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CP1: The Utter beginning.

Hello my name is Steve and this is a story of us and my pals aiming to defeat Minecraft but it got lot complicated as we go on this is our Story...

It was the day of harvest, sadly most of the harvested food was raided and stolen by other players (people who are more skilled on combat). We were defense less against raiders powerful enchanted armor and weapons. Me, Cristopher my friend, and the village chief John will hold an assembly to discuss our problems of our village. It will start at noon so on my spare time, I chopped some trees to help rebuild our village. I head to the nearest forest to get logs, On my way there I bought a Sword just a stone one. Nothing big but I was expecting an ambush or a trap from the raiders but I got around nice and alive. It was noon so quickly I got to the front of the chapel, the assembly just began. "Thank you all for attending our assembly, now there's a shit ton of problems on this village I whould like to get two to one volunteers to gather ore in the mine saft"said John I don't know what demon made me raise my hand but I don't regret it. Apparently no one would like to volunteer so I went alone. The next day I departed from the village at Daybreak .The mine shaft was very far so they gave me a horse and two llamas, at the afternoon I finally got to the mine shaft I started mining ores and supplies on first day I already hit Diamonds but growing in a village they like Emeralds more than Diamonds. So on my third week I made two and a half sets of Diamond armor and weapon half set for my self. The day after I noticed at night that all my chests we're full I planned to go back after day break but at morning one of my chests was stolen. I didn't expect that to happen, I was relieved that the food was the only items that was snatched .Regardless I was still upset but the food barrel is still full so I was good at noon I left the mine shaft and went to go back home to the village. On my way here I was not greeted by mobs of the gloaming night but On my way back it was getting dark, I was thinking to build an iron golem but my carved pumpkins we're stolen last night so I rushed to make a dirt but I was too late. The undead creeped and crippled, The spiders climbed and crawled, and the creepers hissed then BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! My dirt hut exploded and got obliterated by the creeper, I rushed to my horse, tied the Ilamas to me and raced rapidly I didn't know why I ran I got half Diamond set but I think I was just scared! Finally at midnight I reached the village. In a near distance I saw only hell. The farms we're burnt, the houses my home griefed, I saw lava on the chapel pouring down to the village and at that moment I faint. I woke up in a cave with my horse and llamas but I was still on utter disbelief so I climb the cave and pulled out my friend animals and realize I just fell in the case and it was just a nightmare. I started laughing I got back safely to the village. I left the supplies for the blacksmith to smelt and cast, I went back to my house to cook launch for myself. While cooking I was still thinking about the nightmare that night or it was a sign of some thing my life will change for ever. Think too much I burnt my potatoes I thought that was Unbelievable and Impossible but it happened so I cooked another potato and cooked it perfectly and ate it like a country kid.

It was the afternoon that I got a visit from the chief " John " and my friend Cristopher, they gave me a book and ask me to read it. It was a book written by Alex, I thought it was a nickname of a Guy. They also thought that too but As I started reading the book, It said a plan of raiding the village and total enslavement I was sat there thinking. I suggested that to summon Iron golems and craft some weapons."We can make Weapons but on the iron golem" Said Cristopher, " we ran out of stock on pumkins" John mumbled. I didn't know what to do but It said in the book that it will be on midnight but they didn't say it was this midnight so I said "the book didn't have an exact time of attack only they said midnight but with no date so we'll just up our defenses on wolves and weapons". they look at me and said John " this might be the last time we see each other this night there is a high possible chance that the attack will be this mid night given that wondering traders saw a small squadrons of players at near south and far west and east". I said "armor the men and let the women and children fled to the neighboring town city of Yōgan for shelter we men will face of the raider" I felt nervous but excited at the same time but mostly nervousness. They agreed to my proposal so they went out to prepare the horses, Llamas, and other transport animals. The chief is actually my little brother he became the chief under the approval of myself. It was a long tale of why I didn't want to be chief of our village. It was sunset that the women and children felt to the city, the chief sent teams of two to scout the squadrons after a while they came back reporting that they were only 4 raider in each far west and east but there were 6 on the near south. They reported to have crossbows, lava buckets and diamond armor and weapons. At this point Cristopher was freaking out, I proposed a plan to the warriors, most of them agreed but it will all go down in faith. Time passed and the raiders we're entering the village they all surrounded the village sneaking in wards to the village the midnight eye stares as the unexpected silence resumed. As the raiders sneak around and inwards to the village they encounter no one from the rooftops to the houses no one. Finally they saw a glowing light near the gloomy bridge. As they regroup there numbers have decreased losing four members, but still having no sign of people. The raiders slit there numbers and half heads to see the light near the bridge, "it was just a distraction" they said as they saw a glowstone on the ground. They regroup have only four left of there previous numbers they regroup near the water well and then utter shock they saw there fellow raiders under the wide dry well, tied and mouth covered one of the raiders screamed that some on pinch there leg then on surprise the village warrior we're under the dirt blocks capturing sneaking raiders and pulling them from underground. As the villagers reveal there hiding spots they were out numbered there were four of them and eight of us we were a small village but we're smart but they were as smart there were two other people on the top of our houses it was all a hard battle it ended with a draw lossing two of our men in battle. Most of the Village were burnt out by lava my sole memory of that night was they hold an emblem of a red creeper imbedded on there left palm. we camped outside the village to recover and will be departing to the city of Yōgan. Decided to explore the village to find some food before we leave I was walking under the bridge and I saw a sleeping wounded girl under the bridge. I thought she was cute until I saw the emblem of the raiders " red creeper " I tied her up and there she woke up with an empathetic look on her face. " ooooh I like your hair but is it blonde or red " I creepily said from there she sreamed!!



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