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CP11: Entity 303

Previously in a Stories Untold, Steve and his friends was drinking there morning coffee until suddenly they heard and felt a massive trembling like something fell out of the sky. They ran towards where the sound came from and found a small crater, they then found null carrying Cristopher and Edrian and also warning Steve about something to come. They then left the two under the care of the three girls. Steve was shocked he almost collapse from what Alex have done, they arranged a small meeting just Alex, Steve and the two. Then Dead again a massive trembling ravaged the lobby, there they saw a giant nether portal, and suddenly a giant ship was coming out of it. It seems to Steve that it was a Cromel Piglin Army. They formulated a plan and ran toward arena lobby as the piglin Army advances and battling the outnumbered players. Then they finally got to the Arena lobby getting scraps of armor and gear then unexpectedly Alex was captured and taken to the ship on chains as Steve, Jamie and company fought the advancing army of the cromel family and An unknown warrior naming 303.

Steve- " Shit! Jamie It's better if you go to The Admin office warn them. I'll advance It seems that some Elytra nerds destroy some cannons on board. ". Jamie- " copy that! Men advance!! ". Me and the players advance while we wait for the two. We killed half of the army but I then noticed that all the killed players aren't respawning. We killed off the advancing piglins as this entity keeps destroying the building he went on. Suddenly, he looked at me with a dark stare We made eye contact and Suddenly he disappeared. Suddenly, Angel- " Steve! Behi..... " suddenly all time stopped. I walked around As all time around me sit still as a rock all black and white from my eyes the only colored thing is me... I look up and I saw a giant sign saying 303 I walked around and noticed a man setting every thing on fire. 303- " ohhh hello there, herobrine wanted to speak to you. yes of course he didn't want me to pick you up. Did you know I was the seventh Genesis of herobrine, and Did you know that almost half of the genesis isn't even a creation of herobrine some of us are fallen angels of notch and Jeb. come on lets go... I just finish all the work ". Steve- " Who the fuck are you? ". 303- " oh I'm sorry I'm Entity 303 I can stop time it Self that's how I teleport. now let's go ". Steve- " ohhhh ok your the son of a bitch that was messing with Alex ". 303- " Let's not go there ". I quickly reach from my pocket a ender pearl as I said, Steve- " Ok, I'll go with you but in one condition.. " 303- " Yeah and what's that? " Steve- " ( then threw the ender pearl to the direction of Cristopher ) You just need to knock me out that's the main theme from the very start just knock me out ". I teleport exactly next to Cristopher and reached inside the shoulder boxes to get my Sythe. Suddenly, 303- " ( Whispering ) This isn't a good Idea Steve". I reach to my Sythe and quickly backed up. 303- " In your Knight status your specialty is Swords are you sure about that? A double bladed sythe ". Steve- " you shut up! ".

We came at each other. He jumped up high and threw his sythe at me I quickly Dodge then suddenly he was standing in front and punched me at the stomach, I went flying and reappeared behind me as kicked me down. I then threw an ender pearl going up, I slashed and stroke him and still kept on Dodging all my attacks. I quickly threw my Sythe up hiding the ender pearl and teleporting me mid air. Steve- " It's not really just a Sythe If reangled the blades it's a double bladed spear and if separated into two It become into two swords! " I attacked him on his shoulder but it didn't face him at all. I was really this time on a sticky situation, He raised his hand and caught his Sythe Flying towards him. He then flew towards me with an alarming a speed and our blades meet. We were battle for hours on end but still our battles were just counted with no actual time. The buildings around the lobby we're destroyed as we move around the lobby fighting like tunder on clouds. I was beginning to get weary after the next hour of the battl. It seems that He wasn't even faced. Then The black and white background flashed into colors for a second as I stabbed my sword to 303's chest, I was suddenly surprised that It wounded him but just lightly, he quickly back away then I noticed that time moved for just a second. I assume that this spell of his was wearing off, My legs was starting to get numb. I just need to hold my ground until the spell wears off. I stood my ground for like ten minutes until suddenly I noticed a spark on my hand and suddenly all time began to move once again. But I wasn't in the place where I were before. It was dark I can't see anything but I still hear the players and piglins battling where ever I am. I was tied to my back and can't move, Unknown Speaker- " Well hello there the master needed to rest after your battle. Have to be honest your pretty strong but your no match for the master. " Steve- " You sound like a bitch now if torture you want come and torture me go ahead! " Unknown Speaker- " Well no not entirely, I'll going to torture a thing you ignored to confront. " Alex- " I'm sorry Steve... It's ok you practically don't know me so It's ok don't worry about it. ". I really taught he was going to torture Cristopher's cat seeing that A kiss and a hug is considered torturet for the cat. Anyways... Steve- " Alex! , WHO ARE YOU ". Fang (Unknown Speaker )- " Well I'm her fiancé of coarse the one you imprisoned, Fang Lee.. " Steve- " Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? Your Asian?! So what's fifty times sixty eight divided by eleven " Fang- " Well it's 309.090909091..... Waiwaiwait You fucking racist shit! ". I Quickly reached to my packet to get my Knife ( with my feet ) and kicked through the air. It hit and broke the chains that Alex was tied in I yelled. Steve- " Run! Alex!!! ". He didn't respond and just hold to Fang's arms. She was brain washed or something like that ,she hesitated at first. He then slapped Alex out of his arms then kicked her continuously, I was starting to get pissed I tried to be cool but.. Fang- " You Bitch don't touch me! Stay there and I might not punish you ", Steve- " Stop that! You bastard ", Fang- " shut up! Yeah So much for Herobrine n' Notch blood or should I say Swedish shit. " Steve- " wooow let's not cross that.. " Fang- " We already Cross the line, you and your meatballs gonna say does balls are good. I mean real good! (she then strangled Alex) but damn this is better ". Steve- " Stooop! ". He then slowly put down Alex, Fang- " Why do even care she just a bitch an slave in my eyes ", Steve- " I can see my self in her Afraid, Used by others. " , Fang- " Funny I used to know your step father, ahhhhh yes that was your and That brother of yours John.. You were the basically slaves adopted by the former chief of modiriiro. I had fun destroying his hearing until his very brain explode. Yeah anyways.... " he then strangles Alex. Alex-" Steve I'm alright it's ok just obey master Fang or he might hurt you please ". Steve- " Just Hang on there Alex.. ". Fang- " oh she will Hahaha, you see I'm an Air Element or Should I say Sound Element. I can replicate and amplitude any sound I remembered... " Steve- " What are you planning to do ". He then place two of his fingers on Alex's Ears then his fingers formed into like small domes, suddenly Screams suddenly yelled out of this fingers into Alex's ears. It was getting loader and loader while Alex started screaming and struggling. Steve- " STOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!! ". He keeps making it loader and loader. I tried to remove the chains that was wrapping my arms. Alex started shedding tears while scream all horrors. Suddenly she just fainted as blood drip through her ears. Fang started laughing.

Suddenly ( outside the ship ) *BOOOOOOOOOOOOMGGGRGRG* A massive explosion destroyed the ship feeling down to the hundreds of thousands of piglins.


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