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VOL1: The Alex Saga

It was the day of harvest, sadly most of the harvested food was raided and stolen by other players (people who are more skilled on combat). We were defense less against raiders powerful enchanted armor and weapons. Me, Cristopher my friend, and the village chief John will hold an assembly to discuss our problems of our village. It will start at noon so on my spare time, I chopped some trees to help rebuild our village. I head to the nearest forest to get logs, On my way there I bought a Sword just a stone one. Nothing big but I was expecting an ambush or a trap from the raiders but I got around nice and alive. It was noon so quickly I got to the front of the chapel, the assembly just began. "Thank you all for attending our assembly, now there's a shit ton of problems on this village I whould like to get two to one volunteers to gather ore in the mine saft"said John I don't know what demon made me raise my hand but I don't regret it. Apparently no one would like to volunteer so I went alone. The next day I departed from the village at Daybreak .The mine shaft was very far so they gave me a horse and two llamas, at the afternoon I finally got to the mine shaft I started mining ores and supplies on first day I already hit Diamonds but growing in a village they like Emeralds more than Diamonds. So on my third week I made two and a half sets of Diamond armor and weapon half set for my self. The day after I noticed at night that all my chests we're full I planned to go back after day break but at morning one of my chests was stolen. I didn't expect that to happen, I was relieved that the food was the only items that was snatched .Regardless I was still upset but the food barrel is still full so I was good at noon I left the mine shaft and went to go back home to the village. On my way here I was not greeted by mobs of the gloaming night but On my way back it was getting dark, I was thinking to build an iron golem but my carved pumpkins we're stolen last night so I rushed to make a dirt but I was too late. The undead creeped and crippled, The spiders climbed and crawled, and the creepers hissed then BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! My dirt hut exploded and got obliterated by the creeper, I rushed to my horse, tied the Ilamas to me and raced rapidly I didn't know why I ran I got half Diamond set but I think I was just scared! Finally at midnight I reached the village. In a near distance I saw only hell. The farms we're burnt, the houses my home griefed, I saw lava on the chapel pouring down to the village and at that moment I faint. I woke up in a cave with my horse and llamas but I was still on utter disbelief so I climb the cave and pulled out my friend animals and realize I just fell in the case and it was just a nightmare. I started laughing I got back safely to the village. I left the supplies for the blacksmith to smelt and cast, I went back to my house to cook launch for myself. While cooking I was still thinking about the nightmare that night or it was a sign of some thing my life will change for ever. Think too much I burnt my potatoes I thought that was Unbelievable and Impossible but it happened so I cooked another potato and cooked it perfectly and ate it like a country kid.

It was the afternoon that I got a visit from the chief " John " and my friend Cristopher, they gave me a book and ask me to read it. It was a book written by Alex, I thought it was a nickname of a Guy. They also thought that too but As I started reading the book, It said a plan of raiding the village and total enslavement I was sat there thinking. I suggested that to summon Iron golems and craft some weapons."We can make Weapons but on the iron golem" Said Cristopher, " we ran out of stock on pumkins" John mumbled. I didn't know what to do but It said in the book that it will be on midnight but they didn't say it was this midnight so I said "the book didn't have an exact time of attack only they said midnight but with no date so we'll just up our defenses on wolves and weapons". they look at me and said John " this might be the last time we see each other this night there is a high possible chance that the attack will be this mid night given that wondering traders saw a small squadrons of players at near south and far west and east". I said "armor the men and let the women and children fled to the neighboring town city of Yōgan for shelter we men will face of the raider" I felt nervous but excited at the same time but mostly nervousness. They agreed to my proposal so they went out to prepare the horses, Llamas, and other transport animals. The chief is actually my little brother he became the chief under the approval of myself. It was a long tale of why I didn't want to be chief of our village. It was sunset that the women and children felt to the city, the chief sent teams of two to scout the squadrons after a while they came back reporting that they were only 4 raider in each far west and east but there were 6 on the near south. They reported to have crossbows, lava buckets and diamond armor and weapons. At this point Cristopher was freaking out, I proposed a plan to the warriors, most of them agreed but it will all go down in faith. Time passed and the raiders we're entering the village they all surrounded the village sneaking in wards to the village the midnight eye stares as the unexpected silence resumed. As the raiders sneak around and inwards to the village they encounter no one from the rooftops to the houses no one. Finally they saw a glowing light near the gloomy bridge. As they regroup there numbers have decreased losing four members, but still having no sign of people. The raiders slit there numbers and half heads to see the light near the bridge, "it was just a distraction" they said as they saw a glowstone on the ground. They regroup have only four left of there previous numbers they regroup near the water well and then utter shock they saw there fellow raiders under the wide dry well, tied and mouth covered one of the raiders screamed that some on pinch there leg then on surprise the village warrior we're under the dirt blocks capturing sneaking raiders and pulling them from underground. As the villagers reveal there hiding spots they were out numbered there were four of them and eight of us we were a small village but we're smart but they were as smart there were two other people on the top of our houses it was all a hard battle it ended with a draw lossing two of our men in battle. Most of the Village were burnt out by lava my sole memory of that night was they hold an emblem of a red creeper imbedded on there left palm. we camped outside the village to recover and will be departing to the city of Yōgan. Decided to explore the village to find some food before we leave I was walking under the bridge and I saw a sleeping wounded girl under the bridge. I thought she was cute until I saw the emblem of the raiders " red creeper " I tied her up and there she woke up with an empathetic look on her face. " ooooh I like your hair but is it blonde or red " I creepily said from there she sreamed!!

I didn't care but she's annoying me so I just covered her mouth so shi'll shit up but she bit me, she's absolutely a player and awfully moves to much. I didn't want to knock her out so I told her to shut up because it was really annoying me I didn't want to hit a girl but I have to so I did. I brought her to camp and on time they were already prepared to leave the village. " Steve what do you got there? Hurry up I got to show you some thing Important! " John shouted, I ran towards him the girl might be banging on my back but I didn't really care but I am curious for who is she. " what is that " John said " I found her under the bridge get the cleric so she would be treated keep her tied she might woke up knowing that she's a Red Creeper member she might be dangerous. Anyways what's so important? " Steve replied as he gave the girl to the cleric. " The council of Kitsune Kingdom sent a letter and I couldn't understand the language they use, I think they used the International Noble language, I think " said John " You mean to tell the enchanting table language or enchanted language " Steve replied with a frown face. " Let's just talk on the way there, Cristopher! let Harold. The blacksmith to get the mounts moving we're ready to leave. " John yelled loudly, we got on movi'n. As we walk through the high oak forest I read the letter that was sent to us my the council ( the council is the one that is responsible for protecting the kingdom but they have little power compared to the high council they are the ones that are responsible for the protection of the royal family ). The council said that we are requested to move the village next to the city of Yōgan for better defense that they might wanting something or someone out of interest from the village. As I read the letter I think my soul was rising to the heavens As I read this. I'm thinking of how could we move the whole village. We stopped for to eat lunch, after eating I wrote letter to send to the council. I Requested a group of Players to Help salvage the village's remains but I also refused about the request on moving the village net Yōgan I thought the council had gone mad. I strapped a written letter to transport Parrot and sent it to the council. Eventually It got dark and We arrived to Yōgan. We arrived near the gates of Yōgan, we got In with relief Immediately I and the chief ,John were called to by the City major we tasked the others to the find our fellow villager that fled here in Yōgan. We were escorted by four Noble guard, I'm suspecting that this may be about the council's request. We arrived to the City hall was escorted in the meeting hall in City hall we waited. Eventually the mayor and a council member arrived, my suspicions were right. " Good day gentle men please take a seat. I'm Henry the mayor of Yōgan also this is Council Officer Alexander he would like to speak with you " said Henry, " I know that both of you are aware of the council request of rebuilding or moving the village near Yōgan but I see that you rejected this request, why exactly? " Alexander questions us As John looked at me with a blank face. " we would like to stay In the same location of Midoriiro village our village " I replied. " the Fox Kingdom or you commoners nicknamed Kitsune kingdom, is under war with the neighboring The Creeper Kingdom are moving East and Raiding the Villages near the West borders of our Kingdom. The Red Creepers there the Rejiment that we're sent near the border to scout the west province of Moeru. We are needing to garrison in your Midoriiri So we can fend of the Raiders." Alexander Explained. I still agreed to there request of needing a garrison but in one condition that I together with Johnand Cristopher will be joining the Rejiment with a high authority that will garrison in the village. They agreed to my request, John questioned will the village be rebuild and reoccupied. Gladly yes after the battle. We were about to leave but Alexander questioned us of a girl that we may have seen, he showed a picture of a girl she was very familiar. She looked similar to the woman I found under the bridges but younger. Then she said it was took 4 years ago It's certain. It was her, they explained that she was one of the Battalion lieutenant colonel, I was stunned I stud with shock. " Is there a problem gentle men? " Henry asked, " This person I got her tied up with the cleric! " I Said with high tone of pitch, " Not to worry we already know that's we sent Noble Knights in the Nishiyama Inn were your village members are currently staying" Alexander replied, " we should make her hostage for to the rejiment to surrender " John suggested they agreed to John suggestion but we're the ones who will take hostage of her so for the time being were bady sitting.

When we finally arrived we saw a small flock of people in front of the Inn. I got curious and investigated I saw the two Nobel knight knock Out dead asleep I noticed that ther both mising there diamond swords. " John! The Noble Knights are knocked out Call back Up from Alexander! " I yelled loadly, John Ran back to the City hall as I Go in to investigate Everybody was except for the cleric he got knocked out sleepi'n. I got to the Black Smith and got two Iron Axes, a diamond Sword, including a lead. I rushed out and climbed to the roof of the Building to get a greater angle, I got there and I looked around and got a glimpse her running with two flashy Diamond swords. I drank a jump boost potion so I jump houses to buildings I leapt to the direction she went to I saw Johnand signal him to follow me. I stopped at the roof of one of the houses in city and saw her near by she was under battle with the the noble guards I climb down rushing! I ran towards her and the guards " move away from the red head! " I shouted as I tie my axe to a lead Then I shout again as I ran towards them " freaking! Move away from the red head!!! " Galadly they moved away from her then I threw my axe, the lead got a grip of her and she fell over I got to them And got her sword and pointed it at her.

" your to easy to catch..... What's your name and I might spare you " I started, " I'm Alex what do you want I'm just an innocent Girl " She responds. " You keep your lies for your self lieutenant colonel Alex ". I laughed and carried her and pass her to one of the guards I told the guards to accompany her to the Inn where we were staying. " make sure she's tied up tightly " . I was walking towards one of the canteen to pick up food for the villagers I saw Alexander and John walking towards me. " where is she ! " Alexander yelled " I tied her up and sent the guards to accompany her to the Inn why are you here Why not sent some other dude " I questioned him with a perfect smirk on my face " I'm more hands on, in this types of problems " Alexander replied, " seriously we need Elites to guards this girl! seriously. " We talked for a bit in the canteen and after a while we got back to the Inn. Alexander sent four Royal Guards to the inn. Personally I guarded Alex for extra protection, there are nights that she tried to kill me but didn't succeed.

Few Week past, I, Alexander, Alex, Cristopher, and John together With the Military Rejiment marched to the villages and built a camp garrison there. Alexander decicded to build the Garrison inside the Village since We're surrounded by Mountains It takes half a day to navigate through the mountains without a local of the area to help navigate. So We prepare for battle I slept early as the guys talk."Once ago our world we're just a endless void and one person, he was the God we know today as Notch. He created the oceans first he then dropped a bags full of potatoes and created Mountains, Hills, Island small and big, and plants for them to grow on. The state of the potato was what represents the biomes cold potatoes create cold biomes, cooked or hot potatoes create hot biomes, molded potatoes broke down into pieces and created the mushroom Islands. He created a world was entirely made of cubes as he sees on his self blocks stacked and created. He made the first man named Herobrine he created the man to be the ruler of man kind but he was no normal mortal he was given the power of destruction and the mind of creation, he then created more of his kind but mostly he created a longed nosed men and women with professions to keep the balance on his world. Herobrine created the tools of creation and destruction. Then he created a item that cloned him and created a man of his research. He is a man that will live forever by reincarnation, Notch was angered that herobrine creations will live by respawning by reincarnation, he struck him with Tunder and blinded Herobrine. Herobrine sweared to get revenge on his world. Notch created a woman for the man the man to be with, he gave the man whom Herobrine created the strength of a thousand men. And gave the woman the power of reincarnation and eternal beauty. He task the two with two tasks to create civilization as we call today the players and protect the world of his creation from the wrath of Herobrine. He fled to the clouds him to rest, as he watch Herobrine creating monsters and his own two dimensions aiming to ravage his predecessor's world but he fell short by the man's rise that he forged. As Time Herobrine obtained Immortality, he watches over his creation. Legend said the, that the great creation of Herobrine was reincarnated today to face of the Trinity ten that was created by Herobrine and was led by him, Null, and Entity Three Zero Three his great successors " . Cristopher tells this story as they eat around the camp fire. " Don't you think Herobrine Is really real "Harold asked, " The Urban legend Herobrine is just a Legend made by the art of fiction of literature" Alexander replied. John remained silent until " There isn't such thing as Impossible if just believe. Anyways Steve Is already sleeping with that Orange, Red head chick what ever, we should go to our tents and sleep the night" John stated, " Do you think Steve is getting to clingy with our prisoner? " Harold questions. "She mentioned that she was the Girlfriend of the Brigadier of his Rejiments and We are trying to get her trust so we'll get thing planned. Any way who are you any way? " Alexander said and asked, " I'm Harold the village blacksmith and also a player. That might be hard to get her trust it's better to be more brutal so we can get more info, well I'll be sleeping now see you tomorrow. Good dreams! Guys " stated Harold as he enters his tent. The others followed and got to there tents and slept.

The next day, I woke up early to scout the Red creeper battalion that are in March forward to our Rejiment, It went well. I came back nice and sound but there is still bad news. I went to Alexander and reported. " Alexander, You said that It was a battlion bad news it's a giant Brigade q the Brigadier naming the number into four thousand men mostly it was archers protectected with a tight shield wall and a large number of heavy cavalry it's twice of our numbers " I Reported to Alexander " That It's ok if the Brigadier Still have interest to the girl of not we get help from the Rejiment Camped Eleven kilometers East, Steve see I don't really now why I really trust you but it seem I do. There some thing about you Steve." He stated, " You sound like a Bitch Alexander wanting something anyways thank you. You are my friend anyway I think you would like to ask a request? " I questioned. " I want you to send this to Brigadier of the enemy forces ". I got the letter, I left as soon as possible. " Well you are the man from the story of Creation "Alexander mumble as I left his tent and went out to the enemy camp and gave to one of the cavalry that escorted me in and out Of the camp. I got back safely. The next day the royal family sent the youngest prince to lead our forces to battle. So during the afternoon they marched towards the enemy forces I'm said to camp near the battle field in the forest to keep the hostage closer for further negotiations I'm still a rookie but still Alexander trusted some with this so I'll do my best. I was told to look out for a red or green firework to launch indicating green of plan A and red for B. So I waited a for a few minutes, I heard yelling from a distance and a giant trembling like a massive infantry we're charging towards the opposite army. Then I saw the Red firework, I see that they have failed with the negotiations I called a squad of elite heavy cavalry I signaled Alexander with a orange banner above the oak trees. I tied up Alex, She was knocked out I let her drink water with a little potion of nausea. As I waited for the heavy cavalry to come, I watch the battle from distant view above the trees I it was a battle of archers as the enemy shield wall advances towards our forces. A few minutes flew by and the heavy cavalry I requested, I got on one of the horses and we rode around the battle field to attack the infantry reserves we succeeded on the attack but we were stopped by the brigadier and the general's noble guards we were out numbered two to one but I reach to my back since she was behind me. I woke her up and pointed a sword on her throat, " we will be in a leave now " I started, I thought he would back down instead he pulled out a bow and tried to shot Alex, I was triggered I block the arrow with my hand, It hurts but We still need to get gowi'n back and regroup. " Men! Charge towards the archers! " I yelled as we rode back, I gave a shield to Alex so she could protect herself. As we got there we killed a few archers before we got to more kills the heavy cavalry saw us and charged towards us. Then mid battle I got an Idea I took a banner that simpoliezed attack from the flagsmen As we rode attracting the heavy cavalry I raised the banner, I distracted the Cavalry weakening the support on the shield wall, I think Alexander responded to the banner and saw cause he charge in the heavy cavalry and resuerved Infantry support our advancing shield, half an hour later we lost the heavy cavalry they went back to the battlefield. An hour later I got back to Alexander's side. The Prince charged towards the battlefield with his five Royal Cavalry. It was still time before night but It suddenly became dark and a flash of Tunder struck the battlefield, suddenly a massive trembling It was like an earthquake. One of the scout horsemen that the Prince sent Reported to Alexander that A massive ravine was made wiping out the whole enemy Infantry and some of the the enemy cavalry including the front lines of our shield wall and some of our cavalry

He also reported to have spotted a dark figure with glowing white eyes levitating above the ravine in the middle of the battlefield. " Alexander did you know the Zero to Four Genesis of Herobrine. I think That was similar to the description of Null, the Genesis of Zero. order the men to retreat! Alexander!" I yelled, " Men follow me! " Alexander Shouted. When we got there Alex handed me a bell so I rang it to get everyone's attention. " Men retreat! " some of our men retreated some fell to the spell of nulls telepathy of hypnotism. I asked the prince to retreat and so they did I saw the scaring eyes of nulls, I was scared We fall back, I was scared for what was to come.

" You know Alexander, This is my first time in battle of war but if I die as my final request please restore my village " I stated as we retreat with the Army, " Steve your Left eye is glowing White " Alexander mentioned, I was starting go Nauseous and Dizzy I untied Alex and knocked her out for some purposes like she might escape, I pass her to Alexander I was getting very dizzy and just before I knew it I lost conscious. Then all of a sudden I woke up in a cave I walk through the cave It seems to feel like It was walking for eternity in this cave. As I saw the end of this spacious cave I come upon a Clear Crystal like block. Is stop intront of the of the cube, I walk around if I can find any exit but I found nothing then I took another look on the Crystal. I saw my reflection all typical and nothing out of the ordinary until My reflection of my eyes was glowing, my reflection smiled at me with a sinister look upon his clear white glowing eyes. Then the reflection I saw hammered his body and smashed the Crystal I was clueless but I do know one thing, I didn't smashed the Crystal. From the pieces of Diamonds and Crystals laying around emerged an entity with a similar to my typical everyday outfit. Sky blue shirt, Purple blue pants, and my everyday shoes but he had glowing white eyes. I pulled out a OP enchanted Diamond sword. I've never even held a power so great I slashed it to the point that a normal person must have died from. But It didn't even took a heart away, stood high and mighty he raises his arm to his side and a crafting grid appeared, and crafted a Iron pickaxe as he finished I slashed him again it didn't faced him at all the whole time his face remained blank compared to the sinister look he had in the Crystal. He looks at me and slashed his Pick at my face!!! it created trembled of lightning!! and I woke from a bad dream.... I looked around, It seems that I'm in a room but It looks.... should I say, It looked like it was owned by her Majesty the Queen. A moment later I reached into my inventory that was in my bag beside the bed I was in and found my Diamond Sword I held it under the blanket the door handle slightly turned and I quickly pretended sleeping from what Position I saw in when I woke up. It was a girls voice I heard so I presume that it was a girl that entered the room. She pulled out one of my hand, luckily she started where my sword is not there. She started wipping my arm with this warm towel. "Ooooooh your so cute I was very lucky to take care of you.... Huh..... It has been 3 week since the incedent happened It was horribly funny anyways I should finish this so I can wash the dishes " She mumbled to her self as she wipes my hand she then covered my arm she moves to my other hand and sat down to the chair next to the bed. Suddenly I pulled out my sword and pointed it near her neck, " Hello I'm Steve you might know who am I know for the past three weeks so answer this and you may survive " I stated with a grim and hard face. She started to panic as soon as She took a deep breath I got a pillow and shoved it into her mouth before she screams, as I slowly remove the pillow I said " Who are you and where are we, answer! " he froze for a while and started to get red, " We are in Grant Tnt Royal Castle in the Creeper kingdom capital Nuke " She replied, I put down my sword. " Sir your left is glowing white". She stated. Suddenly I was hit by a painful headache, It was scaring this flashback and very little memories keep coming up to me like I save the two armies in one mare second, I was hit by multiple lightning bolts from the hands of Null but didn't die, and I remembered that Null was struck by hundreds of tnt mid battle. Minutes after the headaches stopped and decided to nap, an hour had I woke up as I presume. I stood and changed my outfit and I saw the girl was also napping in her chairs I took my sword that he held on her hand and the bag beside the bed. I carried her to the bed and let her nap for a while on the bed. I left the Castle from the window and eminently I was treated by a raid warning bell signal. I had no clue what would happen I ran down the roof and jumped from the ground up and started to ran around there was many people in the place I landed on so I reached to my pocket to get a leaping potion, I quickly drank the potion and leaped to one of the tallest houses to scan the area There was five massive layers of walls all around the city every boundary of the walls have a district that is a part of a city. I was quickly founded by enemy guard and started chasing me. And I saw a knight again she has on full Gold armor, I was laughing at his armor seeing gold is the weakest of the bunch. I put out my pickaxe to knock down the guards back down the ground with out wounding them. I was chased by the knight, it took a while but eventually I got to the second inner layer of the wall immediately I was greeted by bowmen all around me, I was ambushed. The knight came up to me and punched in the face and I..... Woke up back in the bed that I was in, there was this sinister feel that wasn't there before " I see you have woken up, well in this parts of minecrqft you might know me as 303, the new herobrine, or nightmare but really I'm just a simple player I really envy your father or noooyour his clone so your practically twins ( from the shadows a player moves forward he had a white hoodie on with the hood on he had pitch black skin and with bright red eyes ) I'll be seeing you around brother of notch and hero..." he teleported, I didn't know who that was suddenly the lamps turned on I didn't realize that the lights was shut. Suddenly a guy went in.... It was Alexander went in the room. " Dude wear we need to get out of here " I said he walks up to me and flicked his fingers on to my forehead, " what are you doing in a middle of celebration of the Creeper and Fox alliance party you ran and made a racket. " he said, " I was like trapped here with this maid girl in this... " "amazing bedroom we're going to be a guest in the alliance grand banquet " he said to me with a high pitch. " so explain to me why I was sleeping for 3 week in this bed " I stated. " perhaps I can explain I was talking about The princesses pet baby slime Ralph, you see Ralph fell at the mini pond in the garden and made the water into smile blocks and he shrinked horribly but still cute he was pocket sized " the Maid said as she enters the room, " you so powerful and clever in a way that your dumb you were just sleeping just 2 days! " Alexander said. He gave me a flashy and suit to wear I got to the bathroom to change I heard them talking, It looked like Alexander was explaining what truly happened during the war. I fell down on my horse Alexander got back to be to carry me but he saw a person beside me that look really identical to my face body and looks but with bright white eyes, the guy pulled out his iron pickaxe and pointed it upwards he said and flashes of tnt fell to the ground but just before they explode the soldiers has teleported to the near forest he describe it to be an epic battle between null and this unknown person but after the battle the enemy cavalry thought that I was the one on the fight so they brought me here. I dressed up and think to my self " am I the brother of notch and herobrine? " I stopped on eavesdropping and went out " I look like I'm going to a hentai office shit "I said, they both laughed " You look fine now you need to pick out a girl for a dance before the banquet now here (he gave me a mask) that may suit your look I also have a mask, Yes It's masquerade party " He replied, " Thanks, anyway miss maiden what's you name " I said slowly. " I'm sorry my name is Sophia, I Will be Your assistants until you left the capital. Why do you ask do you want a dance with me ? " She said to me, " Yes, but as a maiden of this Castle I see that you have to much work to do so ,No maybe next time Sophia " I said to her then she bowed and got to the banquet table to prepare the food. I and Alexander walked out to the back door of the kitchen to pick up Cristopher and John, to go to the Royal banquet together. We were continually being Judged by our social status but even more I can't believe that the Royal council will agree on a truce and an alliance with the kingdom who destroyed most of the villages in the province of moeru. The dance was beginning, I didn't want to dance with Nobles or Royals so I went to the balcony to wait for the Dance to end. I decided to get a better view of the city so I could draw a map so I climb to the roof I sat under the window of what it seems to be an empty room, fifteen minutes pass by and I almost finished the second half of the map but I suddenly heard a scream. I look around nothing so I peaked into the room and a Guy with a lead converted into a whip, He was facing towards a girl with a mask similar to mine. I got exited and sat inside on the window hilariously they didn't noticed me I stood under the shadows so in the right time, " Really your the gonna beat the shit out of that girl, She already looks crap because of you. ( The man looks around ) Ohhhhhh, forgive me I'm just a Commoner (as I stepped out of the shadows ) don't mean to interrupt .Anyways you look rich so why not use a real whip? " I questioned him as I reveal my self from the shadows. " This is none of your business ( He face towards me and pulls out a knife ) get out of here ". He said to me, treating me to leave " Ohhh, see you have a knife back here in by inventory I have a present Wait for a sec ( Pulls out a sword ) Put down the knife " I said, he slowly put down his knife and raises his arms pulled the lead out of his arm and tied his arms to his legs and wrote a written letter as I drag him to the top of the roof and left him there with the written letter with a copy of the signature of one of the guests royal council men. I unmusked my self and untied the girl then after I untied her suddenly she bowed down on her knees " Forgive me Steve... " she looked at me revealing her self. I was shocked and angered it was Alex the one that burnt our village, I slap back her mask and dragged her to the restroom, " Clean your self you'll be attending the Royal banquet Also tomorrow you will be visiting to our village and visit the two fallen villager your men killed, remember we just immobilized your men " She nodded to me as I started that to her.

An Hour later, just before the royal banquet My name was called upon the two Kings of both kingdom. I Walk on the red carpet towards the Kings I kneed, " We Knight you as Sir.Steve, the guardian of The five nation borders. " The Pair Kings stated, Apparently the war is between five nations It's just that the four other nations Included the Creeper kingdom was just ganging up on the fox kingdom but failed and made a truce and allied negotiations. The banquet lasted until midnight I kept a sharp eye on Alex, but since I was named knight of the highest form I had fun for a bit because I left my bag in the on top on the window I was In. I sent a butler to fetch my bag, he got back and gave me my backpack with the letter I made I said to take it to the Alexander. As soon as I knew it the guy earlier was locked in the dungeon, apparently that man was the brigadier than was demoted with The lieutenant Colonel (Alex). It was a interesting night but I'm still feeling something sketchy about the title I was given. I thought it was too good and don't have a prince, but I still I didn't really deserve this. Since It was A guy that look exactly like me who really made this title but They described the guy to be just like me, it was like I was sleep walking with glowing eyes. But I didn't think about it too much I just enjoyed the night.

The Next day, I planned to meet Alex in the market to learn more about her and I also planned to eat some lasagna for lunch. John told me to not meet up with her that it might cause something bad in the village, still I was angry about death of two of our men but still I'm forgiving. About half an hour of waiting and eating for the most parts, Alex came I was surprised I though she will never get here. We looked around and talk a bit I discovered that she was adopted by a nobles man, she was harassed by her step family and ever her Boyfriend. Still I felt sorry, we talk and I learned more and more about her I even learned that she's a shy individual. " Why do you look happy with me? I am the one responsible for the deaths of two of your friends how can you forgive me (sobs) " she asked me as she sobs, " if you ever ask me ' whats true key to happiness is ' I would say it's letting go, You see the past may hurt but pain is the reality on learning after learning you let go if you keep the pain it will kill you or someone else so the key to happiness is letting go. Now we'll be leaving from here and back to our village now first thing you visit the graves and the families who died on battle I have visit church in some part of shit prayer for the one's I have slain in war " I started She nodded and I picked up her baggage in her home in there I was greeted with a scary glare from her step family when I left the house with her small baggage I heard cheering I arrived in the spot we're we will be waiting for the carriage that will be accompanying us back to our village I over heard Alexander, John, and Cristopher talking. " Why did you think he will forgive this girl mean… really? " Alexander questions, " You see if you really know him that guy is very vulgar and could be cold but he has this thing. His very forgiving and loving person but he doesn't show that kind of stuff because he like being extreme on things to show his dominant " John replied. I wonder who are they talking about. I stepped out, " We should really be going look the carriage is here, let's go bitches! " I stated we all slept the say there but Alex was mostly just reading things half way there I called the the coachman to stop the carriage He did and I stepped out and talk to him, " Coachman I would like you to go In the carriage I will be driving anyways what will your name be? "I questioned he answered me and I soon discovered that his name was Frince I saphacked his hand and he entered the carriage be were just basically following a dirt path so it would be easy, and easier knowing that he had a map book in his carriage. About two hours later we arrived in the village I see they built some small tents around and in the village for the people who lost there homes. I'm really glad they are all working together as one we arrived and I opened the back door where the guys were in all them were sleeping including Alex. Not gonna lie but they looked bunch of drunk idiots, " TNT!!! ( trows in fussed tnt) TNT! Run! Run! " I shouted, They all ran out with expected a explosion then BOOM I said it was dud. They really looked like they were drunk the night before people like Cristopher had a perfect white of dry saliva, Alexander and John had this rocks of gound or mucus on there eyes, Frince made a flat face on the way out, and Alex still looks cute like all cute girls be. I was laughing I think there gonna hate me for the day.

The next day It was short one but it was cool he had some toast for breakfast and just after breakfast Alex and I visited the village grave yard to visit my friend he made small prayers. She then went to the families of my friends alone because I was needed by Alexander who was made in charge of the reconstruction of the village. I was sad I didn't get to go with Alex because Cristopher described it to be funnily scaring He said that she went on her knees to get forgiveness he also said to me that someone said that it was traditional to kneel down to get adequate forgiveness and sympathy I thought it was funny but I like the idea. But in the end Alex was forgiven, I tried to skip lunch because Alexander made beetroot soup but the escape plan didn't worked out as planned the rest of the afternoon we just helped out for on rebuilding the village it wasn't that eventful but the villagers was getting used to Alex and forgave her. On dinner I think was the most fun we had roasted chicken and some baked potatoes he like talked and shouted while playing truth or dare we had fun pretty iconic and dumb seeing were all adults. But the next day was more that enough to change my life.

The next day. Day 2, Harold went to my tent " Good Morning, Steve " He said and while I have my go tea Milk in a bucket with melted chocolate. " Good morning, Harold I said what's up? " I replied. " There are eight men Searching for you, I think he wants to talk to you about thing " I stepped out of my tent and literally there were right people near the well. I talked them for a bit and told them to wait in the village committee tent while I take a bath I didn't want to smell bad while in my PJs so ten minutes later. I went to the committee tent " Hello John, ummmmm Good morning gentlemen ( I sat down ) So what seems to be the problem " I asked basically four men was interviewing me about the war incident and I turned it down simply I didn't want to be in noble newspaper being judged to be a powerful being but really I'm not the other two was the village two mile away that they were needed to there village and merge the two villages so I brought them to John and The last one wanted to talk to me personally so he waited for me outside to finish my conversation with the guy before him, The guy had one large chest full to the brim with girl cloths, accessories, and small cunks of emerald. " Here ( hand me a letter ) Give this to Alex you will be given complete prostitution on Alex and I will give you thirty two blocks If Emeralds for accepting our favour, ( I got mad I thought it was insane I was ready to swing a axe on his neck but I wanted to contiewhat his saying so I nodded ) This is actually from her previous owner that made her lieutenant colonel the brigadier of the east creeper kingdom perimeter ohh he also wanted me to give you this " He said to me.... " tell me ( I brought out a axe and point it the sharp side on his neck ) why should I not swing this axe on your neck ", " Well You see ( he was shaking ) I'm just a message and she will not any more be hurt and be used depending on your actions " He replied to my question. I was really mad that I trew the axe making a hole on the tent he was still shaking. I reached to one of the drawers and got an envelope, pieces of paper and a red candle " So ( I sat down ) tell me long did Alex became a fucking prostitute " I said while I write a letter " Just two days ago Sir. " he replied " take this to your master or who ever. ( gets the signing paper and signed it ) now fuck off! ". He left then I remembered that there were a person waiting for me out side " The last one please ", " That went wrong didn't it " he replied " Yes, It did what do you want? " I asked. " The Fox council will be wanting your assistance on some tasked you be paid ten blocks of Diamonds monthly salary. Here ( hands me a letter ) the full discription of your task you will be investigating the Cromel Noble Family of The creeper kingdom " he stated " but that's the step family of Alex our visitor, don't tell me this is just a shit nightmare " I replied " Apparently not, but you will be given six months of preparation until then train on your combat skills or find your self a instructor " he said and left It was a crazy and unrealistic day I brought the chest and the letter to Alex's tent she wasn't there so I left the her things in her tent and slept for a while in my tent. In the river while Alex was tacking a bath. Unknown Speaker- " Make sure that you bring him to me Alex.... " Alex-

" Why should I do this master he is an innocent man " Unknown Speaker- " That man is the one that imprisoned your betrothed now he wouldn't give us cash you will do what I say ( strangles Alex ) " Alex- " Yes Master please don't punish me.... ". Two hours later, " Steve? Steve? " John yells " What!? do you want " I asked, " Yeah it's an bad day for you I know but there is a wondering trader outside his selling Ice creams if you like some.... " He replied. I went out and bought some to Cool off a little I was trying to think things through I wanted to use some combat mechanics book on the library luckily the Library didn't burnt down the borrowed a book on combat written Bruce. I didn't know who that is. I finished my ice cream and went in to my tent to read the book the book was about different fighting styles like how to use Sythes, Battle Axes, Sabers, Crossbows and more the next chapter was the arm by arm combat and the other chapters focus more on battle enchantments I read it all day and quickly forgetting the bad day I had for hours later I finished the entire book. It was five hundred pages it also taught me how to smith and craft weapons It was midnight when I finished the book I came out and saw Alex crying sitting on the bench tables I sat down next to her, " What seems to be the problem Alex? ", " I don't understand why are my family doing this to me, this whole prostitution and things at first they still treat me at one of there own buy why are they.... Why!? " she sobs on my shoulder as I comfort her and try to wipe her tears.

The Next following weeks I have been training mostly reading the instructions and trying it out mostly focus on using the Sythes or the Two handed Saber Techniques I was working out hard to get off all of my fat. Every day I would do more than fifty pushups and mastering the techniques written on the book it was hard work. Until this on day a wandering trader came up to me. As I was training using the Sythe I didn't saw Him walking towards me so when I trough the Sythe I didn't expect him to pop up. " Look out!! " I yelled, then he suddenly caught the Sythe mid air on high speed but " Ohhhh ( He walk towards me and tree the Sythe back to me and caught it ), I see your training sorry. I recognize my books from a mile away, Hello my name is Bruce Ming nice to meet you" He stated as he was walking towards me " Nice to meet you too Bruce " I replied

It was fun talking to Bruce It was his village that was moving into ours the one whom I sent o John to talk to. He was cool, I asked him to help be in training but he turned me down I said it's okay. I asked him if he'll like a drink my treat so I bought him one from the tavern. We sat down in one of the small tables, " Say Bruce did you made this book your self? " I showed him the book and asked him " Of course not, I did three fourth of the book the other one fourth is made by a master smith named Masamune one of the three legendary smiths in the world! Do you know him? " he said and questions. " Wow! really though the died in battle over when I was then " I stated in excitement " Yes, he died in battle we lost the war that day. Aaaaaaaah Yes, Entity 303 I remember now. " he replied. " what necrolord? " I asked him " ahhh nothing it's just forgotten memories anyways how old are you Steve? " He asked me I replied " I'm nineteen how old are you? " he quickly replied " I'm Seventy kid I thought your more older than katana apparently not (He stands up ) come on let me teach you a little something in using the Sythe " He said I was stunned he looked like he was in his mid thirties he looked young. Well I'm not surprised by little brother John is running a village looking like in his thirties but apparently his just eighteen. He showed me how to grip and hold weapons like a master, how to slash with a sword and other weapons, basic combat, and etc.

We trained and trained then slept and trained and trained and trained and trained again and again and again. I'm really glad that Bruce gets to help me train I'm really getting to feel the added strength on my body. We were three months in training, Cristopher my friends decided to join me train but I don't really know why I thinks his just having fun which I appreciate. It was Sunday and Bruce didn't want to work that day so we had a break day for the past three months I get to know more about. Alex and her background, I felt really stupid to bring her here Alexander was ferocious when he found out about Alex He wanted to storm in the creeper noble town but It really was a thinking point for someone. The village was really look good the small houses was done for the most part but the other bugger houses needs a lot more time to rebuild. I abandoned my old house and made a tree house in the mini forest near west of our village it was a big house in my spare time I was building the house it was wood for the most parts and a little cobblestone for my roof. Anyways Alex, Cristopher, and I decided to go shopping for food for the newly built food canteen next to the tavern I was operated by Cristopher's mom. I was waiting for them they were fifteen minutes late I found and bench and sat down for a minute or two and I napped for a bit as soon as I knew it Cristopher woke me up and it was pass noon already! Sadly Alex caught a fever and basically Cristopher already done shopping with out me. I was a little mad but Cristopher caught me lasagna so it's all cool. I visited Alex she really need a break from all of the work she has done she always cook for the village builders she'd had worked her ass off I'm really proud of her The council mentioned her to be a spy on some sorts of thing about the council but I was convinced that She's not spy. John said to take care of her so he could do the village works done. I picked up some mushroom soup from the local food canteen while the soup was being made I visited and Borrow the book about the legend of herobrine and the Seven Genesis. " Wait it was Seven?! " apparently the legend was made into Seven Genesis what the heck now I really feel dumb, well I didn't really read the book I just got the story from some one in the tavern but I really thought it was just four or them I picked up the soup with the book and went to Alex's tent I woke her up and feed her for quite a while she was really really sick, after a bit she slept again. Finishing more than three bowls of soup. Alexander went in the tent and see if Alex. " Yoh Steve how is Alex doing? " he asks, " She's doing great you know Alexander I feel dumb and crushed and I feel that I too was about to go sick.... "

I replied. He looked confused until he saw the book In was holding he started laughing " I remember now, yes it was seven alright. But it wasn't really accurate you said at first it was just four other say it's just herobrine alone some say that it was null that made the legend and it was really seven some believe that it was just six discluding herobrine that he died in battle with 303 but the only real sighting that was proven to be real is null. You know John was surprised to see you training so hard he always describe you to be more lazy. " he stated " I am not lazy, just more sleepy and drowsy for the most part. It's Diamonds I mean really? That's why I gave the Emeralds that was given sent to me to the village repairs so the village can be rebuilt.. " I replied. " Ohhh yeah I heard you were promoted from council officer to field Marshall congratulations, I heard that you'll be managing the Moeru province. Waw you have been promoted four times in a row for the last few months" I stated " well I it's no big deal I thought it was just knighthood anyways You weren't supposed to go on missions" I explained to him how I got my military rank well I was a ranked private Steve but quite when The rades was starting to ravage our village. We were chatting for a bit until Alex called me for water and he realized that he hadn't done his paper work on the village so soon left to his newly built house. Steve- " Say Alex how about your rank in the military in the creeper kingdom how did you get it I thought it was only applicable for men. What would happen to your rank since you officialy moved here ", Alex- " Well my step ma was from the royal house of Windsons but we were still labelled as nobles because my father is a cromel. the Windson house is the family that was in charge of the military ranking, training, and dispatchment to battle with the lead of the other royal houses but during the second great war the windsons was wiped out by a group of necromancers and the power was left to my step mum and the cromels so they forced me to join the military for a few years now like one or two years. But it's obvious that they may have demoted me from the ranks seeing that they sent the brigadier to prison I mean what the heck! " Steve- " Thank you for that information ( writing ) " Alex- " Your Writing it down " Steve- " Yes I am, seeing that your a cromel family official well adopted official at least but... Your..... " Alex- " I'm what? " Steve- " hehehe GUILTY!!! " Alex- " guilty of what? " Steve- " Guilty from not being guilty " Alex- " (hits me in the head) Ohhh I'm sorry " we both laughed and called it a day It's certain that she isn't a spy just a innocent girl ( Unknown Speaker - " Or Is she? " )

Theres only one month before the Royal council will be sending a council member to my house to discuss with the task I was given. After the a week Bruce will be leaving the village for month, So for the week we sat down to study how to use the Zodiac Elements. I didn't pay attention as much as I wanted to, It's just boring. But I do listen if It's critical, he explains that the Mortal body Is given an Element by it's date of birth it's either Fire, Air, Water, and Earth all are equally powered but has a weakness and a strong point. he explains that it has sub Elements like Tunder(Fire), Ice(Water), Wood(Earth), Etc. but one person only has one Element. You can only apply this Zodiac effect to a weapons as you hold them in battle. He also said that only the people that have the Notch bloodline and Herobrine Bloodline can use all the Elements at once there is only twenty people living with the given Bloodlines but no trace of the Herobrine bloodline legend said that The Herobrine bloodline is more superior than Notch's He said that there is only one person who inherited the bloodline but it's only a legend. He explains it as a mod that is created by a special type of player called modders. Enchantments and Elements Can be placed upon a weapon and help master the art which it has been given.

A month later, I was sparing with Cristopher lately and I spotted something weird as we spar I always see this guy with red eyes pitch black skin and white dirty hoddie and pants on a far distance. I always have this flashbacks or Daydreams or Daymares back on this null knocking me out and appearing in a cave leading to a reflective crystal seeing my self but with white glowing eyes and my reflection that was trying to warn me and reappearing in a gloomy room with the same person who I see while sparing with Cristopher from time to time. I was thinking about this stupid things happening to me while I sat down on top of a tree near a my tree house, I thought to my self waaw this is annoying. John- " Steve! , do you think you should move to your new house by now I mean? ", Steve- " You built me a house? ", John- " Yeah, You are the one who gave all your emeralds to us " Steve- " I dont want it, it's Shit Nobles money anyways built a wall and let the people in the other side to pay. " John- " Funny joke Steve waaaaaw... ", Steve- " Ahhhhh It's a Joke funny, I'm Already packed but my tree house is staying ". I Jumped down the tree, John- " where are your bags? " Steve- " It's in my pocket inside the ender chest " John- " take care of Alex, she will be living with you for a while ". Steve- " I know, just feel weird today like I think some is about to happen like a bad omen". I Arrived in my house and It soon confirms why I feel Odd today, There were eight people in my living room including Alex, Cristopher, Alexander, and Bruce. I actually thought I was In the wrong house so I almost left until Bruce called, Bruce-" Steve you probably don't know this but I'm actually a council official of the Eastern provinces of the kingdom, Field Marshal Alexander sent me here to help you train for the past month ". I wanted to sleep, Bruce and Alexander introduced me to four other people Edrian, John Micheal, Kimberly, and Angel. They assigned into this squad In including Cristopher and witness under investigation Alex. They then gave me a pocket size note book and left my house. Steve- " Let's go upstairs ". I was assigned as team captain of the squad we didn't know each other as much so we introduce our selves in detail. The notebook tells what tier our squad is, what are our daily assignment things like that, it looks like we are signed as a tier four squad. We started talking for a bit, Edrian and Angel are Nobles, John Micheal is a commoner. I didn't know why but Kimberly refuse to tell us her status but she looks and acts like a brat It's obvious to that she's one of does royals. It didn't bother me as much, I might be wrong after all.

I sent them to help Kimberly train on her magic. I then rushed to Alexanders office for extra information. I arrived slamming the door, Steve- " What the heck Alexander! I thought we're friends " Alexander- " We are friends ". Steve- " You said that ok, but why them? And why me?! " Alexander - " I am one of the three field marshals you know that Steve but this time I couldn't help you with this, I mean your Assigned as team leader " Steve- " But why one of them is a complete novice the other two are Ok the other one is just above better OK!, I explained it to you that I work alone or with Cristopher nothing more " Alexander- " See Steve, I can't help you the prince him self assigned this squad not me just get on with you mission ". Steve- " Ahhhhhh Fuck! As least give us three weeks to plan" Alexnader-" two week tops". I left his office with a giant frown on my face, So me and Cristopher are basically baby sitting a bunch of seventeen year old ahhhhhhhh what a drag.

It was nine at night my squad was sleepi'n in the living room just beside I'm still trying to think of a plan to boost at least there fighting experience. I thought of taking them end busting but it's too risky a minute or two I went out to breath some air and to wash my face, down the river. I washing my face near the stream as I noticed Alex handing an envelope to a cloaked man it was very dark I didn't noticed the person who Alex was talking to. I didn't bother I went to the library and got a book about pvp and combat I was reading the book out side and saw Alex walking towards me. Alex-" ohhh, hello steve what's that? ", Steve-" A book what else could it be, you need to really stay out of creepy people's ways ", Alex- " I was giving my birth certificate to your brother Steve... ". I didn't believe her she trembled as I spoke the following words " I thought that I was talking to him just now ". For now on I should keep a tight leash on Alex from now on,she seem very suspicious, she then changed the subject, Alex-" ohhhhh pvp your planing to go play on a server? I suggest 2b2t they have hardcore griefing there, anyways I'm going to bed now or there might be phantoms on the way here you should sleep to..... ". Yes!, a server we're all legends comes from Captainsparklez, Sato86, Pyrobyte, Prestonplayz. It's perfect I just need make the right blow.

The next day, The First Day of Preparation. I explain my plan to Cristopher and he quickly agreed he said to make the preparation, his the only person I now that understands enchanting table language, has a high combat experience, mastered the art of brewing, mastered redstone, and has end busting experience. Well the only person except myself of course, we planned it to be so we can go to the server and go back to the village with no problem. Christopher said that he would need one or two more days to finish the job done.

The next day, The Second Day of Preparation. Cristopher Explained to me precisely what he said to do. He said it that it must be tonight or forget it, I let them fool around for the rest of the day and making sure that no one notice a small Trapdoor behind the house. We were eating dinner and the plan have Began, I said that I bought Notch Apple juice down the market but really... " Cheers every one for we are a squad! ". I feel awkward... Every one drank the Juice Cristopher and My juice are refreshing but the other have been tampered with. We basically put unlucky potion to knock them down including Alex. Edrian-" I didn't expect you to put ULP In our drinks leader?( drinks milk )ohhhhh there you go there all knocked out ", Cristopher-" perfect I got my partner in crime "

Steve-" Thank you Cristopher for the effort but it's my turn now, very good now you two fuck off ", Both of them stood up, Cristopher- " don't worry I'll explain on the way to creeper kingdom ". The two quickly left the village. The four were unconscious basically asleep, ( the door opens ). John- " Yoh? Steve do have a se... What the hell!? ", Steve- " I can explain it later just help me find five person size shulker box ". One hour later, we were able to find some on the black market I poke some size able ventilation holes. Place some pillows on each one and carried the boxes to the underground mini base, we then carried the four down to the mini base. Steve- " Just close the shulker boxes, ( I flicked the lever and a secret door opened ) Cristopher explain this to me, it's a kind of mod that allows items of some sort to make effect on placed items that isn't supposed to be interacting. ". I Explained how is it gonna work, Steve- " Press that button over there ", John- " Oh it's command block... IT'S A COMMAND BLOCK IT'S ILLEGAL TO USE COMMAND BLOCKS!!! " Steve- " Don't worry It's just the texture pack it's actually a book with commands in it. Turn on the nether portal ". He opens the portal, John-" know what? ". I threw the book into the portal and it shined golden yellow with bits of red and black. I tied the shulkur to a lead each on of them and tied them together and splashed small droplets of levitation and slow falling potIon, as expected the shulker boxes levitated. Steve-" 51,840 ticks or 12,960 full ticked reapeters exactly or twelve days until the that teleporter bring us back here. Don't think shit that I'm smart, I still have to memorize the things that Cristopher said say these lines. I'm not smart but clever.. ( I grabbed the lead and walk towards the portal ) I will finally gonna fuck off, bitch bababye.! ", John- " Bieng Vulgar about it doesn't make you cool, it make you hone..... " I went in the portal with there head are probably banging side to side but I didn't care.

The Next Day, The third day of preparation. I rented a small house near the lobby I can't wait for there reactions. It too early to wait for a reaction so I went ahead and played a game of sky wars. It's been ages since I step foot on Hypixel. One winner game later, I went by the market to get my knight kit and bought some low level kits for them to wear. I went in the room and it was chaos The moment I opened the door a huge pillow hit my head, I got knocked out for a couple of small minutes. I guess karma hits big time, Steve- " Really?! Here ( I hand out the kits ) does are low level kits just for you to wear. Since we're from a modded hardcore surver we can't bring out item from there to here so suit up. " Kimberly- " Ewww it got holes and it's old, why do you have the good one" Steve- " Have you dedicated your time here? ( she answered no. ) Have you ever shed blood and hard work here( she said no ) Have you ever entered this area? ( she answered no. ) that's the difference. If you asked me all does question to me I would have said yes on all of does. Everyone starts from the class called newbie. Were here to enhance your combat skills. " Kimberly- " Well I wouldn't train " Alex- " Alex can I use my armorer kit? ". Steve- " Sure Alex, you three wait for me in the lobby. Don't listen to the teleport keepers there weird. ( they all left except for Kimberly )... " Kimberly- " what do you want? " Steve- " so Princess Kim Scarlet the Fourth the youngest daughter of Princess Ales Scarlet of the Kitsune Royal house hold your big brother the eldest son assigned me to assist you on combat. I got into research your the only child of your family to inherit notch's blessing of a power ( I slammed my hand on the table ). You will train or I'll message your brother. It seems that your Zodiac Element is unstable your body isn't suited for this kind of power I get it. Your powers is to your eyes some kind of curse but look at me I'm have no damn Zodiac Element. Your lucky to have powers. So cheer up! You like a old hag on does clothes newbie, let's go..." we went out lobby to get ready for the next bedwars game but still Kimberly didn't want to train...

Fifth day of preparation, after reasonable speeches and explanation Kimberly still wouldn't train with us no matter how much effort we make. It was late mid night and again I saw Alex from a far but instead of just steering and wondering, I decided to follow her. I assume that she was waiting for some particular individual. I and so as she are waiting, about half an hour past by and I was starting to get impatient. Finally, Unknown Speaker- " Code? " Alex- " Waffles Underwater… " Unknown Speaker- " It's been a while if something mess up you'll be dead or I'll kill you my self, what's your report? " Alex- " The scarlet family only heritage of the notch blood line " Unknown Speaker- " If you so dare bring a scarlet family in here you bastard!!! ( He strangled Her picking her up on her neck ) kill the Damn Royalty or punishment " Alex- " I can't it would blow my cover please don't.... Please ( sobs ) " Unknown Speaker- " ( throws Alex ) If war may begin by a foolish action so be it, you keep cool keep a low profile the Admins may recognized me, I will be going now any more info? " Alex- " The other is no where to be found he might be back at home. " Unknown Speakers- " I'll be seeing you in five days or less Alex "... She started crying, she sat down sobbing. I know for myself that she's just being used for this kind of things but why is she here, I wonder if they already now about us. Started calling her name to pretend that I was trying to find her, I was concerned about Alex's situation. I think if I was Cristopher I might make hostage of Alex but as the saying goes maybe... my only weakness Women, Clichè!

The Next day, Sixth day of Preparation. Kimberly still wouldn't train. I said to my self that there is only eight days I need to step up so she wouldn't die in battle if there will ever be one. The others were exhausted training, So I decided that me and Kimberly will at least play bed wars. She still refuses to give in, I wanted to give up on her but I can't I tried and tried but still no. For few minutes later she started ignoring me, I got pissed. Steve-" we're in an arcade surver alright! ( I pulled her to the teleport keeper ) server your social status may have value in the the real one but in here your social status is worthless, I don't care who the Fuck you are even if your the king of all MC. Here in Hypixel you don't act all tough here you have no authority or perks and that's a fact, your no Admin, your no Creator so don't act tough ( I kept on pulling her to the teleport keeper ) " Kimberly- " Get away from me, I'm royalty! ". I finally pulled her to the teleport keeper close enough to teleport us. Steve- " Hello Keeper Please teleport us to Bedwars arena two player! Please ... ". We got teleported to the arena and she's really mad at me she started yelling at me. I said that we should just start the game, I started grinding some iron and gold ingots so I could buy some armor and weapons. I started protecting our bed, we'll I guess My bed since Kimberly is just sitting around slacking off. twenty-five minutes into the game and I bought a iron fudge perk how ironic isn't it Just before we started I said there is no such thing as perks in here. Steve- " OH shit! Kimberly block the bridge ", she didn't move she just started at me... I can't stand this. I Launch myself using a fireball and landing directly behind the player I pushed them into the void. Kimberly-" You killed the guy!! You could just trap him?! " Steve- " You are really clueless aren't you... Defend the bed or they'll kill you. ", I left base to hunt down the bed next to our base team white's bed was erected including blue team's bed, we're the red team it's my favorite color so I'm cool. Kimberly- " Where are going! Steve Hay don't leave me here! ", Steve- " don't shout at me! ". Kimberly- " your the one who's..... Wait how can I hear you. your all the way next to the other island ". Steve- " It's a part of a system on Hypixel green team is dead. I spotted members of the gray team heading your way be prepared! ", Kimberly- " What do I do?! There coming! ", Steve- " Just block the main bridge towards the mid Island. I'll destroy there bed Ok just good luck ". The others told me how it went down they were spectating our game. It went down like this, The attackers were building up Kimberly got scared all kinds of thing items blocks and things then she accidentally threw some fire balls knocking them down. Steve- " You cool? " Kimberly- " Why are you doing this to me?! " Steve- " your the only one who is a true novice in fighting and yet your the only person who have this power the power of notch . Just protect base! It's just us and the Aqua team there bed is destroyed, stay sharp and cool we have an advantage. ". Kimberly- " I'm useless. ( Started sobbing ) " Steve- " Yeah like shit stop crying you'll be fine. Heck I'll go back to base get diamond gear ". I got back to base I was confused, Steve- " Where the fuck is Kimberly, ( I ran to the shop to get diamond gear for both of us ) Kimberly? Kimberly? ( I Then noticed a in the side of The bed I buried with end stone I went in the hole and found Kimberly on the bed Sobbing ) " Kimberly- " what do you want?! just leave me here I'm useless to you and everyone. Please just leave me here " Steve- " are you?!. ...". Suddenly, I heard yelling from outside and all of a sudden BOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! A giant explosion ravaged out base exposing our bed it was the aqua team he went alone. I got into a battle with the Aqua team member he was decked with enchanted diamond gear and tools. Steve- " Kimberly Help me! ". Kimberly- " No I can't I couldn't I'm useless!! ". She started crying and about minutes of battle she just laid down. Then suddenly My sword broke mid battle I have only one notch apple He slashed and bloke my helmet My chest plate was Falling apart. I brought out my shield and just started blocking I has hope less. Steve- " Kimberly!! Help me!!! ( no response ) ARE YOU GIVING UP!? I'M THE GUY HERE WITH NO ZODIAC ELEMENTS AND YOUR THA GIVING UP!? " Kimberly- " It's just a game and there so such thing as a no zodiac elemental let's just give the win " Steve- " SEEMS TO ME YOUR GIVING UP!!! ITS NOT JUST A GAME THIS IS ABOUT YOUR PRIDE! STAND UP AND FIGHT! FIGHT EVEN IF WE LOSE! THERE IS NO FUCKING SHAME ON LOSSING !!! FIGHT TILL THE LAST BREATH OF YOUR LIFE !! BECAUSE TRUE SHAME IS WHEN YOU GIVE UP!!! SO I'LL ASK YOU AGAIN... ARE YOU GIVING UP!!!!! " I yelled at her I soon didn't realize my Shield was torn down destroyed he kicked me and I fell down the void just before I respawn The bed was destroyed. I closed my eyes In hopes that some miracle would happen. Kimberly- " I'M NOT GIVING UP!! TILL MY LAST BREATH!!! AAAAAAARRRRHRHHHHHHHH "... Kimberly kicked him straight on the balls and punched him down the void.As soon as I new it we won There were fire works we where flying on dragons and everything. I was happy she at least stood up for me I'm proud at her. but still I was the one that won 89% of game, I'm still salty.....

Three days gone by, It was the ninth day of preparation. I woke up early from bad dream I saw the buildings and houses here in Hypixel it was on fire the players were evacuating. As a white cloaked man with pitch black skin was walking towards me eradicating everything on his path. I recognize this man on one of my dreams or nightmare for I to say, but I'm really nervous of what has to come tomorrow. Is it just a coincidence that Four days ago I heard that Alex and an Unknown person will meeting her here, coincidence that the meeting have just been all along an invasion. Is it a coincidence to my dreams or an Omen of vast destruction.

I was hanging around down the streets of Hypixel lobby and then I noticed a rather peculiar. I saw a very familiar Café, Diamond Bucks. The first thing that went to my mind was " Waaaaaaw, what the fuck is a Diamond Buck? ". It's a big ripped off of Star bucks I they had this big ass Minotaur upfront. I thought it was a mermaid, I went into the Café to get a Vanilla latte. Well the admins are very proud of this store, it even said it on the signs. I went in, Sophia- " Hello welcome to Diamond Buck Café how may I help you? " Steve- " You Seem very familiar, your the girl who took care off me in the creeper kingdom. " Sophia- " Yes, it was me. Would you like to take your order. " Steve- " Why are you here? Anyways I would like a Custom request. A Vanilla latte topped melted whited chocolate and whip cream, also add two small white chocolate bars on top would you. Thank you ". Sophia- " I was fired by stealing information from the Cromel household. " Steve- " Why the heck would you do that you could be hanged. And respawn again as age 1 second by the minute of the purification ". Sophia- " Your friend hired me Cristopher, it's twice my yearly salary so I agreed. Name or nickname please?", Steve- " Just put ShotymacShotface promise me you'll yell that name, anyways how is Cristopher doing? " Sophia- " I should be the one who is asking what are the thing you have done with Miss Alex " Steve- " She's Ok, I don't do thing to her even tho she's my Prostitute slave or whatnot. I think I see myself through her being used for the sake of other yeah. "

Sophia- " Your latte will cost you five mine coins please. Anyways thanks for chatting with me you could just sit down over there. Thank you again.". I was relieved that there were alright, Sophia " Vanilla latte for ShotyMucShotFace! ". I got my latte and sat down on the tables and chairs outside, I saw thinking to play a small game of Sky Wars. But before then I saw Reading the book that Bruce left me about the Zodiac Elements Directions and Heritage. And on page twenty it said that the original creator of this mod was unknown but it was adapted by Jeb and Herobrine and was rediscovered by 09sharkboy, Moosecraft, and Unspeakable. Jeb created the Infinity Guardians or the Steves, apparently my name was inspired by this Legend of Jeb while Herobrine created The Genesis of Herobrine. Suddenly from behind John Micheal, Alex, Angel, And Kimberly - " BOOOOO! ". I screamed so loud that people half a mile away the café noticed me, Steve -" oh you motherfuckers! I almost spilled my latte. Who's plan is this? ". They all stared at Alex, John Micheal- " This is Alex's Shit so you cool? " I didn't respond, Angel- " We knew that you had a Soft spot for Alex." I stood up, Angel- " Prove it we'll buy you some drinks Alex stay here keep cool with paps! " they all went in it was an awkward twelve minutes, We talked awkwardly like questions like what's your favorite things and shit. It the Sun was out the Café Employees was setting up the Big umbrellas. And that's when we had a nice conversation until eventually the others got there drinks. We were chatting and chatting, Until the unexpected happened.

A massive bang sound came out of nowhere, it trembled like there's a earthquake. I suspected that something crashed landed. We we're at the other side of the café so we went In and out to the front of the store. There was this big hole in the middle of the lobby the stone near the hole turned into endstone and very little obsidian. The other players were surprised, The others and I ran to the hole. To see what was it there standing Null, carrying Cristopher and Edrian with one hand they were Unconscious. He look at me with his glowing eyes, Null- " You're friends are imbeciles to stand up to Entity and The Cromel household. This is a warning Steve and might be the fall and destruction of this server. ". He then threw the two to us blocking our view and disappearing. ". An hour later I a signed Kimberly, Alex and Angel to take care of the two while the boys have fun. I was really concerned for what was to happen, I warned the Admin about this but they didn't believe me. They thought that it I was just trolling them or something. After an exhausting game of Sky wars with the boys. We checked in with Cristopher and Angel. We we're shocked, Kimberly was giving Cristopher a massage on her reaveling cheerleading suit, Angel was also giving Edrian a Massage but on her swimsuit, I almost collapsed. Steve- " Alex what the heck is this?! ( I whispered )", Alex- " I convinced them to do this so I can make a map art of what ever there doing " Steve- " Oh you madlad if we ever become get to tier 7 and get our very own squad house that is the first shit that Will hang on the wall man! that's amazing... ". Steve- " Ok since two are awake,This is very urgent Everybody outside you two naughty bitches out now! Alex, Edrain, Cristopher stay here. You guys guard the outside No eavesdropping! ". I let the two explain what had happened. They explained that they where getting information about things mostly crimes and future plans. It looked like that the cromel family is transporting Illegal items likebarrier blocks, bedrock, Duplicated notch apples, Duplicated Obsidian and much more. The Cromel family also plan to capture a very particular person but they don't know who, but they know that they are currently working with many people including there boss who are providing all of this items and creating future plans, one of very council official of every nation, and a Continental council member. But as they explain I saw thinking that the story doesn't fit, Alex wouldn't have any use unless the person who they are trying to capture is one of us. I wanted to expose Alex but she's too darn cute She looks like a veeeeeeeeeery cute and amazing loli if you asked me. Steve- " Alex, Is there shit you want to tell me? ", Alex- " it's nothing.. Just nervous... ", Steve- " You flinched, I don't know what to say to that you can leave now. I need a moment with this two ". It was the peek of noon, then again I left trembling but this time it continued trembling. We went out and immediately saw a massive nether portal about a size a castle. It was so large that more than ten dragon can fit through it. A giant floating ship went through it holding the emblems of the piglin, cromel flags, and a flag with the number 7 written on it. It was a piglin Army! , here in hypixel lobby all griefing and building is disabled its impossible to built a nether portal that big. I get to realize that all commands might have been turn off. Steve- " get the fifth shulker box that I prepared! You need to explain shit to us(I said to Alex)! Kimberly, Cristopher get the shulker box meet us on arcade lobby! ". We ran towards the Arena lobby to get gear as the piglin army advance attacking the players in and out of games. They were force to battle the piglins, we ran and got a hold with some fighting gear. But when we got to the arena lobby, Alex was gone we looked around and spotted her getting pulled up to the ship and was completely wrapped by large chains. We fought the piglin army with other players along side us, the cannons from the ship was starting to fire causing the houses to be engulfed in flames. Suddenly we heard a massive bang like before but louder. The piglin army continue to advance almost outnumbering us. The skies began to color it self into a very dark marron shade as fire particles emirged. then walking pass all the men battling, was a person in my nightmares. A person wearing a white cloak with pitch black skin and scary blood eyes, he walked towards me killing players after player destroying every thing on his path. He welded a iron sythe, meteors began to fall from the maroon skies. Part of player team was wiped out we were just waiting for the other player in-game to leave and join the fight for us to gain advantage. Until then I and former admin Jamie led the player to battle. Steve- " Shit! Jamie It's better if you go to The Admin office warn them. I'll advance It seems that some Elytra nerds destroy some cannons on board. ". Jamie- " copy that! Men advance!! ". Me and the players advance while we wait for the two. We killed half of the army but I then noticed that all the killed players aren't respawning. We killed off the advancing piglins as this entity keeps destroying the building he went on. Suddenly, he looked at me with a dark stare We made eye contact and Suddenly he disappeared. Suddenly, Angel- " Steve! Behi..... " suddenly all time stopped. I walked around As all time around me sit still as a rock all black and white from my eyes the only colored thing is me... I look up and I saw a giant sign saying 303 I walked around and noticed a man setting every thing on fire. 303- " ohhh hello there, herobrine wanted to speak to you. yes of course he didn't want me to pick you up. Did you know I was the seventh Genesis of herobrine, and Did you know that almost half of the genesis isn't even a creation of herobrine some of us are fallen angels of notch and Jeb. come on lets go... I just finish all the work ". Steve- " Who the fuck are you? ". 303- " oh I'm sorry I'm Entity 303 I can stop time it Self that's how I teleport. now let's go ". Steve- " ohhhh ok your the son of a bitch that was messing with Alex ". 303- " Let's not go there ". I quickly reach from my pocket a ender pearl as I said, Steve- " Ok, I'll go with you but in one condition.. " 303- " Yeah and what's that? " Steve- " ( then threw the ender pearl to the direction of Cristopher ) You just need to knock me out that's the main theme from the very start just knock me out ". I teleport exactly next to Cristopher and reached inside the shoulder boxes to get my Sythe. Suddenly, 303- " ( Whispering ) This isn't a good Idea Steve". I reach to my Sythe and quickly backed up. 303- " In your Knight status your specialty is Swords are you sure about that? A double bladed sythe ". Steve- " you shut up! ".

We came at each other. He jumped up high and threw his sythe at me I quickly Dodge then suddenly he was standing in front and punched me at the stomach, I went flying and reappeared behind me as kicked me down. I then threw an ender pearl going up, I slashed and stroke him and still kept on Dodging all my attacks. I quickly threw my Sythe up hiding the ender pearl and teleporting me mid air. Steve- " It's not really just a Sythe If reangled the blades it's a double bladed spear and if separated into two It become into two swords! " I attacked him on his shoulder but it didn't face him at all. I was really this time on a sticky situation, He raised his hand and caught his Sythe Flying towards him. He then flew towards me with an alarming a speed and our blades meet. We were battle for hours on end but still our battles were just counted with no actual time. The buildings around the lobby we're destroyed as we move around the lobby fighting like tunder on clouds. I was beginning to get weary after the next hour of the battl. It seems that He wasn't even faced. Then The black and white background flashed into colors for a second as I stabbed my sword to 303's chest, I was suddenly surprised that It wounded him but just lightly, he quickly back away then I noticed that time moved for just a second. I assume that this spell of his was wearing off, My legs was starting to get numb. I just need to hold my ground until the spell wears off. I stood my ground for like ten minutes until suddenly I noticed a spark on my hand and suddenly all time began to move once again. But I wasn't in the place where I were before. It was dark I can't see anything but I still hear the players and piglins battling where ever I am. I was tied to my back and can't move, Unknown Speaker- " Well hello there the master needed to rest after your battle. Have to be honest your pretty strong but your no match for the master. " Steve- " You sound like a bitch now if torture you want come and torture me go ahead! " Unknown Speaker- " Well no not entirely, I'll going to torture a thing you ignored to confront. " Alex- " I'm sorry Steve... It's ok you practically don't know me so It's ok don't worry about it. ". I really taught he was going to torture Cristopher's cat seeing that A kiss and a hug is considered torturet for the cat. Anyways... Steve- " Alex! , WHO ARE YOU ". Fang (Unknown Speaker )- " Well I'm her fiancé of coarse the one you imprisoned, Fang Lee.. " Steve- " Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? Your Asian?! So what's fifty times sixty eight divided by eleven " Fang- " Well it's 309.090909091..... Waiwaiwait You fucking racist shit! ". I Quickly reached to my packet to get my Knife ( with my feet ) and kicked through the air. It hit and broke the chains that Alex was tied in I yelled. Steve- " Run! Alex!!! ". He didn't respond and just hold to Fang's arms. She was brain washed or something like that ,she hesitated at first. He then slapped Alex out of his arms then kicked her continuously, I was starting to get pissed I tried to be cool but.. Fang- " You Bitch don't touch me! Stay there and I might not punish you ", Steve- " Stop that! You bastard ", Fang- " shut up! Yeah So much for Herobrine n' Notch blood or should I say Swedish shit. " Steve- " wooow let's not cross that.. " Fang- " We already Cross the line, you and your meatballs gonna say does balls are good. I mean real good! (she then strangled Alex) but damn this is better ". Steve- " Stooop! ". He then slowly put down Alex, Fang- " Why do even care she just a bitch an slave in my eyes ", Steve- " I can see my self in her Afraid, Used by others. " , Fang- " Funny I used to know your step father, ahhhhh yes that was your and That brother of yours John.. You were the basically slaves adopted by the former chief of modiriiro. I had fun destroying his hearing until his very brain explode. Yeah anyways.... " he then strangles Alex. Alex-" Steve I'm alright it's ok just obey master Fang or he might hurt you please ". Steve- " Just Hang on there Alex.. ". Fang- " oh she will Hahaha, you see I'm an Air Element or Should I say Sound Element. I can replicate and amplitude any sound I remembered... " Steve- " What are you planning to do ". He then place two of his fingers on Alex's Ears then his fingers formed into like small domes, suddenly Screams suddenly yelled out of this fingers into Alex's ears. It was getting loader and loader while Alex started screaming and struggling. Steve- " STOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!! ". He keeps making it loader and loader. I tried to remove the chains that was wrapping my arms. Alex started shedding tears while scream all horrors. Suddenly she just fainted as blood drip through her ears. Fang started laughing.

Suddenly ( outside the ship ) *BOOOOOOOOOOOOMGGGRGRG* A massive explosion destroyed the ship feeling down to the hundreds of thousands of piglins Twenty minutes before the explosion, while Cristopher and Kimberly were searching for the shulker box that Steve hid. Kimberly- " Ohhh Cristopher, just wandering how did you meet Steve anyway? " Christopher- " Really your gonna ask me that in a middle of a hardcore battle? why don't you help me! ". Kimberly- " just answer the damn question! " Christopher- " fine, John and Steve were not really brothers there orphans and we're both adopted by the village chief at the time, we play together a lot of times and we three became good friends. But when Chief found a wife they we're starting to be treated as slave until one day the village chief was assisted. And the blame was targeted on his wife so she left village, making John the new Chief " Kimberly- " I said how did you met Steve not how John became Chief! " Christopher- " we just met while learning one by one combat, here I found the shulker box let's go....". They both rushed to Steve but when they arrived He was no where to be found the others explained that he just vanished. And so as his sythe they continued to fight and has consistently hanging on but the piglins we're still have a upper hand. Then suddenly ten minutes later...

The whole airship fell on the map killing most of the piglins giving the players and the piglins a blanced battle. On the rumbles of the ship I kneel holding Alex on my lap, her ears were bleeding. The following events I all forgotten but according to the others. I yelled as tunder and lighting spread around me. They quickly notice that My eyes was completely blank white, I suddenly teleported right next to them and gave Alex to Christopher and suddenly Teleported. They continued to push the piglins away and killing all of them and suddenly. A sythe flew at my direction but before it even hit me it got engulfed into flames and to ashes. There crashing down entity 303, we quickly got into a fist fight that almost stopped all forces on the surver. He flew at he and was quick hit a punch at me sending me flying and teleported behind me to punch me again and again and again. Until then It didn't face me. I then slapped him on the face sending him crashing down to the ground sending blocks flying and everywhere the meteors we're starting to fall again suddenly A meteor flew at me and I quickly threw it at 303 but he destroyed it with ease. Our battle remain balance until suddenly at least ten ghast fireballs flew at my direction but only one able to hit me. It was The Cromel family house hold. I soon realized that there we're all asian, soooooo..... Steve- " Eat noodles bitches!( I yelled) ". I from time to time lose consciousness mid battle but every time I regained my consciousness they seem to get more injured, at the time my emotions we're all blank like I'm some kind of robot or AI. I we're outnumbered as the cromel family bombarded me with fireballs and magical arrows as three of them attack me included 303. But until suddenly it began to feel cold and hot both at the same time slowly the cromel family backed out and starting to get cover. And then I noticed 303 charging lots of power on his palm. Suddenly I blacked out and again walked up inside a tightly wrapped with obsidian and basalt blocks. Soon I saw the players weakend and overpowered by the piglin,cromel army, and 303's impressive power of time manipulation. I quickly destroyed the tight wrap around and suddenly it repaired it self. I continued to try and try to escape but I still end up stuck and trapped. Until suddenly I noticed the others slowly being pushed into a corner that includes what was left of the players about just a hundred of them was left from the thousands of players fought at first. I again blacked out, I we're strucked by lightning and teleported to the middle of the lobby killing the piglins as the the others protect Alex and push through the hordes and horse of piglins. I felt different during that fight I had this dominant power that overpower the other. Suddenly bolts of lightning fire through out of my hands anwas given ability to fly. We continued to battle the piglins as me and the others face of cromel and 303's vast power but on the first second of the battle Entity sent me to his dimension giving him the upper hand. He slammed my body back and forth on the ground as I struck tunder at his face after a dozen times of face slammed on the ground, I got away and tried to recover from the wounds but suddenly basalt spikes flew at my direction giving me no chance to recover I continued to struggle like the last time we battled then suddenly I was on my knees. 303- " His majesty herobrine will be waiting for you so just surrender before I even break your arms and legs! ". I kneed outmatched seconds later the we got out of the dimension. As the others continued to fight in front of me. As I kneed exhausted I quickly collapse until the other continued to fight I wonder why did they even fight if they can just leave the surver. I slowly close my eyes. Suddenly, Kimberly- " HOW DARE YOU!? " Angel- " GET UP STEVE DON'T GIVE UP! " Everyone-" GET UP STEVE ARE YOU GIVING UP OR ARE YOU GONNA FIGHT!! " Christopher- " PICK UP THAT LAZY MOTHERFCUKING ASS OF YOURS AND FIGHT!!!

Sparks of lighting surround me as I get up and flew high very high as 303 tries and catch me I put up my hand up high and all of a sudden a massive electric power charged on my hand As tunder and lighting hit my body as by blank eyes started to glow bright. 303- " Your gonna be sorry for this Steve! " Steve- " ohhhh you bitch that's my line. Here I got a better one, never mess with my friends or you might live. " 303- " what are you planning to do " Steve- " eradicate your army and give you a scar you'll never forget... THE RUINES OF THE HEAVENLY TUNDER MAY PASS JUDGEMENT TO ALL THE NETHER!!! " 303- " It's a holy spell?! but how? " Steve- " TUNDER OF ORIGINS!!! " as he point his hand at 303 tunder struck all the piglins killing most of the enemy army, capturing the cromel family and sent 303 and company fleeing from battle. Steve- " Wow..... I didn't know I had such power..... " Steve suddenly collapsed mid air.....

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