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58.33% An Overlord's Guide to Winning! / Chapter 35: Prelude before getting to CANON!! 01

Chapter 35: Prelude before getting to CANON!! 01

I had my Basilisk and all other sentient ones gathered, and informed them of how, i can traverse realities, and have been gathering forces to take them all away with me, if they agreed. I could make jumps to any world, anytime, without restriction, and return back to the very next instant when I left. I told them all how, I wanted to gather power, and strength as I would travel worlds. I then spent the entire weekend, discussing about all the types of world there are, even explained a few instances of alternate realities possible.

I convinced the Nundu, the Thunderbirds (Yeah, my elves found another fully grown one!), my Basilisk, his Horned Serpent mate, the Runespoors (there were now eight of them, fully grown one, one of them even reaching about 45 feet.), the Erumpent Pair of Males, to be my familiars, and to allow me challenge them to gain their forms each through the ritual myself. They all agreed, and wanted me to take them to other worlds. I agreed and promised them to do so, on a later date.

With that accomplished, I completed the remaining enchanting work. I had given my elves a rather free time, to obtain knowledge from the Professors.

I had also found a book scanning spell, Librum Memoriae, that is a modification of memory extraction charm (which Dumbledore uses to view memories in the pensieve), which converts all information out of books, tomes, parchments in a memory form which can be stored in vials. I researched pensieves, and and magic cameras and recording spells, and form my own versions. My versions were sleek, drawing their inspiration from fiction, and 21 Century aesthetics. They were all charmed with unbreakable charm, and restricted access to only those to whom it was keyed to, otherwise they would apparate to the location I specified, and the person touching it, would be put in a cage, where he would be disarmed, and incapacitated with the help of a rune on the rune of the cage, which is actually the spell Petrificus Totalus, and nolitus hominem, a full body petrification curse, and a body restriction hex. I made a small concise portable pensieve for any future needs. One of my elves was interested in helping me eagerly, so I had him convert every book in my possession, to convert into memories, and enchant the vials to be unbreakable, and be automatically labelled and stored in a briefcase, I specifically enchanted, for this purpose.

After transmitting my magic into the elves as always, I noticed how healthy they look, there is no change in their magic, or their cards, but I could see they look better somehow. I sift through my ability cards, and see how I have the huge stack of Indian magic, I have yet to use. I told you I would tell you about it later, and that was because it needs a brief explanation, on why I waited for so long.

I found the Indians call their equivalent of Ministry of Magic, as Tantrasabha. Now, to the unaware, it may seem trivial, a negligible fact, until you factor in, the fact that Indian Wizards call their magic, Tantravigyan. The Tantra part is something of an amalgamation of Rituals, Runes, Arithmancy and Astronomy. The vigyan part actually can be loosely translated as either technology, method, or science. Now, we all know, how the Arabs carried the knowledge of Mundane Subjects like Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, some semblance of Chemistry, Medicine and even Animal Husbandry, and brought it to European Traders. What is forgotten though, is Indians and Chinese claim to have the largest, most developed, and ancient of the Civilizations in both the Muggle and Magical World. The Nomads of North Indian Plateau actually travelled and migrated towards the North West, and essentially settled in the hilly regions of what is today Romania. The Gypsies and the Romanian Nomad Tribes actually bear a lot of similarities in their languages and dialect. This is even more prominent in the magical world, where the knowledge of Rituals, Arithmancy, Astronomy and even Runes known to much of the European World is commonly known amongst the Indian wizards. In this world, where the British claim to have been the centre of magical world, actually got their knowledge from the colonies. The enchantments most protected in secrecy are well known in China, and lands around it. In my last pursuit in the Asian Continent, I visited every well known Wizard I could, every Dignitary, every Royal Power who still hold their sway over the Magical Societies. There the Magical world is well withdrawn and have a strict non-interference policy with the Mundane World. That is why, the Imperialists were able to secure a stronghold over their 'Colonies'. I met with every person, worth meeting, and while I extracted their cards, I fed them the same bullshit, about my identity and purpose. I them showed them my memory, of helping the Rebel forces arm themselves, and how I was taking care of every Creature which boasted of my protection. I stored the cards because I wanted to review them later. I only used the Language Proficiency cards, and kept the other skill cards away for later use. I found a lot of Magical Animagus Cards, from the ruling kings, royalties or magical nobles I found a lot of magical animagus forms, even upto XXXX level, and only one, from the eldest son of the Chinese Emperor, did I find a \Chinese Firebolt Dragon Animagus Form/ which was Dark Blue with Purple Border in colour. I quickly pulled my mental shields up, to school my facial features to not display my inward excitement. i had never seen any card which had two colours of rarity on the same card. I still don't know so much about my ability. I can venture a guess, that it is so high in rarity, that it is approaching till Purple Colour. But I do not guess, I know! I do not make assumptions, as making assumptions about life changing situations is FATAL in my Guidebook!

Back to my reality! I gained a lot of support, from the Local Magical Powers. I was even summoned in to each of their local sessions, where I personally interacted with every individual, and gained their cards, while chatting them up. I was questioned numerous times, why I was approaching them, and if I seek any support from the magical world to help the mundane world. To those who don't know me, I never make a move, unless it gives me more than one benefit, unless it gives me such a tremendous edge, that not making the said move would be disastrously foolish. Hence, you should have questioned me, "Master Overlord, you could as it is, meet the Asian Powers in the future, why show them your face now? Why reveal yourself now, when you could do so later, when you are much more powerful then. Would it not make you look even more mysterious and powerful, and deter them from obstructing you, from making a move against you."

And you would be right! I never do anything without the ton of benefits my actions would bring to me!!!

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