikely that there will be changes.

Artistic resources and the specific production process, Pei Qian is too lazy to care, after all, he is the boss, to personally grasp this kind of things at the executive level, it is unaware of the priority.

Now, "Pei's Daily" is an item that needs to be focused on guarding. It must be strictly guarded against death!

"Mr. Pei, it's a question about dubbing."

"Voiceover of the narration, I have found a few well-known voice actors in the country, and also tried to record a few paragraphs. Would you like to listen to one? I am a little bit confused." Lu Mingliang said.


Uh-huh, it seems that we should really care a little bit about dubbing.

全 "Game Producer" is about 8 hours in the whole game (the various choices are added together). The narration basically runs through the whole, and the total amount of text is added together, which is 40,000 to 50,000 words.

As for the dubbing, basically all cabbage prices are currently.

Counting 50,000 words, two or three thousand cheap dubbing, and at most tens of thousands of expensive dubbing.

For the cost of "Game Producer", it's just drizzle.

Of course, Pei Qian didn't care about saving money.

He is concerned about whether this narration can dissuade the player?

Of course, it would be permissible to pull someone with incomplete voice and leaky words from the street to dub, but this is obviously an illegal act.

I can only find one that is not so good among the many voice actors who can hear it.

Even if you look for it in ordinary people, at least you have to speak clearly and speak fluently, and you can't catch obvious problems by the system.

Lu Lu Mingliang has contacted a lot of dubbing on the resource station, and also recorded a sample, said a line in the game, and listened to Pei Qian.

Pei Qian opened one by one.

The first is Miss Ao Jiao.

Pei Qian did not hesitate in the slightest, decisively next.

This is absolutely not possible! You can't imagine how excited the group of otakus can hear this voice!

The second one is a gentle and pretty girl voice, with a charming attitude in the voice, which makes people listen to a numbness.

This is definitely not working! It is suitable for AMSR.

The third one is a male voice with no characteristics.

The fourth one is a slightly sharp male voice, with a narrow and thin voice and a husky smell of smoke.

Pei Qian hesitated a little between the third and fourth.

The third thing is that it is quite satisfactory and not very good.

But the feeling of ridicule may be a bit worse, similar to broadcasting news, and may not produce sufficient dismissal effect.

That's the fourth!

声音 This sound isn't too nice, even at first glance, it feels awkward and uncomfortable, and the slight sense of nails scratching the blackboard can help the player to play!

Moreover, I don't know why, there is always a feeling that Pei Qian wants to hang him when he hears more.

Players must feel the same way!

Since it is a game with abusive players as the top priority, the less vocal the sound is, the better!

Pei Qian clapper: "That's it, the voice is special enough."

Lu Luliang glanced at the audio file selected by President Pei.

Pei Qian for a moment.


"This person has a high asking price?"

"Or is it very full?"

"Add money!"

Pei Qian believes that most of the problems in the world that can be solved with money are not problems!

Especially in the area of ​​dubbing, dubbing actors are all doing hard work, the price is not high at all, and giving a few thousand dollars more, what can happen?

"No, President Pei, this is a sample voiceover we sent to them, hoping to tell the tone of these voice actors. This is my own recording ..."

"I also threw the audio files that I sent into this folder, and forgot to distinguish ..." Lu Mingliang said, scratching his head.

Pei Qian was aggressive.

Recalling now, it seems like the last dubbing, the environment is indeed a bit problematic. Although it is in a quiet environment, you can hear obvious noise, and obviously the recording equipment is not good.

Pei Qian looked at Xiao Lu: "You ... deserve it? This sound is not like you at all!"

Pu Lu Mingliang nodded: "Yes, I recorded it with my throat and made up my brain as a psychopathic demon ..."

"Mr. Pei, don't get me wrong. I did watch some European and American crime movies recently, but my personality is sound! My mind is healthy!"

"Mr. Pei, choose another one ..."

Pei Qian looked at Xiao Lu, his eyes brightened.

Limping, this is still a treasure boy!

"No, it's you! I need your original voice and this unique voice, no one except you!"

Pei Qian was determined: "I give you a lot of money for the voice actors, and I will leave it to you."

"But President Pei, we don't have any special recording equipment ..." Xiao Lu was even more aggressive.

Pei Qian waved his hand: "This is a thing? Isn't it enough to rent a recording studio? How much does it cost to rent an hour for the studio? Is it just two or three hundred?"

"Just rent for 300 an hour, find a high-end point, rent for three days that is 72 hours, 20,000 yuan. At that time, the dubbing teacher will be in charge of standing next to you and give you professional guidance!

"If three days are not enough, add more!"

"You can do whatever you want, rest when you are tired, and continue after rest. Anyway, you must guarantee the quality ~ ~ and take care of your body."

"Okay, that's it. Let's go to Assistant Xin."

Pei Qian has an expression of "this matter does not need to be discussed any more".

Lu Luliang scratched his hair, wondering what to say.

Should I thank President Pei for his trust, or should I say that this is too ridiculous? ?

But seeing Mr. Pei's firm eyes, Lu Mingliang didn't dare to say anything, so he nodded.

Get it!

Now, there is nothing to worry about here.

The original short video made Pei Qian feel like he was going to be cold. Now suddenly I feel that everything is still in my grasp!

"Game Producer" and Moyu Internet Cafe, the loss plan is very smooth.

Although "Pei Zong's Daily Life" has begun to gain popularity, Pei Qian cleverly blocked the path of Zhu Daoqihan.


Of course, don't take it lightly.

Pei Qian couldn't help but be sorrowful. You talk about this group of employees, why aren't they worrying one by one?

All are versatile? When recruiting, did you not see that you still have this talent?

I am fortunate to have a brother.

It's still Ma Yang. He definitely doesn't master any special skills!

Speaking of Ma Yang, touch the fish net cafe side, has begun renovations.

Because the restaurant was originally well-decorated, this time it was changed to Internet cafes to change the structure, so the time will not be too long, it will be almost half a month.

It is expected that the renovation will be completed around March 7th and 8th.

I have Ma Yang to take care of it, Pei Qian is more at ease.

After he finished preparing the Internet cafe, go and take a look. As long as the two people, Ma Yang and Zhang Yuan, do not give him moths, this Internet cafe must be properly compensated, and he did not run!

No. 24, Wednesday.

The design team met.

Pei Qian did not participate because the design draft has already been finalized and production has started. As the boss, Pei Qian cannot and does not need to continue to pay attention to these details.

During this time, Lu Mingliang almost took over all the work.

Although Huang Sibo suddenly gave up, oh no, it was just letting go, leaving everyone in a small mess, but fortunately, everyone was doing their job, and the design team structure did not change much, so they quickly re-entered On track.

At the same time, Lu Mingliang was busy and busy, and finally he gradually adapted to the task of implementing the main policy. Except that sometimes he was used to everything and was a bit unwilling to let go, other aspects were completely fine.

After Lu Zhen made the main strategy, Lu Mingliang found that this job was not as difficult as he thought.

After being tempered by "Fortress at Sea", this is already a very mature team. Lu Mingliang only needs to click on the working nodes, and everyone else is very conscious.

Lu Luliang suddenly felt a little emotional.

Does this mean that many people actually have that ability, but they don't sit in that position?

I used to work in the original company, and worked hard every day, working overtime to become a dog, but my ability was not improved at all, because all the repetitive labor was done.

He even thought that when he took over the position of implementing the main strategy, he was very worried about whether he could do well.

But after doing it for a while, I found that it didn't seem so difficult!

Now I think of it, the previous company's implementation of the main strategy to achieve qualifications and experience, is not necessarily necessary, it may just be a means of screening.

Maybe, is this the way of Pei's employment?

Lu Lu Mingming could not help feeling, and sure enough, this is often found in Maxima, but Bole is not often!

A good leader is to guide the potential and creativity of employees to the greatest extent. Those leaders who only know to squeeze employees will only turn employees into machines without thoughts, and the efficiency will only get lower and lower!

Thought of this, Lu Mingliang has a little more respect for President Pei.

Pu Lu Mingliang cleared his throat: "There are two things in the meeting today."

"The first thing is, I have to leave for a couple of days, to voice the" Game Producer ". Don't ask me why, I want to know ..."

Until now, Lu Mingliang did not understand the intention of Pei Qian to let him dub.

From all aspects, this is a decision that can be rewarded with deceiving behavior.

However, this decision is made by President Pei, and that is beyond doubt!

Others are also aggressive.

What the hell?

中 During the game development process, did the main strategy go to dub the game? ? ?

The whole audience was sluggish for a while.

Lu Mingliang continued: "The second thing, I hope everyone can read the lines of the game and do their own functions well. The connection with the guy Ruan Guangjian must be timely. If you ca n't solve the problem, you can Call me."

Pu Lu Mingliang simply explained the work.

The narration text in the game is not too much. If it is smooth, three days should be enough.

虽 Although these three days are short, time is also very precious. Lu Mingliang was afraid that everyone would be lazy, or if he encountered a problem and didn't know how to solve it, he repeatedly asked.

After Xu Luliang's explanation was over, everyone began to speak freely and discuss the details.

Because the design draft is already perfect, a small number of outstanding issues are quickly finalized.

Lu Lu Mingliang noticed that Lin Wan had been holding a paper version of the manuscript and was watching the narration of "Game Producer".

He was a little curious.

It depends on the lines ... shouldn't it be my voice actor?

Zhe Lin came to Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd. late for more than a month.

During this time, she was in charge of some small functions like others, and was responsible for her work, but because the work in charge was not particularly challenging, there was no sense of existence.

At this time, Lin Wan was repeatedly reading the narration lines of "Game Producer", and even the paper pages were a bit crumpled.

"I think ... I can probably understand a little bit of Mr. Pei's intentions." Lin Wan looked at Lu Mingliang late.

"Huh?" Lu Mingliang said for a moment, "You mean, let me go to voice over?"

Zhe Lin nodded late, her voice more and more firm: "Yes."

"Come on." Lu Mingliang was very interested.

He didn't understand why President Pei asked him to dub, worrying that he could not complete the task, which was a drag on the game.

So, there is always some 忐忑.

But after listening to Lin Wan's statement, is it possible that Pei has another deep meaning?

Zhe Lin turned the script lines and entered the analysis mode.

"I have to say, this time, President Pei's true intentions are deeply buried, so we didn't see it at the beginning."

"I also repeatedly read the narration modified by President Pei himself, and combined with the short video of" Pei Daily's Daily "I took recently, only vaguely guessed."

"I think, like" Pei's Everyday "," Game Producer "is a game with black humor and strong irony!"

"Look at these narration lines."

"Voiceover will always induce players to make some choices in the game production process ~ ~ Each choice seems to be the best and easiest choice for the moment."

"For example, in the selection of buyout charges and value-added service charges, the narration will induce players to choose value-added service charges."

"In the light and heavy choice, the narration will induce the player to choose the heavy choice."

"Among many styles of narration, the narration will induce players to carry out the most popular Q-style painting style ..."

"Every time, it seems reasonable, after all, the game company must guarantee profit, and these choices are conducive to profit."

"But what's the end result?"

"If you follow the narration exactly, word of mouth will collapse, players will scold you, and you will end up with nothing!"

"And the narration will ridicule you, as a boss, you do not understand the decision, the ears are soft, the narration lets you do whatever you want."

"Do you think failure is caused by narration? No, the narration is just a wrong suggestion, and you who are unable to distinguish are the first responsible person for the failure!"

"The addition of narration is precisely to magnify this sense of failure! This will make players feel uncomfortable, indeed."

因为 "Because it's naked reality and irony!"

为什么 "Why are there so many confusing and disgusting junk games in this world? It's simple, because those bosses have gone through the same journey!"

旁 "Voiceover, it's like the devil named 'greedy' in their hearts, leading them step by step in the wrong direction and eventually falling into the abyss!"

Lu Lu Mingliang nodded frequently.

Makes sense!

但是 "But ... why don't you follow the narration at all and fail? Is this also an irony?" A designer asked with a raised hand.

Gao Lin showed a confident smile lately: "You asked for an idea."

"In my opinion, this is the finishing touch of this game!"

那就 "That's ... knowing something is wrong doesn't mean you can succeed."

"Can you make a good game by restraining your inner greed, not forgetting your original heart, and driving yourself with your dreams?"

"There is an ending. The producer made the game too conscientiously, and did not consider the profit model of the game at all. As a result, many players only paid for nothing, and the game score was not low, but they could not fully recover the cost. Full support also makes it difficult to maintain expenses, and eventually quits the industry! "

"This is a hint that this industry is not an industry that uses love to generate electricity."

"With enthusiasm and conscience, you may not succeed!"

"It's cruel, but ... maybe that's the true picture of the gaming industry."

Zhe Lin was a little bit emotional: "In retrospect, now I was too naive."

"Fame and Fortune is not that easy, and our success has always been ... just because Pei is always taking us forward."

The words of Zhe Linwan made everyone a little silent.


During his time at Tengda, many people have some illusions.

I seem to deserve all this.

看看 But look at other game companies? Think about your previous work experience?

The reason why it seems effortless is because someone else is bearing these pressures for us!

That person is President Pei!

Recall that the game "Game Producer", from creativity to design, even to specific narration lines ... all have been carefully modified by President Pei.

其他 Others are just responsible for some implementation-level work.

If the game fails, Pei naturally takes the main responsibility for the failure.

如果 And if the game is successful, the credit belongs to everyone!

Looking at other bosses?

He usually ignores his work, and his name is "decentralization";

In the end, the project failed, and the first time was accountability and dumping. Anyone who is a boss will never be wrong.

Contrast this and judge!

Zhe Linwan continued: "So, it's very clear that President Pei arranged you to dub."

首先 "First of all, your objective conditions can be a guest voice."

其 "Second, your biggest advantage is that you understand the game!"

"Don't underestimate this, it's very important for voice acting!"

旁 "Voiceover, it can be seen as the greed and desire of the game maker's heart, and it is always tempting the game maker to take the evil path."

"It's not enough just to have a voice to get that feeling."

"You need to know these things in the gaming industry."

"You need to have a very deep understanding of the industry."

"You need to have a precise grasp of this inner greedy temptation!"

"And this is the feeling that ordinary voice actors can never match!"

Like a thunder, Lu Mingliang was suddenly alert.

That's it!

This is the deep meaning of President Pei making such an arrangement!

He quickly took the narration manuscript and quickly browsed.

Yeah, that's it!

No wonder Mr. Pei personally modified the lines of the narration, repeatedly modifying it several times.

It turned out to write this feeling better!

That's why I need to dub more affectionately!

Pu Lu brightly nodded.

"I understand."

"I will never disappoint President Pei's expectations!"

Uh ...

After the meeting, Lu Mingliang left the company and went to a best recording studio in Jingzhou to do the dubbing.

But Lin Wan returned to the work station and, after finishing the work, continued to watch the narration of "Game Producer".

发现 She found that every time I look, I have a different feeling!

游戏 "Game Producer" This game involves a large number of branches and endings. Every branch ending, it seems to be experiencing the life and death of a game company.

Some scenery is infinite.

I a little sadly left the field.

After bringing in his emotions, Lin Wan felt that his previous understanding of the game industry was still too superficial.

Originally, she thinks that games should bring happiness, so game companies should also make people happy.

But during her internship at Tianhuo Studio, she realized that domestic game companies are not what she imagined.

Ye Ke just when she was a little disappointed, Tenda appeared!

So she followed Tengda's steps without hesitation.

Of course, Lin Wan did not have a blind faith, but as an ordinary employee, slowly integrated into the working environment and tried to do some design in person.

From looking at mountains to mountains, to looking at mountains not to mountains, to looking at mountains or mountains ...

Lin Lin felt that she had benefited a lot!

Maybe no other game company in China can get such a harvest!

This also shows that Tenda is most likely a unique game company in China, not because it has more money but less money, but because of this quality!

But no matter how Lin Wan tried to figure it out, there was always a special halo in General Pei's body.


Every thing that Mr. Pei does seems to be unreasonable, but it can always be realized at the moment when the answer is revealed.

The most important thing is that the kind of indifference that Pei faced when facing money gave him an immortality.

This is the most precious thing!

"I've come to the right place."

"If I can understand President Pei's ideas one day, then I can also become a top game designer!"

Lin Lin made up his mind silently late.

Uh ...

Uh ...

March 3.

Bao Xu, who was a fan of dust, appeared at the door of Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd.

"So tired."

Xi Baoxu's face was slightly tanned.

Now he only has one expression, which is ...

Nyima is finally back!

The share of going out for a year has been overdrawn!

Originally a dead house, even the one with his **** left the chair for a minute was too much. He was forced by Pei Qian and waved outside for a month.

And the schedule is very compact every day, UU reading because there is a check-in task in the schedule prepared by Assistant Xin!

I arrived at a city, and there are sights to check in every morning and afternoon. After all the sights have been run back to the hotel, people are tired enough, so I still have the mood to play games online.

I'm so dead, it's finally a month.

Xi Baoxu returned to the company carrying a schoolbag, only one feeling, nostalgia!

Your Majesty will have this paid vacation next time, so I must let it go!

Whoever loves to go, I will never go!

As soon as Bao Xu came in, everyone noticed.

"Hey? Brother Bao is back!"

"Bao, you look much better."

"Slightly thinner, but seems to be a bit taller?"

"Jingqi is good, hairline seems to have recovered a lot!"

愣 Bao Xu stunned for a moment: "Oh, right?"

He threw his backpack on the desk and sat down on the gaming chair.

How comfortable!

I feel really, as if my physical condition has improved a lot.

This month, Bao Xu ran outside every day, and slight changes in his body were not noticed.

As soon as I came back, others reminded Bao Xu that he seemed to be more energetic.

Before Bao Xu was in an internet cafe, he often turned upside down day and night.

Eating, resting, daily routine ... all have big problems.

Although he is young, the impact of this life on physical health is still great.

I came to Tengda. Although I got to work on time and made some improvements, my body was still weak.

As a result of this month's running, I walked and basked in the sun, my daily routine was regular, my meal was fragrant, and my physical fitness improved a lot!

Xu Baoxu looked at Pei Qian's office: "Is Pei always there?"

"No, I haven't come in these two days." Lu Mingliang said.

Du Lu Mingliang, the dubbing has been completed.

录 The recording started on the 25th of last month, and the recording was intermittently completed on the 1st of this month. The efficiency is not fast, but it is also okay.

After all, Lu Mingliang is not a professional voice actor. Even if there is a voice teacher to guide him, a sentence often starts with NG dozens of times to be satisfied.

Now that the dubbing is complete, you can make the game with all your strength.

"Bao, I've sent you all the design documents for the new game. Can you see what else needs to be changed?"

Pu Luliang still respected Bao Xu.

After all, Bao Xuna is the creative source of "Sea Fortress". The company's ability to figure out Pei's intentions. Bao Xu said that second, no one dare to say first!

Bao Xu opens the document and browses it a little.

"It was all set by Mr. Pei himself, so I won't read it. It doesn't necessarily make sense."

Game design is still a taboo.

Everyone has their own ideas. Many times there is no absolute right or wrong. The key is that one person has the final say.

I heard that Bao Xuyi was the project that President Pei personally took care of, so it can't be wrong.

看 If you look at it and study hard, you are done. How can you pick a problem?

This is also Pei Qian's wishful thinking.

Games have started to be developed, and it is impossible for Bao Xu to intervene when he returns.

Bao Xu can't get started at work, he must be boring to play games.

In this way, the probability of success of the new game is one point smaller.

Plan through!

Uh ...

Sure enough, as Pei Qian expected.

Xu Baoxu flipped through the design draft and looked at the working status of others, and felt that the new game did not need its own help.

After that, he turned on the computer and started playing "Fortress at Sea".

I have n't played much games for a month, but I 'm broken!

As the saying goes, Xiaobie won't get married.

Bao Xu feels that the company is just heaven, and I don't want to go anywhere!

旭 Playing and playing, Bao Xu felt a little problem.

Feels like it's not so perfect?

A month ago, Bao Xu felt that the feel of "Sea Fortress" was perfect.

But after a month and then re-play, I have a new feeling.

"It just happened, let's optimize the" Ghost General "and" Sea Fortress "slightly."

Uh ...

Xi Baoxu took a notebook casually and recorded the content to be changed while playing.

连 Since the release of "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress", even a new version has not been updated.

玩家 Are there no comments from players?

Of course there is!

But ... Pei Qian couldn't hear it, so don't!

It has been almost four months since the release of "Ghost General", and one month has passed since the release of "Sea Fortress".

Some game makers that update faster, a new version last month, it is not without.

For a long time, a new version in three months is okay.

But the game is still making money, the heat is not low, and it earns a lot, but there are no updates for a whole four months, but it is unique!

Pei Qian didn't want to update the version at all.

Because these two games are a bit too hot!

Look at the sales of lifetime cards for "Ghost General", and look at the sales of Fire Unicorn in "Fortress at Sea" ...

According to the system requirements, when a new version is released, a new payment point must be obtained. You cannot throw money into it without making a profit.

Pei Qian estimated it and felt that there was a new payment point, and the players were dying again!

Therefore, I have been thinking about nothing and developing new games.

If you do n't update, you can reduce the heat of the game very well!

的 Others in the R & D team became busy dogs to produce "Game Producer", so naturally they didn't have time to care about these two stable and stable old games.

But ...

Xun Baoxu just had nothing to do!

If you can't get started with a new game, you can change the old game as much as you can.

Xi Baoxu first adjusted the feel of Sea Fortress again.

After a while, he opened "Ghost General" again.

Relatively speaking, the problem of "Ghost General" is actually much bigger than that of "Sea Fortress"!

Because "Fortress at Sea" was produced by Huang Sibo together with a group of designers. After repeated tests, the design is relatively mature.

And "Ghost General", Pei Qian took the ready-made template and moved it hard!

Many of the texts in the book are very detailed, and they were written by Ma Yang seriously (editor).

But the combat system also has some basic functions. There are some small flaws, because the template that Pei Qian bought was a failed project. Maybe there are no bugs, but there is plenty of room for optimization.

Of course, this impact is not great.

After all, it is a mobile game, the requirements of players are not so high, and it is not impossible to play, just make up.

Bao Xu played for a while, I feel that there are many small problems that can be repaired.

Then change it!

Soon, Bao Xu's small book was densely packed with amendments.

There is no new game content to make, so it is not an updated version, at best it is an optimization and repair.

Xu Baoxu looked at his little book.

"Well, in about three or four days, I should be able to change it."

"A hand!"

Uh ...

After three days.

的 Post "Ghost General".

Compared to some popular mobile games, the layout here is a bit messy.

Because the official does not manage this!

游戏 For games like "Q Meng Three Kingdoms", the official will cooperate with the post bar, the airborne bar, the main bar bar, and the staff will regularly post discussions.

But there is no such thing as "Ghost General"!

Is completely stocked.

Some people have run for it, but they are also very Buddhist, just seeing any illegal postings and advertisements deleted.

However, because there are more members, it is very lively.

Since a month or two ago, various complaints began to appear in the post of "Ghost General". Recently, it seems that there are more complaints.

"Can you still update the version ???"

"I have graduated for a long time N ... the rare cards are almost ready ~ ~ Can anyone tell me what else is available in this game ..."

"Envy" Q Meng Three Kingdoms ", update the version once every two months, and it's all in the middle and late period ..."

好 "It's annoying, other games are good. There is a long-term goal, you can recharge, this game is good, you can't recharge! What do you do if you don't seem to be pursuing anything?"

"For the first time I saw such a Buddha-like company, it stands to reason that" Ghost General "is on the top of the rankings. It should also make a lot of money. Why not update the version!"

"I'm not counting on you to play a new game, you can have a new general, or a new gold point!"

A lot of players who have not played "Ghost General", enter this post, there will be an illusion.

Isn't he wrong?

This is what a game sticker should look like!

Posts like "Q Meng Three Kingdoms", every day there are posts that scold game companies, designers, and event planning.

Activity money!

New content is not sincere!

I can't see this post one day, I wonder if the post has collapsed.

As a result, when I look at the "Ghost General" side, they are all reversed!

Players are eagerly looking forward to each other, hoping that "Ghost General" will quickly open new payment points!

Even the players talked about what kind of new payment points should be opened.

The most common suggestion is to sell a new military bag.

There are some other suggestions, such as starting some top-up recharge activities with a very low limit, such as a minimum charge of 1 yuan, a maximum of 50 yuan to get some special materials, and so on.

This kind of situation where players are eagerly looking forward to the official recharge point and the official ignores it, will only appear here in "Ghost General"!

Formed a unique landscape!

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