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60% Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus) / Chapter 9: First mission

Chapter 9: First mission

After a much needed break were all we did was enjoy each other's company. Our Sensei shows up with good news, we passed of course. After receiving our flak jackets I decided to have an important chat with the girls.

"So I was thinking, why don't we join the Anbu?" Sayo looked dumbfounded and asked "why would we do that? And besides I would miss time at the hospital". Of course, she can't be without the hospital. "Just for a short while", "how short?" She asks.

"A couple years I suppose, look we need to get stronger and the best way to do that is to do the big boy jobs and put our live on the line. Only through experiencing that type of combat we won't get stronger". She sighs but agrees, I look to Isako. "It's fine with me, I was on board when you said get stronger". And with that we decided to go to the hokage the next day.

We arrive at the Hokage tower early and after a few minutes of waiting we're called in. After entering we stand at attention and I begin. "Morning Hokage sama, we would like to speak with you about joining the anbu".

He looks mildly surprised. "I was actually going to call you to ask you to join, well this saves me plenty of time". Now it was my turn to be surprised, well we did showcase tremendous skill during the chuunin exams and I'm sure he knows how easy our missions were.

"Sir, I would like to ask that we stay as a three man squad, we are much more effective this way". "Fine I don't mind, I will summon someone to take you to get your training and we'll go from there".

He makes a hand signal and an anbu appears at the window and he takes us to where we will begin our training. Anbu training was rather unpleasant, but we managed to make it through. I would never do it again nor wish on anyone. We learned all kinds of stuff like interrogation, infiltration, assassination, and new jutsu.

After three month training we were ready for our first mission. Sayo, Isako, and I were before the Hokage in our anbu uniform which was black shirt and pants with gray flack jacket. We each had wolf designed masks, the Hokage addresses us.

"Your training is now complete, state your code names". I speak first , then Sayo and Isako in that order. "Alpha", "Beta", "Delta", then we reply in unison " reporting for duty".

"Good good, I have a mission that is perfect for your teams skill set. You are hunting a missing nin, he seems to have set himself up with a group of bandits.

You are to locate and eliminate him along with the bandits, here is the mission details now go". After handing us a scroll and we disappear. As we make our way to the target Beta(Sayo) asks "so how we doing this". I reply "well we go to his last know sitting and search the area, then if we can't pick up a scent we cover the are and wait for his goons to strike and follow them back to camp".

"You want to use civilians as bait?" Sounds like she disapproves, "ok then what do you think we should do". After a moment of looking over the scroll she responds. "We can check out his last reported sighting and use our companions to help us cover more ground, and besides he has a pattern.

It shouldn't be hard to track him or his subordinates which in turn leads us to his hideout". I nod and we pick up the pace.

After a month of travel we reach our destination. A small village that is completely destroyed. Before we move we use a modified beast human clone technique that instead of turning our ninkin into human form we turn into wolf form.

Our ninkin are summoned and we move out as a pack six deep. My form is a dark gray wolf while Sayo is all black and Isako is dark brown. Once preparations are done we head in. The place is a mess and there are rotting bodies all over. I note that all if not most of the corpses are either male or elderly.

'So they took the women and children, not surprising since they are bandits'. After an hour of searching and recreating the scene we got a trail. It was not easy as the trail was aged but we make due. After following the trail we pick up some activity on the edge of my observation haki range. I let the others know and we pick up the pace, like a pack of wolves that smells the blood of prey.

Once we get close we find some bandit looking men and follow at a safe distance. We notice that the men have some cargo, the cargo being females. Sayo and Isako wants to rush in right away but I stop them, they aren't being harmed at the moment so I say we follow.

We make it to an alcove and they disappear, using our haki Sayo and I scan as much as we can and are surprised to find an under ground camp of some sorts with three levels. Since there are no other entry or exit points I make my decision.

"We wait till nightfall and make our move". Sayo looks livid, "if we wait they will hurt those girls, why wait when we can go now and be done with this". I start to growl and say in a deep threatening voice "I say we wait". Sayo looks like she wants to argue but Isako nudges her as she knows I'm in no mood to discuss this and manages to calm her down.

I won't rush in and risk alerting the entire base giving our target enough time to escape, not only that we don't know if the target is even here and I doubted that those grunts we followed knew anything. From what we know of the target he is a secretive, and mistrustful individual. I don't think he would allow most of the others to know his identity, so we wait.

Luckily for us there's little to no moon tonight so it's total darkness. They have a few guards at the entrance and some hidden around the area. "We clear the perimeter and secure the entrance, then we make our way down quietly and clear each and every room till we find our target". After that we move out, it only took us a few minutes to clear the outside and secure the entrance.

Some bandits died quickly and some had there last sight being that of a pair of jaws. Just before we enter I place a teleportation seal a safe distance away, once that's done we enter. We scan every inch of this place with haki and make our way down slowly and methodically disarming traps along the way.

We kill any bandit we come across and finally clear the first floor. After making our way to the second we find the living quarters of the bandits, most are sleep but some are up. The ones that are up are busy raping the woman that they have. The first thing to hit us are the cries, most of them hoarse with overuse.

Then came the smell, it was awful but we pushed on and killed all the bandits quickly and quietly. As for the woman I decide to teleport them out and move on. It went on like this for some time until we were able to clear the entire floor now for the last level.

Nothing could have prepared us for what we saw. Our haki only tells us how many are there and the layout of the floor but doesn't provide us with images.

The entire place smelled of shit and piss, the screams of agony and mothers begging for there daughters to be spared, daughters begging for their parents to save them. We went to work taking them all out, room after room what we saw got worse and worse. Women and little girls no older than us being tortured and raped.

I had to hold the bile that was rising, Sayo and Isako were not so lucky. I can't blame them, seeing all this is bad enough but with our heightened senses everything was amplified. One room we came in a woman was being surrounded by men and you could barely see her small body in the middle of these pigs. She couldn't scream as all her holes were occupied.

I lost it and turned those men into ground beef splattered all over the walls. The woman could barely speak above a whisper but we made out what she said and it shattered my heart. "Ki- kill m,m,m,me... ple- please k,k,kill me". That was not the last time we had to kill the victims, most of them wanted death while other had no light in there eyes and could not even respond.

Entering room after room this is what we saw, one room a disgustingly fat man had a pile of bodies of little boys no more than 12 year olds scattered around his bed with there faces all beat up or cut in some cases. Some had been strangled or had there eyes gauged out. Whith all this the fat pig is on top of another boy while punching his face in laughing all the while.

Isako summoned an earth spike that impaled the pig. The boy was already dead and we moved on. Things got worse and worse, woman flayed alive, burnt, used as punching bags or dart boards. It went on and on in this dark place and it seemed like there was no end. But we did make it to the end and what lay behind was nothing but death. We stand before a large door that we know to be the last room.

As we enter we see the bodies of the girls we saw being brought in earlier and I could not stop the tears from flowing. They were in pieces, some had their backs flayed down to the bone withe the ribs severed from the spine with the lungs pulled out and laid over the shoulder. Others shackled on a table face down rear up and being opened up from anus to bowels.

And the man responsible for all this was resting on a bed sleeping peacefully without a care in the world. Sayo lost it and screamed a wail of rage and sorrow, Isako's face was emotionless with tears running down her face. I was on my knees and the girls went to work dishing out pain to this man. I remember looking up and seeing Sayo castrating the man and looked away, this went on for hours until the sun was high in the sky.

As we made it to the surface We saw that the woman we sent out had killed them self. We gathered the bodies and buried them. Sayo spread her gas throughout the entire base and caused a spark, the explosion shook the ground and we went on our way. In the silence I spoke "the target was nowhere to be found, he wasn't there. Let's stop at a town and get some rest". The girls nodded and we went on.

As we enter the town we stay at a hotel for a day, but we do have our mission and we had to go. As we head out we notice a commotion at the local bar so we head over. Once we arrive we see a group of drunk men causing a scene and just being a nuisance. To our surprise the leader of this group of ruffians was our target. He was drunk and shouting profanities about how he was a war hero and how he killed a thousand shinobi with his pinky with his other arm tied behind his back and blindfolded. Later that night when he passed out at an inn with his men we killed them all and took his head.

Now we stand before the Hokage giving our report. "You did well, why don't you take a month off to recuperate". We gladly took his offer and headed home. 'Wonder if we should stop by the dango shop'.

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