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33.33% Naruto. Clones vs Wizards / Chapter 4: 4. A horrible accident in Diagon Alley

Chapter 4: 4. A horrible accident in Diagon Alley

On August 1, 1991, Draco Malfoy tried on robes at Robes for All Occasions. It was a demonstration that Malfoy respects tradition and is close to all wizards. A new visitor entered Malkin's shop and Draco did not expect to see him.

But he recognized this boy immediately!

It was him. Boy-who-was-guilty- that-Malfoy-didn't-go-to- Durmstrang!

The one who was guilty of that Malfoy didn't go to Durmstrang!

Draco immediately remembered talking to his father. Father said it was so dangerous to be so close to the old spider and the intrigue Dumbledore. But Draco has to go to Hogwarts to study. The young heir to the Malfoy family will go to the Slytherin House. Draco must learn to have useful relationships and connections from a young age. It was about a "hero" who went to Hogwarts to study with Draco.

And so Draco saw him. A mysterious, unknown figure on the field of Magic Britain. A pawn of Dumbledore, but an important figure to be respected.

At least Draco must start with respect, without losing his dignity and showing his worth. Of course, Draco immediately recognized this face, familiar from an important detail, the scar!

The boy with the round glasses answered something to Madame Malkin. He turned his head with black, slightly cracked hair and walked forward to stand next to Draco. He was skinny, short, and looked squeezed and tense. The scar on his forehead was visible to the heir to the Malfoy family.

"Hello," Draco said and continued softly as if he was doing a favor to his interlocutor and was not interested in his answer at all. "Going to Hogwarts, too?"

"Hogwarts is a pigsty for beggars and petty aristocrats. The rich nobodies who've bought their title for generations of ancestors in the past," Potter graciously snorted.

Malfoy grabbed out his eyes. That's not the turn he expected in the conversation. Harry Potter looked at him with his blue eyes, a cold as ice look of indifference. Then the hero of magical Britain said with pride in his voice:

"I'm going to study at Avalon. The oldest school of magic. For true wizards. There's no place for the miserable. You'll finish your Hogwarts, and you'll wipe your pants at the Ministry. Or you're bribing all kinds of lowborn dummies. That's your fate.

"The Malfoys always get the best! Daddy didn't tell me about Avalon," and the boy's light-blue eyes were staring at the interlocutor.

The answer threw him into an even greater abyss of confusion.

"Are you Malfoy? People like you don't even get into Konoha Academy. And you have no place in Avalon. Lots of gold, no honor. To grow to a respectable place. Say hi to Daddy, I'll need his services. Potter. Harry Potter. Winner of the dark lord, former master of your father."

And Harry Potter smiled the cold blue eyes right in the pale boy's face:

"By the ancient law of power and magic, the winner gets everything! Your father was a servant of a lord. After the Lord's death, your father belongs to me."

And this vile Potter twisted his right fingers and stretched it out to Malfoy's face.

Draco recoiled from his sizzling and gloating voice, from the cold, sparkling steel, blue of his evil eyes, from this hand that reached out to his face. He recoiled and pressed himself against the wall. There's nowhere to run! It was Potter! He met the famous Boy-who-lived! Why didn't Daddy tell him anything?

"You can't do that. It can't be like this. Daddy's not like that," Malfoy mumbled.

"Your father has the mark of a slave on his hand! You'll be mine too, son of my servant. I will find you all a place on the farm. You'll all get plenty. There will be enough places for everyone in the rice plantations," Potter ended his conversation in a gloomy quiet tone and added the main thing. "Draco, you'll never be a shinobi!"

Then this strange Potter, who said some strange words, as the owner of all magic Britain came out of the store.

Draco Malfoy felt a tear roll down his cheek. That Potter was lying! That's not true! It wasn't true! And Avalon, and the mark of a slave, and the rice plantations, and the shinobi! This is all bullshit! Harry Potter is crazy, thinking Draco suddenly.

Bloody Harry, bloody Potter went mad and dared to hurt him, heir to the Malfoy family.

Draco ran out of the Robes for All Occasions store, he was in a hurry to tell Papa everything.

Lord Malfoy's figure stood out from the crowd at Diagon Alley. This wizard was respected by his enemies and allies. The strangers at the first meeting immediately saw the embodiment of the aristocracy, a magical aristocracy. Draco calmed down at once, he approached his father with a calm firm step. But he could not fool a master like Lucius. Lord Malfoy immediately felt that his son was excited and shocked. Lord Malfoy's eyes sparkled with cold, he squeezed his stick and extended his hand to the heir.


When the son told his father about his meeting, the Lord did not immediately believe the words. He ordered me to look him in the eyes and read Draco's memories.

Lucius calmed his son down:

"Draco, the game has begun. The old spider made his first move as a pawn. We'll think hard and answer."

Lucius was excited about some moments of the event. He was a master of guessing the truth of the words of the interlocutor, he immediately realized that this boy is confident in the correctness of his words. Lucius frowned. The mark was a dangerous sign of his service. It was a curse and a blessing of his family. The mystery of the mark was known only to the members of the inner circle. The old spider does not know the whole truth. Dumbledore started using children in the game. It's a dirty and vile thing to do.

Lucius Malfoy decided to talk to his wife. It was a family matter. And the daughter of the Black family can help the son of the Malfoy family very well. Dumbledore will regret his decision to hit their family.


Jagman Coleman looked at the people around him with a haughty smile.

He graduated with honors from Hogwarts. A graduate of Rowena Ravenclaw's house got a great place in the Ministry of Magic.

Coleman took his time, he walked quietly to his workplace on his first day at work.

"Mister, can you help me with this?"

Jagman heard a soft childish voice and saw a boy handing him an open book. "What's interesting about it? Funny boy," thought the wizard and reached out to the book of a strange boy.

He shouldn't have done that. It wasn't the last mistake in Jagman Coleman's life. But it was the scariest and most fatal one.

Jagman knew how portals work.

"Portkey! It's a kidnapping! Where did I get to?" Jagman figured it out when he found himself in an unknown location.

And he was immediately captured. The full boy acted quickly and decisively. He hit Jagman on the head. Two clones quickly chained the captive to a chair. The boy squeezed a huge gag into Coleman's mouth that ripped apart the prisoner's jaws. Special metal "gloves" enveloped the prisoner's hands. Now he could not magic, or even snap a finger to call a house elf.

Jagman Coleman woke up and realized that something terrible was happening to him. It wasn't just the terrible captivity that made him afraid. The tranquility of a full boy was terrifying as he took something crispy out of a bag and put it neatly in his mouth. The little fat man crunched and chewed, and looked at the prisoner with the indifferent expression of his dark eyes.

A black-haired boy walked into the room and muttered, "How troublesome." He looked at Coleman.

"We'll have lunch now, and then we can talk to you, Mr. Jagman Coleman."

That little bastard nodded to his partner and he vanished in an instant! Coleman couldn't believe his eyes. Apparition without a wand! They're not kids! They're grown-up wizards under the Polyjuice Potion! What's going on in magical Britain?

The boy looked at the prisoner with his cold, dark eyes and nodded his ugly, disgusting thoughts. And then he came out of the room.

Coleman looked around. It could have been the basement. There weren't any windows in the room. There were only stone walls in the room and a strong chair to which the prisoner was bound. The wizard was twitching his whole body. There was nothing he could do for his release. Those scoundrels knew how to capture the wizard!

Jagman's nightmare began in a few tens of minutes.

Two little bastards who knew each other entered the room. The fat boy wouldn't stop eating something. A boy with hair tied in a spiky ponytail quietly made demands. That little bastard said he was interested in all the secrets of Hogwarts. The clever and smart Ravenclaw House graduate Jagman Coleman should know a lot about Hogwarts.

"You'll tell Coleman all the information."Wit beyond measure is torturer's greatest pleasure." Secret passages to Hogsmeade. Useful hiding places. Passwords from the corridors. Secret rooms. Don't be shy, Coleman. Don't bother burdening yourself with these secrets. Yeah. We're going to free you from the burden of your ears. You're some kind of lop-eared. It's not nice to live with those ears. They don't harmonize with the shape of your nose. Choji. Cut off his ears."

The fat guy came out of the room. He came back with a little drawer. The boy put the drawer against the wall. He turned to the prisoner and his face was decorated with a kind smile, a strange knife was in his hand. The Jagman was shaking in terror. It was outrageous! It was completely wild! Soon Coleman was moaning with pain.

You can't do that! His father would destroy these Muggle-born animals! He's Coleman! He's doing business with Malfoy and Trimble. Let's tell them quickly and then they'll stop this nightmare, Coleman thought.

"Don't you dare eat the ears, Choji! In a box. Put the ears in the box. What, Mr. Ravenclaw? Shall we tell mysteries and secrets? Or are we just going to piss and get our pants dirty? Now your nose doesn't look right. Is that why you need a nose if you don't have ears? That's strange logic, don't you think? Did you know that Logic is the science of Muggles? It's very funny Muggle sophistry. Jagman! Have you stopped hitting your mother? Don't try to find the answer. It's sophistry, Mr. Ravenclaw. Choji, cut off his nose. Get a bottle of Firewhisky. You can't burn wounds. It's going to stink a lot here. You know, Coleman, this is the most unusual thing about archivist work. You're not an archivist, but you can smell your shit and the smell of a fried body at the same time. Because there are two holes in your nose! The structure of a purebred wizard always knocks my mind off the normal operation. Well done, Choji. Pour whiskey on Mr. Coleman's wounds and prepare his right hand. I hope you're right-handed, Mr. Coleman."

Jagman was throwing his head up. He gave up, he broke down, he moaned quietly, tears came out of his eyes, and he was in pain. He was embarrassed. Wildly awful and scared and hurt. And he didn't understand anything. How could you do this! What wildness! Why torture him? Why torture in such wild ways? Damn Muggles! He'll tell you everything! Release him!

Nobody set him free. The boy said they were still small. They're not allowed to use magic wands. And they don't know any torture spells. So they're simply going to torture Mr. Coleman with a variety of weapons.

Tortured him for a long time. Two little villains learned a lot. An honors student and a smartass graduate knew a lot of secrets. One little shinobi was just about to start learning at Hogwarts. But it's never too early to start preparing for school, is it?

Jagman Coleman woke up in a dirty puddle. He screamed out of terror! He was squealing when he saw a filthy rat bite him on the bloody stump of his finger. Jagman couldn't find the strength to act. He raised his head and howled like a beast in the darkness of the night sky. Suddenly he heard a burst of loud, drunken laughter at the side. It froze the wizard, and he quietly wheezed the name of the house-elf.

A few moments later, the Coleman family saw the heir in a terrible state. The boy was not sent to St Mungo's Hospital. It was a family business. The family's Healer quickly ordered treatment for the heir. Richard Coleman was sitting in a chair and his eye was twitching with anger. It was a wild and unexplained crime. His son was able to overhear some important details about the kidnappers. The Order's archive is gathering new information about Hogwarts at the end of a decade. What the nonsense? Dumbledore can't do this arrogantly and directly. Albus isn't like that. He's a cunning, insidious, strong opponent. But he's not a butcher! He has no foolish servants. Someone started a war with the Light Lord. And the neutrals are being drawn into this war. I'm sorry, son, but the Coleman family won't be in a hurry. Coleman will be remembered, they will take their revenge.

The Coleman family's humiliation continued the next morning. The post office owl brought a letter to Mr. Richard Coleman. The head of the family was silent, holding back his anger and trying to understand the message.


Richard Coleman.

You owe the Order. Your heir is alive. Give the Order's messenger 1,000 galleons. You can kill the first messenger at noon. When the second messenger dies, the Order will answer with death for death.

Shikamaru, financier of the Order.


Exactly at noon, the house-elf opened the gate to a low stranger. Richard stood on his ancestral land with a wand in his hand. He was trying to remember this wizard. He met this bastard. The stranger smiled and said.

"Don't try to recognize me. My lord's power is great. You know the power of the Order. I have thousands of faces."

And at that moment, the stranger put his hands in front of him and his features changed.

Richard Coleman shuddered. His son was standing in front of him! The wizard breathed out of anger and wheezed.

"Virtus Violatio."

The wizard froze in shock. When the spell beam touched the enemy, the stranger just disappeared! Coleman stood there and understood nothing. Was it the Apparition or did the messenger use the Portkey? Who's the Lord? What do these bastards have to do with the Order of the Phoenix? It can't be Dumbledore's men's business! What can be done?

Richard Coleman was a strong wizard. So strong, he managed to stay outside the interests of the Dark and Light Lords. Coleman killed and knew what death was. And now he felt threatened by his family. The Wizard returned to the house and thought of a new period of restless life.

Tom_Sky Tom_Sky

Sincerely yours, Beginner author, Tom Sky.

Attention! Schedule: 1 chapter per day 1000+ words I guarantee. On Webnovel, you will only see the adventures of Naruto in Hogwarts. I decided to publish exclusive chapters on P.a.t.r.e.o.n. They will not be available to the general public. 30 exclusive chapters every month, they're already written and waiting for your attention. You-know-where.

Sincerely yours, Beginner author, Tom Sky.

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