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The Rotten The Rotten original

The Rotten

Author: Yasa_Aditiya

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Sunday, 7 April 2020

"7 days from now, we will held an Art Exhibition!"

That's what the student council president's said. We, the students of Primonial High School, will held an Art Exhibition in 7 days from now.

Everything the president said will be granted and no one will deny or protest about it. Yes, she is Vannesa. The most beautiful and the smartest student in this highschool. A mere normal and not-good-looking student could only stared from far away.

I'm included inside of the category. this Saka is only lucky enough to joined the Student Council and has the privilege to watch her from close.

It doesn't mean I will followed her though. I just like her face and body, not her as a whole. Yeah it's disgusting, but suck it. My priority is to cause many trouble as much as I can without damaging my reputation.

I call it as a Super Secret Level Hard Mission! What, it's lame? So be it. the most important thing is that I have to trouble the school while not being the suspect.

I'm already in 3rd years, so I don't have much time left to complete my mission. I've done 99 troubles, and this Art Exhibition? it will. be my last and the biggest trouble I've ever made.

I went out from the student council office and wandered around. While walking toward the toilet, I heard a ruckus in one of the classroom.

I remembered this classroom. It was used for class 1-3 in the afternoon, while being used by the geeks at evening. Jeez, after the President said that she wouldn't accept any weird club, they still persistent at it. by the way, the name of the club is Historical Mystic Club. It sounds fun, but I'll have to pass.

I opened the door and saw 2 boys and 1 girl in there. All of them are second year. I didn't know who the hell are them, but we could know the years from the badge.

Red badge for first year, yellow for second year, and blue for third year. By the way, mine is blue, so it's mean I'm already third year. The president also a third year student too.

They all had a yellow badge patched on their right arm. I readied my self, then, I asked them politely and warned them nicely.

"Hey you brats don't swell in this room like a group of rats! We will close the gate and you all will suffer here. Get out. Now."

The two boys got scared and started to packed their belongings, while the girl just stared me fiercely. What's wrong with this girl? But after the boys stood up, she silently followed them.

I'm bored with this act. But when I took a glance at one of the boys hand, I saw an old looking book. I'm sorry, bro, but you can't bring your hand down book from your grandpa to this sacred school. (lol)

"You there, give me the book."

He jumped out a bit and see as if I'm a monster.

"B-but why?"

"Sorry, the rules said no one could bring anything that didn't involved with the progress of your study. So I'm very sorry but I have to confiscate that book."

The boy seems to panicking, but suddenly, the girl step in front of me.

"It's nothing like a toy or something illegal. There's no such thing as confiscated a normal book. That rule only applied to toys, phone, sharp object that has nothing to do with study, and illegal drugs."

oh wow, this kid is a real deal. She knows the detail of the rules which students normally will not bothered about it. Either she is a diligent girl, or she is just that bored.

"But sorry, kid. It IS has nothing to do with study, so I have to take it. No comment."

I have to take it. It's looks fun for me. I want to read it! The boy who holding the book gave me with a trembling hand. I took it nicely and said,

"Okay, now go home. It's already late."

They went out easier than I thought. The girl who retorted my word just silently but glancing at me while following the boys. I didn't look at her clearly before, but she is a beautiful girl. Well, I ruined the mood, so it's a no go.

Now, I'm going to read it here! I took a good look at the book. It's title is 'The Curse of Galia'. Damn, that's a creepy name. The author taste of naming is so bad.

I opened the dusty old book. The first page only written about a paragraph. It said,

'Whoever opened this book, should lend their strength, power, and their heart to end the curse of Galia. The day will come, and your worst nightmare will mean nothing compared to it. Be wary, be patient, and be ÷Π√•×|~^'

Somehow I couldn't read the last word. But the contect from the very first page is already sounds sinister. It makes me curious. I opened the rest of the pages.

There's so many words, but I took my time to learn it. About 15 minutes later, I understand all of it. The curse of Galia, the Witch from Northen Land. She came here with good will, but rejected because she is a witch. In madness, she curse the three most imoortant person, the mayor, the judge, and the leader of civilians into a monsters. The name of the monster is Arach, which was the mayor, Reaper, which was the judge, and Rotten, which was the civilians leader.

They were causing chaos and destroy the town. The town was completely destroyed and 99 years has passed, but the madness of the witch is still dwelling in this town. The town was rebuilt and named as Primonial City.

Even though the monsters are dissapeared, No one knows how to stop the monsters and many still scared if they somehow appeared once again. So the author of the book started to investigated it. He predicted that they will be back after 100 years, and the only thing that can defeat them is the magic item from the witch's palace.

There's a picture of Rotten, drawn by the author. It was very sinister looking, even adult will puke after saw it. It looks like a bunny, but it's fat and the eyes were dislocated. the feet was not like bunny, but more like a human's feet that forcefully grown and so it's hand. It was creepy that maybe I will not sleep for the next three days.

But fortunately at the end of the book, the author found one of the magic item and hid it somewhere in the city. it was said that to retrieve the magic item, you have to get the permission from the most important person back then. But they were already turned into monsters! How could I asked?

There's no other way. I couldn't find any other way to retrieve it. But I found a drawing of the magic item. It looks like a giant spiral bolt, but without the head. Only the spiral left.

At last, I reached the end of the book. The author left his last words there. it said,

'You have watched the truth. You have learned the truth. Now, I beseech you help. I couldn't do nothing back then, But now you can. retrieve the magic item and strike on their heart. The release of them will be at ninety days after the city anniversary, in the middle of scorching sun, and the most accurate is at fourteenth of early Spring. It is the time of the release of Arach, Reaper, and Rotten respectively. Remember, they will be back at you, and no one can save you except yourself.

signed, Tetra Arc, 1920.'

Wait, wait... fourteenth of early Spring? Damn it, it is 14 April! And the years, it's perfectly 100 years after the chaos. Is it going to be real? Are we going to die?

I decided to brought the book back home and walked out from the class. It's 6.30 PM already, so It's almost dark. I have to go back home now.

While I walked outside, a pair of red eyes watching and smiling at me.

Yasa_Aditiya Yasa_Aditiya

This is based of my dream and my imagination... literally what I dreamed last night... stay tuned!

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